APPRENTICE LEVEL 1. Initiation 6
Psychic Protections
Energy Blockages tend to move from one person to another according to the Third Law of Thermodynamics - Energy flows from areas of high concentration to low concentration. This means...
1. Positive energy flows from Saints at a high energy level into people of low levels , thus raising them up and making them higher. Another byproduct is that Blockages tend to get thrown out by this raising of energies and in the process making their blockages really upset. Thus the attributes of Kundalini Energy. A feeling of Awe and Fear or Anger. Shaking and heat and cold in the presence of the Enlightened.
2. The Blockages of the unenlightened flow into the enlightened. Negative energy flows from High concentrations to low concentrations. "Bringing an unformed man into the presence of the wise is like throwing a dead dog into a pool of rosewater." Sufi saying. This has the effect of healing the people who come into the presence of the wise, but unless they are coming to learn, rather than being just curious, the unenlightened will soon come back to their previous state.
Thus, protection is very necessary to prevent Meditation Energy Enhancement students from picking up the blockages of others , giving out too much spiritual energy or receiving too much positive energy, except when they want to....
a. The Spiral of protection.
How to further increase the connection with the Universal Energy Source, and the spiral flow of Energy throughout our Energy System so that we can use this connection to further cleanse all the psychic bodies and to increase the energy from all previous Initiations.
b. The Power Towers and the CIRCLE of protection
How to learn higher methods of energy protection for yourself and every thing around you. Also, as your energy increases, so you will start to affect everything around you.
These Meditation Energy Enhancement Protection techniques show you how to create a "ring pass not" of energy around you so that you can learn how not to waste your energy unnecessarily. So that you will not affect other people unless you want to, and you will not be so affected by the negative energies around you.
It protects the people around you from unintentionally being exposed to your energy of change. With Meditation Energy Enhancement Techniques increasing your energies, you could start to affect the people around you. This shows you how to protect them from your evolutionary energy.
c. Pyramid Protection
Pyramids are pictorial representations of enlightenment incorporating all the chakras. It is a Traditional Protection, effectively taught on the Meditation Energy Enhancement course to raise your energy levels to the Masonic Thirty Third Degree of Jesus Christ and above to protect against attack.