The difference between an Enlightened Master and a student is that a master is Enlightened. He has removed some of his energy blockages and become confirmed as a Soul Infused being by having this connection with his Soul, one of the first chakras outside the physical body, above the head fused into place (This process is like welding) by the intense energies of the Enlightenment Initiation given by his Master and his Ascended Master.
Gurdjieff said that he hated those people who did not want to evolve and said that they were, "Shit of a Shit!! Mierde de la Mierde!!" Yet if that same person wanted to learn the Techniques of Enlightenment, "That person is my Brother, and I love him very deeply!". This is the only thing which defines a student.
The Enlightened Guru is not perfect yet he is more perfect than the student who comes to learn how to be Enlightened. He has Opened the Heart towards the Soul and thus has a tremendous Will to help all people who come to him.
The Enlightened Guru has unified his Mind of many of the Ego-based Sub-Personalities towards One Soul Infused personality and thus is not so controlled by Trauma-Formed Inner Children Sub-Personalities which Create Schizophrenia, Dissociated Identity Disorder - DID and Multiple Personality Disorder - MPD which in different degrees are the norm in Human society and are the cause of all the problems on this planet.
The Enlightened Guru has removed the Energy Blockages to his Emotions removing uncontrollable Anger (A Guru can still use anger to attain his ends by acting anger) uncontrollable Depression, a need for the sympathy of others, a need to give sympathy to others to prove superiority, Fear and Manicism. This also removes the uncontrollable Bi-Polar problems where the blockages shift from acupuncture energy meridian to meridian creating for example, Manic - Depressives.
The mind of the Guru is powered by Kundalini energy and the Soul and so is usually clear and intelligent but is in no way different than the minds of most of his students so a lack of experience can be pointed out in them. However, logic is powered by the Soul but in the students, logic is powered by Blockages like Addiction (Temptation) and wrong path, and these faults in Logic are often pointed out by the Guru.
The Heart of the Guru is unblocked and therefore he has the power of Forgiveness which every student needs to create within themselves. This is exemplified by "Turning the other cheek" the ability to forgive the blows of people and life immediately.
A symbol of this is the Kyosaku, the stick which every Zen Master uses to beat his students in meditation. By tradition the students must say thank you for every Kyosaku blow. Zen Masters symbolise the blows of life by slaps on the face, the normal life of the soul infused being, symbolised by the Koan, "What is your face before you are born?"
And the Koan,
"What is the Sound of One Hand Clapping?" - Obviously one hand slapping your face! A Guru knows how to, in the words of Jesus Christ, "Turn the other Cheek!".The Mind, emotions and body of the Guru are essentially the same as the students and yet are more pure as described above. However, the main advantage of the Guru is his stronger connection with the Chakras above the head connecting you with God.
The Soul, The Monad or Group of Souls, the Logos - The group of all the Monads on this Planet, the Star Sirius which is the Star of Jesus Christ, and the Avatar if Synthesis an Archangel which is currently working through the Ascended Master called the Christ and which has been invited to work on this planet by the Archangel in charge of this planet called the Logos.
These Chakras above the head have a higher energy than the mind, do not work mentally but yet power all things mental both good and bad. Thus the energy of the Guru tends to give experience to the students in the form of small blows. Thus Gurus teach through experiences which happen quite naturally around them from the Soul and not consciously from their mental level.
As the students learn the necessity of "Turning the Other Cheek" by forgiving each blow as it occurs through the Energy Enhancement technique of Seven Stepping, so their heart becomes more pure and it becomes unnecessary for the larger blows of Karma correction and Soul Path correction.
Thus the large blows of correction given mechanically to everyone on this planet through the Law of Karma, where you get what you have given to others, a just return for the bad things you have done.
Further than that, as we evolve another Law like Karma comes into play called the Law of Soul Path or Buddhist Dharma. If you move from your soul path then the much needed Blows of Correction come even faster.
My Master, Swami Satchidananda said, "What is the way of the World? If you want to purify Gold Ore you heat it in a furnace to 1000 Degrees Centigrade, and then you put it on an anvil and beat the crap out of it!" The Blows of the World of Karma and Soul Path are big Blows and are like that!
To those highly evolved souls who want to grow in the Buddhafield of a Master there is the Law of Gratitude to the Master for all Initiations that he has taught and the Energy which he has channelled to them which is really, just the Opening of the Heart.
Swami Satchidananda said, "I don't want any respect to me, Yet respect to me is respect for the Teachings and is Necessary!"
Enlightened Master Sosan said in Hsin Hsing Min, "One Negative Word and heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart" In the silence of the Buddhafield when energy is being channeled to the student, all of his blockages are going to get upset and want him to destroy the silence of the moment. The Student must learn how to become silent in the presence of the Master.
Bad students are not grateful to the Master. They say bad things about their Master afterwards and have no care which secrets they pass on to people not qualified to know them. With bad students familiarity breeds contempt and their Hearts grow Black and Cold because they are not learning to Forgive, through the Seven Step Process, every blow received by them.
Remember, as Tolkien said, "Evil Is" and it is the Ego Blockages which psychopathically lead us into Temptation using same logical heartless excuses which created the "Final Solution!"
Many are the students blockage created psychic attacks on the Master, which the Master must ground to purify his Students, "Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do!"
Good students honour their Masters and tell everyone the good things about them. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi always honours his Master and his tradition. My Master, Swami Satchidananda honoured his Master Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh and Zen Master Hogen Honours his Master. I honour and give thanks to all my Gurus who gave me energy even if only visiting them for a few days - Those above and Theos Bernard, Gurdjieff, Father Bede Griffiths, Shri Yogendra of Santa Cruz, Bombay, and Osho who was only visiting this planet.
Good students have spiritual masters and say good things about them afterwards.
They are grateful!
Enlightened Masters are rare, yet all of them work through the Laws above. They work in different ways, yet all of them work through the blows of experience to purify the Hearts of each student.
Thus Enlightened Masters are said to be precious. They need to be Respected as much as the Traditions and Teachings which they represent. And when the Masters leave this Caravanserai which we call life this Planet loses a Precious Jewel of Vivification - "The Best move out, So the Rest Lose Out!" They need to be loved by their students who must purify their hearts, like all the people on this planet who are learning to say thank you to God for everything which happens in their lives. One criticism, One word, one Blockage and Heaven and Earth are set Infinitely apart. You are being Tested!
The minds of the Master are usually not involved in the Blows as they come down from the Soul Level or higher and the Master channels the Soul which works in Mysterious ways its wonders to perform, yet their words of Truth often seem like blows to the students. The best blows just happen through the virtue of the energies of the chakras above the head and they are always blows of correction.
Enlightenment is such a high step that students contemplate their futility in attaining it, but NO! The Energies of the Universe never give any test which is too arduous.
There is No Failure, Only Feedback!!
We must all learn to be Grateful for the Energy (Bread) given by the Master and learn to Forgive the Blows (Tresspasses) created by that Energy.
Our Father who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily Bread
And Forgive us our Tresspasses
As we Forgive those who Tresspass against us.
Lead us from Temptation
And Deliver us from Evil
For Thine is the Power and the Glory
For Ever and Ever
These energies can have great
effects on the student.
The student must
understand that he is yet, only 95% perfect.
Any negative emotion felt by the student shows that this is the case.
To the sinful and vicious I appear to be evil.
But to the good, beneficient am I.
By Mirza Khan, Ansari, Sufi.
Satchidanand's ENERGY ENHANCEMENT Stories:-
After practising Zazen Meditation with Roshi Hogen Daido Yamahata for a time I began to feel him cleaning my Base Chakra every time I meditated. I was also doing Energy Enhancement techniques at that time which speeded up the meditative process. He used to wake me up early every morning and say "Get out of bed, Meditate Now!!"
Then by accident or by Luck. And to be Spiritual, you have to be lucky. I came across Swami Satchidananda of Yogaville.
I went to one of his talks and at the end of the talk he said "Lets Meditate for a couple of minutes."
So, we chanted Ha Ri OM and started to meditate.
I found myself one hundred feet in the air looking down at my body meditating below.
I looked up and there was Swami Satchidananda one hundred feet higher, saying "Come on up!! Come on up!!"
So I though that perhaps it would be a good thing to learn from him.....
In my interview with him I said what happened and said that I only had one problem in that I had heard that you were only supposed to have one Guru and Roshi Hogen was doing a really good job with me.
Satchidananda asked if I had any problems between the teachings of Hinduism and Zen. I said "NO, no problems!!" because I understood that the terminology of Meditation in Hinduism meant "The flow of Energy towards a Point of concentration" and Meditation or Zen in Japan meant Nirbija Samadhi or Enlightenment.
So he told me that I should think of Hogen and him as two engines on a train. Hogen was the one pushing
Hogen was the one looking after the base chakra. Satchidananda was the one looking after the Crown Chakra.
And this
was proved to me later in his ashram and indeed everywhere I met him with
incredible experiences of the higher planes, of Initiation, of telepathy indeed
all the tales of Masters of the past came true when I was with him!!
And when I went on my "Grand Tour" of India I met up "Luckily" with many great Yogis and meditators. And with each one I had a wonderful Spiritual experience.
Sri Yogendra of Bombay had the reputation of not suffering fools gladly. If anyone was disrespectful he used to beat them up and throw them out!!
When he was young they used to put him in darkened rooms so that people could see the Prana, blue, rushing like electricty around his body.
He was 96 years old when I had my Interview with him. All I could do was to sit at his feet and remain quiet whilst he told me of his experiences. Spread out across the Whole Universe. In New York in the Thirties. Healing the children of Millionaires he earned enough to create his Ashram.
For the next day all I could feel was the energy rushing through my body Up and DOWN!! With a great Noise!!
That night, Yogendra told his son. "I can't seem to retain my Prana as well as I should. I think it is time to go!"
That night he died.
Same but different experiences with Hogen, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Swami Satchidananda, Father Bede Griffiths and last but not least, Osho.
All the stories like the ones above are waiting, eagerly, to be put into a book.
The purpose of Meditation practise is to get you into a state of meditation 24 hours a day. You need ENERGY to do this. You need ENERGY to get you into a state where you can receive more ENERGY!!
As Rumi said. You need to learn how to become a perfect thief!! You need to get quiet enough so that you can steal the energy of the Enlightened.
But the
real perfect thief is exemplified in PromeTheus. Like all Enlightened Masters,
he steals the fire from heaven and is condemned to have his liver eaten each day
by another student thief like an eagle and every night for it to be grown back.
This Fire comes from that Fire. But Fire still remains. - Mandukya Upanishad
To Catch Light yourself. To Become Prometheus.
This is why Energy Enhancement Techniques are needed to Speed up the Meditative Process.
Swami Satchidananda - E GO!! Techniques, like those of Energy Enhancement are also needed.
As Hogen said to me, "Meditate a little every day!"
As Swami Satchidananda said to me, "Meditate regularly for a while and with EnTheosiasm"
As Vivekananda said, "If one person can become Enlightened. If you can recognise that even one person has ever become Enlightened!! Then know. That YOU TOO, can become Enlightened.
Masters... and the flowers showered, the energy of existence flows.
Satchi explained that if we had the power to heal our own blockages, we also had the power to heal the blockages of others. The power to do this comes from an integration of the body, emotions, mind and spirit created through the Core Energy Techniques of Energy Enhancement within the Energy Enhancement Buddhafield.
Swami Satchidananda talked of the time when Swami Sivananda died and of the
Energy Initiation, which came to him at that time even though he was in Celon
and Sivananda was dying in Rishikesh. He felt that some of Sivananda's fire had
been given to him at that time.
If you have
lost heart in the Path of Love
Flee to me without delay
I am a fortress; invincible - Rumi
Satchi explained that after working with Zen Master Hogen and Swami Satchidananda for many years, these energy initiations had come to him also.
Sri Yogendra of Bombay.
Satchi had the last and his only interview with
Sri Yogendra of Bombay. Sri
Yogendra died that same night saying that at the age of 96, it was difficult
for him to hold in his energy. And this from a man who in his prime they used to
put in darkened rooms where people used to go to see the prana, bioenergy,
rushing blue over the surface of his body.
In the interview, Satchi said he could only sit at the masters feet and say
Yogendra glanced at him and he was drawn to sit. Rooted to the spot. Yogendra
talked of the time he was in New York, healing the children of millionaires. It
was there in the 1930s where he gained the money to build his ashram in Bombay,
"They used to appreciate me there and gave me a black stallion to ride around on
in Central park."
Satchi heard him say at the end of the interview that the
people of England had good hearts, and this from a Master who in his early years
had had the reputation of beating up students who took liberties, showed a lack
of respect!! He knew that by these words Shri Yogendra had judged his heart and
found him worthy.
And then afterwards the energy.. Sent to him by Yogendra, which he was given
during the interview. WHOOM! WHOOM! Up and Down. Down and Up. From Heaven to
Earth and Earth to Heaven. ENERGY!! with great noise for 24 hours!!
Usually gurus are given the energy of Transmission by their Masters and here is the Master of Shri Yogendra, Paramahamsa Madhavadasaji at the age of 122 years.
After that last interview with Shri Yogendra the great Master died the day after. Apparently he was talking to his son, Shri Jayadeva, the present head of the ashram in Bombay, and he said that it was getting difficult for him to hold onto his energy, it was time for him to move on to the other plane, he was going.
Satchi attended his only and last Satsang with
on January 16th 1990. During the Satsang, Satchi
had the experience of seeing Osho's aura. Satchi's mind just stopped, during the
satsang when Nivedano hit the drum. As it stopped he saw the physical aura of
Osho, Yellow, Black and horrible just one inch away from his skin. I suppose
this is my vision of the poison which killed him, Satchi said.
But then the spiritual aura came out, white and filled with light up to 10 feet
away from Osho and then Whoof!! It spread out over the whole of the Buddha hall
and filled it with white light.
Satchi said he just sat there, tears falling
down his face for what seemed forever.
Osho died 2 days later.
Father Bede Griffiths
And then at the "Satchidananda" Ashram of the Bendictine
Father Bede Griffiths
(Also named Guru Swami Dayananda)
on the banks of the River Cauvery in Tamil Nadu in Southern India. More energy
phenomena. Father Augustine was giving mass and as usual Satchidanand, not a
Catholic, with a Ho Hum lack of respect was there.
As Augustine raised the Chalice to heaven, Satchidanand saw a ray of lightning hit the chalice, bounce off and deflect into his heart center. This had the effect of making him burst into tears.
Father Bede, a famous
Benedictine monk who
wrote many books exemplified the urge of the Benedicines to Ecumenise, to explore the Energies of the Hindu Religion,
where he took Sannyas, taught from the Bible Upanishads and the Gita, "its all
in the explanation!" had his
first heart attack 2 days later at the age of 96 and died 3 months later.
Swami Satchidananda
And then 2 days before Satchi's Master,
Swami Satchidananda, died at the untimely age of 89, Satchi
felt the transmission of Energy from his Master. Filled with white light for 3
days in a row, in the middle of the night for hours, unable to sleep.
Masters get given energy on the death of other Masters. Masters get given and store up energy, the energy of enlightenment, the energy of transmission, the high level atomic energy given by the scepter of Initiation by Sanat Kumara.
They store energy all their lives to do their work and to give to other people all of their lives. Upon their death, that energy needs to pass onto their successors. And that Energy transmission is what helps to create the next generation of Masters.
Swami Satchidananda said the same thing happened to him when his Master, Swami Sivananda Died.
Satchidananda was in Celon at the time and the Dying Sivananda was in the Himalayas, but the energy still passed to him.
Masters take no heed of which religion they are born into. They become channels
for the light despite, or rather because of, the general low energy level of the
world and its corruption and mixedness. It is their job to raise the energy of
their students and of the world in the few short days before they leave this
planet. To leave it a better place than when they came.
As I leave after a couple of days in the company of Devi Dhyani and Satchidanand
I look forward to my future training with them Learning Energy Enhancement
Levels One, The Connection with Energy!! Energy Enhancement Level Two, The
removal of Blockages and Energy Enhancement Level Three, the Mastery of
Relationships and the Psychic Sexual Energy Connection, this August.
Fortunately, all you really need to do is become an Energy Enhancement student
and follow our student program, either on the Online Course, Video Course, or on
Energy Enhancement Courses in the Energy
Enhancement Buddhafield with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani.
Once you have enrolled you will be taught a complete holistic life management
system that takes you through all the various and important stages of healing
and enlightenment.
Satchidanand has been practising Yoga, an
Ancient preliminary Technique for Energy Enhancement, since he was 16 years old.
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda - A Separate Reality
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda