Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda, Petty Tyrants, Self Importance, Impeccability
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda - A Separate Reality
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda
At first we must progress without a Guru. We are at the stage of, "doing what we can for ourselves". However, after visiting spiritual places on pilgrimage, after practising Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation for a few years by ourselves - as anyone can who can read a book, there comes a necessity for absorbing the higher spiritual energies in order to attain spiritual initiation, Illumination.
This energy is only available from a genuine spiritual Guru.
Without this previous spiritual experience through Yoga etc, we are not competent to choose a Guru, instead we will choose a charlatan, one whose aim is to vampirise the energies of the student, not to give; not to, 'Charge them up with the charge of the Soul"
Without this previous experience we are at the stage of the student who, given a ring by a Sufi Master went to the market place to have it valued. There the maximum price offered was 50 Rupees. Then he was told to go to the biggest jewelers in town. There he was offered 50,000 Rupees.
We need that previous spiritual experience to judge our Gurus truly...
"To be Spiritual we have to be Lucky" - Satchidanand
Here is the interaction between Milarepa, one of Tibet's most famous saints. The thousand songs of Milarepa are still sung in Tibet. And his interaction with his Guru, his Spiritual Master, Marpa.
"Each time Marpa ordered Milarepa to dismantle a house, he would give some
absurd excuse, such as having been drunk when he ordered the house built or
never having ordered such a house at all. And each time Milarepa, full of
longing for the teachings, would tear the house down and start again.
Finally Marpa designed a tower with nine stories. Milarepa suffered terrific
physical hardship in carrying the stones and building the house and, when he had
finished, he went to Marpa and once more asked for the teachings. But Marpa said
to him, '"You want to receive teachings from me, just like that, merely because
you built this tower for me? Well, I'm afraid you will still have to give me a
gift as an initiation fee." By this time Milarepa had no possessions left
whatsoever, having spent all his time and labor building towers. But Damema,
Marpa's wife, felt sorry for him and said, "These towers you have built are such
a wonderful gesture of devotion and faith. Surely my husband won't mind if I
give you some sacks of barley and a roll of cloth for your initiation fee." So
Milarepa took the barley and cloth to the initiation circle where Marpa was
teaching and offered them as his fee, along with the gifts of the other
students. But Marpa, when he recognized the gift, was furious and shouted at
Milarepa. "These things belong to me, you hypocrite! You try to deceive me!" And
he literally kicked Milarepa out of the initiation circle.
At this point Milarepa gave up all hope of ever getting Marpa to give him the
teachings. In despair, he decided to commit suicide and was just about to kill
himself when Marpa came to him and told him that he was ready to receive the
The process of receiving teaching depends upon the student giving
something in return; some kind of psychological surrender is necessary, a gift
of some sort. This is why we must discuss surrendering, opening, giving up
expectations, before we can speak of the relationship between teacher and
student. It is essential to surrender, to open yourself, to present whatever you
are to the guru, rather than trying to present yourself as a worthwhile student.
It does not matter how much you are willing to pay, how correctly you behave,
how clever you are at saying the right thing to your teacher. It is not like
having an interview for a job or buying a new car. Whether or not you will get
the job depends upon your credentials, how well you are dressed, how beautifully
your shoes are polished, how well you speak, how good your manners are. If you
are buying a car, it is a matter of how much money you have and how good your
credit is.
But when it comes to spirituality, something more is required. It is not a
matter of applying for a job, of dressing up to impress our potential employer.
Such deception does not apply to an interview with a guru, because he sees right
through us. He is amused if we dress up especially for the interview. Making
ingratiating gestures is not applicable in this situation; in fact it is futile.
We must make a real commitment to being open with our teacher; we must be
willing to give up all our preconceptions.
Milarepa expected Marpa to be a great scholar and a saintly person, dressed
in yogic costume with beads, reciting mantras, meditating. Instead he found
Marpa working on his farm, directing the laborers and plowing his land.
I am afraid the word "guru" is overused in the West. It would be better to speak
of one's "spiritual friend," because the teachings emphasize a mutual meeting of
two minds. It is a matter of mutual communication, rather than a master-servant
relationship between a highly evolved being and a miserable, confused one. In
the master-servant relationship the highly evolved being may appear not even to
be sitting on his seat but may seem to be floating, levitating, looking down at
us. His voice is penetrating, pervading space. Every word, every cough, every
movement that he makes is a gesture of wisdom. But this is a dream. A guru
should be a spiritual friend who communicates and presents his qualities to us,
as Marpa did with Milarepa and Naropa with Marpa.
Marpa presented his quality of being a farmer-yogi. He happened to have
seven children and a wife, and he looked after his farm, cultivating the land
and supporting himself and his family. But these activities were just an
ordinary part of his life. He cared for his students as he cared for his crops
and family. He was so thorough, paying attention to every detail of his life,
that he was able to be a competent teacher as well as a competent father and
farmer. There was no physical or spiritual materialism in Marpa's life-style at
all. He did not emphasize spirituality and ignore his family or his physical
relationship to the earth. If you are not involved with materialism, either
spiritually or physically, then there is no emphasis made on any extreme.
Nor is it helpful to choose someone for your guru simply because he is famous,
someone who is renowned for having published stacks of books and converted
thousands or millions of people. Instead the guideline is whether or not you are
able actually to communicate with the person, directly and thoroughly. How much
self-deception are you involved in? If you really open yourself to your
spiritual friend, then you are bound to work together. Are you able to talk to
him thoroughly and properly? Does he know anything about you? Does he know
anything about himself, for that matter? Is the guru really able to see through
your masks, communicate with you properly, directly? In searching for a teacher,
this seems to be the guideline rather than fame or wisdom.
There is an interesting story of a group of people who decided to go and study
under a great Tibetan teacher. They had already studied somewhat with other
teachers, but had decide to concentrate on trying to learn from this particular
person. They were all very anxious to become his students and so sought an
audience with him, but this great teacher would not accept any of them. "Under
one condition only will I accept you," he said. "If you are willing to renounce
your previous teachers." They all pleaded with him, telling him how much they
were devoted to him, how great his reputation was, and how much they would like
to study with him. But he would not accept any of them unless they would meet
his condition. Finally all except one person in the party decided to renounce
their previous teachers, from whom they had in fact learned a great deal.
The guru seemed to be quite happy when they did so and told them all to come
back the next day. But when they returned he said to them, "I understand your
hypocrisy. The next time you go to another teacher you will renounce me. So get
out." And he chased them all out except for the one person who valued what he
had learned previously. The person he accepted was not willing to play any more
lying games, was not willing to try to please a guru by pretending to be
different from what he was. If you are going to make friends with a spiritual
master, you must make friends simply, openly, so that the communication takes
place between equals, rather than trying to win the master over to you.
In order to be accepted by your guru as a friend, you have to open yourself
completely. And in order that you might open, you will probably have to undergo
tests by your spiritual friend and by life situations in general, all of these
tests taking the form of disappointment. At some stage you will doubt that your
spiritual friend has any feeling, any emotion toward you at all. This is dealing
with your own hypocrisy. The hypocrisy, the pretense and basic twist of ego, is
extremely hard; it has a very thick skin. We tend to wear suits of armor, one
over the other.
This hypocrisy is so dense and multi-levelled that, as soon as we remove one layer of our suit of armor, we find another beneath it. We hope we will not have to completely undress. We hope that stripping off only a few layers will make us presentable. Then we appear in our new suit of armor with such an ingratiating face, but our spiritual friend does not wear any armor at all; he is a naked person, Compared with his nakedness, we are wearing cement. Our armor is so thick that our friend cannot feel the texture of our skin, our bodies. He cannot even see our faces properly.
There are many stories of teacher-student relationships in the past in which the student had to make long journeys and endure many hardships until his fascination and impulses began to wear out. This seems to be the point: the impulse of searching for something is, in itself, a hang-up. When this impulse begins to wear out, then our fundamental basic nakedness begins to appear and the meeting of the two minds begins to take place. It has been said that the first stage of meeting one's spiritual friend is like going to a supermarket. You are excited and you dream of all the different things that you are going to buy: the richness of your spiritual friend and the colorful qualities of his personality.
The second stage of your relationship is like going to court, as though you
were a criminal. You are not able to meet your friend's demands and you begin to
feel self-conscious, because you know that he knows as much as you know about
yourself, which is extremely embarrassing. In the third stage when you go to see
your spiritual friend, it is like seeing a cow happily grazing in a meadow. You
just admire its peacefulness and the landscape and then you pass on. Finally the
fourth stage with one's spiritual friend is like passing a rock in the road. You
do not even pay attention to it; you just pass by and walk away.
At the beginning a kind of courtship with the guru is taking place, a love
affair. How much are you able to win this person over to you? There is a
tendency to want to be closer to your spiritual friend, because you really want
to learn. You feel such admiration for him. But at the same time he is very
frightening; he puts you off. Either the situation does not coincide with your
expectations or there is a self-conscious feeling that "I may not be able to
open completely and thoroughly." A love-hate relationship, a kind of
surrendering and running away process develops. In other words, we begin to play
a game, a game of wanting to open, wanting to be involved in a love affair with
our guru, and then wanting to run away from him. If we get too close to our
spiritual friend, then we begin to feel overpowered by him.
As it says in the old Tibetan proverb: "A guru is like a fire. If you get
too close you get burned: if you stay too far away you don't get enough heat."
This kind of courtship takes place on the part of the student. You tend to get
too close to the teacher, but once you do, you get burned. Then you want to run
away altogether.
Eventually the relationship begins to become very substantial and solid. You
begin to realize that wanting to be near and wanting to be far away from the
guru is simply your own game. It has nothing to do with the real situation, but
is just your own hallucination. The guru or spiritual friend is always there
burning, always a life-fire. You can play games with him or not, as you choose.
Then the relationship with one's spiritual friend begins to become very
creative. You accept the situations of being overwhelmed by him and distant from
him. If he decides to play the role of cold icy water, you accept it. If he
decides to play the role of hot fire, you accept it. Nothing can shake you at
all and you come to a reconciliation with him.
The next stage is that, having accepted everything your spiritual friend might
do, you begin to lose your own inspiration because you have completely
surrendered, completely given up. You feel yourself reduced to a speck of dust.
You are insignificant. You begin to feel that the only world that exists is that
of this spiritual friend, the guru. It is as though you were watching a
fascinating movie; the movie is so exciting that you become part of it. There is
no you and no cinema hall, no chairs, no people watching, no friends sitting
next to you. The movie is all that exists. This is called the "honeymoon period"
in which everything is seen as a part of this central being, the guru. You are
just a useless, insignificant person who is continuously being fed by this
great, fascinating central being. Whenever you feel weak or tired or bored, you
go and just sit in the cinema hall and are entertained, uplifted, rejuvenated.
At this point the phenomenon of the personality cult becomes prominent. The guru
is the only person in the world who exists, alive and vibrant. The very meaning
of your life depends upon him. If you die, you die for him. If you live, you
survive for him and are insignificant.
However, this love affair with your spiritual friend cannot last forever. Sooner
or later its intensity must wane and you must face your own life-situation and
your own psychology. It is like having married and finished the honeymoon. You
not only feel conscious of your lover as the central focus of your attention,
but you begin to notice his or her life-style as well. You begin to notice what
it is that makes this person a teacher, beyond the limits of his individuality
and personality. Thus the principle of the "universality of the guru" comes into
the picture as well. Every problem you face in life is a part of your marriage.
Whenever you experience difficulties, you hear the words of the guru. This
is the point at which one begins to gain one's independence from the guru as
lover, because every situation becomes an expression of the teachings. First you
surrendered to your spiritual friend. Then you communicated and played games
with him. And now you have come to the state of complete openness. As a result
of this openness you begin to see the guru-quality in every life-situation, that
all situations in life offer you the opportunity to be as open as you are with
the guru, and so all things can become the guru.
Milarepa had a vivid vision of his guru Marpa while he was meditating in very
strict retreat in Red Rock Jewel Valley. Weak with hunger and battered by the
elements, he had fainted while trying to collect firewood outside his cave. When
he regained consciousness, he looked to the east and saw white clouds in the
direction where Marpa lived. With great longing he sang a song of supplication,
telling Marpa how much he longed to be with him.
Then Marpa appeared in a vision, riding a white snow lion, and said to him
something like, "What is the matter with you? Have you had a neurotic upheaval
of some sort? You understand the dharma, so continue to practice meditation."
Milarepa took comfort and returned to his cave to meditate. His reliance and
dependence upon Marpa at this point indicates that he had not yet freed himself
from the notion of guru as personal, individual friend.
However, when Milarepa returned to his cave, he found it full of demons with
eyes as big as saucepans and bodies the size of thumbs. He tried all kinds of
ploys to get them to stop mocking and tormenting him, but they would not leave
until Milarepa finally stopped trying to play games, until he recognized his own
hypocrisy and gave in to openness. From this point on you see a tremendous
change of style in Milarepa's songs, because he had learned to identify with the
universal quality of guru, rather than solely relating to Marpa as an individual
The spiritual friend becomes part of you, as well as being an individual,
external person. As such the guru, both internal and external, plays a very
important part in penetrating and exposing our hypocrisies. The guru can be a
person who acts as a mirror, reflecting you, or else your own basic intelligence
takes the form of the spiritual friend. When the internal guru begins to
function, then you can never escape the demand to open. The basic intelligence
follows you everywhere: you cannot escape your own shadow. "Big Brother is
watching you." Though it is not external entities who are watching us and
haunting us; we haunt ourselves. Our own shadow is watching us.
We could look at it in two different ways. We could see the guru as a ghost,
haunting and mocking us for our hypocrisy. There could be a demonic quality in
realizing what we are. And yet there is always the creative quality of the
spiritual friend which also becomes a part of us.
The basic intelligence is continuously present in the situations of life. It is so sharp and penetrating that at some stage, even if you want to get rid of it, you cannot. Sometimes it has a stern expression, sometimes an inspiring smile. It has been said in the Tantric tradition that you do not see the face of the guru, but you see the expression of his face all the time. Either smiling, grinning, or frowning angrily, it is part of every life-situation.
The basic intelligence, tathagata-garbha, Buddha-nature, is always in every
experience life brings us. There is no escaping it. Again it is said in the
teachings: "Better not to begin. Once you begin, better to finish it." So you
had better not step onto the spiritual path unless you must. Once you have
stepped foot on the path, you have really done it, you cannot step back. There
is no way of escaping.
Q: Having stumbled around various spiritual centers, I feel that a personality
like Marpa must be a very troublesome phenomenon for most addicts along these
lines. For here is a man who seems not to be doing any of the things that
everybody says will get you there. He's not ascetic, he doesn't abnegate. He
looks after his everyday affairs. He is a normal human being and yet,
apparently, he is a teacher of enormous capability. Is Marpa the only one who
has made the most of the possibilities for a normal man without going through
all the tremendous pain of asceticism and the discipline of purification?
A: Of course Marpa is an example of the possibilities open to us. However, he
did experience tremendous discipline and training while he was in India. By
studying strenuously under Indian teachers he prepared his path. But I think we
must understand the true meaning of the words "discipline" and "asceticism." The
basic idea of asceticism, leading a life according to the dharma, is to be
fundamentally sane."
"There he settled in the spacious comfortable cave, not even sleeping, but meditating continuously except for a single break once a day to prepare a meal of flour and water mixed with whatever root or edible he might find." - History of Milarepa
ead the History of Milarepa below so that you might see what has been necessary in the past to achieve Illumination.Energy Enhancement is at a much higher energy level. From the Ascended masters from the highest chakras above the Head. Using the most advanced techniques from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Thus the methodology of Energy Blockage removal is much quicker than Samadhi 24 Hrs per day as enjoined by Milarepa.
Energy Enhancement Samyama is much faster.
Speed up your path to the Bliss of Enlightenment NOW!! by Video Course or Live with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani.
...There is a third category of personages or august or exalted beings, who,
though embodied in a human frame, in truth are super beings. From time
immemorial such personages, albeit only on extremely rare occasions, take birth
on this earth, live, and work amongst the common humanity and guide an immense
number of them to the Supreme Wisdom. They are the highest manifestations of the
Primary Consciousness or Almighty God and therefore from the very moment of
their birth they have the Absolute Wisdom about the nature of the whole cosmos
and all its contents. They also have Absolute knowledge of Primary
Consciousness, in other words, the knowledge about their own Divinity and
Godhead. These super beings are called Purna Avatars (also Poorna or Full), or
Supreme Incarnations of Almighty God, in Sanathana Dharma (Ancient Wisdom) or
the Perennial Religion. Purna Avatars are born with an extraordinary array of
supernatural powers, and possess an inexhaustible ability to perform divine
miracles or miraculous deeds. They use these supernatural powers of theirs with
the highest motives for both spiritual and temporal good of other beings,
especially human beings. They never use these powers to benefit themselves.
Up to now, in the whole history of mankind, all together four such Purna Avatars
or Supreme Incarnations of Almighty God have taken birth on earth....
From Adwaita Rahasya - Secrets of Creation Revealed by Dr. Chandra Bhan Gupta
When He comes down assuming special form on special occasions for a specific
purpose, He is known as Avathara. In fact, Manu and Prajapati and other Persons
are Divine Persons entrusted by Brahma (the Creator aspect) with the mission of
peopling the world. Everything happens in consonance with the Divine Will. So we
can assert that the saints, sages, ascetics, and men both good and bad are all
Avatharas of the Vishnu (Preserver) Entity (also called Hari). Avatharas are as
countless as living beings are, for, each is born as a consequence of Divine
Will. But the story of the Yugavathar (The Avatar of the Age) alone is worth
perusal for the Advent is to restore Dharma (righteousness) and moral life.
In a strange way we are all Avatars since we all contain the inner Atma. But
since we identify with our limited individuality and self importance and human
powers, we are Avatars only as a potentiality.
A true Avatar by contrast is always
aware that he is God in the form of a human and has the full power of the
universe and beyond behind him.
When goodness grows weak,
When evil increases,
I make myself a body.
In every age I come back
To deliver the holy,
To destroy the sin of the sinner
To establish righteousness
(Bhagavad Gita)
"A few days ago Satchidanand was glowing such that Anna could not look at
She said she needed sunglasses.
She had to leave the presence.
The growing pains produced by the spiritual radiation were intense.
"Swami Satchidanand is Radiator of Spiritual Tension,
a Walking Point of Crisis" - This is The Buddhafield of Satchidanand
"There she removed five inner children sub-personalities and a mazy unclarity in the limpid clarity required of a clean mental aura.
As she cleared it she was allowed to ascend to Sirius and in the temple there entered into the sacred flame. She found herself entering naked into a golden room with golden filigrees on the door. Eight naked men followed her in. With her in the center they lay on the floor feet towards her, heads pointing away in a circle around her. There they turned into golden skeletons and Anna ascended up the Antahkarana spinning clockwise.
There was an Angel who noted her name in the book and allowed her to continue her ascent in to the Avatar of Synthesis - SYMBOLISING THAT NOW, AFTER PURIFICATION, SHE CAN BE A PART OF THAT HIGH COMMUNITY. There she noticed many clones of Master Satchidanand with his glasses who is the hands of the Avatar of Synthesis on this planet"
"There she also received the vision of herself on a Long Superhighway. There are many souls in the cars speeding along there. She knows it is a long road. But she also knows that Energy Enhancement is the Fastest Path!!
"After her meditation on the superhighway Anna continued her Energy Enhancement Initiations with The Spiritual Aura of Energy Enhancement Level 2 Initiation 5. As she went out into the infinite spiritual Aura she was taken upwards exactly as in the previous Initiation in the mental Aura. She was taken Higher. As she ascended again the Angel checked her name off in the book allowing her to enter into the great community of Souls at the Avatar of Synthesis.
She found herself in front of Satchidanand who was sitting on a throne, radiating white light. She felt herself like a three years old child taken by Satchidanand and standing at his side, enfolded in his arms and in his love. She felt him touching her back and head and tears came down from her eyes.
From the crowd of great souls around her came the cry, "Give her the present!"
And Satchidanand gave her a triangular mechanism created out of pure mental matter looking like light or ether. She was told it was to integrate the triangle of Chakras in the head, forming a
n integrated Unit out of the three chakras of the head.The functioning triangle of Sahasrara Ray One of Purpose and Will connected with the light of the Central Spiritual Sun above the head of Intuition, Alta Major Center at the occipital base of the Skull Ray Two of Love connected with the energies beaming out of the left eye, and Ajna Brow Chakra Ray Three of the Intellect connected with the energies beaming out of the right eye and the connections between them - ALL POWERED BY THE VAST ENERGIES OF THE BASE CHAKRA CONNECTED WITH THE INFINITE ENERGIES OF KUNDALINI CHAKRA.
Putting in the integrative triangle was a blast. Satchidanand said, "You need to get used to it"
The purpose of this triangle is to Radiate the Light of the higher chakras and so influence and evolve her own students.. I suppose they will have to get sunglasses also!! LOL!!
"There he settled in the spacious comfortable cave, not even sleeping, but meditating continuously except for a single break once a day to prepare a meal of flour and water mixed with whatever root or edible he might find." - History of Milarepa
ead the History of Milarepa below so that you might see what has been necessary in the past to achieve Illumination.Energy Enhancement is at a much higher energy level. From the Ascended masters from the highest chakras above the Head. Using the most advanced techniques from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Thus the methodology of Energy Blockage removal is much quicker than Samadhi 24 Hrs per day as enjoined by Milarepa.
Energy Enhancement Samyama is much faster.
Speed up your path to the Bliss of Enlightenment NOW!! by Video Course or Live with Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani.
Anna Visiting Iguassu Falls January 2011 At the Start of Her Energy Enhancement Course
Anna's Energy Enhancement Course Report 22nd February 2011 - COMPLETE
I never realized the power
of blockages until a couple of weeks prior to coming on this course. As my
departure date came closer the blockages began to show themselves in greater
intensity. They showed themselves in every aspect of my relationships with
all around me. They invaded my thoughts, my emotions and my actions.
Creating statements not only in my head but also voiced statements which I
knew were not really what I deeply felt about me and the reasons why the
course was important to me. I wanted to be rid of these blockages they were
holding me back from my Path. They were preventing further advancement, they
wanted to hold me were I was, the blockages were happy with their life in
me. I knew that I needed to travel away from my own reality to have
undisturbed time, devoted time, with out distraction to be able to work on
these deep seated blockages. As soon as I got on the airplane the blockages
fell silent, they tried to hide even deeper inside of me hoping that they
would not be discovered.
When the work began, the blockages would try to distract me in every way
possible. Creating illusions in my mind and procrastination, I’ll do it
later, I don’t need to do this now, I’ll read, dream, sleep anything but
settle down to do the meditation required to deal with a particular aspect
of the blockages. Slowly the work reached into the deeper levels of my
subconscious and I could look at the different effects that particular
blockages had upon how I responded to certain situations, repeated patterns
of behavior that I had been trying to break using other spiritual methods I
Deeper and deeper I travel into my subconscious and the benefits I received
back became deeper and deeper. I recover my inner sense of joy and happiness
which I had not felt for a while. Life can beat you down every now and again
and I had few tools to be able to restore my inner joy and inner happiness.
My internal smile returned.
As the Initiations progressed so did my internal peace. As I was reaching
the end of Initiation 3, which took a lot of time, dedication and bloody
mindedness I received several amazing gifts from Spirit, from the Divine
Love that we all crave for. I had three distinct experiences.
The first one was of a downloading nature; I had gone to lie down after a
particularly challenging meditation, I had placed my newly acquired large
quartz crystal on my heart chakra. I realized that time had passed but not
how long and when I came to I found it difficult to move my arms and legs,
my body was so heavy, my palm chakras were shining so brightly, I felt as if
crystals had been implanted, energy flowed down my forearms, down my legs. I
had been out for just over an hour. I felt as if I had been floating,
somewhere else, not completely sure of where or what had been happening, but
I felt so good, so blessed, so loved. It took me a few hours to fully
integrate back into my physical body.
The next gift happened the shortly after. I got up but was having great
difficulty in waking up, my mind just wanted to go back to sleep. I forced
myself to attend breakfast and after it was decided that I should go back to
sleep for a while. I fell into a deep sleep for 3 hours and awoke
remembering in full detail the contents of the most amazing dream I have
ever experienced. I was dreaming in three different realities. I knew I was
asleep in the physical sense; I was also asleep in my dream and also walking
about. I knew in my dream that I was asleep in both realities. At some point
during my physical sleep I turned onto my back, all that happened next was
whilst I was asleep.
I began to realize that my occipital was hurting; hurting like it had never
hurt before. I felt a loving hand gently stroke the right side of my face,
tears rolled down my face in both my dream and in reality. Tears created by
the loving compassionate touch that I received. I only saw the hand. I had
blazing white light fill my mind and time had no meaning. This happened
several times during the dream sequence. I knew I was asleep in the physical
world and I knew I was asleep in my dream world.
I moved from the room that I was asleep in, in my dream world, to a space
that was occupied by Satchi and Devi. They were cleaning, Devi on her hands
and knees cleaning the floor around where I sat on a reclining chair. In
through the French window to my left I saw a black Mother cat come into the
room followed by three little fuzzy black balls, her kittens. I said to
Satchi the cats have got in. In a very loving voice Satchi says to me ´She
is feeding; make sure you get her out´. It was as if the cat was just
looking for somewhere safe to feed her kittens. I got up from the chair and
walked down a corridor and shushed the cats out, Satchi said you might
wanted to have a look in this room and I entered a totally baby pink room,
the floor, ceiling and walls baby pink in color. The only thing in the room
was a large mirror which Satchi had been cleaning grease marks off of.
I then return to the room in which I am asleep in my dream and I find Devi
cleaning the floor around me. She knew I was asleep. She is not happy with
the way the floor had turned out and she is complaining about using too much
liquid to clean the floor. It was as if the floor had been bleached in
parts. I wake up in my dream and find that she has left a cloth, some salts
and a large quartz crystal on the floor beside me. I pick up the crystal to
investigate what she has left and return all in the same place as I found
Before returning to the physical world I became aware of the pain in both my
palms and I turn to look at my right palm and find a clear quartz crystal
has been placed into my palm chakra. I also have a pain in my left palm but
not to the same intensity. Upon waking I realize that I have had my right
hand in the receiving position, palm upwards by my head and my left hand in
the releasing position, palm downwards facing towards my feet.
At some point in my dream I did think Satchi what have you done to me and
could you turn down the intensity please but I also know that you only
receive what you can cope with. I woke up feeling refreshed, amazed and a
little bit in awe of what I had just experienced. The number three had
already been present in my mediations and I immediately understood that the
cat and her kittens were blockages trying to return. I also understood that
Satchi and Devi had both been working hard to help me clean my body, soul
and chakras.
My third out of this world experience happened towards the end of completing
Initiation Four of Level Two. Just before the meditation came to an end I
was propelled upwards, higher than I have ever been before. It was as if my
Antahkarana had become a space ship, higher and higher I went. I was taken
to an outcrop, a landing platform with mountains all around.
In the centre of the circular disc was a lit candle. With out hesitation I
walked straight in to the burning candle. As soon as I did this the candle
changed into a golden circular chamber with beautiful lattice grills all
around. A door opened and people began to walk in to the chamber. I thought
who are they? But the image quickly changed and they lay down all around me
in an eight pointed shape with their feet towards me. They had turned into
golden skeletons. I was raised higher, spinning, turning in a clockwise
direction with rainbow light showering down upon me.
Satchi advised me to return to this place to ask where I had gone to, what
was the name of this place? What was the reason I was taken there? What was
the next step in my path? When I returned the next day I was shown several
different levels as I was taken higher and higher. At one stage I was shown
an Angel looking in a book, I had the impression that she was checking to
see if my name was there.
As I arrived at the next level I began to see Satchi look-alikes, several
men with long white beards and wearing glasses. I had been asking my
questions and the images changed to a long road, a highway spreading out
before me. As I began to travel along the highway, cars came and went in
both directions. Sitting on the highway barriers, on both sides of the
highway, I saw people. The souls of people also traveling the path or people
waiting to helped along their soul path?
I have had many other experiences whilst here, feelings of great gratitude
and forgiveness towards family members, towards friends both past and
present, towards my self in this present life and towards myself in past
lives. I have felt things make sense, a sort of order restored within, a
newly found strength of balance. New tools to help me deal with what life
can throw at me. I feel that I am able to love myself more than before. I
have felt supported, physically, emotionally and spiritually by Satchi and
Devi. I have felt their compassion and the compassion of the Divine
Universal love for all.
Satchidanand's Energy Enhancement Course Report on Anna, Updated 25th February 2011 - Including a few of the Teachings and Experiences received by Anna on the Course
Anna came to Iguassu for a One Month Two Level Energy Enhancement Course. She is the Loving wife of one of our previous students and mother of two strapping Irish sons. She has been involved in Shaman training and now teaches how to make shamanic drums in workshops worldwide.
We all have psychic powers. Normally they have so little energy powering them that they do not work properly - As we "Powered UP!" all of the psychic powers in Energy Enhancement Level One - Anna started to "see" (Psychic Vision is always one of the first "Siddhis" to arrive in Energy Enhancement) She had the experience of Blockages above the head in the chakras above the head which she "Saw" as the inability to create the antahkarana higher than the Logos chakra, preventing her ascent of the Antahkarana.
In association of the information on the Omphallos Stone (See the Energy Enhancement Book, "Super Energy and Sacred Symbols") - captured in its "Argenon" or "Snake basket" from Delphi and the dark, "Pythonesses" the divinatory priestesses of the Delphi Cult which covered the whole Mediterranean and through Plutarch, the then head of the order, became one of the state religions of Rome through Augustus Caesar in his meeting with them in Capri. She investigated the, "Cave of the Snakes" which she found in the spine in the Sacral Region and worked on three Viper Snake energy blockages which she found there - from past lifetimes in these organisations.
As we move on into Energy Enhancement Level Two, - The Elimination of Energy Blockages - all these blockages we have seen will have to go!!
Anna has been talking of looking and feeling much better now, so I suppose we will have to have the, "After" picture to follow the, "Before" one above.
As Anna was working on the Energy Blockages above the head using the Seven Step Process of level 2 she found incredible energy intensity as she grounded and sent up Energy Blockages implanted into her Antahkarana many lifetimes ago.
She said, "but you did not tell me about the intensity of the Energy before I came" and this is what I wrote to her husband by email..
Anna is Working on the
Fourth Level and above of the Seven step process.
She said, "You didn't tell me it would be this intense!"
I say that its like this the very first time. Growing pains. It will not be
like that again.
All we are doing is increasing our abilities to handle the highest flux
densities of energy.
The end of the process is that we become Ascended Masters.
To do this we have to study with someone at a higher level.
Its all very well working on the things we can do easily.
But in order to progress, we need to work on the things at a higher level.
More on the edge.
In chess, "we can only improve by playing a better opponent". (From The Guy
Ritchie Movie, "Revolver", First Cut, where the whole movie is about
removing all the sub personalities of the Ego)
Its what Castaneda calls, "The Perfect Enemy"
Long may it continue from that place of, "No Fear"
Anna has removed blockages from above the head, below the base and is now
working on the blockages within the body. Base Chakra, Money, sex, security,
fear, Base Chakra energy connections with other people.
Energy Enhancement works on the, "Need to Know" basis. Most of the stuff we do not need to know, and this stuff just gets grounded. But sometimes there is something which our Soul wants us to know. These are the visions which are shown to us all the way through the Energy Enhancement Course.
And in Energy Enhancement it is the Soul who is in charge of the Course. Not Me. Not the Anna personality, but that Soul infused Personality who is in the process of throwing out all the other Dark Sub-Personalities, connected to the dark side, infused with trauma caused negative Karmic mass. This process is just that symbolised by the Bhagavad Gita where Arjuna represents the Pandava White Angels inside a human being and The Kaurava family represents the Dark Angels within a human being. The war between the two of them represents the process of purification of the Energy Enhancement course where our student will ground and heal all the Energy Blockages before absorbing them back into the Soul where they all become ONE! There can only be ONE!!
As she was working on some of the childish sub personalities created in every family where there is competition and jealousy for the love and attention of the parents from every sibling, she had tremendous intensity of energy in the Visshuddhi throat chakra moving down into the Heart chakra particularly in the Mental Aura of the heart Chakra.
"The energy was so intense", she said, "But I was in that space of No-Mind and it was not me doing the work. Everything was ready for this great operation and It was being Done for me and as I sat for an Hour!! (I have never ever been able to sit for anything like that length of time before) so the whole mass of deep dark energy blockages were cleared out of the region. The result was that someone, Shiva, Lakshmi, Krishna, opened up all the minor chakras in my body, shining in my hand chakras and brow chakra and I felt all the meridians flowing with the light. Wow!!
After that I had a go at the triangle of Chakras within the head. The functioning triangle of Sahasrara Ray One of Purpose and Will connected with the light of the Central Spiritual Sun above the head of Intuition, Alta Major Center at the occipital base of the Skull Ray Two of Love connected with the energies beaming out of the left eye, and Ajna Brow Chakra Ray Three of the Intellect connected with the energies beaming out of the right eye and the connections between them.
Removing the Energy Blockages in this region caused me the next day to be blinded by the light emanating from the psychic body of Satchidanand during our regular daily talks. Every day I see his Aura glowing bright white, but today it was so brilliant I could barely watch him. I suppose I will have to wear sun glasses!!
I told him that it was only the preparation of previous courses on the Shamanka Shamanic path which had given me enough purity and strength to continue the Energy Enhancement Process. He told me that great masters will not meet with normal people as the radiant energy of the master will be too much for the normal student and will, "Blow them out". The Radiant Light, The Buddhafield of Masters will, "cast out" the energy blockages of the student. Usually the Energy Blockages will talk to the students to Go from the Ashram before that can happen by creating bad thoughts and resentment over anything to do with the Master or the Ashram. Thus they are, "Blown Out". Great Masters will only meet with their disciples who have proven able to take the energies..
Before I came on the Energy Enhancement Course. For two weeks before it I was in the state of incredible fear. All my blockages were afraid, jumping up and down and trying to get me not to come. I was in an incredible state just before I had to get on the plane but I knew what was going on. I knew I had to defeat these energy blockages and now I am here I would never not have come. The course has just blown me away!!
Thus Satchidanand says, "You have been looking all over the World to find One Master who is Genuine. Me, I've been looking all my life for a genuine Student" We need to know that we are on the path of increasing that studentness inside of us. For this, normally we need some previous spiritual path before meeting a genuine Master. Only a genuine student can become enlightened.
Osho had a student in Germany who wrote to everyone to say that he was Enlightened. Osho knew he was not and so asked him to come to meet him again. When he came he said, "I don't know what happened. When I was in Germany I was Enlightened. But now I am here suddenly it has gone from me and I am back in the same unenlightened state." But then he want back to Germany and again he was writing everyone to say he was enlightened again.
There are many people alive in the world like Hitler and Stalin who are the cause of all the problems in the World.
There are many Charlatans in the World. Milarepa visited one before he found his real Master and became Enlightened. Milarepa became one of the greatest saints in Tibet and the thousand songs of Milarepa are still sung in Tibet. But before he went on the Path of Light, Milarepa practised to become a Black Magician so he had some previous spiritual training. He came to a monastery on the banks of one of the deepest and coldest lakes in the Himalayas. The Master there said, "Just chant my name and you will be able to do anything!!"
One of the defining traits of a Student is faith. People who are cynical would say naivety. Whatever we call it, this trait is necessary. To believe that one person in the World has ever become enlightened requires a big leap of Faith whether that person is Jesus Christ, Buddha or Krishna.
So when Milarepa came out out of his interview with the Master all the cynical non students decided to have some fun. They said, "At the top of the mountain is a 1000 meter cliff. Surely by chanting the Masters name you can jump off the top without any problems!" And Milarepa was so stupid he said, "yes!"
And the students followed him up the mountain to the top of the cliff every moment expecting him to chicken out. But Milarepa sat at the top in the Lotus. And chanting the Masters name he flung himself from the top!!
The students were horrified. They ran to the bottom expecting to see his broken body on the rocks. But he was there!! Sitting in the Lotus posture chanting the Master's name.
So they said, "Now walk across the waters of the Lake" and chanting the Masters name, Milarepa walked on the Waters of the deepest coldest lake in the whole of Tibet.
The Master was looking out of his window and saw this. He asked his closest disciple what was going on and the Disciple told him that he was chanting the Masters name and thus was able to do anything.
The Master was really proud, "I am so powerful" he thought.
So next morning at 4am he went out to the lake and chanting his own name went out onto the lake, fell in and drowned!!
They were all searching for the Master. Where was he?
But Milarepa just shrugged and went off looking for his genuine Master, found him and became Enlightened.
Just because you have psychic powers does not mean that you are enlightened. Milarepa developed his on a dark path of Black magic.
Everyone on the energy enhancement course develops psychic powers in order to remove energy blockages in yourself, and in others..
The test of Illumination is the ability to stay with a Master without any problems as the Master and his Soul and his Monad will always try to bring the Student's Energy Blockages to the attention of the Student so that he can work on them and remove them.
Anna is very happy!!
A few days ago I was glowing such that she could not look at me.
She said she needed sunglasses.
She had to leave the presence.
The growing pains produced by the spiritual radiation were intense.
Swami Satchidanand is Radiator of Spiritual Tension, a Walking Point of Crisis" - This is The Buddhafield of Satchidanand
Anna - After the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course 25th February 2011
Written 22nd February 2011
Well, since her dream Anna has been working on the Four Auras - Initiation Five of Level Two of Energy Enhancement - including the Physical Aura and the DNA.
As she was working on the Physical Aura she had the experience of seeing a spear point lodged in her shoulder, in the middle of the Clavicle right side. She saw that it was there from past lives but was also having its effects in this lifetime having severe pain there, worked on it for many years with acupuncture which although it drained the pain, did not fully remove the cause. In this meditation the spear point was handed to her, she grounded it and sent it up and then sewed the damage in the clavicle with golden thread.
The emotional aura was tough too, so much so that even with the air conditioning on, she was sweating with the effort and the intensity needed for clearing it. She felt the weight on her shoulders felt all of her life, from supporting those around her, disappearing.
And on to the mental aura. There she removed five inner children sub-personalities and a mazy unclarity in the limpid clarity required of a clean mental aura.
As she cleared it she was allowed to ascend to Sirius and in the temple there entered into the sacred flame. She found herself entering naked into a golden room with golden filigrees on the door. Eight naked men followed her in. With her in the center they lay on the floor feet towards her, heads pointing away in a circle around her. There they turned into golden skeletons and Anna ascended up the Antahkarana spinning clockwise.
There was an Angel who noted her name in the book and allowed her to continue her ascent in to the Avatar of Synthesis - SYMBOLISING THAT NOW, AFTER PURIFICATION, SHE CAN BE A PART OF THAT HIGH COMMUNITY. There she noticed many clones of Master Satchidanand with his glasses who is the hands of the Avatar of Synthesis on this planet.
Each organisation tests its aspirants to see if they are high enough to join them. Those who do not pass the test are rejected. Then they grow within the organisation.
There she also received the vision of herself on a Long Superhighway. There are many souls in the cars speeding along there. She knows it is a long road. But she also knows that Energy Enhancement is the Fastest Path!!
After her meditation on the superhighway Anna continued her Energy Enhancement Initiations with The Spiritual Aura of Energy Enhancement Level 2 Initiation 5. As she went out into the infinite spiritual Aura she was taken upwards exactly as in the previous Initiation in the mental Aura. She was taken Higher. As she ascended again the Angel checked her name off in the book allowing her to enter into the great community of Souls at the Avatar of Synthesis.
She found herself in front of Satchidanand who was sitting on a throne, radiating white light. She felt herself like a three years old child taken by Satchidanand and standing at his side, enfolded in his arms and in his love. She felt him touching her back and head and tears came down from her eyes.
From the crowd of great souls around her came the cry, "Give her the present!"
And Satchidanand gave her a triangular mechanism created out of pure mental matter looking like light or ether. She was told it was to integrate the triangle of Chakras in the head, forming a
n integrated Unit out of the three chakras of the head.The functioning triangle of Sahasrara Ray One of Purpose and Will connected with the light of the Central Spiritual Sun above the head of Intuition, Alta Major Center at the occipital base of the Skull Ray Two of Love connected with the energies beaming out of the left eye, and Ajna Brow Chakra Ray Three of the Intellect connected with the energies beaming out of the right eye and the connections between them - ALL POWERED BY THE VAST ENERGIES OF THE BASE CHAKRA CONNECTED WITH THE INFINITE ENERGIES OF KUNDALINI CHAKRA.
Putting in the integrative triangle was a blast. Satchidanand said, "You need to get used to it"
The purpose of this triangle is to Radiate the Light of the higher chakras and so influence and evolve her own students.. I suppose they will have to get sunglasses also!! LOL!!
Only two more days to go!!
Recapitulating the Years of the Life was the final initiation of Level Two of Energy Enhancement.
As Devi gave her a special Course on the Elimination of Energy Blockages including removing all negative energy from the conception point where she found that practising the Initiations again would remove even more of the selfish competitive star, the "Self Importance" of don Juan and Castaneda, The "Vanity" of Gurdjieff, and aid the "Creation of Impeccability", Anna could only report on the first few years of her life. The rest is homework.
she did mention the start of spotting the Inner Children Saboteurs of her life. To start with, these Inner Children Saboteurs tried to prevent the process through the technique employed by many different types of Energy Blockages called, "Procrastination"Due to the fact that Anna's birthday is the 21st December she very rarely had a special birthday celebration as a child - it being so near to Christmas. The angry/sad Inner Child created at this point had tried to gain attention and vampirise the energies of all around her by creating Dramas, becoming a, "Drama Queen" at this date every year of her life up till now.
Anna saw this. And now she has used the Energy Enhancement techniques to drain the trauma-formed negative Karmic mass out of the Birthdays, out of the Birthday Inner child and to Integrate this troublesome Inner Child with Love, back into the Central Stem of the Soul, thus further integrating the mind.
Anna spotted more and more Inner Children and knew the task in front of her was steep to Integrate ALL the Inner Children created during this past lifetime.
To help the process of removing all, "Touchiness" which is the symptom of all inner children in her and your life, I recommended the use of the technique of the Petty Tyrant in order to reach the, "Impeccableness" of Illumination. Petty Tyrants show us our, "Self Importance" of the Selfish Competitive Ego.
To help with the process I read out the following story all the while saying that the path of don Juan came from a dark Sorceric path only recently cleaned out by don Juan himself and a lot of the teachings of the sorcerors way can take you down the path of darkness.
Even, "Impeccability" is not sufficient because, "Impeccability" can be used only with the energies of Intellect and Will as by Stalin, Hitler and Mao, whereas the true perfection of "Impeccability" can only come with the use of Intellect, Will AND Love!! as given by the Buddha and Jesus Christ.
However, the use of treating Petty Tyrants in your life to, "Stalk" yourself so as to find all points of, "Touchiness" of, "Self Importance" is a great technique. Use it!! Use it!!
So I read out the following excerpt so she could understand the technique...
Use the Energy Enhancement techniques to drain the Self Important trauma-formed negative Karmic mass out of the Inner children to Integrate these troublesome Inner Children with Love, back into the Central Stem of the Soul, thus further integrating the mind.
Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda, Petty Tyrants, Self Importance, Impeccability
Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda, Petty Tyrants, Self Importance, Impeccability
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda - A Separate Reality
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda
"Half-complaining, I told him that he had made me feel very uncomfortable by refusing to talk to me for the past two days. He looked at me and arched his brows. A smile played on his lips and vanished. I realized that he was letting me know I was no better than la Gorda. "I was provoking your self-importance," he said with a frown. "Self-importance is our greatest enemy. Think about it - what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone. "The new seers recommended that every effort should be made to eradicate self-importance from the lives of warriors. I have followed that recommendation, and much of my endeavors with you has been geared to show you that without self-importance we are invulnerable."
Use the Energy Enhancement techniques to drain the Self Important trauma-formed negative Karmic mass out of the Inner children to Integrate these troublesome Inner Children with Love, back into the Central Stem of the Soul, thus further integrating the mind.
Better out than in!!
"Self-importance is not
something simple and naive," he explained. "On the one hand, it is the core of
everything that is good in us, and on the other hand, the core of everything
that is rotten. To get rid of the self-importance that is rotten requires a
masterpiece of strategy. Seers, through the ages, have given the highest praise
to those who have accomplished it."
"Warriors fight self-importance as a matter of strategy, not principle," he
replied. "Your mistake is to understand what I say in terms of morality."
"Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy," he said. "My
statements have no inkling of morality. I've saved energy and that makes me
impeccable. To understand this, you have to save enough energy yourself."
Don Juan said then that in the strategic inventories of warriors,
self-importance figures as the activity that consumes the greatest amount of
energy, hence, their effort to eradicate it. "One of the first concerns of
warriors is to free that energy in order to face the unknown with
it," don Juan went on. "The action of rechanneling that energy is
He said that the most effective strategy was worked out by the seers of the
Conquest, the unquestionable masters of stalking. It consists of six elements
that interplay with one another. Five of them are called the attributes of
warriorship: control, discipline, forbearance, timing, and
will. They pertain to the world of the warrior who is fighting to lose
self-importance. The sixth element, which is perhaps the most important of all,
pertains to the outside world and is called the petty tyrant.
"A petty tyrant is a tormentor," he replied. "Someone who either holds the power
of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction."
"The new seers, in accordance with their practice, saw fit to head their
classification with the primal source of energy, the one and only ruler in the
universe, and they called it simply the tyrant. The rest of the despots and
authoritarians were found to be, naturally, infinitely below the
category of tyrant. Compared to the source of everything, the most fearsome,
tyrannical men are buffoons; consequently, they were classified as petty
tyrants, pinches tiranos. He said that there were two subclasses of minor petty
tyrants. The first subclass consisted of the petty tyrants who persecute and
inflict misery but without actually causing anybody's death. They were called
little petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos. The second consisted of the petty
tyrants who are only exasperating and bothersome to no end. They were called
small-fry petty tyrants, repinches tiranitos, or teensy-weensy petty tyrants,
pinches tiranitos chiquititos"
"My benefactor used to say that the warrior who stumbles on a petty tyrant is a
lucky one. He meant that you're fortunate if you come upon one in your path,
because if you don't, you have to go out and look for one."
"By understanding the nature of man, they were able to reach the incontestable
conclusion that if seers can hold their own in facing petty tyrants, they can
certainly face the unknown with impunity, and then they can even stand the
presence of the unknowable."
Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda, Petty Tyrants, Self Importance, Impeccability
Petty Tyrants
Don Juan
did not discuss the mastery of awareness with me until months later. We were
at that
time in the house where the nagual's party lived.
"Let's go for a walk," don Juan said to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Or better yet,
let's go to the town's square, where there are a lot of people, and sit down
and talk."
I was surprised when he spoke to me, as I had been in the house for a couple
of days then and
he had not said so much as "hello".
As don Juan and I were leaving the house, la Gorda intercepted us and
demanded that we take
her along. She seemed determined not to take no for an answer. Don Juan in a
very stern voice
told her that he had to discuss something in private with me.
"You're going to talk about me," la Gorda said, her tone and gestures
betraying both suspicion
and annoyance.
"You're right," don Juan replied dryly. He moved past her without turning to
look at her.
I followed him, and we walked in silence to the town's square. When we sat
down I asked him
what on earth we would find to discuss about la Gorda. I was still smarting
from her look of
menace when we left the house.
"We have nothing to discuss about la Gorda or anybody else," he said. "I
told her that just to
provoke her enormous self-importance. And it worked. She is furious with us.
If I know her, by
now she will have talked to herself long enough to have built up her
confidence and her righteous
indignation at having been refused and made to look like a fool. I wouldn't
be surprised if she
barges in on us here, at the park bench."
"If we're not going to talk about la Gorda, what are we going to discuss?" I
"We're going to continue the discussion we started in Oaxaca," he replied.
"To understand the
explanation of awareness will require your utmost effort and your
willingness to shift back and
forth between levels of awareness. While we are involved in our discussion I
will demand your
total concentration and patience."
Half-complaining, I told him that he had made me feel very uncomfortable by
refusing to talk
to me for the past two days. He looked at me and arched his brows. A smile
played on his lips and
vanished. I realized that he was letting me know I was no better than la
"I was provoking your self-importance," he said with a frown.
"Self-importance is our greatest
enemy. Think about it - what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and
misdeeds of our
fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives
offended by someone.
"The new seers recommended that every effort should be made to eradicate
from the lives of warriors. I have followed that recommendation, and much of
my endeavors with
you has been geared to show you that without self-importance we are
As I listened his eyes suddenly became very shiny. I was thinking to myself
that he seemed to
be on the verge of laughter and there was no reason for it when I was
startled by an abrupt,
painful slap on the right side of my face.
I jumped up from the bench. La Gorda was standing behind me, her hand still
raised. Her face
was flushed with anger.
"Now you can say what you like about me and with more justification," she
shouted. "If you
have anything to say, however, say it to my face!"
Her outburst appeared to have exhausted her, because she sat down on the
cement and began
to weep. Don Juan was transfixed with inexpressible glee. I was frozen with
sheer fury. La Gorda
glared at me and then turned to don Juan and meekly told him that we had no
right to criticize
Don Juan laughed so hard he doubled over almost to the ground. He couldn't
even speak. He
tried two or three times to say something to me, then finally got up and
walked away, his body
still shaking with spasms of laughter.
I was about to run after him, still glowering at la Gorda - at that moment I
found her
despicable - when something extraordinary happened to me. I realized what
don Juan had found
so hilarious. La Gorda and I were horrendously alike. Our self-importance
was monumental. My
surprise and fury at being slapped were just like la Gorda's feelings of
anger and suspicion. Don
Juan was right. The burden of self-importance is a terrible encumbrance.
I ran after him then, elated, the tears flowing down my cheeks. I caught up
with him and told
him what I had realized. His eyes were shining with mischievousness and
"What should I do about la Gorda?" I asked.
"Nothing," he replied. "Realizations are always personal."
He changed the subject and said that the omens were telling us to continue
our discussion back
at his house, either in a large room with comfortable chairs or in the back
patio, which had a
roofed corridor around it. He said that whenever he conducted his
explanation inside the house
those two areas would be off limits to everyone else.
We went back to the house. Don Juan told everyone what la Gorda had done.
The delight all
the seers showed in taunting her made la Gorda's position extremely
"Self-importance can't be fought with niceties," don Juan commented when I
expressed my
concern about la Gorda.
He then asked everyone to leave the room. We sat down and don Juan began his
He said that seers, old and new, are divided into two categories. The first
one is made up of
those who are willing to exercise self-restraint and can channel their
activities toward pragmatic
goals, which would benefit other seers and man in general. The other
category consists of those
who don't care about self-restraint or about any pragmatic goals. It is the
consensus among seers
that the latter have failed to resolve the problem of self-importance.
"Self-importance is not something simple and naive," he explained. "On the
one hand, it is the
core of everything that is good in us, and on the other hand, the core of
everything that is rotten.
To get rid of the self-importance that is rotten requires a masterpiece of
strategy. Seers, through
the ages, have given the highest praise to those who have accomplished it."
I complained that the idea of eradicating self-importance, although very
appealing to me at
times, was really incomprehensible; I told him that I found his directives
for getting rid of it so
vague I could not follow them.
"I've said to you many times," he said, "that in order to follow the path of
knowledge one has
to be very imaginative. You see, in the path of knowledge nothing is as
clear as we'd like it to
My discomfort made me argue that his admonitions about self-importance
reminded me of
Catholic postulates. After a lifetime of being told about the evils of sin,
I had become callous.
"Warriors fight self-importance as a matter of strategy, not principle," he
replied. "Your
mistake is to understand what I say in terms of morality."
"I see you as a highly moral man, don Juan," I insisted.
"You've noticed my impeccability, that's all," he said.
"Impeccability, as well as getting rid of self-importance, is too vague a
concept to be of any
value to me," I remarked.
Don Juan choked with laughter, and I challenged him to explain
"Impeccability is nothing else but the proper use of energy," he said. "My
statements have no
inkling of morality. I've saved energy and that makes me impeccable. To
understand this, you
have to save enough energy yourself."
We were quiet for a long time. I wanted to think about what he had said.
Suddenly, he started
talking again.
"Warriors take strategic inventories," he said. "They list everything they
do. Then they decide
which of those things can be changed in order to allow themselves a respite,
in terms of
expending their energy."
I argued that their list would have to include everything under the sun. He
patiently answered
that the strategic inventory he was talking about covered only behavioral
patterns that were not
essential to our survival and well-being.
I jumped at the opportunity to point out that survival and well-being were
categories that could
be interpreted in endless ways, hence, there was no way of agreeing what was
or was not essential
to survival and well-being.
As I kept on talking I began to lose momentum. Finally, I stopped because I
realized the
futility of my arguments.
Don Juan said then that in the strategic inventories of warriors,
self-importance figures as the
activity that consumes the greatest amount of energy, hence, their effort to
eradicate it.
"One of the first concerns of warriors is to free that energy in order to
face the unknown with
it," don Juan went on. "The action of rechanneling that energy is
He said that the most effective strategy was worked out by the seers of the
Conquest, the
unquestionable masters of stalking. It consists of six elements that
interplay with one another.
Five of them are called the attributes of warriorship: control, discipline,
forbearance, timing, and
will. They pertain to the world of the warrior who is fighting to lose
self-importance. The sixth
element, which is perhaps the most important of all, pertains to the outside
world and is called the
petty tyrant.
He looked at me as if silently asking me whether or not I had understood.
"I'm really mystified," I said. "You keep on saying that la Gorda is the
petty tyrant of my life.
Just what is a petty tyrant?"
"A petty tyrant is a tormentor," he replied. "Someone who either holds the
power of life and
death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction."
Don Juan had a beaming smile as he spoke to me. He said that the new seers
developed their
own classification of petty tyrants; although the concept is one of their
most serious and
important findings, the new seers had a sense of humor about it. He assured
me that there was a
tinge of malicious humor in every one of their classifications, because
humor was the only means
of counteracting the compulsion of human awareness to take inventories and
to make
cumbersome classifications.
The new seers, in accordance with their practice, saw fit to head their
classification with the
primal source of energy, the one and only ruler in the universe, and they
called it simply the
tyrant. The rest of the despots and authoritarians were found to be,
naturally, infinitely below the
category of tyrant. Compared to the source of everything, the most fearsome,
tyrannical men are
buffoons; consequently, they were classified as petty tyrants, pinches
He said that there were two subclasses of minor petty tyrants. The first
subclass consisted of
the petty tyrants who persecute and inflict misery but without actually
causing anybody's death.
They were called little petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos. The second
consisted of the petty tyrants
who are only exasperating and bothersome to no end. They were called
small-fry petty tyrants,
repinches tiranitos, or teensy-weensy petty tyrants, pinches tiranitos
I thought his classifications were ludicrous. I was sure that he was
improvising the Spanish
terms. I asked him if that was so.
"Not at all," he replied with an amused expression. "The new seers were
great ones for
classifications. Genaro is doubtless one of the greatest; if you'd observe
him carefully, you'd
realize exactly how the new seers feel about their classifications."
He laughed uproariously at my confusion when I asked him if he was pulling
my leg.
"I wouldn't dream of doing that," he said, smiling. "Genaro may do that, but
not I, especially
when I know how you feel about classifications. It's just that the new seers
were terribly
He added that the little petty tyrants are further divided into four
categories. One that torments
with brutality and violence. Another that does it by creating unbearable
apprehension through
deviousness. Another which oppresses with sadness. And the last, which
torments by making
warriors rage.
"La Gorda is in a class of her own," he added. "She is an acting, small-fry
petty tyrant. She
annoys you to pieces and makes you rage. She even slaps you. With all that
she is teaching you
"That's not possible!" I protested.
"You haven't yet put together all the ingredients of the new seers'
strategy," he said. "Once you
do that, you'll know how efficient and clever is the device of using a petty
tyrant. I would
certainly say that the strategy not only gets rid of self-importance; it
also prepares warriors for the
final realization that impeccability is the only thing that counts in the
path of knowledge."
He said that what the new seers had in mind was a deadly maneuver in which
the petty tyrant
is like a mountain peak and the attributes of warriorship are like climbers
who meet at the
"Usually, only four attributes are played," he went on. "The fifth, will, is
always saved for an
ultimate confrontation, when warriors are facing the firing squad, so to
"Why is it done that way?"
"Because will belongs to another sphere, the unknown. The other four belong
to the known,
exactly where the petty tyrants are lodged. In fact, what turns human beings
into petty tyrants is
precisely the obsessive manipulation of the known."
Don Juan explained that the interplay of all the five attributes of
warriorship is done only by
seers who are also impeccable warriors and have mastery over will. Such an
interplay is a
supreme maneuver that cannot be performed on the daily human stage.
"Four attributes are all that is needed to deal with the worst of petty
tyrants," he continued.
"Provided, of course, that a petty tyrant has been found. As I said, the
petty tyrant is the outside
element, the one we cannot control and the element that is perhaps the most
important of them all.
My benefactor used to say that the warrior who stumbles on a petty tyrant is
a lucky one. He
meant that you're fortunate if you come upon one in your path, because if
you don't, you have to
go out and look for one."
He explained that one of the greatest accomplishments of the seers of the
Conquest was a
construct he called the three-phase progression. By understanding the nature
of man, they were
able to reach the incontestable conclusion that if seers can hold their own
in facing petty tyrants,
they can certainly face the unknown with impunity, and then they can even
stand the presence of
the unknowable.
"The average man's reaction is to think that the order of that statement
should be reversed," he
went on. "A seer who can hold his own in the face of the unknown can
certainly face petty
tyrants. But that's not so. What destroyed the superb seers of ancient times
was that assumption.
We know better now. We know that nothing can temper the spirit of a warrior
as much as the
challenge of dealing with impossible people in positions of power. Only
under those conditions
can warriors acquire the sobriety and serenity to stand the pressure of the
I vociferously disagreed with him. I told him that in my opinion tyrants can
only render their
victims helpless or make them as brutal as they themselves are. I pointed
out that countless
studies had been done on the effects of physical and psychological torture
on such victims.
"The difference is in something you just said," he retorted. "They are
victims, not warriors.
Once I felt just as you do. I'll tell you what made me change, but first
let's go back again to what I
said about the Conquest. The seers of that time couldn't have found a better
ground. The
Spaniards were the petty tyrants who tested the seers' skills to the limit;
after dealing with the
conquerors, the seers were capable of facing anything. They were the lucky
ones. At that time
there were petty tyrants everywhere.
"After all those marvelous years of abundance things changed a great deal.
Petty tyrants never
again had that scope; it was only during those times that their authority
was unlimited. The
perfect ingredient for the making of a superb seer is a petty tyrant with
unlimited prerogatives.
"In our times, unfortunately, seers have to go to extremes to find a worthy
one. Most of the
time they have to be satisfied with very small fry."
"Did you find a petty tyrant yourself, don Juan?"
"I was lucky. A king-size one found me. At the time, though, I felt like
you; I couldn't
consider myself fortunate."
Don Juan said that his ordeal began a few weeks before he met his
benefactor. He was barely
twenty years old at the time. He had gotten a job at a sugar mill working as
a laborer. He had
always been very strong, so it was easy for him to get jobs that required
muscle. One day when he
was moving some heavy sacks of sugar a woman came by. She was very well
dressed and
seemed to be a woman of means. She was perhaps in her fifties, don Juan
said, and very
domineering. She looked at don Juan and then spoke to the foreman and left.
Don Juan was then
approached by the foreman, who told him that for a fee he would recommend
him for a job in the
boss's house. Don Juan told the man that he had no money. The foreman smiled
and said not to
worry because he would have plenty on payday. He patted don Juan's back and
assured him it
was a great honor to work for the boss.
Don Juan said that being a lowly ignorant Indian living hand-to-mouth, not
only did he believe
every word, he thought a good fairy had touched him. He promised to pay the
foreman anything
he wished. The foreman named a large sum, which had to be paid in
Immediately thereafter the foreman himself took don Juan to the house, which
was quite a
distance from the town, and left him there with another foreman, a huge,
somber, ugly man who
asked a lot of questions. He wanted to know about don Juan's family. Don
Juan answered that he
didn't have any. The man was so pleased that he even smiled through his
rotten teeth.
He promised don Juan that they would pay him plenty, and that he would even
be in a position
to save money, because he didn't have to spend any, for he was going to live
and eat in the house.
The way the man laughed was terrifying. Don Juan knew that he had to escape
He ran for the gate, but the man cut in front of him with a revolver in his
hand. He cocked it and
rammed it into don Juan's stomach.
"You're here to work yourself to the bone," he said. "And don't you forget
it." He shoved don
Juan around with a billy club.
Then he took him to the side of the house and, after observing that he
worked his men every
day from sunrise to sunset without a break, he put don Juan to work digging
out two enormous
tree stumps. He also told don Juan that if he ever tried to escape or went
to the authorities he
would shoot him dead - and that if don Juan should ever get away, he would
swear in court that
don Juan had tried to murder the boss.
"You'll work here until you die," he said. "Another Indian will get your job
then, just as you're
taking a dead Indian's place."
Don Juan said that the house looked like a fortress, with armed men with
everywhere. So he got busy working and tried not to think about his
predicament. At the end of
the day, the man came back and kicked him all the way to the kitchen,
because he did not like the
defiant look in don Juan's eyes. He threatened to cut the tendons of don
Juan's arms if he didn't
obey him.
In the kitchen an old woman brought food, but don Juan was so upset and
afraid that he
couldn't eat. The old woman advised him to eat as much as he could. He had
to be strong, she
said, because his work would never end. She warned him that the man who had
held his job had
died just a day earlier. He was too weak to work and had fallen from a
second-story window.
Don Juan said that he worked at the boss's place for three weeks and that
the man bullied him
every moment of every day. He made him work under the most dangerous
conditions, doing the
heaviest work imaginable, under the constant threat of his knife, gun, or
billy club. He sent him
daily to the stables to clean the stalls while the nervous stallions were in
them. At the beginning
of every day don Juan thought it would be his last one on earth. And
surviving meant only that he
had to go through the same hell again the next day.
What precipitated the end was don Juan's request to have some time off. The
pretext was that
he needed to go to town to pay the foreman of the sugar mill the money that
he owed him. The
other foreman retorted that don Juan could not stop working, not even for a
minute, because he
was in debt up to his ears just for the privilege of working there.
Don Juan knew that he was done for. He understood the man's maneuvers. Both
he and the
other foreman were in cahoots to get lowly Indians from the mill, work them
to death, and divide
their salaries. That realization angered him so intensely that he ran
through the kitchen screaming
and got inside the main house. The foreman and the other workers were caught
totally by
surprise. He ran out the front door and almost got away, but the foreman
caught up with him on
the road and shot him in the chest. He left him for dead.
Don Juan said that it was not his destiny to die; his benefactor found him
there and tended him
until he got well.
"When I told my benefactor the whole story," don Juan said, "he could hardly
contain his
"That foreman is really a prize," my benefactor said. "He is too good to be
wasted. Someday
you must go back to that house."
"He raved about my luck in finding a one-in-a-million petty tyrant with
almost unlimited
power. I thought the old man was nuts. It was years before I fully
understood what he was talking
"That is one of the most horrible stories I have ever heard," I said. "Did
you really go back to
that house?"
"I certainly did, three years later. My benefactor was right. A petty tyrant
like that one was one
in a million and couldn't be wasted."
"How did you manage to go back?"
"My benefactor developed a strategy using the four attributes of warriorship:
discipline, forbearance, and timing."
Don Juan said that his benefactor, in explaining to him what he had to do to
profit from facing
that ogre of a man, also told him what the new seers considered to be the
four steps on the path of
knowledge. The first step is the decision to become apprentices. After the
apprentices change
their views about themselves and the world they take the second step and
become warriors, which
is to say, beings capable of the utmost discipline and control over
themselves. The third step, after
acquiring forbearance and timing, is to become men of knowledge. When men of
learn to see they have taken the fourth step and have become seers.
His benefactor stressed the fact that don Juan had been on the path of
knowledge long enough
to have acquired a minimum of the first two attributes: control and
discipline. Don Juan
emphasized that both of these attributes refer to an inner state. A warrior
is self-oriented, not in a
selfish way, but in the sense of a total and continuous examination of the
"At that time, I was barred from the other two attributes," don Juan went
on. "Forbearance and
timing are not quite an inner state. They are in the domain of the man of
knowledge. My
benefactor showed them to me through his strategy."
"Does this mean that you couldn't have faced the petty tyrant by yourself?"
I asked.
"I'm sure that I could have done it myself, although I have always doubted
that I would have
carried it off with flair and joyfulness. My benefactor was simply enjoying
the encounter by
directing it. The idea of using a petty tyrant is not only for perfecting
the warrior's spirit, but also
for enjoyment and happiness."
"How could anyone enjoy the monster you described?"
"He was nothing in comparison to the real monsters that the new seers faced
during the
Conquest. By all indications those seers enjoyed themselves blue dealing
with them. They proved
that even the worst tyrants can bring delight, provided, of course, that one
is a warrior."
Don Juan explained that the mistake average men make in confronting petty
tyrants is not to
have a strategy to fall back on; the fatal flaw is that average men take
themselves too seriously;
their actions and feelings, as well as those of the petty tyrants, are
all-important. Warriors, on the
other hand, not only have a well-thought-out strategy, but are free from
self-importance. What
restrains their self-importance is that they have understood that reality is
an interpretation we
make. That knowledge was the definitive advantage that the new seers had
over the simpleminded
He said that he became convinced he could defeat the foreman using only the
realization that petty tyrants take themselves with deadly seriousness while
warriors do not.
Following his benefactor's strategic plan, therefore, don Juan got a job in
the same sugar mill
as before. Nobody remembered that he had worked there in the past; peons
came to that sugar
mill and left it without leaving a trace.
His benefactor's strategy specified that don Juan had to be solicitous of
whoever came to look
for another victim. As it happened, the same woman came and spotted him, as
she had done years
ago. This time he was physically even stronger than before.
The same routine took place. The strategy, however, called for refusing
payment to the
foreman from the outset. The man had never been turned down and was taken
aback. He
threatened to fire don Juan from the job. Don Juan threatened him back,
saying that he would go
directly to the lady's house and see her. Don Juan knew that the woman, who
was the wife of the
owner of the mill, did not know what the two foremen were up to. He told the
foreman that he
knew where she lived, because he had worked in the surrounding fields
cutting sugar cane. The
man began to haggle, and don Juan demanded money from him before he would
accept going to
the lady's house. The foreman gave in and handed him a few bills. Don Juan
was perfectly aware
that the foreman's acquiescence was just a ruse to get him to go to the
"He himself once again took me to the house," don Juan said. "It was an old
hacienda owned
by the people of the sugar mill - rich men who either knew what was going on
and didn't care, or
were too indifferent even to notice.
"As soon as we got there, I ran into the house to look for the lady. I found
her and dropped to
my knees and kissed her hand to thank her. The two foremen were livid.
"The foreman at the house followed the same pattern as before. But I had the
equipment to deal with him; I had control, discipline, forbearance, and
timing. It turned out as my
benefactor had planned it. My control made me fulfill the man's most asinine
demands. What
usually exhausts us in a situation like that is the wear and tear on our
self-importance. Any man
who has an iota of pride is ripped apart by being made to feel worthless.
"I gladly did everything he asked of me. I was joyful and strong. And I
didn't give a fig about
my pride or my fear. I was there as an impeccable warrior. To tune the
spirit when someone is
trampling on you is called control."
Don Juan explained that his benefactor's strategy required that instead of
feeling sorry for
himself as he had done before, he immediately go to work mapping the man's
strong points, his
weaknesses, his quirks of behavior.
He found that the foreman's strongest points were his violent nature and his
daring. He had
shot don Juan in broad daylight and in sight of scores of onlookers. His
great weakness was that
he liked his job and did not want to endanger it. Under no circumstances
could he attempt to kill
don Juan inside the compound in the daytime. His other weakness was that he
was a family man.
He had a wife and children who lived in a shack near the house.
"To gather all this information while they are beating you up is called
discipline," don Juan
said. "The man was a regular fiend. He had no saving grace. According to the
new seers, a perfect
petty tyrant has no redeeming feature."
Don Juan said that the other two attributes of warriorship, forbearance and
timing, which he
did not yet have, had been automatically included in his benefactor's
strategy. Forbearance is to
wait patiently - no rush, no anxiety - a simple, joyful holding back of what
is due.
"I groveled daily," don Juan continued, "sometimes crying under the man's
whip. And yet I
was happy. My benefactor's strategy was what made me go from day to day
without hating the
man's guts. I was a warrior. I knew that I was waiting and I knew what I was
waiting for. Right
there is the great joy of warriorship."
He added that his benefactor's strategy called for a systematic harassment
of the man by taking
cover with a higher order, just as the seers of the new cycle had done
during the Conquest by
shielding themselves with the Catholic church. A lowly priest was sometimes
more powerful than
a nobleman.
Don Juan's shield was the lady who got him the job. He kneeled in front of
her and called her
a saint every time he saw her. He begged her to give him the medallion of
her patron saint so he
could pray to him for her health and well-being.
"She gave me one," don Juan went on, "and that rattled the foreman to
pieces. And when I got
the servants to pray at night he nearly had a heart attack. I think he
decided then to kill me. He
couldn't afford to let me go on.
"As a countermeasure I organized a rosary among all the servants of the
house. The lady
thought I had the makings of a most pious man.
"I didn't sleep soundly after that, nor did I sleep in my bed. I climbed to
the roof every night.
From there I saw the man twice looking for me in the middle of the night
with murder in his eyes.
"Daily he shoved me into the stallions' stalls hoping that I would be
crushed to death, but I had
a plank of heavy boards that I braced against one of the corners and
protected myself behind it.
The man never knew because he was nauseated by the horses - another of his
weaknesses, the
deadliest of all, as things turned out."
Don Juan said that timing is the quality that governs the release of all
that is held back.
Control, discipline, and forbearance are like a dam behind which everything
is pooled. Timing is
the gate in the dam.
The man knew only violence, with which he terrorized. If his violence was
neutralized he was
rendered nearly helpless. Don Juan knew that the man would not dare to kill
him in view of the
house, so one day, in the presence of the other workers but in sight of his
lady as well, don Juan
insulted the man. He called him a coward, who was mortally afraid of the
boss's wife.
His benefactor's strategy had called for being on the alert for a moment
like that and using it to
turn the tables on the petty tyrant. Unexpected things always happen that
way. The lowest of the
slaves suddenly makes fun of the tyrant, taunts him, makes him feel
ridiculous in front of
significant witnesses, and then rushes away without giving the tyrant time
to retaliate.
"A moment later, the man went crazy with rage, but I was already
solicitously kneeling in
front of the lady," he continued.
Don Juan said that when the lady went inside the house, the man and his
friends called him to
the back, allegedly to do some work. The man was very pale, white with
anger. From the sound
of his voice don Juan knew what the man was really planning to do. Don Juan
pretended to
acquiesce, but instead of heading for the back, he ran for the stables. He
trusted that the horses
would make such a racket the owners would come out to see what was wrong. He
knew that the
man would not dare shoot him. That would have been too noisy and the man's
fear of
endangering his job was too overpowering. Don Juan also knew that the man
would not go where
the horses were - that is, unless he had been pushed beyond his endurance.
"I jumped inside the stall of the wildest stallion," don Juan said, "and the
petty tyrant, blinded
by rage, took out his knife and jumped in after me. I went instantly behind
my planks. The horse
kicked him once and it was all over.
"I had spent six months in that house and in that period of time I had
exercised the four
attributes of warriorship. Thanks to them, I had succeeded. Not once had I
felt sorry for myself or
wept in impotence. I had been joyful and serene. My control and discipline
were as keen as they'd
ever been, and I had had a firsthand view of what forbearance and timing did
for impeccable
warriors. And I had not once wished the man to die.
"My benefactor explained something very interesting. Forbearance means
holding back with
the spirit something that the warrior knows is rightfully due. It doesn't
mean that a warrior goes
around plotting to do anybody mischief, or planning to settle past scores.
Forbearance is
something independent. As long as the warrior has control, discipline, and
timing, forbearance
assures giving whatever is due to whoever deserves it."
"Do petty tyrants sometimes win, and destroy the warrior facing them?" I
"Of course. There was a time when warriors died like flies at the beginning
of the Conquest.
Their ranks were decimated. The petty tyrants could put anyone to death,
simply acting on a
whim. Under that kind of pressure seers reached sublime states."
Don Juan said that that was the time when the surviving seers had to exert
themselves to the
limit to find new ways.
"The new seers used petty tyrants," don Juan said, staring at me fixedly,
"not only to get rid of
their self-importance, but to accomplish the very sophisticated maneuver of
moving themselves
out of this world. You'll understand that maneuver as we keep on discussing
the mastery of
I explained to don Juan that what I had wanted to know was whether, in the
present, in our
times, the petty tyrants he had called small fry could ever defeat a
"All the time," he replied. "The consequences aren't as dire as those in the
remote past. Today
it goes without saying that warriors always have a chance to recuperate or
to retrieve and come
back later. But there is another side to this problem. To be defeated by a
small-fry petty tyrant is
not deadly, but devastating. The degree of mortality, in a figurative sense,
is almost as high. By
that I mean that warriors who succumb to a small-fry petty tyrant are
obliterated by their own
sense of failure and unworthiness. That spells high mortality to me."
"How do you measure defeat?"
"Anyone who joins the petty tyrant is defeated. To act in anger, without
control and discipline,
to have no forbearance, is to be defeated."
"What happens after warriors are defeated?"
"They either regroup themselves or they abandon the quest for knowledge and
join the ranks
of the petty tyrants for life."
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Energy Enhancement DVD COURSES
To our very popular Live Courses in India, Spain and Iguazu Falls - One of the
Seven Natural Wonders of the world - at our regular prices. If you need to ask
for a scholarship in order to participate then do not hesitate to tell us how
much you can afford - CLICK HERE!!\
Iguassu Falls Brazil - One of the Seven Wonders of the World, Energy Center and
Energy Enhancement Ashram Center
Levels One and Two, Four Weeks - Free Reiki One
Levels Three and Four, Four Weeks - Free Reiki Two
LEVEL ONE The cost of a Two Week Long Course for Level One here in Iguazu Brazil
Free Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiation One
LEVEL ONE AND LEVEL TWO The cost of a Four Week Long Course for Levels One and
Two here in Iguazu Brazil DISCOUNTS - SAVE GBP Free Energy Enhancement Reiki
Initiation One
LEVEL ONE AND LEVEL TWO AND LEVEL 3 The cost of a Six Week Long Course for
Levels One to Three here in Iguazu Brazil
Free Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiations One and Two
LEVEL ONE TO LEVEL 4 The cost of an Eight Week Long Course for Levels One to
Four here in Iguazu Brazil
Free Energy Enhancement Reiki Initiations One and Two
Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail!!
Love and Light,
You are that Seed!!
You who have been born with the possibility of a soul need the the Energy
Enhancement Techniques bringing water-wine, the light of Heaven and time in
order to grow so that you too can grow sufficiently high to channel the Holy
Spirit, the Energy of God.
Aham Bramasmi - I Am That
Tat Tvam Asi - You are that also
If a map is true then the results will be profound, the path will work.
All Students of Energy Enhancement
Speed Up their process, develop Psychic Vision, Remove their Blockages by
For thousands of years Enlightened Masters have
existed. They exist in every age. And they all say, if you are really serious
about Illumination, then you need to learn from one who has walked the path. One
who knows by his experience the TRUE and not the false path.
Come and learn from Energy
"I feel that I have been given some
secret knowledge, which was only given to the initiated, or hidden among a lot
of unnecessary sub techniques in other disciplines."
"One effect of Energy Enhancement is that I can no longer look at
other disciplines like Ashtanga Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, NLP, Aikido and
Ki Aikido and Mantak Chia and his Chi Gung, in the same light, because they do
not contain this learning"
Spiritual Experience is a million times better than listening about it or reading the books
is the proof of the books!!
And he got this experience and many more like it because he has been on the
Energy Enhancement Course!!
And everyone who comes on the Energy Enhancement Course or tries the DVD Course
gets many spiritual experiences.. just READ the
Reports of our Students
Come try it Yourself...
"Oh and using your technique I've very recently just shifted a massive block from the sacral which has aided my grounding and all other chakras. From this my solar plexus will be working much more effectively and so will attract more abundance so paying you should be less difficult."
Hello Satchi and Devi!
I had some meditation experiences I'd like to share.
I woke up in the middle of the night last week and could not sleep so I decided
to meditate.
I connected to the center of the earth and it was unlike anything I've ever
felt. And
there has not been a day since that I don't think of that feeling. . I felt
pulsing, gentle
waves of energy, like the oceans waves and just as much power as the ocean but
there was a
mother like quality about it. It felt very sacred.
Since that day I keep getting information about being grounded to this force.
And to think
that it all started because I pushed a stream of love out from my heart. Isn't
it funny how something so
simple can change a life forever.
I am taking my time with the course. It is my main goal in life to integrate
Enhancement into my being. I am ecstatic to think of what more sacred feelings I
have in
store on my journey toward illumination!
And that is the first share that I wrote and now the second.
It is Oct. 22 and my paternal Grandfather died. I am remembering a dream I had
of him
coming to me and sobbing and telling me he has led a "mutated" life.
It was not two weeks before that I was in meditation when I felt I had entered
Directly after I was done meditating my brother came to me and told me my
Grandfather was
very sick and at the hospital.
In the course of the two weeks before his death I had been waking up at night
and seeing a
Gremlin like creature on or by my bed.
In a past article I got from Satchi he says his own father came to him four days
before he
died and Satchi cleared him and sent him to heaven. He said that usually family
members who
die go to the most evolved person and can cause them cancer.
I know my Grandfather has come to me for help. I want to make my family happy! I
know that
if I don't bring him to heaven he will give me cancer. I SEE it.
All this is what will push me more and more and more to Energy Enhancement. I
have to do
And that is all I have to share.
Love and Light,
M, DVD Student, 23rd Jan 2011
"Dear Satchi and Devi, We were happy to
hear from you! We are still in the process of moving to a new place and we
maybe making a much larger move than we once thought. We are very excited! The
new levels sound great! I turned 24 on the 9th of January and leading up
to that day I was going through a lot of karmic mass related stuff. I worked
everyday to ground some negative energy and I now feel better and lighter than
ever! I understand more of myself now too and feel more able to show love to
myself and all those around me. And also I feel this experience has made my
meditation experience even stronger!
You are both an inspiration of love and light and we are blessed to have you in
our lives!" Much Love and Light!"
"I had to burst out in laughter as I listened to Track 9.. It is perhaps the most powerful, insightful, cosmic, depth-charging piece I’ve ever experienced in all my lifetimes — I literally felt the gears locking into place as I watched and listened.
I was receiving downloads in my soul throughout that remain there untapped consciously for now, but I could feel their luminosity and comfort"
Dear Satchidanandji and
Thank you for the birthday wishes.
How are you? I am so glad to hear about the Iguazu ashram project and wanted
to wish you luck with the venture. I hope all is going well. I have just
launched my new website - ( and will shortly be
launching The Honey Kalaria Foundation to help various causes. I am also
raising funds for an International Meditation Centre here in the UK.
Wishing you love and light
Honey Kalaria
Dear Honey,
How am I? Very well and working hard to make Our Energy Enhancement
Foundation the Center of Excellence it already is.
A Five Star Retreat at the World Heritage Site of Iguazu Falls with High
Flux Densities of Spiritual Energy in the Buddhafield, Air Conditioning,
Upgraded Fixtures, Swimming Pool, Sauna, Incredible Vegetarian Food,
As you know, Energy Enhancement really works - and much better than most of
the expensive courses taught by the so called, "famous" teachers.
I told you I had taken away your Energy Blockage in the Second, abdominal
chakra, during your course with us and you said your menstrual problem had
I often think that the seven step process could have helped Ramana Maharshi
from succumbing to the Energy Blockage which gave him Cancer!!
Yes, Energy Enhancement is a much higher Revelation, meant to help the
Enlightened take more, higher, Initiations!!
In your Course Report you said you wanted to know about your relationships
and you had lifetime after lifetime of feedback about this, explaining how
you came to be as you are now. The problem started with the loss of Your
husband in a Turkish past life and you even met up with this guy, Ramiya, on
the Course!!
The problem is one of loss, if you like, bereavement and fear of
bereavement. To lose the person we are attached to. And the problem of
attachment to the Prince and the problems this brought in its wake.
And the solution - a movement to being successful at other things which do
not give that same problem. As when you were looking after the business
matters of the Princess, with great success.
Yet every success is always followed by failure. In the end it is all taken
away as we die, and all of our success, all of our empire cannot follow us
into the grave.
Our only legacy is that which we pass on to the people of the future.
Our only legacy is our own evolution, which can only come from the very
highest teachings and the highest aspiration.
It is the reduction of attachment which is the key...
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - "Enlightenment comes through practise and non
It is the attachment of the Energy Blockages of the ego which needs to be
And it is here that Energy Enhancement holds the key!!.
My aim in this lifetime, which cannot fail!! as it is the will of the Higher
Masters that this be so, that Energy Enhancement become the new Meditation
Technique, which influences all the World Meditations, improving them and
thus improving the evolution of all Humanity. This must be so because there
is no course in the world which teaches more than Energy Enhancement. It is
the Source of all meditational excellence.
Personally, I do not care about name or fame.
It is sufficient that Energy Enhancement fulfils its purpose.
Thus I offer Energy Enhancement..
1 Further Levels to remove even more blockages.
2. Energy Enhancement Teacher Training and Certification.
All at the best lowest prices in order to support the movement of Energy
Enhancement into World Centers like London.
This must be my aim, my purpose, my life!!
Yours in Love and Light,
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other with Energy Enhancement Level 4 techniques - Energy Connections and the Mastery of Relationships and How to remove Energy Blockages and Implants from our Students - we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here to learn Energy Enhancement Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything. I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
Energy Enhancement Student .. loved your
answer, will take star wars more seriously. Who is George Lucas channelling to
bring such wisdom to a film?
Yoda: Premonitions , premonitions. Mm what are these visions you have
Anakin: They’re of pain, suffering,
Yoda: Yourself u speak of or someone you
Anakin: Someone
Yoda: Close to you?
Anakin: Yes
Yoda: Careful you must be when sensing
the future Anakin, a fear of loss is the path to the dark side
Anakin: I won’t let these visions come
true Master Yoda
Yoda: Death is a natural part of life,
rejoice for those around you that transform to the force, mourn them do not,
miss them do not, attatchment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed that is
Anakin: What must I do Master yoda?
Yoda: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose..
The Mastery of Relationships With Energy Enhancement Level Four!!
Psychology, Transactional Analysis, Life Games, Scripts Energy Blockages Directory
Tamil Siddar BHOGAR - Kundalini Yoga and Spiritual Alchemy
Further Study
When Milarepa reached his fifteenth year, his mother decided on a plan to
recover the lost inheritance. She scraped together whatever resources she could
borrow from neighbors and relatives and put on a feast, inviting all who had
been present when her husband had died and made known his last wishes. As the
assembled neighbors and relatives were feasting and drinking large cups of chang
(fermented barley), she stood up and recounted all that her husband had said on
his deathbed, reminding her husband's brother and sister that they were to be
only caretakers of the estate. Now that Milarepa had attained his majority, she
requested that all the property be restored to them
But the greedy Aunt and Uncle now claimed that they had been the original owners
and had only loaned the property to the Mila-Dorje-Senge family and thus,
Milarapa and his mother had no real claim on the property. The aunt and uncle
now began indignantly slapping Milarepa's mother and the two children, calling
them ungrateful wretches to act thus after accepting the charity of living with
them and eating their food. Thus they drove them out of the large stone house to
let the mother and children fend for themselves.
Some of the relatives and neighbors were sympathetic to Milarepa's family, but
they were not sufficient in strength or numbers to oppose the clan of the Aunt
and Uncle. And so it happened that the three were turned out of their own house.
After that they lived meagerly, supported by the relatives of Milarepa's mother
and charity from Zesay's family. The three were forced to work hard, exchanging
their labor for a bit of food or a scrap of clothing. During this time they
found no joy in their lives whatsoever.
One day Milarepa happened to be singing loudly, proud of his voice, when his
mother overheard him and was stung to the quick by his unseemly outburst of
happiness. She immediately berated him for his transgression in the face of the
relentless misery of their existence. She thought over the situation and decided
to take action. She wanted him to learn the black arts of sorcery in order to
wreak vengeance on their enemies, the greedy Aunt and Uncle. Milarepa agreed
that he would apply himself under a good teacher if his mother provided him with
fees for the apprenticeship and living expenses. In order to do so, She sold
half of the small plot of property that had belonged to her side of the family
before her marriage and sent Milarapa off with money. Before he took her leave
she very solemnly told him that she would kill herself in his very presence if
he returned without having learned sufficient magic to be able to wreak some
havoc on their enemies.
Milarepa traveled a distance away to a Lama who was known about the countryside
as one who was proficient in the black arts. Along with some other young
apprentices, Milarepa spent nearly a year learning mostly ineffectual magic
rites with high sounding titles. At the end of the year, the pupils were sent
off and told that if they applied themselves diligently they would succeed in
their quest. Milarepa accompanied his companions for a time as they took their
leave but then turned back to the Lama's house. Along the way, he collected a
quantity of manure and dug a hole and buried it in the Lama's garden as a small
gift to his teacher. The Lama observed this from his roof, and is said to have
remarked that he had never had a pupil more affectionate and industrious as the
young lad Milarepa was. The latter, went in to the Lama's presence and told him
of his mother's vow to kill herself in his presence if he didn't learn some real
magic. He then recounted his tale of woe in all its detail to the Lama who was
greatly saddened by the story. The Lama decided to confer some real power on
Milarepa but he wanted to make sure that the magic would not be used unjustly so
he sent a fleet disciple to Milarepa's homeland to find out if the tale was
true. On the disciples return, he agreed to show him the true and potent rituals
for invoking the Tutelary deities to take revenge.
Milarepa absorbed all the teachings thoroughly and carefully carried out the
prescribed ritual for 14 days. At the end of the ritual the Tutelary deities
appeared to him in a vision with the bloody heads and hearts of 35 of the
relatives who had most ill-treated him. The Lama informed him that two of the
guilty ones had been missed and asked Milarepa if he wanted their lives as well.
He replied that he wanted them to be spared as witnesses to the power of his
magic. Thus it came to pass that his two very worst enemies, the greedy Aunt and
Uncle were spared from harm.
From a phenomenal aspect, the sorcery took the form of a disaster that occurred
at the family wedding. All the relatives and friends who had been most offensive
to him had gathered at the great stone house to celebrate the wedding. There was
a big commotion outside and some of the horses kept in the yard started kicking
and running about violently agitated, until one of them ran into the main
supporting column of the three story house with such force that the entire house
came crashing down on the wedding party with tremendous noise and force killing
everyone inside except for the Aunt and Uncle.
All this was observed by some of those sympathetic to the Milarepa family who
were just approaching the house. Milarepa's mother quickly learned of the
catastrophe and was ecstatic with cruel joy. She came gloating over the
destruction that her son had caused telling everyone what joy her son had
brought to her aging heart by causing so much death and destruction. The
relatives of the dead were quite upset at the tragedy and more so to learn of
her gloating. They talked it over but were divided on whether to get together
and kill her in revenge, or to go after her son Milarepa, who had directly
caused the destruction. After due consideration they decided to find and kill
the son. Soon word of their plans got back to the mother so she sent a message
to her son, along with several gold pieces she got from selling the remaining
half of her plot of land. In the note she described her joy at his success and
requested him now to launch a powerful hail storm on the area, ruining the crops
of their enemies and striking fear into their hearts so as to prevent further
Milarepa received the note from the pilgrim courier and gave the gold pieces
over to the Sorcerer-Lama, requesting him to teach him the art of launching hail
storms. Armed with his new magic, Milarepa traveled incognito back to his
homeland and set up his ritualistic site on a hillside overlooking the valley of
his homeland below. He began his incantations and soon dark clouds began to
gather and then a succession of three powerful hail storms utterly ruined the
entire barley crop of that year, a crop that had promised to be one of the
heaviest in years.
After the destruction, Milarepa retreated to a cave in the hillside to escape
the cold wind and lit a fire for warmth. After a few hours he heard some of his
former neighbors walking by the cave he had taken refuge in. They had guessed
who was responsible for this fresh mischief and were immensely angered by the
all destruction he had caused, first to the 35 people killed in the wedding
party, and now to the season's rich harvest of barley - utterly laid waste. The
men were talking amongst themselves, saying as they walked past the cave that if
Milarapa fell into their hands at that very moment, their vengeance could hardly
be satisfied by chopping his body into tiny bits; such was their anger. At that
instant one of them spotted the fire and guessed that it was Milarepa himself
taking refuge in the cave. They hurried quickly and quietly away to go gather a
party to go after him. Meanwhile as soon as they had left, Milarepa made good
his escape and journeyed back to the Sorcerer-Lama.
Lone Rider inTibetan Immensity
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda - A Separate Reality
The Teachings of Don Juan by Carlos Castaneda