From: Gerhard Esparel-Schlintl
I learned my only way of meditation I was ready to practice, Energy Enhancement Meditation, and which is the only one I really want to practice.
This meditation means that I am with my consciousness totally inside my body.
There I can look for places where I can find pain.
And than I can release this pain through my grounding cord to the middle of the earth.
We learned how to remove all this blockages between the center of the earth and the center of the universe.
After freeing my body from emotional pain, I started to remove every energy that was within my body with the intention to control me.
After the first week I learned to clean all my chakras.
In the heart chakra I had the most impressive experience. After realizing pain in this area I felt I strong increase in energy in my heart chakra but it was so strong the, I felt a channel of light was streaming in, I could feel it in my whole body.
But now I am more then one week back home and at work. I am still releasing energy during my energy enhancement meditation working with energy and releasing it in the organs and every where in the body.
This I always do it from my energy working point between the middle of my head, where I can look and scan my physical and emotional and mental body.
Love and light
Gerhard, Austrian Banker