Meditation Energy Enhancement

Integration - Heart, Intelligence, Emotional IQ, Psychology, Creativity and EE Meditation


For thousands of years Yogis and Masters of Meditation have been talking about integration.

With integration comes all the benefits of a one pointed and focused mind, leading to higher ability and achievement, Higher Intelligence, Intellect, Emotional IQ, Communication, Creativity and Will Power.

As well as the integration of the energy centers of the body, the chakras through the removal of energy blockages, there is also an incredible integration of the separated selves, both of which come about through meditation.

Yogic theory says that your mind is like a distributed or parallel processing computer with many energy blockages, ego programs and sub-personalities wandering around in it. Ghosts in the Machine!

This is the reason why people are inconsistent, they tend to change their minds!

Now this is interesting, the idea, the theory that we are a collection of sub-personalities and in this work of integration, we are aiming to make one of the sub-personalities the strongest by absorbing and integrating all the lesser sub-personalities into it.

One strong integrated personality is more decisive and more successful than a hundred weak and aimless sub-personalities.

The first step in the process of integration is simply to examine the theory and literature on sub-personalities and then start to spot and notice the effects of sub-personalities in the people around you.

1. First we have the literature on Sub-personalities. As well as the psychological books detailing abnormal multiple personalitied people, we also have literature on the softer and more normal symptoms of the pervasive nature of sub-personalities in everyone.

a. Paracelsus von Hohenheim (1490-1541) was the outstanding medical therapist of his time and, perhaps, the greatest mystic in the history of Western medicine. He devoted his life to research in the healing arts. Paracelsus visited Constantinople to acquaint himself with the secret practices of the Dervishes and the Sufis.

The invisible progeny of man include thought-forms and emotion-forms. These are like infants or inner children, especially in their beginnings, for they depend upon their creator for their nutrition and survival. Paracelsus noted that most elementaries or sub-personalities seem to be of an evil or destructive nature. They are generated from the excesses of human thought and emotion, the corruption of character, or the degeneration of faculties and powers which should be used in other, more constructive ways....

b. Gurdjieff "The person who says he will get up at 5 in the morning, is not the same person who throws the alarm clock out of the window!" Addictive and negative sub-personalities were part of the Gurdjieffian teaching, The Work, and indeed Gurdjieff cured many people of their most distressing symptoms.

"One of the basic principles explains the many and varied I's in a man. The unawakened man is not a unified person. He has dozens of selves within him, each falsely calling itself "me". The many I's within a man explains many mysteries about human nature. For example, a man decides to give up an undesirable habit, but the next day he repeats it again. Why? Because another entitiy sub personality, I, has taken over, an energy blockage that likes the habit and has no intention of giving it up."

c. Eric Berne of Transactional Analysis, and his book, "The Games People Play". Forty years ago, Games People Play revolutionized our understanding of what really goes on during our most basic social interactions. More than five million copies later, Dr. Eric Bernes classic is as astonishingand revealingas it was on the day it was first published.

d. Jung, and his Archetypal sub-personalities.

e. Dame Alexandra-Neel worked with sub-personalities and Thought-Forms in Tibet and reported on her experiences in her autobiography.

f. Hubbard - those beings or entities, energy blockages or "body thetans" ("BTs") that are located in the body or around the body are inhabiting various things, like a body part - a bone, arm, cell, or they are a particular sub-personality, or condition, such as "TV watcher," or "fear," or "worker," or "solitary angry man," and so on.

"People get confused as to who they are and who they are not. A person hears these voices or feels desires, and so on, and thinks he is the source of them. Yet, you are not necessarily the originator of these thoughts or impulses. So, by identifying who is the source of these vocalizations or impulses and spotting where it is located and removing it, you are freed to think for yourself."

g. Many philosophers, including George Santayana and David Hume, have also observed how a person switches constantly from one I to another.

2. Sub-personalities in people are created to make them weaker. The younger we are, the more we are affected by physical and emotional shocks to the system, traumas which create negative emotions, anger and sadness are caused by energy blockages. These traumas split off the ego programs into Inner Children Sub-Personalities who sabotage your life thereafter.

3. Then we have the symptoms of sub-personalities in all people. The inner child archetypes of the attention seeking energy vampires, - the poor me, the violator, the selfish competitive star, the seducer, the tyrant, the pleaser, the critic and many more games that people play, which have been written about in many articles.

4. Then we have the advanced meditational technology to integrate the sub-personalities and become more creative and successful. And even meditation is not enough, now we need real Meditative Progress, a Speeding up of the Process of Meditation through Advanced Meditational Techniques.

The Kundalini Kriyas, the Grounding of Negative Energies, Opening the Heart Center, Soul Fusion and the Seven Step Process will integrate you and give real results of Integration - evolution, coherence, alignment and progress in our lives and in the lives of everyone in the World, FAST!!

Meditation and Energy Enhancement which teaches Twenty Seven Ancient and Effective techniques Beyond Simple Meditation to Speed Up the Meditative Process will progressively increase Energy, Intelligence and Will.

Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation.!



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   Streaming Video DEMO 2
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   Dhiren Spirit Meditation
   Honey During Meditation
   Philip Lot of Energy
   Jeans Form of Meditation
   Amy There is this Light
   Chris Training  Meditation
   Vanessa Yoga Teacher
   Thomas energy flowing
   Gerhard increase energy
   Dr.Susana Gain more
   James I'm Shanghai now
   Dr.Thomas Good Spirits
   Pierre Meditation practice
   Thomas Spiritual aspect
   Lydie Enhancement Level
   Paul The meditations
   Alan Energy Enhancement
   Alexandra the Energy
   Anna Gained More Energy
   Arwen an intensive yoga
   Carla Follow this Light
   Craig The Initiation One
   Daniele grow  & lightness
   David Yoga Teacher
   Don the E E course here
   Felicity Energy Workshop
   Fenrris journey to India
   Jacqueline More peace
   Jinny breath of God
   Lawrence Meditation on
   Lizabetas After EE course
   Norma the First Level
   Nurse Initiations of Energy
   Olympia with Energy
   Peter initiated to Level 3
   Sophia a dance workshop
   Susan practice meditation
   MS suggest Energy
   Yuko Screamed in silence
   Thomas blockage in my
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