Meditation Energy Enhancement

Meditation + Psychic Powers: Shaktipat, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, Enlightenment, and Ramana Maharsh


From time immemorial it has been known that some people, Yogis, Gurus, Shamen, Priests, Saints, Paramahamsas, Buddhas, Christs, including Ramana Maharshi have evolved to a state of high energy.

These pure and good people, wanting benefit and happiness for all, without a trace of selfishness and competition have been known to have psychic powers.

Their search for energy and goodness has precipitated within them the next stage of human evolution.

For thousands of years the enlightenend have been Good Doctors, Good Priests, founders of religion, Philosophic Geniuses, Advisors of Kings, Musical Geniuses, Poets, Makers of the Law.

For thousands of years these people, wielding amazing Siddhis or Psychic powers, have been recorded as healing of the sick, casting out mental sickness, coming in dreams, communicating through telepathy, the radiation of specialised energies, leaving the body, entering into the body of another, astral travel, telling the future, acting at a distance, raising Kundalini, Shaktipat, the ability to pass healing into amulets, temples, places of peace, pilgrimage sites, creating miracles, birds and beasts come to them in peace.

For example, Ramana Maharshi is noted as being the saint who died in 1950 who all the people in India agree was enlightened. Ramana seemed to have a photographic memory. He was asked questions about enlightenment from sacred books. He was able to recognize and answer those questions from his own experience. Through people bringing them to him he was able to remember all the sacred books of India.

1. From his ashram in South India he traveled astrally to Punjaji in Delhi and invited him to his ashram. When Punjaji saw him he suspected a trick and prepared to leave. It was only when he heard the witness to the fact from many people that Ramana had never gone to Delhi in the flesh that he agreed to stay. Punjaji became enlightened many years later and taught his own students.

2. About a year after his first meeting with Sri Bhagavan, Ganapathi Muni experienced a remarkable outflow of his Grace. While he was sitting in meditation in the temple of Ganapati at Tiruvottiyur he felt distracted and longed intensely for the presence and guidance of the Bhagavan. At that moment Sri Ramana entered the temple.

Ganapathi prostrated himself before him and, as he was about to rise, he felt the Maharshi's hand upon his head and a terrifically vital force coursing through his body from the touch; so that he also received Grace by touch from the Master. Speaking about this incident in later years, not Ganapathi Muni, but the Enlightened sage HIMSELF Sri Ramana Maharshi said:

"One day, some years ago, I was lying down and awake when I distinctly felt my body rise higher and higher. I could see the physical objects below growing smaller and smaller until they disappeared and all around me was a limitless expanse of dazzling light. After some time I felt the body slowly descend and the physical objects below began to appear.

I was so fully aware of this incident that I finally concluded that it must be by such means that Sages using the powers of Siddhis travel over vast distances in a short time and Appear and Disappear in such a mysterious manner. While the body thus descended to the ground it occurred to me that I was at Tiruvottiyur though I had never seen the place before.

I found myself on a highroad and walked along it. At some distance from the roadside was a temple of Ganapati and I entered it and gave Uppadesa, Shaktipat to Ganapathi. I suppose that this is the experience of all the ancient saints and Rishis from time immemorial"

3. In 1938 a woman by the name of Mercedes De Acosta, was driven by an inner need to visit Sri Ramana. After she had been sitting in the meditation hall for several hours a fellow American, Guy Hague, who many people have said was the real life role model for the Larry Darrell character in William Somerset Maugham's The Razor's Edge, suggested she go and sit closer to the Maharshi.

He said, "You can never tell when Bhagavan will come out of Samadhi. When he does, I am sure he will be pleased to see you, and it will be beneficial for you, at this moment, to be sitting near him."

"I moved near Bhagavan, sitting at his feet and facing him. Not long after this Bhagavan opened his eyes. He moved his head and looked directly down at me, his eyes looking into mine. It would be impossible to describe this moment and I am not going to attempt it. I can only say that at this second I felt my inner being raised to a new level - as if, suddenly, my state of consciousness was lifted to a much higher degree. Perhaps in this split second I was no longer my human self but the Soul."

These and similar eye contact sequences are reported similarly by many others.

4. Professor G.V.Subbaramayya has recounted how he prayed to the sage Sri Ramana for the cure of his two-year-old daughter and how she was cured by his Grace. Later he met Sri Ramana Maharshi and enquired of him, " did you not think that you must do something to save the child?" Straight came his reply :

"Even the thought of saving the child is a desire, and one who has any desire is not enlightened. In fact any such thought is unnecessary. The moment the enlightened persons attention is drawn in a certain direction there starts the automatic divine activity which itself leads to the highest good."

Note the lack of ego in the words above. See the words selfish desire and good. These elements seem to a part of the way that the enlightened see the world. Even Sivananda of Rishikesh said, "Be Good, Do Good." It is the gap between these two where we are judged and where our karma is created.

The shaktipat, the radiation of psychic energies by the enlightened can awaken these abilities in all who come to them. This has been known and recorded in the Sacred literature for thousands of years.

Indeed, some sacred literature states that only by access to the energies of the Masters, can enlightenment be passed on.

The greater your insensitivity, the more somnolent you are, the greater your need for a guru. Understand that. If you are fast asleep, how can you awaken yourself? Someone else will have to shake you. Even then the chances are that you will roll over and fall back asleep again." - Osho

The search for this next step in evolution comes from the enhancement, the increase, of energy.

They say that Masters represents infinite power through a complete loss of the selfish ego - When the robe was touched no credit was claimed by the wearer, It was your faith which healed you! said the Master - and so the truism, It takes two to Tango, - the student must be purified and prepared by evolution and spiritual practice to accept the Force, the Energy transmitted by the Master.

Thus we learn and practice Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Samadhi, Samyama, the Kundalini Kriyas, Chinese Alchemical Taoism and the Micro and Macrocosmic Orbits, VITRIOL and The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, The Grounding of Negative Energies, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Raja Yoga and the Eighteen Classical Yogas of the Bhagavad Gita.

And Masters have existed in every time period.

They exist Now!!

Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation!

He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!!



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   Streaming Video DEMO 2
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   Dhiren Spirit Meditation
   Honey During Meditation
   Philip Lot of Energy
   Jeans Form of Meditation
   Amy There is this Light
   Chris Training  Meditation
   Vanessa Yoga Teacher
   Thomas energy flowing
   Gerhard increase energy
   Dr.Susana Gain more
   James I'm Shanghai now
   Dr.Thomas Good Spirits
   Pierre Meditation practice
   Thomas Spiritual aspect
   Lydie Enhancement Level
   Paul The meditations
   Alan Energy Enhancement
   Alexandra the Energy
   Anna Gained More Energy
   Arwen an intensive yoga
   Carla Follow this Light
   Craig The Initiation One
   Daniele grow  & lightness
   David Yoga Teacher
   Don the E E course here
   Felicity Energy Workshop
   Fenrris journey to India
   Jacqueline More peace
   Jinny breath of God
   Lawrence Meditation on
   Lizabetas After EE course
   Norma the First Level
   Nurse Initiations of Energy
   Olympia with Energy
   Peter initiated to Level 3
   Sophia a dance workshop
   Susan practice meditation
   MS suggest Energy
   Yuko Screamed in silence
   Thomas blockage in my
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