Leonardo Dicaprio and the Game of Thrones Venetian Conspiracy -
Leonardo wears a black Venetian mask of the Black Nobility.
Address delivered to the ICLC Conference near Wiesbaden, Germany,
Easter Sunday, 1981; (appeared in Campaigner, September, 1981)
Periods of history marked, like the one we are living through, by
the convulsive instability of human institutions pose a special
challenge for those who seek to base their actions on adequate and
authentic knowledge of historical process.
Such knowledge can come
only through viewing history as the lawful interplay of contending
conspiracies pitting Platonists against their epistemological and
political adversaries.
There is no better way to gain insight into such matters than
through the study of the history of the Venetian oligarchy, the
classic example of oligarchical despotism and evil outside of the
Far East.
In the same way that the Venetians caused and parasitised the decline and destruction of great states, so we can see that the USA is currently being destroyed and parasitised.
Not only destroyed but also, previously raised up in the same way that New Venice invested in and raised up China. Only to suppress fusion power and parasitise her long decline and the decline of a NWO World.
So, how did they do this, not what they did which is normal history.
And they did all this through Diplomacy - meeting and talking to the prime movers of the Deep State - Since Roman times there has been the political show of bought and blackmailed Politicians and the Satanic families who manage them - and their coterie - bribing them, removing them, replacing them with their men.
Through the Media - Books, Television, Movies who keep society in line, fearful, and tell the what to think - Like Murdoch of Fox News who is a Knight of Malta.
Through Satanic secret societies within secret societies who provide their men for example the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House, Bilderburgers, Club of Rome, Cini Foundation.
Through the Secret Services who provide Venetian advisors to terrorists like Genghis Khan supplied with money and arms and advisors to take over China and attack Europe. Who provide assassins like James Bond. Spying experts and the NSA to help with Bribery and corruption, to help with Political and Industrial Espionage. Who provide intellects like Paolo Sarpi to manage it all for the Venetian Deep State.
Such are the benefits of history..
Venice called itself the Serenissima Republica (Serene Republic),
but it was no republic in any sense comprehensible to an American,
as James Fenimore Cooper points out in the preface to his novel The
Bravo. But its sinister institutions do provide an unmatched
continuity of the most hideous oligarchical rule for fifteen
centuries and more, from the years of the moribund Roman Empire in
the West to the Napoleonic Wars, only yesterday in historical terms.
Venice can best be thought of as a kind of conveyor belt,
transporting the Babylonian contagions of decadent antiquity smack
dab into the world of modern states.
The more than one and one-half millennia of Venetian continuity is
first of all that of the oligarchical families and the government
that was their stooge, but it is even more the relentless
application of a characteristic method of statecraft and political
intelligence. Venice, never exceeding a few hundred thousand in
population, rose to the status of Great Power in the thirteenth
century, and kept that status until the Peace of Westphalia in 1648,
thanks to the most highly developed system of embassies, of domestic
and foreign intelligence, and related operational potentials.
As the following story details, Venice was at the center of the
efforts to destroy the advanced European civilization of the
eleventh and twelfth centuries, and bears a crushing burden of guilt
for the ascendancy of the Black Guelphs and the coming of the black
plague. The Venetians were the intelligencers for the Mongol army of
Ghengis Khan and his heirs, and had a hand in guiding them to the
sack of Baghdad and the obliteration of its renaissance in the
thirteenth century.
The Venetians were the mortal enemies of the humanist Paleologue
dynasty in Byzantium. They were the implacable foes of Gemisthos
Plethon, Cosimo de’ Medici, Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli,
and the entirety of the Florentine Golden Renaissance, which they
conspired – successfully – to destroy. Venetian influence was
decisive in cutting off the Elizabethan epoch in England, and in
opening the door to the lugubrious Jacobean era.
Venetian public relations specialists were responsible for picking
up the small-time German provincial heretic Martin Luther and
raising him to the big-time status of heresiarch among a whole herd
of total- predestination divines. Not content with this wrecking
operation against the Church, Venice was thereafter the “mother” for
the unsavory, itinerant Ignatius of Loyola and his Jesuit order.
After the Council of Trent, Venice was also the matrix for the
Philosophe- Libertin ferment of the delphic, anti-Leibniz
Enlightenment. Venice beat Thomas Malthus and Jeremy Bentham to the
punch in inflicting British political economy and philosophical
radicalism on the whole world.
Although Napoleon Bonaparte had the merit of forcing the formal
liquidation of this loathsome organism during his Italian campaign
of 1797, his action did not have the effect we would have desired.
The cancer, so to speak, had already had ample time for metastasis –
into Geneva, Amsterdam, London, and elsewhere. Thus, though the
sovereign political power of Venice had been extinguished, its
characteristic method lived on, serving as the incubator of what the
twentieth century knows as fascism, first in its role as a breeding
ground for the protofascist productions of Wagner and Nietzsche,
later in the sponsorship of fascist politicians like Gabriele
D’Annunzio and Benito Mussolini. The Venetians ran a large chunk of
the action associated with the Parvus Plan to dismember Russia, and
may well have been the ones who surprised everyone, including
London, by unleashing World War 1 in the Balkans.
Most important, Venice is today through its Cini Foundation and its
Societé Europeenne de Culture the think tank and staging area for
the Club of Rome and related deployments. Venice is the
supranational homeland of the New Dark Ages gang, the unifying
symbol for the most extreme Utopian lunatic fringe in the
international intelligence community today.
Get to know Venice. Then look back to the monetarist imbecility of
Paul Volker, at the ideological fanaticism that radiates forth from
the Bank of America, Chase Manhattan, the Bank for International
Settlements and the rest. You will recognize the unmistakable putrid
stench of a Venetian canal, where the rotting marble palaces of
generations of parasites are corroded by the greatest cynicism and
cruelty the world has ever known.
In the Middle Ages the Venetians were known as the archetypes of the
parasite, the people who “neither sow nor reap.” For the Greeks,
they were the hated “frogs of the marshes.” In Germany, a folk tale
describes the merchant of Venice as an aged Pantaloon who makes his
rounds robbing men of their human hearts and leaving a cold stone in
their place.
Closer to the essence of Venice is the city’s symbol, the winged
lion of St. Mark, bearing the misleading inscription, Pax Tibi Marce,
Evangelista Meus (“Peace be with you Mark, my evangelist.”) The
chimerical winged lion comes out of the East, either from Persia or
from China. The symbol is thus blatantly pagan, with St. Mark being
added as an afterthought because of his alleged visit to the
Venetian lagoons. To buttress the story, the Venetians stole St.
Mark’s body from Alexandria in Egypt, and Tintoretto has a painting
celebrating this feat.
The point is that Venice looks East, toward the Levant, Asia Minor,
central Asia, and the Far East, toward its allies among the Asian
and especially Chinese oligarchies which were its partners in trade
and war. This is reflected in a whole range of weird, semi-oriental
features of Venetian life, most notably the secluded, oriental
status of women, with Doges like Mocenigo proudly exhibiting a
personal harem well into modern times.
Venice today sits close to the line from Lubeck to Trieste, the
demarcation between NATO and Warsaw Pact Europe, roughly
corresponding to the boundary between Turks in the East and
Christians in the West, and still earlier between the Holy Roman and
Byzantine Empires. Into this part of the northern Adriatic flow the
rivers of the southern side of the Dolomites and the Julian Alps.
The greatest of these is the Po. These rivers, around 300 A.D., made
the northern Adriatic a continuous belt of marshes and lagoons about
fifteen kilometers wide, and extending from the city of Ravenna
around to the base of the Istrian Peninsula, where the Italian-
Yugoslavian border lies today.
In the center of this system was Aquileia, starting point of an
important north-south trade route across the Brenner Pass to the
Danube Valley and Bohemia. Aquileia was the seat of a patriarch of
the Christian Church, but its tradition was overwhelmingly pagan,
and typified by rituals of the Ancient Egyptian Isis cult. For a
time after the year 404, Ravenna and not Rome was the capital of the
Roman Empire in the West. After the extinction of the western
empire, Ravenna was the seat of government of Theodoric the
Ostrogoth, the court visited by Boethius. Later Ravenna was the
capital of a part of Italy ruled by the Byzantines.
The islands of the lagoons provided an invulnerable refuge,
comparable to Switzerland during World War II, for Roman aristocrats
and others fleeing the paths of Goth, Hun, and Langobard armies.
Already between 300 and 400 A.D. there are traces of families whose
names will later become infamous: Candiano, Faliero, Dandolo. Legend
has it that the big influx of refugees came during the raids of
Attila the Hun in 452 A.D. Various areas of the lagoons were
colonized, including the present site of Torcello, before the seat
of administration was fixed at a group of islands known as Rivus
Altus (“the highest bank”), later the Rialto, the present location
of the city of Venice. The official Ab Urbe Condita is March 25, 721
A.D. Paoluccio Anafesto, the first ruler of the lagoon communities,
called the doge (the Venetian equivalent of Latin dux or Florentine
duca/duce, meaning leader or duke), is said to have been elected in
the year 697.
The most significant fact of this entire period is that the whelp of
what was later to become Venice survived and grew thanks to its
close alliance with the evil Emperor Justinian in Constantinople, an
alliance that was underlined in later years by intermarriage of doge
and other leading Venetian oligarchs with the nobility of Byzantium,
where a faction embodying the sinister traditions of the Roman
Senate lived on for a thousand years after the fall of Rome in 476.
Venetian families are divided into two categories. First come the
oldest families, or Longhi, who can claim to prove their nobility
substantially before the year 1000. The Longhi include many names
that are sadly familiar to the student of European history: Dandolo,
Michiel, Morosini, Contarini, Giustinian (perhaps related to the
just- mentioned Byzantine emperor), Zeno, Corner (or Cornaro),
Gradenigo, Tiepolo, and Falier. These old families held a monopoly
of the dogeship until 1382, at which time they were forced to admit
the parvenu newcomers, or Curti, to the highest honor of the state.
After this time new families like Mocenigo, Foscari, Malipiero,
Vendramin, Loredano, Gritti, Dona, and Trevisan came into the
These families and the state they built grew rich through their
parasitizing of trade, especially East-West trade, which came to
flow overwhelmingly through the Rialto markets. But there is a
deeper reality, one which even derogatory stories about spice
merchants are designed to mask.
The primary basis for Venetian opulence was slavery. This slavery
was practiced as a matter of course against Saracens, Mongols,
Turks, and other non-Christians. In addition, it is conclusively
documented that it was a matter of standard Venetian practice to
sell Christians into slavery. This included Italians and Greeks, who
were most highly valued as galley slaves. It included Germans and
Russians, the latter being shipped in from Tana, the Venetian
outpost at the mouth of the Don, in the farthest corner of the Sea
of Azov. At a later time, black Africans were added to the list and
rapidly became a fad among the nobility of the republic.
During the years of the Venetian overseas empire, islands like
Crete, Cyprus, Corfu, Naxos, and smaller holdings in the Aegean were
routinely worked by slave labor, either directly under the Venetian
regime, or under the private administration of a Venetian
oligarchical clan like the Corner, who owed their riches to such
slavery. In later centuries, the harems of the entire Ottoman
Empire, from the Balkans to Morocco, were stocked by Venetian
slaves. The shock troops of the Ottoman Turkish armies, the
Janissaries, were also largely provided by Venetian merchants. A
section of the Venetian waterfront is still called Riva Degli
Schiavoni – slaves’ dock.
Around 1500, the Venetian oligarch Cristofor da Canal, the leading
admiral of the Serenissima Repubblica at that time, composed what he
described as a Platonic dialogue concerning the relative merits of
galley slaves: the Italians the worst, Dalmatians better, the Greeks
the best and toughest of all, although personally filthy and
repulsive. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Venice had
treaty relations with other states, like Bavaria, by which convicts
were delivered to the Serenissima to work as life-long galley
Indistinguishable from slave gathering operation were piracy and
buccaneering, the other staples of the Venetian economy. Wars with
Genoa or with other powers were eagerly sought-after opportunities
to loot the enemy’s shipping with clouds of corsairs, and victory or
defeat usually depended more on the success of the privateering than
on the direct combat of the galleys, cogs, and soldiers of the
battle fleets.
Piracy shades over imperceptibly into routine commerce. Through
decades of treachery and mayhem, the Venetians were able to
establish themselves as the leading entrepot port of the
Mediterranean world, where, as in London up to 1914, the vast bulk
of the world’s strategic commodities were brought for sale,
warehousing, and transshipment. The most significant commodities
were spices and silks from India and China, destined for markets in
Central and Western Europe. Europe in turn produced textiles and
metals, especially precious metals, for export to the East.
Venetian production from the earliest period until the end was
essentially nil, apart from salt and the glass manufactures of
Murano. The role of the Venetian merchant is that of the
profiteering middleman who rooks both buyer and seller, backing up
his monopolization of the distribution and transportation systems
with the war galleys of the battle fleet.
The Venetian approach to trade was ironically dirigistic. Venice
asserted a monopoly of all trade and shipping in the northern
Adriatic. The Serenissima’s own functionaries organized merchant
galley fleets that were sent out one or two times a year to key
ports. The galleys were built by the regime in its shipyards, known
as the Arsenal, for many centuries the largest factory in the world.
They were leased to oligarchs and consortia of oligarchs at a type
of auction. Every detail of the operation of these galley fleets,
including the obligation to travel in convoy, was stipulated by
peremptory state regulation.
In the heyday of Venice, galley fleets were sent to Tana and to
Trebizond in the Black Sea, to Crete, Rhodes, and Cyprus on the way
to Beirut in the Levant, to Tunis, Tripoli, Algiers, Oran, and
Alexandria in North Africa, as well as to Spanish, French, and west
coast Italian cities. Especially well-served was “Romania,” the area
roughly corresponding to modern Greece. Another galley route passed
through Gibraltar on the way to Southampton, London, Antwerp, and
Many of these galley ports correspond to continuing Venetian
influence today. In every instance the Venetians sought to skim the
cream off the top of world trade. Their profit margins had to be
sufficient to cover a “traditional” twenty percent interest rate,
the financing of frequent wars, and maritime insurance premiums, in
which they were pioneers.
The tremendous stability of the Venetian state has fascinated
historians. How is it possible to maintain the great power of Venice
for more than a millennium and a half without being conquered from
the outside, and without significant upheavals from within?
Venice remained impervious to foreign invasion from the first
settlement until 1797. The monolithic iniquity of Venetian state
institutions was seriously disturbed no more than a half dozen times
from within the city, and such incidents were speedily terminated by
bloodbaths that restored stability rather than spurring more
violence. This feature of the Venetian oligarchical system contrasts
sharply with that of its rival, Genoa, where each regime from 1300
to 1500 had the life expectancy of an Italian government today. It
contrasts sharply with the papacy, where the highest office was up
for grabs every dozen years or less, and where humanist factions
could sometimes prevail.
In Venice, the bloody resolution of internal faction fights within
the oligarchy was suppressed to a minimum, and these energies were
effectively sublimated in the depredation of the outside world. The
raging heteronomy of each oligarch was directed outward, not at his
factional rivals. In the typology of Plato’s Republic, Venice is an
oligarchy, “a constitution according to property, in which the rich
govern and the poor man has no share in government,” “the rule of
the few, constitution full of many evils.” This oligarchy has a
residue of timocracy, of rule based on honor. But at the same time
the Venetian regime was perversely aware of Plato’s description of
the swift transition from oligarchy to democracy and thence to
tyranny, and against this evolution the patriciate took measures.
Plato notes in Book VIII of The Republic that a “change in a
constitution always begins from the governing class when there is a
faction within; but so long as they are of one mind, even if they be
a very small class, it is impossible to disturb them.” The threat of
factionalization is located in the “storehouse full of gold, which
every man has,” and which “destroys such a constitution.” The
oligarchs “lay a sum of money, greater or less, according as the
oligarchy is more or less complete, and proclaim that no one may
share in the government unless his property comes up to the
assessment. This they carry out by force of arms, or they have used
terror before this to establish such a constitution.”
Venice lasted as long as it did because of the effective
subordination of the oligarchs and families to the needs of the
oligarchy as a whole, by the ironclad delimitation of noble status
to those already noble in 1297 and their male descendants, and by
continuous terror against the masses and against the nobility
All male members of the approximately one hundred fifty noble
families had the permanent right to a seat in the Gran Consiglio, or
Great Council, which grew to 2000 members around 1500 and thereafter
slowly declined. The seat in the Gran Consiglio and the vote it
brought were thus independent of which faction happened to be
calling the shots at a given moment. The ins might be in, but the
outs were sure of their place in the Gran Consiglio, and this body
elected the key governing bodies of the regime.
The first of these were the one hundred twenty members, or Pregadi,
of the Senate, the upper house which oversaw foreign affairs by
choosing the Venetian ambassadors. In the middle of the fifteenth
century, Venice was the first and only power which regularly
maintained permanent legations in all principal courts and capitals.
The Senate also chose five war ministers, five naval ministers (all
called Savi), and six Savii Grandi, ministers of still higher rank.
The Gran Consiglio elected a Council of Forty, which was first
devoted to budget and finance matters, later more to criminal
prosecution. The Gran Consiglio chose three state prosecutors, who
could and did sue any official of the state for malfeasance,
although the doge was accorded the privilege of being tried after
his death, with his family paying any fines levied. The Gran
Consiglio also elected the doge himself, through an incredible
Byzantine procedure designed to assure a representative choice.
First, thirty members of the Gran Consiglio were chosen at random,
using colored balls whose Venetian name is the origin of the
American word ballot. These thirty drew lots to cut their number
down to nine, who then nominated and elected a new group of forty
electors. These were then cut down by drawing lots to a group of
twelve. This procedure was repeated several times, terminating with
a group of forty-one electors of whom twenty-five could nominate a
doge for the approval of the Gran Consiglio. Somewhat less
complicated procedures were used to select a group of six advisors
for the doge.
Most typical of the Venetian system is the Council of Ten,
established in 1310 as the coordinating body for foreign and
domestic political intelligence operations. Meeting in secret
session together with the doge and his six advisors, the Ten had the
power to issue a bill of capital attainder against any person inside
Venetian jurisdiction, or abroad. If in Venice, that person was
generally strangled the same night and the body thrown into the
Canale degli Orfani.
The Ten had at their disposal a very extensive foreign intelligence
network, but it was inside Venetian territory that their
surveillance powers became pervasive: the contents of any discussion
among oligarchs or citizens was routinely known to the Ten within
twenty- four hours or less, thanks to the ubiquity of its informers
and spies. Visitors to the Doge’s Palace today can see mail slots
around the outside of the building in the shape of lion’s mouths
marked Per Denontie Segrete (“For Secret Denunciations”) for those
who wished to call to the attention of the Ten and their monstrous
bureaucracy individuals stealing from the state or otherwise
violating the law. Death sentences from the Ten were without appeal,
and their proceedings were never made public. Offenders simply
disappeared from view.
The Venetian regime is a perverse example of the “checks and
balances” theory of statecraft, and there were indeed a myriad of
such feedback mechanisms. The Savii Grandi balanced the powers of
the doge, who was also checked by his six advisors, while more and
more power passed to the state inquisitors and the chiefs of the
Ten. The state attorneys acted as watchdogs on most matters, as did
the Senate, and in times of crises the Gran Consiglio would also
assert its powers. The Ten were constantly lurking in the
Almost all officials except the doge were elected for terms
averaging between six months and one year, with stringent provision
against being reelected to an office until a number of months had
passed equal to the oligarch’s previous tenure in that post. This
meant that leading oligarchs were constantly being rotated and
shunted from one stop on the Cursus Honorum to another: to Savio
Grande to ducal advisor to state inquisitor and so forth. There was
no continuity of the population of Venice; the continuity was
located only in the oligarchy. In fact, the population of the city
seemed unable to reproduce itself. Venice suffered astronomical
rates of mortality from malaria and the plague – its canals, it must
be remembered, were first and foremost its sewer system. The
decimated natives were continually replenished by waves of
immigration, so much so that the Frenchman Philippe de Comynes, an
adversary of Machiavelli, could report that the population was
mostly foreigners.
Internal order was entrusted to an intricate system of local control
in each of the city’s sixty parishes, meshing with an elaborate
apparatus of corporatist guilds called the Scuole. This was
supplemented by an unending parade of festivals, spectacles, and
carnivals. Very few troops were usually stationed in the city.
So much for the phenomena. Reality was located in the fact that an
elite of ten to fifteen families out of the one hundred fifty
effectively ruled with an iron hand. Various Venetian diarists let
the cat out of the bag in their descriptions of corruption and
vote-buying, especially the bribery of the impoverished decadent
nobility, called Barnabotti, who were increasingly numerous in the
Gran Consiglio. The regime ran everything, and offices of all types
were routinely sold.
This reality of graft was also known to Dante. The poetical geometry
of Canto 21 of the Inferno, the canto of the grafters or Barattieri,
is established by a reference to the Venetian Arsenal and the pitch
used to caulk the hulls of the galleys:
As in the Arsenal of the Venetians
Boils in the winter the tenacious pitch
To smear their leaky vessels over again,
For sail they cannot.
The souls of the grafters are immersed in the boiling pitch, where
they are guarded by the Malebranche, grotesque winged monsters armed
with spears and hooks: a fitting allegory for the souls of the
Dante visited Venice in 1321, acting in his capacity as diplomatic
representative of the nearby city of Ravenna, whose overlord was for
a time his protector. He died shortly after leaving Venice. The two
explanations of his death converge on murder: one version state that
he was denied a boat in which to travel south across the lagoon. He
was forced to follow a path through the swamps, caught malaria, and
died. Another version says that a boat was available, but that to
board it would have meant certain assassination. Venetian records
regarding this matter have conveniently disappeared.
The Venetian method of statecraft is based on Aristotle – the
deepest Aristotelian tradition in the West. Long before the era of
Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) and St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274),
Venice had established itself as the chief center for the
translation and teaching of Aristotle’s works.
In the year 1135, the Senate sent Giacomo da Venezia to Byzantium,
where he was trained in post-Justinian Aristotelian orthodoxy,
returning to Venice after two years to begin lectures on Aristotle
and to prepare Latin versions of the Greek texts he had brought back
with him. A school of Aristotelian doctrine was set up at the Rialto
market, the heart of the business and commercial activity of the
city. When Venice conquered Padua at the beginning of the fifteenth
century, Aristotelian hegemony was imposed on the University of
Padua, which became the only one where Venetian nobility were
allowed international clientele, especially from Germany.
The inveterate Aristotelianism of Venice is the starting point for a
major literary attack on that city by Francesco Petrarch, son of
Dante’s personal secretary, who took up the responsibility of
servicing Dante’s humanist networks during the disastrous years
around the middle of the fourteenth century. Although these were the
years of the Black Death, Petrarch (“Fraunces Petrak the laureate
poet” as Chaucer knew him) was the soul of a tenacious humanist
rearguard action, with spirited counterattacks at every opportunity,
that made the later Italian Renaissance possible.
Petrarch was a contemporary of the Ciompi revolt against
oligarchical rule in Florence; he was certainly involved in Cola di
Rienzo’s seizure of power in Rome in May, 1347. The real story of
Petrarch’s literary and political achievements has yet to be told.
Nonetheless, the fact that he was a determined foe of Venice and its
ideology is abundantly clear.
In 1355 Venice had just passed through one of its infrequent
internal crises, usually explained as the attempt of the Doge Marin
Faliero to overthrow the regime and establish a Signoria, or
personal dictatorship, of the type common in Italy at the time.
Marin Faliero was publicly decapitated by the Council of Ten.
Petrarch might have had a hand in this operation; during this period
he was a frequent guest at the court of the Da Carrara rulers of
Padua, about thirty kilometers from the Venetian lagoon. Petrarch
may have developed plans for injecting a dose of Platonism into the
intellectual life of the Serenissima. Petrarch proposed that he be
allowed to take up residence in Venice and locate his library there;
the books would remain as a bequest to the city after his death,
forming the nucleus of what would have been the first public library
in Europe. The Venice authorities accepted, and Petrarch, the most
celebrated intellectual of his times, took up his residence on the
Riva degli Schiavoni.
Soon he began to receive the visits of four Venetian Aristotelians,
whom he later referred to as “my four famous friends.” These four
oligarchs were Tommaso Talenti, Guido da Bagnolo, Leonardo Dandolo,
and Zaccaria Contarini, the latter two of the most exalted lineage.
After several discussions with Petrarch, these four began to
circulate the slander that Petrarch was “a good man, but without any
Petrarch shortly abandoned the library project and soon thereafter
left Venice permanently. His answer to the slanderers is contained
in his treatise “De Sui Ipsius et Multorum Ignorantia” (1367) (with
a swipe at Aristotle in the title), his most powerful piece of
invective- polemical writing.
Petrarch scored Aristotelian scholastic philosophy as “a prostitute
who delights to worry about vain questions of words.” Real
philosophy, with the clear purpose of advancing morality, he said,
is to be found in St. Augustine. All that Aristotle is capable of
doing is providing a delphic description of what the external
attributes of morality might look like. To the authority of
Aristotle, Petrarch counterposed the Platonism of the New Testament,
saying that Christ, not Aristotle, was for him the decisive guide.
His “four friends,” he asserted, were not Christian, but preferred
to follow their favorite philosopher in their sophistry, blasphemy,
and impiety. They mocked Christ, and were so pretentious that they
could not even understand their own arguments.
Petrarch pointed out that Aristotle provided his followers with all
sorts of strange and curious lore, like the number of hairs on a
lion’s head or of feathers in a hawk’s tail, how elephants copulate
backwards, how the phoenix arises out of his own ashes, how the only
animal that can move its upper jaw is the crocodile. But these facts
are not only useless, he said, they are false. “How could Aristotle
know such facts, since neither reason nor experience reveal them?
Concerning the ultimate objects of philosophy, Aristotle is more
ignorant than an old peasant woman.
Venetian nominalism went hand in hand with the most vicious avarice.
In a play written in Venetian dialect by Carlo Goldoni in the
eighteenth century, a Pantalone-type miser comes home to find wife
and daughter busily engaged in needlework. The two women look up
briefly and say hello. The miser flies into a rage screaming “What?
You quit working to pay me compliments!”
An eminent witness of this typical Venetian vice was Erasmus of
Rotterdam, who was to the years after 1500 what Petrarch had been in
his own time: Leader of the Platonic humanist faction. Erasmus came
to Venice in 1508, on the eve, interestingly enough, of the attempt
to annihilate Venice in the War of the League of Cambrai. Erasmus
came to get in touch with Aldo Manunzio, the Aldus who owned what
was at that time the largest and most famous publishing house in the
Venice had reacted to the invention of moveable-type printing by
Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz in a way that foreshadowed the reaction
of the British oligarchy in this century to radio, the movies, and
television. They had immediately attempted to seize control of the
new medium. Dozens of Gutenberg’s apprentices from the Rhein-Main
area were bought up and brought to Venice, where the production of
books up to 1500 and beyond was frequently a multiple of the number
of titles published in the rest of the world combined.
Aldus was the William Paley and Jack Warner of the industry. Martin
Luther was one of that industry’s later creations. Aldus brought out
the works of Aristotle in Greek shortly after he began operations in
1495. Plato had to wait for almost twenty years.
One of Erasmus’ goals in visiting Venice was to accelerate the
publication of Plato. He stayed at the home of Aldus’
brother-in-law. Erasmus writes about his Venetian sojourn some time
later, in the dialogue titled “Opulentia Sordida” of the Colloquia
Familiaria. The Urbs Opulenta referred to is of course the
wealthiest of all cities, Venice. Aldus appears as Antronius (“the
caveman”), described as a multi- millionaire in today’s terms.
Erasmus had been away, and is asked by a friend how he got so
skinny. Has he been working as a galley slave? Erasmus replies that
he has undergone something far worse: ten months of starvation in
the home of Antronius. Here people freeze in the winter because
there is no wood to burn. Wine was a strategic commodity in Erasmus’
opinion, as indeed it was in a time when water was often very unsafe
to drink. To save money on wine, Antronius took water and faeces
annorum decem miscebat (mixed it with ten year old shit), stirring
it up so it would look like the real thing. His bread was made not
with flour, but with clay, and was so hard it would break even a
bear’s teeth. A groaning board on the holidays for a houseful of
people and servants was centered around three rotten eggs. There was
never meat or fish, but the usual fare was sometimes supplemented by
shellfish from a colony that Antronius cultivated in his latrine.
When Erasmus consulted a physician, he was told that he was
endangering his life by overeating. Erasmus’ friend in the dialogue
concludes that at this rate, all Germans, Englishmen, Danes, and
Poles are about to die. Finally, Erasmus takes his leave, to head
for the nearest French restaurant.
What was the Venetian political intelligence method? The classical
Venetian predicament is that of the weaker power attempting to play
off two or more major empires. This was the case when the Venetian
power was in its very infancy, and survival depended upon playing
off the Langobard Kingdom of Italy against the Byzantines. This ploy
was later replaced by the attempt to play the Byzantines off against
the Carolingian Empire in the West, an attempt that almost misfired
when the army of Charlemagne under Pippin laid siege to Venice
inside its lagoons. That siege, however, was not successful.
In the eleventh century, the Venetians successfully incited the
Norman barons operating out of Sicily under Robert Guiscard to
attack Byzantium, and then moved in to offer the desperate
Byzantines protection. The price for that protection was indicated
by the famous Golden Bull of 1082, a decree of the Byzantine Emperor
by which Venice acquired tax customs-free access to the whole of the
eastern empire, where the Greeks themselves had to pay a tax of 10
percent on their own transactions. Thus began a hatred for Venice
among the Greek population which persists down to the present day.
In the sixteenth century, Venetian strategic doctrine was to play
the Ottoman Turks against the Spanish and Austrian Hapsburgs, and
then to correct any residual strategic imbalance by playing the
Hapsburgs off in their turn against the French. Sometimes Venice
attempted to play the Portuguese rival power off against the Dutch.
Later this was expanded to include playing the Dutch against the
English, and the English against the French.
The Venetians also goaded forces out of the East to attack
Christendom. Venice was the manipulator of Saracens, Mongols, and
Turks, and got along with the slave-trading factions in each of
these groups about as well as a power like Venice could get along
with anybody. In particular, the Venetians were more willing to see
territory – excepting Venetian territory – be occupied by the Turks
than any other power. Venice was thus the past master of the more
exotic permutations of the stolid old British dividi et impera,
“divide and conquer.”
But the essence of their strategic doctrine was something more
abstruse, something sometimes described as the “collapse of empires”
scenario. Venice parasitized the decline of much larger states, a
decline that Venice itself strove to organize, sometimes in a long
and gradual descending curve, but sometimes in a quick bonanza of
Venice was repeatedly confronted with the problem posed by a
triumphant enemy, at the height of his power, who would be perfectly
capable of crushing the Serenissima in short order. This enemy had
to be manipulated into self-destruction, not in any old way, but in
the precise and specific way that served the Venetian interest. Does
this sound impossible? What is astounding is how often it has
succeeded. In fact, it is succeeding in a very real sense in the
world today.
The most spectacular example of Venetian manipulation of the dumb
giants of this world has gone down in history as the Fourth Crusade.
At a tournament in the Champagne in 1201, the Duke of Champagne and
numerous feudal barons collectively vowed to make a fighting
pilgrimage to the sepulcher of Our Lord in Jerusalem. Here they were
to reinforce a French garrison hard-pressed by the Turk Saladin. For
many of them, this involved penance for certain misdeeds, not the
least of which was a plot against their own sovereign liege, the
Reaching the Holy Land required transportation, and the French
knights sent Geoffrey of Villehardouin to Venice to negotiate a
convoy of merchant galleys with an appropriate escort of warships.
Geoffrey closed the deal with the Doge Enrico Dandolo, blind and
over eighty years old. Dandolo drove a hard bargain: for the convoy
with escort to Jerusalem and back, the French knights would have to
fork over the sum of 85,000 silver marks, equal to 20,000 kilograms
of silver, or about double the yearly income of the King of England
or of France at that time.
When 10,000 French knights and infantry gathered on the Lido of
Venice in the summer of 1202, it was found that the French, after
pawning everything down to the family silver, still owed the
Venetians 35,000 marks. The cunning Dandolo proposed that this debt
could easily be canceled if the crusaders would join the Venetians
in subjugating Zara, a Christian city in Dalmatia, across the
Adriatic from Venice. To this the knights readily agreed, and the
feudal army forced the capitulation of Zara, which had been in
revolt against Venice.
At this point Dandolo made the crusaders a “geopolitical” proposal,
pointing out that the emperor of Byzantium was suspected of being in
alliance with the Saracens, and that an advance to the Holy Land
would be foolhardy unless this problem were first dealt with. As it
happened, the Venetians were supporting a pretender to the Byzantine
throne, since the current emperor was seeking to deny them their
trading privileges. The pretender was the young Alexios, who
promised the knights that if they helped him gain power, he would
join them on the crusade with an army of 10,000 Greek soldiers.
Thus, from 1203 to 1204, Constantinople was besieged by the joint
Franco-Venetian expeditionary force, which finally succeeded in
breaking through the fortifications along the Golden Horn, the bay
on the north side of the city.
Byzantium was sacked in an orgy of violence and destruction, from
which the Venetians brought back as booty the four bronze horses
which generally stand on the Basilica of St. Mark, but which are
often exhibited in other cities. Count Baudoin of Flanders was place
on the throne of a new concoction titled the Latin Empire of
Constantinople. The doge of Venice received a piece of the action in
the form of the title Lord of Three Eighths of the Latin Empire.
Venice took over three-eighths of Constantinople, a permanent
Venetian colony with its own battle fleet. Lemnos and Gallipoli came
into Venetian hands. Crete was annexed, and were Naxos and related
islands, and the large island of Euboa, which the Venetians called
Negroponte. On the Ionian side, the Venetians appropriated Modon and
Koron and several islands up to and including Corfu. All Venetian
trading privileges in Greece were restored.
The loot brought back from the sack of Constantinople was greater
than anything Europe would see until the Spanish treasure fleets
from the New World several centuries later. Venice had acquired a
colonial empire of naval bases, and was hegemonic in the eastern
Mediterranean. To top it all off, the sultan of Egypt had paid a
substantial bribe to Dandolo to keep the Crusaders out of Palestine
in the first place.
For the human race, the Fourth Crusade was an unmitigated tragedy.
The hypertrophy of Venetian power in the Mediterranean was one of
the decisive factors ensuring the later defeat of Emperor Federigo
II of Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily. The Venetian puppet “Latin
Empire” was overthrown by the Paleologues in 1261, but by that time
Federigo was gone. By 1266-68, Federigo’s two sons and their
Ghibelline supporters were defeated by Charles of Anjou, and the
last representative of the Hohenstaufen dynasty was beheaded in the
public square of Naples. The triumph of the Black Guelphs had become
A further contributing factor in this tragedy was doubtless the
Mongol hordes. At about the time the Venetians were sacking
Constantinople, Ghengis Khan ruled over an empire that extended from
Korea all the way to Iran, and which was rapidly advancing to the
West. Batu, a nephew of Ghengis, defeated the Bulgarians in 1236,
captured Kiev in the Ukraine in 1240, and swept into Poland. In
Silesia in 1241 the German and Polish feudal army, including the
Teutonic Knights, was annihilated. Later in the same year the
Mongols defeated the Hungarians. The Mongols did not, for reasons
that are not clear, advance further westward, but the Mongol Golden
Horde that imposed its hegemony over Russia was the beginning of
Russia’s economic and cultural backwardness. For some loosening of
the Mongol yoke, the Russians would have to fight the titanic battle
of Kulokovo Field on the Don in 1380.
In these Mongol victories, there was something more than mere
numerical superiority at work. as one historian sums up the case:
The Mongols did not sweep in wildly and suddenly, like reckless
barbarians. No indeed, they advanced according to careful plan. At
every stage, the Mongol generals informed themselves ahead of time
about the state of European courts, and learned what feuds and
disorders would be advantageous to their conquests. This valuable
knowledge they obtained from Venetian merchants, men like Marco
Polo’s father. It was thus not without reason that Polo himself was
made welcome at the court of Kublai, and became for a time
administrator of the Great Khan.
So the great Marco Polo, and the Venetian family from which he came,
was responsible for directing the destruction of Ghengis Khan
against Europe. The omnipresent Venetian intelligence was also a
factor in the Mongol destruction of the Arab cultural center of
Baghdad in 1258.
Friedrich Schiller and William Shakespeare both analyze the
manipulative methods employed by the Venetian secret intelligence
establishment; both considered Venetian intelligence one of their
most formidable enemies. Much of Schiller’s writing is dedicated in
various ways to fighting the Venice- Genoa- Geneva combination that
had held the financial reins of King Philip II of Spain.
Schiller’s direct treatment of Venice is a fragment of a novel
titled Der Geisterseher (“The Ghost Seer”). Its central character is
a Sicilian charlatan, expert at bringing the spirits of the departed
back into the world for the thrill-seeking nobility at seances. This
Sicilian charlatan is a figure for a whole class of Venetian
intelligence operatives, like Count Cagliostro, the mountebank who
claimed to be the reincarnation of the leading Mason of ancient
Egypt. Another of this breed was Emanuel Swedenborg. After
Schiller’s time, this category swelled considerably with
theosophists like Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Henry Steel Olcott,
and with that archapparitionist Rudolph Steiner, founder of the
Anthroposophy movement and the Waldorf schools.
In Schiller’s tale, a young German prince in Venice for the grand
tour is subjected to a series of manipulations by a sinister, masked
Armenian, who informs him, before the fact, of the death of a close
relative hundreds of miles away. At a gambling den, a young Venetian
patrician picks a quarrel with the prince, who fears for his life
until he is ushered into one of the chambers of the Council of Ten,
where the offending patrician is strangled before his eyes. He comes
into contact with the Sicilian mountebank, and then spends weeks
attempting to ascertain the identity of a mysterious beauty he has
seen at church.
He begins to frequent a semi-secret free-thinking club, called the
Bucentoro after the golden ship used by the doge on occasions of
state. At least one cardinal is also a member of the Bucentoro. He
takes to gambling, loses heavily, and contracts immense debts. In
the meantime, rumors are spread at his Protestant court that he has
become a Catholic, which leads to his repudiation by his entire
family. At the end of the fragment, his life has been ruined, and
his death is imminent.
Shakespeare’s “Othello, The Moor of Venice” is a more finished
analysis of the same technique. It was written and performed shortly
after 1603, when the Venetians and Genoese had acquired vast powers
in England through the accession of their puppet James I to the
Othello is a Moor, hired out to Venice as a mercenary, and at the
apex of his power, having just won a victory over the Turkish fleet
attacking Cyprus. He enjoys the full confidence of the Senate, and
has just married Desdemona, the daughter of a patrician. Othello,
the “erring barbarian,” is however something of a dumb giant: his
proficiency in the arts of war is unmatched, but his emotional
makeup tends decidedly toward the naive and infantile. He has no
real insight into affairs of state, or into psychology. Above all,
he is superstitious and has a propensity for jealousy.
All of these weaknesses are systematically exploited by “honest Iago,”
a member of Othello’s staff who is determined to destroy him. Iago
is the figure of the Venetian intelligence officer, an expert in
what he calls “double knavery” – the art of manipulation. He sets
out to destroy Othello using an accurate psychological profile of
the Moor, and exploiting above all Othello’s naive willingness to
trust his “honest Iago.” Iago’s modus operandi is to:
Make the Moor thank me, love me, and reward me,
For making him egregiously an ass
And practicing upon his peace and quit
Even to madness.
Iago uses his throwaway agent, the dupe Roderigo, for financing and
services. He sets up scenes where he cons one participant with one
story, briefs another participant with a different story, brings
them together in a controlled environment, and exploits the
resulting fireworks for his overall strategy. He sets up a fight
between Roderigo and the drunken Cassio that leads to the wounding
of Montano by Cassio, who is ousted as chief lieutenant by Othello.
After this, he manipulates Desdemona’s naive desire to help Cassio
regain his post into prima facie evidence that Desdemona is an
adulteress. Iago is then able to goad Othello all the way to killing
Desdemona and, finally, himself.
At the center of the play are epistemological questions of truth and
proof. In Act 3, Iago drives Othello wild with innuendoes about
Desdemona’s alleged adultery, and makes him commit to the murder of
Cassio, all without the slightest shred of proof. What Othello then
regards as definitive proof of adultery, sufficient to motivate the
murder of Desdemona, is a handkerchief which Iago obtains and plants
on Cassio. This handkerchief is an object of deep emotional and
superstitious importance for Othello, as it had been given by his
father to his mother. It had been his first love token for
Desdemona. When he sees it in the hands of Cassio, he is ready to
Iago is well aware of Othello’s epistemological weakness. When he
first obtains the handkerchief, he gloats:
I will in Cassio’s lodging lose this napkin,
And let him find it. Trifles light as air
Are to the jealous confirmations strong
As proofs of holy writ; this may do something.
Shortly thereafter, Othello demands certainty that Desdemona is
betraying him. What would be definitive proof, Iago asks?
Would you, the supervisor, grossly gape upon –
Behold her tupp’d?
This kind of certainty, he says, is impossible to obtain, but he
offers an inductive- deductive substitute:
But yet, I say,
If imputation and strong circumstances,
Which lead directly to the door of truth,
Will give you satisfaction, you might have’t.
In the final scene, we can agree with Iago’s wife Emilia that
Othello is a gull and a dolt, a “murderous coxcomb … as ignorant as
dirt.” But the lesson is that not only Othello, but all those who
love not wisely but too well, who, “being wrought” and “perplexed in
the extreme,” are potential victims of Venetian intelligence.
Since the Venetian oligarchy relied for its survival on the secret
weapon of political intelligence manipulation, its primary strategic
targets were first and foremost dictated by epistemological rather
than military criteria. Fleets and armies, even in the hands of a
powerful and aggressive enemy state, could well redound to Venetian
advantage. The real danger was a hostile power that developed
epistemological defenses against manipulation and deceit. In the
face of such a threat Venice did – and does – kill.
The Italian Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
perhaps the greatest outpouring of human creativity in history,
represented such a threat to the Serene Republic, and in a more
concentrated form than it had ever faced before. The threat arose
from the epistemological warfare and alliance system of the great
Cosimo de’ Medici of Florence and his successors. Venice mobilized
every resource at its disposal to destroy the Renaissance. After
decades of sabotage, going so far as to arrange the ravaging of
Italy by foreign armies, Venice succeeded.
The potential political and epistemological power of the Italian
Renaissance are best identified in the ecumenical council of the
Church convened in Florence in the year 1438. The council, first
convened in Ferrara, was moved to Florence at the urging of Cosimo
de’ Medici, who held power from 1434 to 1464. Cosimo was the major
financial and political sponsor of the proceedings.
Cosimo was a self-declared enemy of Venice. On one occasion he
wrote, “Association with the Venetians brings two things which have
always been rejected by men of wisdom: certain perdition and
The council had to deal with the ongoing crisis in the western
church, which had been exacerbated by the struggle between the
Council of Basel and Pope Eugene IV, who had been driven out of Rome
by a revolt. In the East, the Ottoman Turks were beginning to
recover from the crushing defeat that the Turkish Emperor Bajazet
had suffered in 1402 at the battle of Ankara at the hand of
Tamerlane the Great. The first, unsuccessful, Turkish siege of
Constantinople had already been mounted in 1422.
The hope held out by the Council of Florence was to implement
Nicolas of Cusa’s program of the Concordantia Catholica – a
community of principle among humanist sovereign states for cultural
and economic development, against Venetians, Turks, and all enemies
of natural law. To Florence came the Emperor of Byzantium, John VIII
Paleologue, accompanied by his advisor Gemisthos Plethon and
Plethon’s student, Archbishop Bessarion of Nicea. The Latin
delegation was titularly headed by Pope Eugene IV, heavily dependent
upon the support of Cosimo de’ Medici at that time. This delegation
was dominated in outlook by men like Nicolas of Cusa, Leon Battista
Alberti, Leonardo Bruni, Cardinal Capranica, and Aeneas Piccolomini
of Siena, later Pope Pius II. The Greek and Latin delegations were
each profoundly vitiated by powerful Aristotelian factions, but this
was still one of the most impressive assemblies in history.
The culmination of the council was an impassioned oration by Plethon
on the antithesis between Plato and Aristotle, a speech which went
far beyond anything ever heard in the West. Marsilio Ficino, himself
a participant at the council, tells the story of how Cosimo de’
Medici, while listening to Plethon, made up his mind to create the
Platonic Academy in Florence.
The most immediate question to be addressed was the reunification of
the Roman and Greek churches, abrogating the mutual excommunications
issued by the pope and the patriarch of Constantinople in 1054. The
contending theologians debated the question of the “filioque” in the
Latin credo, attempting to resolve the question of whether the Holy
Spirit proceeds only from the Father, as the Greeks argued, or from
the Son as well, according to the Roman view. The Greeks eventually
agreed to recognize the correctness of the Latin position, although
they declined to modify their own credo accordingly. The Paleologue
emperor intervened repeatedly in these discussions, stressing that
there were no real differences in doctrine, and that anyone who let
nonexistent divergences stand in the way of common action against
the Turks was a worse traitor than Judas. In the end a purely formal
reunification of the two churches was attained, but it remained a
dead letter.
Even so, Cosimo and his cothinkers came close several times to
welding an alliance capable of dominating the world, and the first
to pay the price of their success would have been the Venetians.
Medici Florence was at the center of a network of trade and finance
that was beginning to rival Venice, with the crucial difference that
the Florentines were the producers, thanks to Cosimo’s dirigism, of
the textile products they offered for sale. The Duchy of Milan would
shortly come under the domination of the condottiero (mercenary
commander) Francesco Sforza, installed in power with the help of the
Medici, and an enemy of Venice. In 1461 the humanist Louis XI would
take the throne of France. This new king was determined to apply the
concepts of statecraft developed in Italy, and considered the
Venetians “insolent merchants.” In 1460, the humanist Aeneas Silvius
Piccolomini would be elected Pope Pius II; in the meantime he was in
a position to influence Frederick III of Hapsburg, the Holy Roman
The Venetian reaction to this potential for the implementation of an
ecumenical Grand Design on the platform of the Italian Renaissance
humanists was, predictably, to bring on the Turks once again. During
all these years the Turks possessed a combined warehouse- residence-
safehouse in Venice, the Fondaco dei Turchi, which facilitated
dealings between the doge and the sultan. Spurred on by Venetian
financing and Venetian- procured artillery, the Sultan Mohammed the
Conqueror laid siege to Constantinople and captured it in 1453. The
Turks were aided by the Greek patriarch, who had pronounced the
defense of the Paleologue dynasty a heretical cause. Finally, it was
the Genoese troops who opened the gates of the city to the forces of
the sultan. Hardly a coincidence was the burning of the library of
Constantinople with its matchless collection of Ionian and Platonic
codices, most unavailable anywhere else since the library of
Alexandria had been destroyed some fifteen centuries earlier. In
their own sack of Constantinople in 1204, the Venetians had declined
to appropriate these manuscripts.
The destruction of Byzantium by the Turks gave the Venetians a
slogan with which to organize their war against the Renaissance.
Since the Roman Empire had finally ended, it was left to the
Venetians to arrogate to themselves the task of building a new Roman
Empire. The foundation of a new Roman Empire became, in Venice, from
the middle of the fifteenth century on, the leading obsession of the
“The Venetians are called new Romans,” confided the patrician
Bernardo Bembo to his diary. Francesco Sforza of Milan wrote that
the Venetians were:
“obstinate and hardened, always keeping their mouths open to be able
to bite off power and usurp the state of all their neighbors to
fulfill the appetite of their souls to conquer Italy and then
beyond, as did the Romans, thinking to compare themselves to the
Romans when their power was at its apex.”
Machiavelli wrote that the Venetians had “fixed in their souls the
intention of creating a monarchy on the Roman model.” This is
corroborated by a dispatch of the ambassador of Louis XII of France
at the court of the Emperor Maximilian I some years later, which
described the Venetians as:
“traders in human blood, traitors to the Christian faith who have
tacitly divided up the world with the Turks, and who are already
planning to throw bridgeheads across the Danube, the Rhine, the
Seine, and Tagus, and the Ebro, attempting to reduce Europe to a
province and to keep it subjugated to their armies.”
These megalomaniac plans of the Venetians were no secret. In 1423,
the Doge Tommaso Mocenigo had urged upon his fellow oligarchs a
policy of expansionism which would make them the overlords “of all
the gold and of Christendom.”
The most penetrating indictments of the Venetians during this period
were issued by Pope Pius II Piccolomino, who tried in vain to force
Venice into joining a crusade against the Turks. A Venetian saying
of this period was Prima son Vinizian, poi son Cristian. (I am a
Venetian first, then a Christian.”) In his Commentaries, Pius II
excoriates the Venetians for their duplicitous treachery, and
establishes the fact that they are a pagan, totalitarian state. The
Venetians, he says, have acted in their diplomacy:
“with the good faith characteristics of barbarians, or after the
manner of traders whose nature it is to weigh everything by utility,
paying no attention to honor. But what do fish care about law? As
among the brute beasts aquatic creatures have the least
intelligence, so among human beings the Venetians are the least just
and the least capable of humanity, and naturally so, for they live
on the sea and pass their lives in the water; they use ships instead
of horses; they are not so much companions of men as of fish and
comrades of marine monsters. They please only themselves, and while
they talk they listen to and admire themselves…. They are
hypocrites. They wish to appear as Christians before the world, but
in reality they never think of God and, except for the state, which
they regard as a deity, they hold nothing sacred, nothing holy. To a
Venetian, that is just which is for the good of the state; that is
pious which increases the empire…. What the senate approves is holy
even though it is opposed to the gospel…. They are allowed to do
anything that will bring them to supreme power. All law and right
may be violated for the sake of power.”
During many of these years Venetians were in a tacit alliance with
the Turks. When, for example, a revolt against Venetian rule in
Albania was started, threatening the Venetian naval base at Durazzo,
the Venetians made a deal with the Turks to crush the revolt. On one
occasion Pius II received the Venetian ambassador to the Roman court
and condemned Venetian policy with these words:
“Your cause is one with thieves and robbers…. No power was ever
greater than the Roman empire and yet God overthrew it because it
was impious, and He put in its place the priesthood because it
respected divine law…. You think [your] republic will last forever.
It will not last long. Your population so wickedly gathered together
will soon be scattered abroad. The offscourings of fishermen will be
exterminated. A mad state cannot long stand.”
In 1464 Pius II, despite a serious illness, traveled from Rome to
Ancona to personally lead a crusade against the Turks. He wished to
force the hand of the Venetians, who had promised him a battle
fleet. He died shortly after the Venetian warships arrived, and
Venice thereupon pulled out of any serious fighting against the
Turks. But his attack on “the mad state” was on target, then and
During the first half of the fifteenth century, much Venetian energy
was devoted to a rapid expansion up the Po Valley toward Milan. They
seized Padua, Vicenza, Verona, Brescia, and Bergamo, reaching the
Adda River, just a few miles from Milan. With Milan under Venetian
control, the “new Romans” could bid fair to dominate northern Italy
and then the entire peninsula.
Cosimo de’ Medici, as we have seen, secured a Florence-Milan
alliance by supporting the claims of Francesco Sforza, fighting a
was against Venice to do it. Basing himself on this Florence-Milan
axis, Cosimo then proceeded to create an uneasy peace in Italy that
was to last forty years. This was the Italian League, formed at the
Peace of Lodi in 1453, which united the leading powers of Italy, the
pope, Naples, Milan, Florence, and Venice, ostensibly in an alliance
against the Turks, who had for a time held a toe-hold in Apulia. In
reality, the Italian League was a Florence- Milan- Naples
combination designed to check Venetian expansionism. In this it
proved effective, giving the Renaissance almost half a century of
time to develop under the longa pax of the Medici.
During these years, stymied in Italy, the Venetians concentrated on
overseas expansion, including the conquest of Cyprus. But on the
death of Cosimo’s successor, Lorenzo the Magnificent, they began
their systematic campaign to destroy the civilization of the high
renaissance. Their basic premise was that, given their own inability
to devastate the centers of Renaissance culture and economic
development, they must concentrate on duping the overwhelming
military forces of European states like France, Spain, and the other
Hapsburg dominions into accomplishing this task for them.
The most competent contemporary observer of these matters was
Niccolo Machiavelli, active somewhat later in the post-Medici
Florentine diplomatic service, and a factional ally of Cesare Borgia,
Duke of Valentino. Machiavelli noted that the two most dangerous
forces in Italy around the turn of the century were the Venetians
and the pope. His own hatred was directed especially against Venice,
firstly because of the stated Venetian intention to subjugate Italy
in a new Roman Empire. Secondly, Venice more than any other state
relied on armies of mercenaries, and thus embodied precisely that
practice which Machiavelli knew had to be extirpated, in favor of
citizen-soldiers, if Italy was to be saved from humiliating
subjugation to the likes of the Hapsburgs.
Machiavelli pointed out that the disintegration of Italy began when
the Venetians succeeded in turning Lodovico il Moro, successor of
Francesco as Duke of Milan, making him their agent of influence.
Lodovico was responsible for the first major invasion of Italy in
many years when he agreed to support the claims of Charles VIII of
France to the Kingdom of Naples. This was the French king whom his
father, the great Louis XI, considered a hopeless imbecile. In 1494
the French army crossed the Alps, accompanied by a Genoese advisor
we will meet again later: Giuliano della Rovere.
This was enough to bring about the fall of the Medici regime in
Florence, to the advantage of the Pazzi, Albizi, and related
oligarchs of that city. These oligarchs immediately sought to crush
the Florentine Renaissance using the regime of the demented
Dominican monk Girolamo Savonarola, who set up a theocracy a la
Khomeini. Savonarola proudly trumpeted that his rule was based on
sound Venetian principles; his family was closely related to the
Padua Aristotelian community. As for Charles VIII, he went on to
establish a tenuous hold on Naples.
Several years later, in 1498, the Venetians repeated this maneuver,
with the variation that this time it was they who blatantly invited
the French to cross the Alps. This time the pretext was the French
claim to the Milanese dukedom, and the dupe was a new French king,
Louis XII. The French army knocked out Milan in 1500, a fatal blow
to the Renaissance cultural ferment associated there with Leonardo
da Vinci. Shortly thereafter, Louis XII decided to compensate the
Hapsburgs with Naples. Naples accordingly became the first beachhead
of what would shortly become a totally destructive Hapsburg hegemony
in Italy.
For Venice, so far so good: Florence, Naples, and Milan had been
ruined. But ironically, the same dumb Valois and Hapsburg giants
which had taken out three dangerous rivals were now to turn like
Frankenstein’s monsters on the wily new Romans. Venetian
manipulations were about to boomerang in the form of an alliance of
all of Europe against Venice.
This was the famous crisis of the War of the League of Cambrai,
which was assembled in 1508-1509. The opposing coalition was made up
of the pope (by then the Genoese Giuliano della Rovere, as Julius
II), the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I, France, Spain, Savoy,
Mantua, and Ferrara. The announced purpose of this alliance was to
expunge Venice from the face of the earth.
It nearly worked. At Agnadello, near the Adda River, the Venetian
mercenary army was crushed by an army composed predominantly of
Frenchmen. The Venetians were driven all the way down the Po Valley
to Padua, and they soon lost that as well. Machiavelli exulted that
on the day of Agnadello, the Venetians lost everything that they had
conquered in more than 800 years. Machiavelli was himself engaged in
operations against Venice, bringing a grant of Florentine cash to
the aid of the Franco-Imperial forces holding Verona.
With nothing left but the lagoons, the Venetian position was
desperate. The doge sent a message to the pope asking for mercy, and
announcing that Venice would vacate territory taken in the past from
the Papal States.
Inside Venice, Agnadello brought on an orgy of hysterical
self-flagellation among the terrified patricians. The banker
Girolamo Priuli wrote in his diary that Agnadello had been a
punishment for the sins of the Venetian nobility, among which he
numbered arrogance, violation of promises, lechery in nunneries,
sodomy, effeminate dress, and luxurious and lascivious
entertainments. Antonio Contarini, newly appointed patriarch of
Venice, gave a speech to the Senate in which he characterized the
Serenissima as a thoroughly amoral city. The defeat was a punishment
for the city’s sins, he said. Nunneries were catering to the sexual
needs of the rich and powerful. Homosexuality was so widespread that
female prostitutes had complained to him that they had earned so
little during their youth that they had to keep working far into
their old age.
But more significantly, the shock of Agnadello set into motion a
strategic review in the Venetian intelligence community which led to
very far-reaching conclusions, some of which were not obvious before
several decades had gone by.
The first Venetian ploy was to attempt to dismember the Cambrai
coalition. They started with Pope Julius II. This pontiff was, as
already noted, Genoese. Genoa and Venice had engaged in a series of
highly destructive wars up till about the end of the fourteenth
century, but after that, Genoa gravitated toward the status of
junior partner and close associate of the Venetians. The Venetians
had bested the Genoese by virtue of superior connections in the
East, but otherwise their was a broad area of agreement.
The symbol of Genoa was St. George the dragon-slayer, in reality no
saint at all but a thinly disguised version of Perseus saving
Andromeda by slaying the sea monster, a legend that is centered on
the coast of Lebanon. The “George” is said to come from the Gorgon
Medusa, whose head Perseus was carrying.
Perseus is in turn nothing but a westernized variant of Marduk, the
Syrian Apollo, a deity associated with the most evil forces of
ancient Assyria and Babylon. The Venetians had their own Marduk
cult, although subordinated to St. Mark, on the island of San
Giorgio Maggiore, home of a Dominican monastery and today of the
Cini Foundation, one of the highest level think tanks in the world.
The modern British preference of Gorgons is too well known to need
What probably accounted more directly for Julius II’s decision to
reverse his alliances was a deal mediated with the Venetians by
Agostino Chigi, the Siena Black Guelph banker from whose financial
empire the infamous Siena Group of today derives. He proposed that
the Venetians stop buying alum, needed in textile and glass
manufacture, from the Turks, but contract for a large shipment at
higher prices from the alum mines at Tolfa in the Papal States –
mines for which he, Chigi, was acting as agent. To sweeten the pot,
Chigi offered the Venetians tens of thousands of ducats in
much-needed loans.
The Venetians, fearing a rapid French offensive, accepted. Their own
state finances were in total shambles. Only the Chigi loan allowed
them to hire enough Swiss mercenaries to hold out against the French
and the Imperial Landsknechte.
To provide a plausible cover for his move, Julius II suddenly
discovered that the real issue was not Venice after all, but the
need to expel the barbarians (primarily the French) from Italy.
Julius stipulated an alliance with Venice. He then set up the slogan
of Fuori Barbari! (Kick the Barbarians out!) which is still recorded
by credulous writers of Italian school books as the beginning of the
struggle to unify Italy. Even the Venetian mercenaries, mostly
Swiss, began using the battle cry of “Italy and Freedom!”
Thus the post-Agnadello crisis was overcome. Some years later the
Venetians tried the same tactic in reverse, this time with more
lasting success. By 1525 the prevalent barbarians in Italy were the
forces of Emperor Charles V, who had defeated the French at Pavia,
capturing King Francis I. The French lost their hold on Naples and
Milan. At this point Doge Andrea Gritti, whose portrait by Tiziano
speaks volumes about his personality, decided to agitate once again
the banner of Italian freedom. This took the form of the Holy League
of Cognac “for the restoration of Italian liberty,” uniting France,
Venice, Milan, Florence, and the Papal States under Pope Clement
VIII Medici. After having set up this alliance, designed to play the
French against Charles V once again to destroy Medici-controlled
Rome, the last intact Renaissance center, the Venetians retired into
defensive positions to await the outcome.
Venetian capacities to manipulate Charles V were formidable indeed.
The emperor’s bankers and intelligencers were the Fuggers of
Augsburg, a banking house and a city that must be regarded as
Venetian satellites, within a context of very heavy Venetian control
of the cities of the Danube valley. Virtually every young male
member of the Fugger family, and of their colleagues the Welsers as
well, was sent to Venice for a period of apprenticeship at the
Fondaco dei Tedeschi. This was the case with Jacob Fugger the Rich.
Venice was the pivot for Fugger metals trading, especially toward
the East.
Thus, the Venetians stayed in their phony war posture against
Charles V, while the imperial army of Lutheran Lanzi under Georg
Frundsberg devastated Italy. The sack of Rome in 1527 was the direct
outcome of this combined Venetian diplomacy and manipulation. To
make Charles V’s triumph complete, the Genoese Admiral Andrea Doria,
commanding the French fleet, defected to the imperial side. A Doria
coup in Genoa then established a permanent de facto alliance with
In 1530, Charles V was crowned as Holy Roman Emperor and King of
Italy in a ceremony at Bologna. Garrisons of imperial troops were
shortly stationed in every major city. Thanks to the tenacious
policy of the Venetians, the main centers of the Renaissance had
been subverted or destroyed. Venice was the only major Italian state
which had retained real sovereignty. With the end of the
Renaissance, Venice could feel free to start a delphic Renaissance
among the throngs of intellectuals seeking asylum in the lagoons.
The “long autumn of the Italian Renaissance in Venice” during the
rest of the sixteenth century was only one deployment among several.
Another was the promotion of the Protestant Reformation. The more
immediate controllers of Martin Luther have yet to be identified,
but this is something of a secondary matter. Luther’s agitation in
Wittenberg was merely one more example of protests against the
papacy and the Curia that had been chronic and endemic for decades.
What gave Luther and the rest of the Protestant reformers real clout
was a publicity and diffusion of their ideas that owed much to the
Venetian publishing establishment. The Venetian presses quickly
turned out 40,000 copies of the writings of Luther, Calvin,
Melancthon, and the heresiarch Juan Valdes, especially popular in
Pope Leo X publicly denounced the University of Padua as the hotbed
of inspiration of the German disease of Lutheranism. Clearly,
Venetian interest was well-served by a schismatic movement that
would embroil Germany, France, and the rest of Europe in a series of
easily profiled conflicts. In addition, a conflict between reformers
and counter- reformers, all owing allegiance to Aristotle, would
severely undercut the influence of Erasmus and others like him.
Venetian influence on both Reformation and Counter- Reformation can
be seen most clearly in the remarkable career of Gasparo Contarini,
who did not let the fact that he was a Protestant in theology, well
before Luther, prevent him from founding the Society of Jesus.
Contarini was the scion of one of Venice’s most prestigious LONGHI
families. The Contarinis had produced seven doges, and Gasparo had
his sights set on being the eighth, before he was tapped to serve
Venice as a member of the College of Cardinals. He served the Serene
Republic as ambassador to the court of Charles V, and as ambassador
to the Vatican, where he took a role in setting up the Medici Pope
Clement VII for the 1527 sack of Rome. Toward the end of his life,
Contarini was sent as papal legate to the Imperial Diet at Regenburg,
where he represented the Roman point of view in debates with
schismatics like Melancthon. There, he had a hand in destroying any
compromise between the Lutherans and the Emperor Charles, which
would have helped to end the bloodshed and dissension of the
Reformation years.
What does this sublime Venetian patrician have to do with the
founding of the Jesuit order by that itinerant and deranged mystic,
Ignatius of Loyola? Ignatius was the creature of Venice, and of
Contarini in particular.
In 1521, Ignatius was wounded while fighting the French in one of
the wars of Charles V. During his convalescence, he underwent his
much-touted mystical crisis, after which he took up the life of a
hobo. Making his way around Europe seeking funding for a pilgrimage
to the holy land, Ignatius found his way to Venice, where he camped
out in St. Mark’s Square and lived by begging.
One evening the Venetian oligarch Marcantonio Trevisan was sleeping
in his golden palace, and had a vision. An angel came to him asking,
“Why are you sleeping so soundly in your warm bed, while in the
square there is a holy man, a poor pilgrim who needs your help?”
Trevisan rushed downstairs to find Ignatius, who became his house
guest, fleas and all.
After that, Ignatius was given an audience with the doge, Andrea
Gritti, who offered him passage to Cyprus on a Venetian warship as
first leg of his pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Ignatius continued his
travels, but soon returned to Venice to develop relationships with
other members of the oligarchy. These included Gasparo Contarini’s
nephew Pietro, who became a recipient of Ignatius’ patented
brainwashing treatment, the Exercitationes Spirituales.
Then Ignatius made his way to Rome. Here he became the protégé of
Gasparo Contarini, who had been appointed to the College of
Cardinals by Pope Paul III Farnese. The cardinal took the
Exercitationes Spirituales, and appointed Ignatius his personal
confessor and spiritual advisor. By 1540, Contarini had personally
interceded with the pope against Ignatius’ enemies within the church
hierarchy to ensure the founding of the Society of Jesus as a new
Church order. In June 1539, Contarini personally traveled to the
pope’s summer residence at Tivoli, and prevailed on the pontiff to
let him read aloud the statutes of the new order composed by
Ignatius. The pope must have been favorably impressed by something.
His approving comment Hic est digitus Dei, (“Here is the finger of
God”), has become a feature of the turgid Jesuit homiletics.
An ironic postscript to this story is that later the Venetian
oligarchy decided that it simply would not do to be too closely
identified with the benighted excesses of the Spanish and the papacy
they so thoroughly dominated. In the years around 1570, accordingly,
Venice became the site of the first example in Europe of what the
French later termed “salons” for socializing and literary
discussion: the Ridotto Morosini, sponsored by the ancient family of
the same name. Here the seeds were sown that would later produce
free-thinking, l’esprit libertin and the Philosophes – in a word,
the Enlightenment. The Ridotto Morosini salon was in favor of
tolerance and science, against everything doctrinaire and narrow.
They sheltered Galileo against the Inquisition. Out of the Morosini
salon came one of the rare public factions in Venetian political
history, the so-called Giovani.
The Giovani, in contrast to their rivals, the Vecchi, were in favor
of profound innovations in Venetian foreign policy. They wished
above all to cement alliances with the countries to whom they felt
the future belonged: France, England, and the Netherlands. The
Vecchi, they said, were paralyzed by too much fear of Spanish power,
and not ready enough to tangle with the people.
The Giovani were able to implement their program in 1606, when the
Pope (now Paul V, Camillo Borghese) strenuously objected to the
arrest by Venice of several ecclesiastics in its territory. The
Borghese pope placed Venice under the interdict, and proceeded to
excommunicate government officials. The main supporter of Venice
internationally was James I, the Stuart ruler of England.
At the same time, the powerful Venetian propaganda apparatus swung
into action, under the leadership of a Servite monk named Paolo
Sarpi, whose lack of noble birth kept him from public office. Sarpi
was the Venetian contact man for Sir Francis Bacon.
Sarpi had been in Rome, where he had been associated with Nicholas
Bobadilla, one of St. Ignatius’ original hard core. He had been a
friend of Bellarmino, later the Jesuit-general, and his direct
adversary during the Interdict affair. He was close to Galileo, who
called him “my father.” Sarpi had lent a hand in the construction of
Galileo’s telescope. Sarpi was lavish in his praise of Gilbert’s
treatise on magnetism. He was also the author of an Arte di Ben
Pensare, which is curiously similar to the writings of John Locke.
Sarpi admitted in private to being “a Protestant.”
He engaged in a long pamphlet war with Bellarmino, and topped this
off with a muck-raking History of the Council of Trent, which
needless to say whitewashed the role of Venetian intelligence in the
Counter- Reformation. The noise created around the whole affair was
so great that some people forgot that it had after all been the
Venetians, specifically Zuane Mocenigo, who had consigned Giordano
Bruno – also of Ridotto Morosini – into the hands of the Inquisition
just a few years before.
The policies of the Giovani, propagandized by Sarpi and Doge
Leonardo Dona’ during the struggle around the Interdict,
corresponded to a metastasis of Venice’s power and influence through
the world. The Venetians and their Genoese Doria-faction associates
were busily shifting their family fortunes into more profitable
locations, not tied to the fate of what was rapidly becoming a
third-rate naval power.
The Venice-Genoa partnership is in evidence first of all in the
banking side of the Spanish looting of the New World. Venice got
control of the silver coming from the Americas, shifting to a silver
standard from the previous gold standard in the middle of the
sixteenth century. This silver was used to pay for the spices and
other products from the East.
Venice was extremely liquid at this time, with about 14 million
ducats in coins in reserve around 1600. At about the same time,
incredibly, the Venetian regime had completed the process of paying
off its entire public debt, leaving the state with no outstanding
obligations of any type. This overall highly liquid situation is a
sure sign that flights of capital are underway, in the direction of
the countries singled out by the Giovani as future partners or
victims: France, England, and the Netherlands.
The Genoese around the St. George’s Bank received virtually the
entire world’s circulating gold stocks. The two cities teamed up
starting around 1579 at the Piacenza Fair, a prototype of a clearing
house for European banks, which soon had a turnover of 20 million
ducats a year. This fair was a precursor of the post-Versailles Bank
for International Settlements.
In 1603, Venice and Genoa assumed direction of the finances of
Stuart England, and imparted their characteristic method to the
British East India Company. It is also this tandem that was present
at the creation of the great Amsterdam Bank, the financial hinge of
the seventeenth century, and of the Dutch East India Company. Venice
and Genoa were also the midwives for the great financial power
growing up in Geneva, which specialized in controlling the French
public debt and in fostering the delphic spirits of the
The Venetians, in cooperation with the restored – that is,
degenerated – Medici interests, began a major move into maritime and
other types of insurance. These ventures live on today in the
biggest business enterprise associated with Venice, the
Assicurazioni Generali Venezia, one of the biggest if not the
biggest insurance and real estate holdings in the world.
On May 12, 1797, the Gran Consiglio obeyed Napoleon’s ultimatum and
voted itself out of existence. Four thousand French infantrymen
paraded on St. Mark’s Square, where foreign troops had never before
in history been seen. The golden Bucentoro was burned and the gold
carted off. The Venetian “Republic” was finished, but it continued
most emphatically to exist in less visible but highly effective
One particular of the last years of Venice is of special interest to
us: During the American Revolution about 3000 Venetian naval
personnel, corresponding to about one-third of the total available
strength, were serving with the British Royal Navy.
Commenting on the liquidation of Venice, the great Neapolitan
Neoplatonic Giuseppe Cuoco wrote:
“I don’t know what will happen to Italy, but the fulfillment of the
Florentine secretary’s prophecy in the destruction of the old,
imbecilic Venetian oligarchy will be a great boon for Italy always.”
The reference, of course, is to Machiavelli.
On the other side, William Wordsworth lamented the demise of “a
maiden city,” the “eldest child of liberty.”
Unfortunately, all the obituaries were premature: Venice has
continued to be very much alive. During the nineteenth century and
up to our own time it has been the most important single incubator
for fascist movements. With its military and financial power largely
emigrated elsewhere, Venice’s importance for political culture is
now greater than ever.
Examples of this are inexhaustible. Richard Wagner wrote part of
Tristan und Isolde while living in the Palazzo Giustinian on the
Grand Canal. One story has it that the leitmotif of the Liebestod
was inspired by the mournful call of a gondolier. At the end of his
life Wagner moved to Palazzo Vendramin Callergi, where he died. This
building, presently a gambling casino, was also the home of Count
Coudenhove- Kalergi, the founder of the Pan-European Union.
Friedrich Nietzsche loved Venice, returned there incessantly, and
dedicated certain poems to the city which today can still be used in
lieu of a powerful emetic. Venice was an inspiration for Lord Byron,
for Thomas Mann, and so on.
Other examples abound of how the Venetian oligarchy’s cultural and
political influence has reached down into the modern era:
* When British East India Company retainer Thomas Malthus published
his Essay on Population he was plagiarizing from the Venetian
Giammaria Ortes, who produced, around 1750, a fully developed
version of the argument that geometric population growth outstrips
the much slower arithmetric progress of food production.
* John Ruskin, the leading ideologue of the British Dark Ages
faction, began his career with a raving treatise on architecture,
The Stones of Venice (1851). This volume popularized the notion that
a “Venetian Gothic” style had been developed in the better times of
the city’s history (which for Ruskin ended in 1418) and it was used
systematically to discredit the Golden Renaissance.
* A turn-of-the-century new Roman Empire faction led by Venetian
Count Volpi di Misurata, who was known as the doge of his era,
sponsored the fascist Mussolini supporter Gabriele D’Annunzio to
drum up enthusiasm for a new crusade into the Balkans and the East.
Volpi became finance minister in Mussolini’s cabinet, along with a
very large number of other Venetians. D’Annunzio incited the
Italians to take back Trieste, the rest of Italia Irredenta, and the
Dardanelles, bringing on to center stage the so-called Parvus Plan
for dismemberment of the Ottoman and Russian empires, which is
generally recognized as the detonator of World War I. It is possible
that the turn-of-the- century super spook Alexander Parvus was
ultimately employed by Venice.
* The Societe Europeenne de Culture, a think tank created in 1950
through the efforts of Venetian intelligence operative Umberto
Campagnolo, has for the past three decades pulled intellectuals from
both East and West into organizing for an “international culture,”
based on rejecting the existence of sovereign nations. The SEC
counted among its members the cream of the postwar intelligencia:
Adam Schaff of Poland, Bertolt Brecht of East Germany, Georg Lukas
of Hungary, and Boris Paternak of the Soviet Union, as well as
Stephen Spender and Arnold Toynbee, Benedetto Croce and Norberto
Bobbio, Julian Huxley and Thomas Mann, Francois Mauriac, and Jean
Cocteau. Later, the SEC launched the Third World national liberation
Today, the Club of Rome is the institution that represents the most
concentrated essence of Venetian influence and the Venetian method.
The Club of Rome wants to convince the great powers and peoples of
the world to commit collective suicide by accepting the genocidal
doctrine of zero growth. It also hopes to abolish the sovereign
nation as a vehicle for economic growth and scientific progress.
Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei has just written a new book
titled One Hundred Pages For the Future, a global review of the
impact of the Club of Rome, and particularly since its 1972 release
of the zero-growth model Limits to Growth was published, a series of
social movements has sprung up under the sponsorship of the ideas in
the book. These – the women’s movement, the peace movement, Third
World national liberation movements, gay rights, civil liberties,
ecologists, consumer and minority rights, etc. – must now be welded
together into one movement for a single strategic goal: the
implementation of a zero-growth international order.
The Venetian problem remains with us today. Truly, the most urgent
task of this generation of mankind is to definitively liquidate the
horror that is Venice and all the other Gang Clan Families who have
ruled the World for 10,000 years.
Like the Savoys of Geneva, Richer than the Rothschild bankers in charge of investments for the Vatican Bank, Family Gang Pallavicini - a Genoan family Gang who supported from 1300AD the Cecil Gang, the Lords of Salisbury and their funding of Foreign Policy Think tank, All Souls College of Oxford, from 1348AD - See Anonymous the movie by Roland Emmerich about the time of Shakespeare - in order to take over the British Empire which culminated when Venice's Willam of Orange took over Britain in the Glorious Revolution of 1688.
Foreign Policy Think Tank, All Souls College of Oxford University, morphed under Salisbury and Lord Milner into the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council of Foreign Relations in order to start and manage World Wars I and II
Remember that Gang Godfather Giancarlo Pallavicini headed the Knights of Malta in the year of 1988 as a Lieutenant prior to Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie becoming Grand Master of the Order.
Some More Influential Game of Thrones Knights of Malta..
King Juan Carlos of Spain - Carlos, being a Bourbon noble with Farnese blood in his veins, is a preeminent member of Queen of England Elizabeth II’s Order of the Garter Gang, of English Cardinal Matthew Festing’s Sovereign Military Order of Malta Gang, and of American Cardinal John Patrick Foley’s Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Gang—the most powerful of all papal gang knighthoods.
The Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem (EOHSJ) form the foremost Knighthood subject to the Pope of Rome. This Equestrian Order goes back to the Roman Empire Caesars who just morphed into the Vatican and presently serves as the bodyguard for the Black Pope in his war room, Borgo Santo Spirito, just outside of Vatican walls.
The ubiquitous Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Knights of Malta) commands the Vatican’s International Intelligence Community - the most powerful Secret Service in the World descended from the Satanic Babylonian SS. Both work together in reducing all nations to the Temporal Power of the Pope. Above both Papal Knighthoods presides the Jesuit Black Pope advised and aided by his ten Jesuit Assistants chosen from the top Gangs.
Here is
King Juan Carlos of Spain with Obama and Hillary Clinton giving the occult SMOM Gang,
"Serpent Fangs" Gesture.
Yes, this picture is indeed worth a thousand words portraying
America’s top White House Jesuit Gang Temporal Coadjutors being advised
by one of the Pope’s most obedient servants and elitists, King Juan
The very powerful Queen "Guelph" Elizabeth II - Mrs Saxe-Coberg Gotha, who leads the British division of the Knights of Malta SMOM Gang - The Order of the Garter Gang - Which is simply tied once again into the Jesuit army controlled by the Gangs. The Royal Black Nobility Gang which rules the NATIONS make up over 50% of the Knights of Malta SMOM and all the leadership downwards.
Former Prime Minister, War Criminal, Tony Blair
giving the occult SMOM Gang, "Serpent Fangs" Gesture.
Tony Blair has to one of the most demonic, dangerous and scariest human beings on earth. Britain’s Tony Blair is more than a politician, war criminal and a degenerate; he’s a top stooge for Queen "Guelph" Elizabeth II - Aristo Mrs Saxe-Coberg Gotha. He’s been a member of the Queen’s Privy Council since 1994. He is a notorious- don’t give a damn “Liar.” Tony Bliar is a Luciferian 33rd Degree Master Mason. He is a Knight of Malta. Tony Blair is a Bilderberger. The ILLUMINATI want to establish a new One World Luciferian Religion to go along with their New World Order through President George W. Bush’s twinning master of deception, former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair and his Faith Foundation.
The philosophical basis of Tony Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION is based upon the Anglo Saxon imperial and racialist empire ideas of George Bernard Shaw and the Fabian Society with it's Guardian Newspaper. The Fabian Society intend to control every aspect of human life that would be arranged by educated white men under the ruse for the benefit of all. The Anglo Saxon dreamers included men of great ability and wealth, who devoted their talents and fortunes to carrying out the British Crown’s covert plans for world domination. The most prominent of these individuals were Andrew Carnegie, and of course members of the Fabian Society, particularly the African Holocaust Maniac and Masonic New World Order Criminal, Cecil Rhodes, and Satanic MI5 head H. G. Wells.
Blair’s FAITH FOUNDATION is covert arm of the British Crown and the
Vatican to control a One World Religion for a New World Order with
LUCIFER as god.
Silvio Berlusconi - Mafia Ex Prime Minister of Italy
Joseph R. Biden, Papal Knight Gang; Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, Vice President: Rome’s “Holy Roman” 14th Amendment American Empire, Alter Ego: Jesuit Advisor to President Barry Davis Obama, Promoter: Council on Foreign Relations, Honorary Degrees: Jesuit University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, Jesuit St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA
John Robert Bolton - U.N. Ambassador
Brzezinski Gangs- Member: Knights of Malta, Member: Bilderberg Group,
Member: Council On Foreign Relations, Creator: Trilaterial
Commission, Advisor: Jesuit Georgetown University, Professor:
Columbia University, New York, Recruiter of Barry Soetoro in 1981,
Creator of “Barack Hussein Obama”
George H.W Bush ex President and Head of CIA
George W. Bush ex President
Jeb Bush ex President To be?
Prescott Bush - Channeled Funds from American Aristocrats for the
rise of Hitler and the Third Reich
Michael Bloomberg - Billionaire NY City Mayor
Charles Joseph Bonaparte - Created the FBI Michael Chertoff - Author
of the Patriot Act and former head of Homeland Security
(President) Bill Clinton - part of the Bush Family Trillion Dollar,
Mexican "Bush", 1200 Ton Afghan Heroin and Coke business
(Cardinal) Terence Cooke
(Archbishop) Edward Egan
William Randolph Hearst
HEAD JESUIT! Heinrich Himmler - The SS was authorised by the Pope and was based on Jesuit
Richard Holbrooke - Special Representative for Afghanistan and
Pakistan under the Obama administration
Rick Joyner - Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church based
in Fort Mill, SC
Joseph Kennedy
(Senator) Ted Kennedy
Henry A. Kissinger
Rupert Murdoch
Oliver North
Nelson Rockefeller
David Rockefeller
Rick Santorum - former Senator of PA and professing Christian
Amschel Mayer von Rothschild - Manages the hedgefund investment for the Vatican
Bank under his family name
Robert Zoellick - 11th President of the World Bank
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (above), a former White House official -
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, -
says that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was 'an inside job designed to
pull France firmly back under Washington's thumb.'
Paris attack designed to shore up France's vassal status: Roberts.
Roberts, said that Francois Hollande this week said that the
sanctions against Russia should end.
Roberts says: "This is too much foreign policy independence on
France’s part for Washington.
"Has Washington resurrected
'Operation Gladio,' which consisted of CIA bombing attacks against
Europeans during the post-WW II era that Washington blamed on
We have British Intelligence governed by the Joint Intelligence
Committee itself governed by the Intelligence and Security Committee
of the UK Government. You will notice two of the controllers of the
ISC are Privy Councilors named Robin Butler and Michael Ancram.
These are two special persons who belong to much greater powers
controlling part of the highest levels of this power structure and
control over mankind.
Robin Butler is of the actual blood of the Butler’s who are really
the Ormonde name changed who rule Ireland. You then have Michael
Ancram of Clan Kerr who is married into the powerful Catholic Howard
family who rule the roost over Britain with the Perci family of the
Duke of Norfolk and roots of fifth-degree witch Barbara Bush
(Pearce) in Texas.
Michael Ancram also has connections to the Crooked Nose Clan where
David Cameron comes out of with a silver spoon in his Common Purpose
The same Cameron family named as the King of the Solar City. David
Cameron being connected to the House of Keswick opium dealers the
part controllers of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation -
the Drug Money Launderers for centuries of the British Empire - with
Chinese Er-Bu and of course and The Worshipful Company of Mercers of
the Masonic Lodges who are the one hundred and eight ancient Livery
Companies of the square mile of the City of London.. controlled by
the ten man Satanic Generational Family Advisory Board of the Jesuit
Black Pope
You have the Order of the Garter and the Sovereign Dame of Malta,
Elizabeth II. She takes the title Sovereign from the Holy See since
the Vatican created the title in 1481 with the Aterni Regis Papal
The next level is the Howard, Butler and Perci arena all working for
the Roman Empire continuum which controls the British Empire
continuum aka Livery Companies of New Jerusalem aka City of London
Corporation. Notice the connection of the Howard family to the home
of the Archibishop of Westminster, Vincent Nicols.
You should note the Knights Templar arrow on the shield of the
Butler family and those all important acorns. The acorn symbolizing
the fertility and rebirth whilst being part of the ancient sacred
oak tree which could withstand a lightening strike from the mighty
Zeus the planet Jupiter the God of the Vatican. You will also see
the acorn used by the Della Rovere and the Papal Nobility Farnese
and Borgia gang families of old which line is now continued through
the House of Bourbon/Hapsburg Gang commanded by King Juan Carlos of
Spain, the Emperor of the New unHoly Roman Empire who’s also known
as the Protector of the Holy Sites of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
giving him complete control over the Middle East and North Africa.
King Juan Carlos part uses this control through his Union for the
Mediterranean located in Barcelona and Malta.
The Emperor is also a high level controller of the Order of Malta
which commands all the military intelligentsia under the Cardinal
Grandmaster based in Rome. The Order of Malta is overseen by the
Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George (Bourbon) and the
powerful Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem which
Juan Carlos is also a high controller of along with its Cardinal
These all answer to the power of the Holy See at Vatican City
guarded by the Swiss Guard and Knights of Malta. These all answer to
the grand pooh bah - the Black Pope, the Jesuit Superior
General at the Curia Generalizia at Borgo Santo Spirito which is
guarded by the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia of the
Emperor for the protection of the Jesuit Superior General.
This Jesuit Black Pope is advised by ten people chosen from the top
Generational Family Gangs who can trace their genes back to Satanic
Babylon - his Advisory Board Gang Controllers who tell the Jesuits
what to do.
The Jesuit Black Pope also has his ten man Assistancy controlling
all the Masonic Lodges on Earth and The Entity the greatest and most
powerful intelligence agency on Earth.
The Masonic Lodges controlled by the Jesuits include the one hundred
and eight ancient Livery Companies - all Masonic Lodges - of the
Square Mile of the City of London. Like the Vatican, this Square
Mile is a separate country with its own laws and police force. The
Queen of England must ask permission to enter and when there is
subordinate to the Lord Mayor of London.
For a Thousand Years in Londinium, the New Jerusalem, these One
Hundred and Eight Masonic Lodge Livery Companies - now controlled by
the Jesuits, controlled by the ten man Satanic Generational Family
Advisory Board - have controlled the World - Petroleum Worldwide -
the Fuellers Livery Company, The English and Dutch East India
Companies of the Mercers Livery Company, the Crown Bar Law - the
Admiralty Law of the Corporate Admiralty System, Security and
Mercenary companies, World Finance - All the Banks, Education,
Commodities, Agenda 21, Carbon Taxes of the Blood and Gore Company,
- Everything!!
The over-hyped Mormon cult intelligence is governed by The Jesuits
and it was the Jesuits who set up the Mormon cult who control the
money laundering City of Las Vegas and who send all their sons
abroad to train for entry into the British MI6 set up CIA.
Mormon Founder Brigham Young was handled by Jesuit solder Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ who also gave the Mormons the Satanic Union State of Utah. Pierre-Jean De Smet SJ also handled the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Albert Pike.
The current
rigged challenger to the U.S. President is Mitt Romney a fagmaster
from the Mormon Church the same Mormon cult who owned the hotel used
in Virginia this year to host the Bilderberg meeting tied to Order
of Malta Knight Heinz Kissinger (Nazi DVD operative) and Privy
Councilor and Lord High Chancellor, Kenneth Clark the two of the
most common builders of the mountain for the King (Superior General)
in the crows nest. Mitt Romney is the chosen one by the Deutsche
Verteidigungs Dienst - DVD - leadership which includes Knight of
Malta, George H.W. Bush the DVDs thirty-four year long leader and
Heinz Kissinger.
Your only hope against this wicked Satanic and Luciferian system is
to investigate the history of changes to the Bibles over the years..
"Forgive us our Trespasses" was changed from "Forgive us our Debts" as Jesus threw the Demon Asuric Usuric Money changers out of the Temple - Symbolising Banker Usury, so Bankster Usury has been re-introduced by "small" changes to the original meaning of the text!!
Hold a
Puritan true-Christian Geneva Bible 1560/99. Do not follow any other
Bible including the Crown copyrighted King James Bible mastered by
an occultic Enochian Magician pirate, Sir John Dee the first 007
Secret Agent of MI6 of The Worshipful Company of Mercers of the
Livery Pirates den at New Jerusalem - the City of London.
May I remind you that Caroll Quigley failed you tell you that the
Anglo-American establishment is controlled by the Jesuit Order
controlled by Ten voted in members of the Advisory board chosen from
the most powerful Families of Satanic Babylonian descent.
That's not so surprising when you understand his masters at the
Jesuit military fortress of the U.S. known as Georgetown University
and currently commanded by Loyola soldier, Thomas Smolich SJ. All
another Jesuit diversion to keep you eyeing everywhere but Rome. The
true old definition of a Jesuit was always a person who deceives the
Finally let me remind you that the Jesuit Order are not followers of
Jesus and neither are the Catholic Church. Catholicism is not and
never will be Christian its roots lie in Mithraism. Christians
existed during the Roman Empire who would kill and throw Christians
to the lions for amusement and pleasure.
The Pope is a continuum of the Roman Caesars.
The Catholic
Church is the Roman Empire continuum in the veils of Christianity in
order to hoodwink, usurp, infiltrate and now destroy.
The Jesuit Order do not follow the same God as the Catholic Church
who worship the planet Jupiter known as Zeus or Peter.
Baphomet, the Divine Hermaphrodite, is part masculine and part feminine
The Jesuit Order follow the
planet Saturn (Satan) who eats his own sons - the reaper the same as
the Synagogue of Satan exposed in the Geneva Bible. The Jesuits are
seen as the Typhon God working for Kronos the mightiest God of all
and the one who helped birth Venus aka Lucifer the Divine
hermaphrodite, The God of light and the rainbow as well as the
Prince and power of the air. This is the reason that Baphomet is
part masculine and part feminine just like Venus and her mother the
Moon (Cybele).
The Jesuits completely control the Vatican and have done since
1814-1870 onwards. The Jesuits desire the destruction of Catholicism
as planned in order to bring about the one-World religion of Light
known as the Luciferian Doctrine.
The Jesuits never forgave the Church for their suppression in 1773
and never will. They easily forget how it was the anti-Christos
Pontiff who allowed their origins to survive the Knights Templar
suppression in the 14th Century. These surviving Knights were
allowed to enter the powerful Kingdom of Aragon and did so changing
into the Order of the Calatrava and Montesa. Today these orders are
Grandmastered by Emperor Juan Carlos, the most powerful Knight in
the World.
Was Ignatius
Loyola the true founder of The Company of Jesus?
No, I have said many times that the forces behind Inigo de Loyola
used him as a front. The powerful figures of Francis Borja and
Alessandro Farnese and it was these beings who controlled behind
Loyola. Why do you think the Jesuits still to this day worship
Francis Borja as Lucifer? Without Francis Borja and his wealth the
Company of Jesus would not have existed. Never believe anyone who
claims that Francis Borja was second to Inigo Loyola! The Jesuit
world headquarters known as the Curia Generalizia is even located in
an area named after the Borja family known as Borgo Santo Spirito.
Look into the history of Francis Borja and his connection to Charles
V the Holy Roman Emperor. The Papacy has been controlled by Spain
since 1527 onwards since Charles V and his sack of Rome.
If you look at the front of the mother church of the Jesuits known
as the Chiesa del Gesù you will read Alessandro Farnese’s name above
the pillars. Alessandro Farnese funded the building of the Chiesa
del Gesu. Alessandro’s name is also over the tomb of Inigo de
Loyola. The hidden power of the throne is never made visible but
instead fronts are put into public view to divert attention away
from the hidden power players. For instance who else handled Inigo
Loyola? You have to look to Venice and the Venetian Doge Andrea
Gritti along with Gasparo Contarini. The others involved in the
creating of The Company came from the Catholic nations of Portugal,
France and Spain. These included Simao Rodrigues, Peter Faber, Diego
Lainez, Francis Xavier (hidden creator of inoculation for
poisoning), Nicolas Bobadilla and Alfonso Salmeron.
When exactly did the Jesuit
Order first exist?
It is claimed The Company formed in 1541 but this is not true. The
Company was formed in Paris, France in 1534 within the crypt at the
Church of Saint Peter of Montmartre. It would be wise for
researchers to study the history of this Cathedral whilst
remembering that Peter Faber was a Frenchman who helped create The
Company. In the same year that Jesuit soldier, Jorge Mario Bergoglio
become Pope Francis I, he canonized Peter Faber. Peter Faber was the
third most powerful player within The Company behind Francis Borja
and Inigo Loyola. With what I have told you so far, do you still
believe this Jesuit Pope named himself after Francis of Assisi or
Francis Borja? The secretive intelligence division of the Jesuits
known as The Entity was created in 1541.
Is the known head of the
Jesuits still as powerful as he was when he was known as the Black
Yes the position of Black Pope still holds the powers granted to it
by Francis Borja in 1565. The Black Pope is the second most powerful
position in the Catholic Church behind the Pope. So when the current
Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas SJ claims he is not a Black Pope you had
better not believe him. As I have said before the word Jesuit means
‘a clever person who deceives the people.’ What this means is that
both Inigo Loyola and Diego Laynez never had the power that Francis
Borja and the Black Pope’s have had. Is it not any wonder why the
Jesuits worship Francis Borja so much? Francis funded, founded and
even created such a powerful position as the Black Pope within the
Catholic Church under the powerful Papal Bull system.
Within the Jesuit Order and the Order of the Malta high level
members run these organizations and do all the hard day to day work.
I informed you to look at the Prelate position of the Order of Malta
over the Grandmaster of the Order. The Curia Generalizia has to do
little work and could not exist without the rectors and provincials.
I’d suggest people look more towards Jesuit soldiers like Timothy P.
Kesicki, Francois-Xavier Dumortier SJ, John J. DeGioia, Michael J.
Garanzini, S.J and Joseph M. McShane, S.J. The Superior General does
not choose his successor, this choice goes to the General
Congregation made up of numerous Jesuits. During the term of a
Superior General a number of Jesuit Congregations are decided and
deal with what has to happen within The Company. This type of
congregation will be held every three years! I informed you last
time that even the Black Pope is spied upon by his own order and has
to take a confession. I believe his confessions will be taken by
American Jesuit James Grummer SJ.
Why was there no Black Pope
from the end of 1942 until late into 1946?
The last Black Pope in 1942 was Wlodimir Ledóchowski SJ the
mastermind of World War II and continuer of Franz Xavier Wernz SJ’s
World War I. The Black Pope in 1946 was Jean-Baptiste Janssens but
you will notice another gap after Janssens death. This gap lasted
for two-thirds of a year in length until Pedro Aruppe SJ was named
as Black Pope in September of 1965.
This is a sore point for the Jesuits and Old Europe! The death of
Wlodimir Ledóchowski was not a natural death. Ledóchowski was
assassinated on the 13th of December 1942 by assassins commanded by
Jesuit soldier, Heinrich Himmler SJ. The leader of the Schutzstaffel
got betrayed by his leader Ledóchowski using Ioseb Jugashvili
another Jesuit trained soldier.
Sedes Sacrorum (Latin Sedes for seat/see, Sacrorum for holy) otherwise known as Santa Sede and the "SS" also known in English as "Holy See" refers to the legal apparatus as a whole by which the Pope as Supreme Patriarch of the Catholic Church (Universal Ecclesia) and its Curia of Bishops claim historical recognition as a sovereign entity with superior legal rights.
Himmler's SS the Nazi Knights of the Black Sun was created and licensed by the Pope, the Holy See.
A large schism occurred within the
Jesuits just as we saw in Freemasonry in the 19th Century. The two
opposing sides of the Jesuits were made up of the New World Jesuits
being from Britain, Canada, United States and Australia. The
opposing side was made up of Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland
Jesuit soldiers. Heinrich Himmler SJ became the unofficial Black
Pope for Old Europe and ruled until his death in 1945. The Jesuits
of the Venetian New World became lead by Edmund Walsh SJ connected
with Georgetown University which rules over the United States aided
by the Senior Executive Service and other branches of the Crown
Even though Black Popes continued to be elected by a General
Congregation this is did not mean the schism had ended. The
provincial Conferences became used as a medium from 1972 to help
bring about a truce between the Jesuits which occurred in 1983. Is
it any wonder Pedro Arruppe had to prepare the Jesuits for a New
World Order? If you look at the World today and all the changes it
becomes most obvious that the Venetians control the show behind the
scenes using New Venice (Britain) and the United States instead of
Europe. Do you think the Venetians could be split like this?
Heinrich Himmler’s legacy is not all lost as the Nazi’s continue on
to this day through the Deutsche Geozentrale (German Geopolitical
Centre) and the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst headed in Dacahu,
Bavaria. This Nazi powerhouse has branches known as Odessa,
Liebwache, Scharnhorst, Edelweiss, Lustiger Bruder and Sechsestirn.
The Nazis have infiltrated into many areas including Britain which
should not be a shock when we understand that the Cliveden Set
wanted to side with Hitler.
What is the connection of
the Jesuits to finance?
Since 1572 the Jesuits have been dealing in finance like the order’s
original Knights Templar origins that was taken from them by the
Pope in 1312 and his Order of Malta. The Jesuits created and
controlled the United East Indies Company which was the first ever
mega-corporation. The company only went bankrupt because the Jesuits
had been suppressed by the Pope since 1773. In the United States
just for starters you can look at Bank of America, JP Morgan and
Chase along with BNY Mellon. In Switzerland you can look at the
Lombard Odier & Cie. The Jesuits moved a lot of gold bullion out of
France and into both Swiss and United States banking houses back in
the 18th Century. The Jesuits are the secret controllers of the
Vatican Treasury which they have guarded by the Rothschild family,
the official Guardians of the Vatican Treasury. You’ll find the
Jesuits, Vatican, Queen Elizabeth II and worldwide syndicate
families are involved in banking. The financial system is run by the
Order of Malta and The Venerable Order of St John of Jerusalem. The
Order of Malta having taken the power via Papal Bull Ad Providam in
1312 away from the Knights Templar. The Jesuits subordinated the
Order of Malta in 1794 aided by Napoleon Bonaparte. The Jesuits and
Rothschild alliance used the Bonaparte scam in order to take control
of the Bank of England.
Where do the Jesuits keep
their Vatican wealth?
In the ancient land of Turicum which you will know as Zurich, a
canton of Switzerland. Shall we say yet another example of Jesuits
with Protestants.
Why was Pope Benedict XVI
Yes most definitely but do not believe he was a Pope because he was
an anti-Pope since he had not managed to remove the Second Vatican
Council of the Jesuit renewal of the counter-Reformation. In the
alternative media it is claimed he was dethroned over the
paedophilia troubles and because he has a homosexual lover. This of
course will be the smokescreen put out by Vatican intelligence
sources. It has to be something of importance because Ratzinger was
well schooled and respected by many and why not? After all Ratzinger
did create the Oslo Accords which once again bought back Jerusalem
as the Latin Kingdom back in 1993. Joseph Ratzinger was punted and
demoted to Pope Emeritus! Since September of 2008 the financial
crisis has been a rebellion by various banking dynasties and the
Pope (Benedict XVI). This banking system has been in place now for
two centuries.
The elite power structure is not as rock solid as it should be and
now is the time for attempts to take over before it is too late. Has
Ratzinger failed in his attempt to dethrone the Jesuits? Well we now
have a Jesuit as the Pope replacing Benedict XVI. Will the Pope
Emeritus still be working with banking houses against the Jesuits
from behind a less visible arena or has his attempt been squashed?
We still have the banking system for now without a complete
meltdown. So I guess we will have to see if a meltdown comes or if a
new system or current system improves or morphs into something else
for the next eighty or more years. I believe a lot of the cravings
for a gold-backed currency is connected with the Ratzinger faction.
Is this rebellion connected with the arrest of Monsignor Scarano?
Why is Scarano under the impression that the Jesuit banking Nattino
family are going to poison him? You have to admit it is likely this
is the true cause of Pope Benedict XVI’s removal and replacement
with a Jesuit. The first overt Jesuit Pope in History! Why only now
has a Jesuit decided to be throned? All challengers be warned that
the Jesuits dominate!
Was the Bank of England
created by the Jesuits?
Venetian merchants created the Bank of England, helped along by the
passing of the Usuary Act of 1571 and the ramblings of John Locke..
The 1st Earl of Halifax, Charles Montagu a Privy Councillor and
member of the Order of the Garter helped to create the Bank of
England. Charles Montagu was the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the
time of the Banks existence. He later rose in power in the 18th
Century when he became the First Lord of the Treasury. William
Paterson fronted for the founding of the Bank of England. The first
meeting of the Bank of England was held at The Worshipful Company of
Mercers Hall in the City of London. The Venetians adore usury which
means the charging of credit forbidden by God. In fact the Venetians
make loan sharks interest look cheap in comparison. Some Venetian
usury rates ended up into the triple figure range. The Venetian
greed can cripple nations and even themselves. To a Venetian
oligarch the God of this world is gold which is named after the
creator with an added ‘l’ for good measure. The
military-industrial-complex is the Venetian mind set of endless
wars, finance and depressions.
Was Frederick the Great a
Freemason and did he have a connection with the Jesuits?
Frederick the Great was part of the House of Hohenzollern and a
powerful figure in Freemasonry. Frederick was a homosexual handled
by homosexual lovers connected with the Venetians. Is it any wonder
he gave shelter to the Jesuits? Is it any wonder the Jesuits showed
a more open alliance with New Venice (Britain)? Where would the
Jesuit reductions wealth go if it could not be put in Catholic
Did the Jesuits create the
No the Jesuits did not even in exist when the original Gnostic
Illuminati was created by Pythagoras of Samos. There have been
numerous forms of the Illuminati with the Jesuit Order itself being
one of them. The Los Alumbrados was the name of Loyola’s prior
organization. Los Alumbrados in Spanish means the Illuminati.. The
Venetian-Jesuits created the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. The
Venetians used another front to claim the founding of this Order
called Adam Weishaupt a supposed former-Jesuit but in truth simply a
sheep-dipped Jesuit solder continuing the cause. The founder of the
Illuminati for the Venetians was an occultist and member of the
Order of Malta known as Giuseppe Balsamo. The same man who screwed
over France.
What is the power structure
of the Illuminati?
The Illuminati has it’s own Druidic internal power structure made up
of various councils all subservient to the Jesuits including the
Grand Druid Council. The Illuminati is made up of various powerful
bloodlines such as the Pallavicini and Agnelli. In truth these are
more powerful than the Pope as they are closer to the action the
same as the Provincials of the Jesuits are the real power players of
The Company. Lets face it would the Pope on his own defeat the
military might of the United States? So whoever funds the
military-industrial-Complex has some serious power and basically it
is all the corporations like NASA, General Electric and so forth
including the covert drugs trades through the Exchange Stabilization
Fund subordinate to Georgetown University and the Knights of Malta.
Below the Illuminati families you have the United Nations. The Black
Pope sits under his Provincial powers and above the Illuminati power
and Papal power. Quite how the Jesuits manage to be so dominate is a
mystery but it is a fact for now. A power exists above the Jesuit
Order and that will have some form of Genoa/Venetian roots going
back into Phoenicia. The Jesuits were on good terms with the
continuum of the Hashashins. Loyola meet with the famous Hashashins
of the Middle East. This system is a lot more complex than people
would let you believe and it is not all clear cut or at least not
just yet.
Who controls the Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry?
This is commanded by the Jesuits and Venetians through the Venerable
Order of St John of Jerusalem which answers to the Order of Malta
through the Alliance of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem. This
Rite is connected to the Norman continuum powers such as the Clan
Bruce of Scotland. It is from the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry we
have the New Age Movement and Zionism. The Rite’s headquarters is in
Dallas, Texas not the front known as the House of Temple in
Washington D.C.
Who was behind the
Venetians commanded Henry VIII using Francesco Zorzi under orders of
Gasparo Contarini who mastered the whole farce of the Reformation
and the counter-Reformation. The end goal was to hinder Europe and
put a stop to any attacks against Venice. Instead Europe and
Christianity would be in a battle wasting time and energy of those
suckered into the illusion. Yes people were killed during the
Reformation but these were the herd who fell for the illusions. The
hidden leaders of the illusion sat back and worked it all to their
own gains. To them it did not matter who was in the Giovani or the
Vecchi, both sides were puppets to the puppeteer Venetians.
Francesco Zorzi was the hidden creator of Rosicrucian order not
Christian Rosenkreuz.
Is the Roman Catholic Church
still Catholic?
No the false-Church has not been Catholic since 1962 when Pope John
XXIII bought about the start of the Second Vatican Council. Since
this time all supposed Popes have been anti-Popes. So when you hear
the sarcastic term “is the Pope a Catholic?” You can now explain why
the Pope is no longer a Catholic. If you want to understand this
subject more then I suggest you study the Vatican Second Council
along with the work of traditional Catholics who have separated from
the Vatican. The Second Vatican Council is the Jesuit renewal of the
Council of Trent and the counter-Reformation. The Jesuits have
destroyed the Catholic Church as it was once known. Many of the old
hierarchy of the Vatican knew from day one that the Jesuits were
mavericks and dangerous to the Church. Those who knew what the
Jesuit agenda was all about made sure they opposed the Jesuits at
all costs. I think their warnings were well vindicated don’t you?
Why were the Jesuits formed? The Jesuits were formed as a military
order to counter the Reformation created by the Venetians. The
Venetians controlled both sides of the coin until they could
manipulate everything over the centuries to the results we see
today. It is said that the Order of Malta are the greatest merchants
on Earth. This is not true because the Venetians and Genoa are the
greatest merchants on Earth. The Venetians had the best intelligence
network centuries before they bought forth the Jesuits. Look at the
system we live in today. Can you deny it is not a Venetian
Is there a female version of
the Jesuits?
Yes although it is not a division of the Jesuit Order there is a
powerful feminine order known as the Order of the Most Holy Savior.
The head of this order is a close aid of the Pope called Madre Tekla
Famiglietti known as the Abbess General. This Order’s headquarters
is based in the Piazza del Gesu in Rome where the Mother Church of
the Jesuit Order is located. In the same location where you have the
Bank Finnat run by the powerful Nattino family who have a connection
with the London Stock Exchange and the Pallavicini family of Genoa.
When did the modern Holy
Roman Empire start and where is its capital based?
The Roman Empire never truly ceased, it just fragmented somewhat as
I have told you before in the previous interview. I mentioned the
Congress of Vienna and the Treaty of Verona. This Roman Empire of
today started to form from 1850 onwards and it was aided by the
British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs known as the 3rd
Viscount Palmerston, Henry John Temple who was also a Privy
Councillor and a member of the Order of the Bath and the Order of
the Garter. Temple was aided by the head of the Illuminati known as
Giuseppe Mazzini from Genoa along with David Urquhart, Louis
Bonaparte, Privy councillor James Stansfelt, Anthony Cooper the Earl
of Shaftesbury, John Stuart Mill, William Henry Ashurst of the Inns
of Court and John Bowring. People will be aware of the connection of
Albert Pike and Mazzini. Albert Pike was handled by Jesuit soldier,
Pierre-Jean de Smet SJ. You could say this was the time when
Freemasonry started to take over bit by bit. The capital of this
Roman Empire today is the powerful City of London which is the
ancient Londinium of the Romans. All based within Britain which is
New Venice, favoured by the Venetians for being an island similar to
their old city of Venice. The Venetians believe they are the chosen
people. All of the Livery companies are Masonic lodges with a
Worshipful Master. The Superior General and hundreds of other
Vatican officials are Freemasons.
Why is the information on
the Jesuits getting out after all these years?
Like I said before it is part of a power struggle within the
Catholic Church. Cardinals and Orders within the Church structure
dislike the Jesuits having a noose around their necks. The Jesuits
rule with an iron rod and control everything in the Church. If you
have funds then the Jesuits take them. If you have land then the
Jesuits will take them, if you are lucky they might let you keep
infertile lands. Sometimes being too strict on your slaves is not in
your best interest as they will start to rebel at some point. This
was the difference between Catholic and Protestant slave masters.
The Catholics were evil to their slaves whilst the Protestants were
far more considerate to theirs. Who would you hate the most and want
to rebel against out the two? I should remind you that the Venetians
are the biggest slave traders and built their wealth based on
slavery. So we have insiders within the Catholic Church and orders
like Opus Dei drip feeding information out in order to cause
complications to the Jesuit Order as part of this attempt to reverse
the Jesuit stranglehold.
Why are Jews put in
positions of power at banking houses?
Irish Roman Catholics sit in banking house positions of power at
well! Whilst you are to be fooled that all races on Earth are equal
and the same, the establishment know different. Each race is unique
and have there own positive qualities over another. With the black
race they have the superior human body and this is why they are
excellent at sports. Have you noticed how you do not see any black
racing drivers? Lewis Hamilton is a mulatto not a full black race so
he cannot be included. Blacks are susceptible to detached retinas.
The Turkish-Edomites take up positions of power simply because they
have a mind capable of excelling in accounts and bookkeeping. If you
wanted to run a perfect system would you put a black in charge of
accounts or a Turkish-Edomite? I think we have seen what happens
when the wrong races are put in positions they cannot fulfil, the
cities of the United States are full of the results Like bankrupt
How powerful are the B’nai
The B’Nai B’rith was created to aid the creation of the modern Holy
Roman Empire by Privy Councillor, Henry Temple. Henry Temple was the
Grandmaster of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
and to this day this Rite controls the B’Nai B’rith organization.
You will notice how Albert Pike controlled the second version of the
Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan is nothing more than the Scottish
Rite’s one of many systems in order for the Venetian-Jesuit Britain
to master the United States under its Holy Roman Empire started by
Henry Temple.
Who created Zionism?
The Venetian-Jesuits created Zionism using Sir Francis Bacon, Robert
Cecil and Anthony Ashley Cooper. They pushed Zionism from within the
Jesuit controlled Baltimore in Maryland. I would suggest a study on
the evil Jesuit intelligence network known as The Leopold
foundation. The Jesuit assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln
has origins in Baltimore. This would then aid with creating an
anti-Catholic hatred in the region when it was realized that the
supposed Church murdered Lincoln. This resulted in a dropping of
diplomatic ties with the Vatican until 1984 under Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was a Honorary Knight of Malta and pawn of the Jesuits and
whom they had groomed to become President from as early as 1940 when
he played George Gipp in the film ‘Knute Rockne, All American.’ You
will find a big connection of B’Nai B’Rith to this Jesuit
intelligence network down in Baltimore.
Thank you for another great interview and hopefully we can continue
this regularly…
Related Posts:
Conspiracy research interview #1 Oct 2013 with The Unhived Mind
This is an
interview with the man who runs the forum the Unhived Mind
Q: What is your theory as to what exactly is going on in the world
right now?
Right now the Jesuit Order is gearing up and their in the starting
stages of publically taking over of the Middle East in the new
Crusade to destroy the Vatican created Islamics. Remember Islam was
created by the Papacy around 595 thanks to ex-nun Khadija for the
purpose of takeover and conflict in the future. The Jesuits plan
well in advance.. Right now the aim is to create confusion and
chaos. The motto of the 32nd and 33rd degree freemasons and possible
31st and 30th is ORDO ABCHAO which is Latin for Order out of Chaos.
In order to establish the New Atlantis commonly known as New World
Order the chaos has to increase. By increasing chaos you help scare
the sheeple public into demanding a one world government and all
their sneaky plans to go with it. At this very moment we have them
ramming Bird Flu down our necks, Terrorism and natural disasters all
day long. They love to forget about Laser satellites which
manipulate and create weather patterns. They love to forget about
HAARP and Chemtrails and their effects on the weather. We’re scared
about the climate but not told that all the planets in the solar
system are changing most the same as us and others in the opposite
direction. We’re scared about the Ozone layer when really this is a
complete scam. Have you ever wondered why they only ever look for
and find holes in the so-called Ozone layer at the poles? This is
the only place there would be holes due to the lack of Oxygen
support from plants etc and also something to do with the poles
themself if I remember correctly. This is why theres no Ozone holes
over New York, Sidney, London, L.A etc and if anywhere on this world
would have them it would be these cities, but nothing!!!! What do
the people do? Fear spraying cans and throw out their fridges,
spending more money on new ones and doing the right thing so they
Q: Who are the Jesuits and Count Peter Hans Kolvenbach?
The Jesuits from the 4th Vow are the rulers of this planet and have
been since 1846. They were formed by the first Black Pope Loyola
properly addressed as The Superior General. He swore allegience to
the Pope to help destroy their enemies and regain control of the
world under one leadership again, which is Roman Catholic for now.
Since 1540 they have been feared because the Jesuit Order is the
most powerful society on Earth and this is how its kept control
amongst what many call the elite. The Jesuits kill Popes which
should easily show you their power. Many in the Vatican detest the
Society of Jesus and its ways but quite frankly cannot do anything
about it. Once the Pope was made the Infallible Prince that was it,
the Jesuits gained control of all the governments etc. This created
the final pyramid in order to gain full control, this is how the
small rule the few. Popes hate being Infallible as it makes them
subject to Rome! The Jesuits have all the knowledge and wealth most
of which they steal. Just look at their 4th vow Oath and
Instructions its terrible how they think and react. They remind me
of Chameleons, the Jesuits change into their enemy in order to take
over and destroy.
The Superior General of the Society of Jesus known as Peter Hans
Kolvenbach he is the most powerful man on the planet in a singular
sense. Of course he must be elected for the position so theres other
Jesuits in the collective sense more powerful together. Think of it
as a business with a CEO and a board of directors/owner! Kolvenbach
is the head of all Masonry of which his order created. You will see
Masonic elements in Jesuit documents etc such as the all seeing eye
and sun worship. The white Pope is ruled by The Superior General as
is all the rest such as Cardinal Bertie of the Sovereign Military of
Malta and Opus Dei leaders and members
Q: What is the extent of the Jesuits power?
Jesuit rule everything my friend, from Intelligence to military to
banking to Masonry, my god it even goes down to Sports teams and
Dominos pizza if we really want to go deep. Dig deep enough and you
always find at the top Sovereign Military of Malta such as the
Federal Reserve, Council on Foreign Relations etc. Same for
Bilderberg with its Jesuit founder Joseph Rettinger. Their
everywhere and the main reason is because Knowledge is power. They
have the most real wealth but knowledge is worth more than any piece
of paper money or even gold for that matter! People get their minds
hived by Temporal Coadjutors working for the Jesuit order. Their
made to believe that mere puppets such as Rockefeller and Rothschild
rule this planet and banking. These two are very big players no
doubt but their dwarfed at the top. Just look at the Venetian
bankers and laughed at the drivel the mass conspiracy are spoon fed.
Truth be known, Queen Elizabeth II is much more wealthy than we’re
being told and guess what she really belongs too? The GELPH
bloodline which is hidden as much as possible, this means shes a
Black Nobilty. Mr Coleman and others exposed how when her ship was
in Venice you knew something was going to happen financially/war
somewhere. All the Black Nobility and high ranking would meet on
this ship in a Bilderberg type way. Obviously this was a very secret
matter and its certainly not discussed much at all in the Temporal
Coadjutor conspiracy indoctrination.
The Black Nobility are known also as The Committee of 300. We’re just told about Duponts, Rockefellas, Melons, Morgans etc. They simply forget the Bernadotte, Bourbon, Braganza, Grimaldi, Grosvenors, Guelph, Habsburg, Hanover, Hozhenzollern, Karadjordjevic, Liechtenstein, Nassau, Oldenburg, Orange, Savoy, Wettin, Wittelsbach, Württemberg, Zogu.
The Jesuits run our countries from their universities and colleges. In America its not the Whitehouse and Pentagon which rule, its Georgetown University! Yes the very place William Clinton was educated amongst others and what he can never keep quiet about. Georgetown is the true power of the U.S followed by Fordham University. Both oversea the Black Popes Miltary Vicar known as Cardinal Egan in New York. If Cardinal Egan doesn’t do as he's told he's either removed or ELIMINATED.
The Jesuits favourite method of assassination is The Cup of Borgia which is poisoning. Everything in America goes through the Military Vicar first after of course Georgetown and Fordham. Cardinal Egan knows everything behind 9-11 as he gives the final orders from the Vatican point of view. In the U.K its the Archibisop of Westminster Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor. He is overseen by Wimbledon College who is overlooked by the real power of the U.K which is Stonyhurst College.
The Queen even has to curtsie when she goes to Stonyhurst. The Queen has to ask permission to enter Rome’s main financial district/realm know as The City also known as the City of London.
You see Rome controls this world through the U.K and U.S which if anything went wrong and things came out, these would get the blame not the real villain. Never make it easy for people to know who rules behind the shadows. Make up villains in the publics eye so they get the blame first. This has happened by installing in the waking public amongst conspiracy followers that The City is solely to blame and its owners mostly we’re told are Rothschilds.
Now when trouble starts people will attack the wrong enemy and if they ever won they would think its all over, whilst the devil dog Jesuits regroup and reform for the next battle which never ends. Right now the sheeple are made to hate America and blame it for everything. Have you noticed how they like to refer to this land as America when they want to indoctrinate hate against it, but its the United States any other time? Yes the United States is their business, corporation & pride and joy.
America is
nothing to them and they hate this very much as well as Americans.
To Rome your just a slave in a covert control system which keeps you
happy thinking your free when you not. The Jesuits realised that
overt control and military action on the people didn’t work so they
decided in 1776 to go covert and gradually over time we’re now being
controlled covertly thinking we’re free whilst we’re in a prison
without bars as Icke would say. This is the true reason for the
creation of the Order of Illuminati created on May 1st 1776. Your
National Insurance and Social Security numbers are your Maritime
Admiralty Product slave ROME numbers. We’re simply stock for our
governments leadership to use in order to get funding from Rome and
its Banking agents/pawns.
Q: What is the Opus Dei and how does it tie into the conspiracy?
Opus Dei is very powerful although not as powerful as the Jesuits!
Opus Dei was founded by Jose Maria Escriva in Madrid, Spain, in late
1928! Of course this was with the permission/Order of the Jesuits
and The Superior General. Opus Dei have really taken charge of the
Vatican which aids the Jesuit Order in taking some of the burden
away from them plus I think it gives some of the anti-jesuit priests
a sense of choice, freedom similar to people getting fed up with
Blair and then theres the conservative side but unfortunately their
run by the same player still. We’re told Opus Dei were formed as
Competition to the Jesuits which is hogwash when you know the
Superior General and Jesuit order rule the roost over the Pope and
Vatican. Opus Dei just adds even more force to the almighty Roman
Q: Rumors are circulating that SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) has found
its way into the church. Is there any truth to this?
The Catholic Church and quite frankly many others have plenty of SRA
and sexual abuse going on. Mostly its on young innocent virgin boys
because you must remember that these Luciferians and
Magi’s/Alchemists use the energies given off at the times of the
crime on the victim. The all seeing eye is not just a sign of
knowledge, leadership and watching over the flock with an iron fist.
The all seeing eye also represents the anus and sodomy which
empowers the attacker, especially if the attack happens within a
circle. The same goes for actual sacrifices also. The high end
Jesuit Order are the highest ranking Luciferians. If anyone was to
be THEE anti-christ it would be the Superior General of the Jesuit
The Jesuits are openly gay and basically do not give a damn what anyone other than their master the Superior General thinks. The Vatican priests hide more behind the religion. All the Catholic religion is to the highest Vatican, Jesuit, SMOM, Opus Dei is a front in order to work with ease right now until they destroy it and create the New Atlantis religion once again controlled by them with whatever system and names of control they choose.
Legionnaires went to Priests, Caesars went to Popes so we’ll see what the next charade becomes when they rule from Jerusalem. By the way Jerusalem is only the Holy City because its the uttermost center of global trade! The religion works well at hiding these creatures well, if you expose the Jesuit Order and its minions your instantly labelled anti-catholic. In some ways I am but not for the reasons they try to make out.
They love to
use labels to manipulate the sheeple against you in a form of
Temporal Coadjutorship or most commonly known Gatekeeperism. If you
talk about how the Holocaust figures are much lower than the offical
hogwash your labelled Anti-semitic by the Illuminati group B’Nai
B’Rith who rule roost over the ADL. If you report an Israeli soldier
killing a child you get labelled anti-semitic when in fact all
you’ve done is copy and pasted a BBC article. Why aren’t the BBC
labelled Anti-Semitic?
Q: Could you talk little about how the Freemasons, Illuminati, and
Zionists are involved in this? Is the supposed Priory of Sion
involved at all?
I cannot comment on the Sion to be honest but all the groups work
together in the Pyramid command control structure. Theres some in
the Illuminati who are in Freemasonry and Black Nobility etc etc.
Zionism is nothing to do with legit Hebrews (Dark skinned). Zionism
is nothing more than Jesuit White controlled tyranny veiled in a
Jewish conspiracy. The Jesuits are very good at diverting your
attention onto others.
The Jesuits are The Elders of Zion and created The protocols of the Elders of Zion. This is/was really the instructions to the Order of the Illuminati which was created by Jesuits and Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in France. Leo Lehmann helps to confirm this.
The Jesuits just turned it into a Jewish conspiracy to get people indoctrinated against a false enemy as usual. They did exactly the same thing with the Janesists with the Protocols of the Elders of Fountaigne(?) Most Freemasons haven’t got a clue whats going on and the same for the Jesuits.
Its not
until you hit 4th Vow in the Jesuits or 30th degree in Masonry
before you start to learn whats really going on. You see, the Sun
enters the heavenly abode at 30 degrees and exits at 33 degrees.
This is why you learn the truth from 30th degree and never rise
above 33 because how can you be granted power to rise above the Sun
of which you’re supposed to worship! To be honest its all of a much
in the Freemason lower down period! I like to talk about the
capstone and pinacle control, all the rest just interconnect like
tiles and grout for the Jesuit final show case bathroom suit so to
Q: What is the Depopulation Agenda of the elite?
Theres no doubt about it that the population of Planet Earth is
under attack from its masters the Jesuits and their lackies such as
David Rockefeller, Merck, I.G Farben and the Eugenics movement. The
problem is most of the new diseases they claim are killing people
especially in Africa simply don’t exist. Its really the same old
diseases killing people as always but the establishment use their
media to create hype, fear and frenzy. Once they start rattling on
about a new disease from no where the sheeple easily cave in and
follow/toe the line. This has happened with AIDS which has nothing
at all to do with HIV, infact contary to even Peter Duesberg I do
not agree theres even a HIV virus and you cannot find anyone who can
prove it else they would have by now and convinced everyone along
with taken the reward monies offered! Again the seed has been
planted and god help people who go against it. HIV/AIDS is now a
religion and your committing heresy exposing the sham. Now we have
Bird Flu and we’re scaring the nation to death based on 60 deaths in
Asia without medical history of the patients and much more missing.
We’re scared about H5N1 based on Anti-body tests which have been
turned upside down over the last 20 years to mean you have a disease
and its going to kill you. Antibodies are a sign you’ve defeated the
invader! These cretins can’t just go around doing what they want,
breaking laws and instructions set in stone. They word things ever
so sneakily sometimes and other times their so easy to pick out.
They will scare you about Bird Flu in Canada then mention H5 strain
but not mention its N1 etc etc, its all clever wording to promote
Fear and panic and its working. Jon Rappoport is the best for
exposing these scams.
What you must think about is this, recently there's far less control
in the publics hands these days. You see everything turning private
instead of state run! When this happens it shows its already been
going on a long time previous. You see their making masses of
profits from Private assets. Please check out the Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report in the States and see the mass surplus they
make and not tell the public about. One year it was 1.5 Trillion
dollars alone in Manhattan, NYNY!
Then they
make out 62 Billion dollars for disaster relief for New Orleans is a
big deal and we don’t know where its coming from?!?!?! If you check
out this C.A.F.R you will understand that the mass population is not
needed like it used to be and therefore can be eliminated over a
period of time. This saves them from getting into history books like
Hitler as mass murderers otherwise they would have to take us out
and shoot/gas us etc. Mind you they hide the truth from history so
bad it wouldn’t matter, especially in the future with its drones
oops human population minions of Temporal Coadjutors everywhere
without common sense (mind you thats gone now already).
Their getting you in the water with a whole host of deadly things
especially Fluoride. You cannot get rid of this regardless what you
use including a distiller believe it or not. You have a better
chance with a distiller but if you look at the temperature of
evaporation against the water and fluoride its almost identical!
Reverse Osmosis filters dont work as they only remove a percentage
of the fluoride and any fluoride at all is dangerous! The only way
you can guarantee Fluoride free water is to buy a water butt for the
garden and link it up to the drainpipe. Then tip this water into a
gravity filter system such as a British Berkefield and filter it of
all the muck. I do still worry about this incase the filter cannot
destroy all within this water due to the Chemtrail exposure. See you
just cannot win their attacking up on all fronts from Water, Air,
Food & Drink.
I believe their plan is a much smaller world population with a
lifespan of around 40 years tops! Its already been suggested that
people born from 1992 onwards will have this sort of lifespan due to
something in particular I’ve forgotten and obviously all the other
junk. Many children are suffering chronic problems at the ages of
3-5 which is disgusting! They will get you through Vaccines as much
as possible. They will spread the next plague via Vaccines after
firstly announcing the plague on TV. Now the sheep will flock the
clinics for their jabs and be given the plague. When they die no one
will be none the wiser and believe the media story no problem.
Remember they will at this point love to tell you that they never
get the right strain of virus in vaccines anyhow, this will get them
right off the hook!
Q: Could you tell us the truth, in your eyes, about of vaccines
Vaccines are a complete Fraud and have been since Edward Jenner
introduced them to the world. Funny enough what was Edward Jenner? A
Jesuit! Jenner invented SmallPox of the Cow which didn’t exist.
Thanks to Dr Charles Creighton, Jenner was exposed as the devious
fraud he was. Vaccines are just another way for the Jesuits to Cup
of Borgia people by the masses.
Vaccines are the inquisition again! Jesuit Francis Xavier was a big part in the creation of Vaccines after being sent to Japan and India to find out more the poisons from local medicine men. Dr Leonard Horowitz is the authority on vaccines I must stress people need to get his lecture on vaccines asap as its amazing. There's many people these days turning against this devious, wicked plan. They also want to utilise Vaccines to inoculate the population with the new nano chips they have. There's chips now the size of an ants feet.
Bill Gates has been funding for quite some time now mood changing implant chips in Korea. Funny how recently he wants to inoculate Africans from various diseases looking like a good guy using the media to lure the sheeple into believing its a good thing.
The role of the red cross etc is just to commit genocide on the victims the Jesuits desire destroyed! Look how they couldn’t bribe those red Indians (true Americans) who owned the lakes not so long back. What did the Jesuits do? They’ve inoculated them for whatever diseases which will basically either end up killing them off through lack of fertility or dumb them down that much over time they will cave in. I go for the first option myself knowing the Jesuits!
They tried to say for years that Viruses didn’t cause Cancer. Viruses etc are not the route of the problem as this lies with the disfunctioning of the body but they DO trigger cancer and its always been known. Why do you think they had the Special Virus Cancer Program which they’ve used to develope MMV’s (Mouse Mammory Viruses). Its funny how we find out about MMV and suddenly see a pandemic of major proportions of Breast Cancer which is MMV.
Now we’ve
had SV40 in Polio etc and they still tried to keep this quiet. Funny
how that all changed when they had something to market yet again to
poor women (they target women such a lot) which was the Vaccine
against Cervical Cancer. They loved to tell us that HPV causes
Cervical Cancer then didn’t they.
Q: What causes AIDs?
Sulfnamides, Trimethoprim, Prednisone, Cyclophosphomide, Cytotoxic
drugs, Antibiotics, Antiviral, Antifungal and Corticosteroids,
Glucocorticoids containing drugs, street drugs like Crack Cocaine,
Crystal Meth, Alkyl Nitrites (Poppers) [Mostly due their side
effects and treatments], heavy use of Aspirin, Malnutrition, bad
Make no doubt about it, the drugs which they use to treat HIV/AIDS
are the same drugs which create the illness and symptoms.
Quite Simple NOT HIV!
Q: Could you talk a little bit about Chemtrails?
Chemtrails are white plumes which to many look like a normal
Contrail except that's the only similarity in the initial laying
down stages. Unfortunately these plumes linger for hours and spread
across the sky to the desired location and patterns due to satellite
scalar polarisation weaponry. They're used for depopulation of the
masses, military communication and 3d mapping, jamming of
communications and eves dropping, missile defence when used in
conjunction with HAARP, heat and light deflection away from earth
from the sun.
I personally believe all these are being used not just 1 or 2, its a multiple agenda. I used to believe they were saving the cost of 99 billion in order to curb fossil fuel useage by spraying thus allowing their useage to carry on and not effect products thus costing only 1 billion.
Since learning about Comprehensive Anunnal Financial Reports etc and all this surplus cash I just cannot see that as being the reason. Even with the large insurance companies loosing something like 30 billion a year now its really chicken feed when you know what money these people really have behind the scenes.
Chemtrails are definitely affecting peoples health in a dramatic way. Even I fell victim to the last virus/bug which went round 3 weeks ago and I do not normally catch anything. It attacked mine and others respiratory system quite bad. When you learn that disease is your friend you understand why even I can still get some disease sometime or another. When you get a bug its because you're polluted and the bugs are your friends, its gods way of cleansing the earth and its creatures.
If you were
not polluted you wouldn’t get hardly any problems! Well I cannot
stop myself breathing all day long in order to not inhale Chemtrails
can I? This is where I believe my problem arose. People are
dying more so from flu like symptoms as well as rare diseases and
illness. We have more cases of Lupus and MS than ever. The best
researcher on Chemtrails is Will Thomas I’ve found and Clifford
Carnicom has some good information but beware Carnicom is definately
a CIA plant, and we all know who runs the CIA dont we? You got it
Jesuits! You hear all this dreadful news of whats happening but
never a possible solution! Fear not and look into Orgonite (Orgone).
Q: Do you have any health tips for readers?
Yes I could write a book my friend! You must IMMEDIATELY start an
alternative health protocol as your life depends on it believe me.
You need to seriously detox, flush & cleanse the body of all the
metals, toxins, parasites and poisons accumulated over many years.
This could take up to 2 years, more or even less! Right now your all
walking dustbins of pollution and perfect breeding grounds for
You should all start by stopping all Meats, Dairy, Junk Foods,
Refined Sugars, Aspartame, Monosodium Glutamate (SMG), Soy, Soda,
Alcohol, Smoking, Coffee and cut down tea drinking!
You need to eat at least a 75% Raw diet of Vegetables but make sure
if your underactive with the Thyroid that you very lightly steam
cook green leafy vegetables. Eat plenty of Brocolli, Brussel
Sprouts, Cabbage etc! Make sure you eat plenty of fruit especially
Pineapple, Papaya for their enyzmes along with the usual Kiwis,
Oranges, Apples, Melon etc. Stop eating in between meals and have a
fruit breakfast, dinner then fruit last meal!
Everyone needs to know the importance of WATER and Real SALT! Pink
Himalayan Salt!! I strongly suggest everyone reads up on Dr
Fereydoon Batmanghelidj and put his research to practise asap.
Almost everyone is subclinically dehyrated (you don't know it), this
results in various ailments from anything from Arthritis to
allergies etc. People need to find their weight out in pounds (lb)
then half this amount and take that in ounces (oz) in water daily.
An example is 100lb person should take 50oz of water! For every 1
litre of water taken you need 1/4tsp (1250mg) of real SALT such as
Himalayan Salt. Water helps body functioning, detoxing/cleansing,
digestion and much much more. You should always drink a glass of
water 30-40 minutes prior to eating and 2.5 hours after eating and
NEVER in between!
People need to look into Vitamin C asap as again almost everyone is
subclinically Scurvy, meaning lacking Vitamin C and this manifests
over time in disease. Ascorbic Acid is actually the best form easily
available in its actions in the body as Vitamin C except its highly
acidic and this causes problems on it own so look for the Sodium
Ascorbate variety. Everyone should be taking 18 grams a day! If your
a child then you take a gram for every year old until your 10 years
then you just take the 18 grams. Vitamin C will protect you from
colds, FREE RADICALS and disease! Vitamin C destroys Cancer and
tumours very easily! Its such a wonderful product, its just a shame
that everyones been scared off it by the Rockefeller indoctrination
Mafia clique. Its amazing how so many people fear VItamin C and talk
of overdosing etc. These people have such an opinion based on
absolutely nothing. To me, you have no opinion until you’ve heard
both sides and all the facts. Check up on Linus Pauling, Fredrick
Klenner, Thomas Levy, Robert Cathcart and Steve Hickey/Hilary
Right then now you need to flush/cleanse the Colon regular and make
sure this area is clean, its your waste removal. Imagine the sewage
system of a city clogged and backing up, this is your colon and
whats happening to you right now. You should go to the toilet on
average at least 3 times a day or at least as many meals you had the
day previously. Ideally your colon should dump what you ate 16 hours
ago or less!!!!!!!!! You can check this with Corn etc.
Once the Colon is clean (The high fruit intake will help this
dramatically) then you clean the liver following Hulda Clark or
Richard Schulze. This can take some work and patience but the
results are worth it in the end. The liver has such a vital role in
the body and needs to be clean. Most livers are riddled with stones
along with the gallbladder, also many have many fatty deposits which
need clearing for proper body function. The Jesuits love to attack
this organ because its basically the General of the organs and the
body regulator!
Add some parasite cleanses to your protocol! Once you’ve completed
the above you will feel much much different and you should notice a
lightness in the body eventually instead of that heavy lazy feeling.
Keep on eating correct, drinking and occasional cleanses and your
I suggest people look into Fasting, Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy,
Colloidal Silver, Colloidal elements, Ozone (Ed Mccabe), Blood
Electrification (Bob Beck), Zapping (Hulda Clark), Free Radical
Scavengers (Anti-oxidants).
Q: Can you suggest any books and researchers to the reader?
“ConCon2002″ with Eric Jon Phelps (Video)
“Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot.(book)
“Satanic Ritual Abuse” by David Carrico (Video)
“Wake Up America” by John Coleman (Video)
“Lectures” by Phil Schneider (Video)
“Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper (book)
“MJ12″ by William Cooper (Video)
“Cooper on UFOs 5hrs” by William Cooper (Video)
“World System and The Illuminati” by Fritz Springmeier (Video)
“Revolution Will NOT Be Televised” about Hugo Chavez (Video)
“Hiv = AIDS – Fact or Fiction” by HEAL (Video)
“Mystery Lines in the Sky” by Will Thomas (Video)
“Will Thomas on Chemtrails” by WorkingTV (Video)
“Clouds of Death” by DB (Video)
“Aerosols AKA Chemtrails” by Clifford Carnicom (Video)
“Flood Your Body With Oxygen” by Ed Mccabe (Book)
“Your Body’s Many Cries For Water” by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (Book)
“Disease Don’t Just Happen” by Lorraine Day (Book)
“The Oil Factor” by Gerard Ungerman (Video) [disinfo by Mike Ruppert]
“World Without Cancer – Vitamin B17″ by G. Edward Griffin
“Lucifers Children” by Milan Martin
“911 The Road to Tyranny” by Alex Jones (Video)
“Comprehensive Anunnal Financial Report” by Alex Jones (Video)
“Your Own Perfect Medicine?” by Martha Christy
Fasting-And Eating-For Health by Joel Fuhrman MD
“Vaccines” by Leonard Horowitz (Audio)
“Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life” by Russell L
“Exposing the Illuminati from Within” By Prophecy Club (Video)
“The Bob Beck Protocol” by Sharing Health (Video)
“Vatican Assassins” by Eric Jon Phelps (Book)
“Secrets of the Jesuits” by Edmond Paris (Book)
“Rulers of Evil” by T Saussy (Book)
“The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop
This Chapter Entitled, The
Evolution of a New Humanity 1. The Enlightened Species And the Human
Intra Species Parasites 2. The Luciferian Species 3. The Satanic Species
Palmerston, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa 1850 - and his
Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and
Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic
Families from Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic
Psychopathic Roman Empire, the Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to
the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire to the current Satanic
Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment. In his exposition of the
felicific calculus, Palmerston's head of British Intelligence, Bentham
proposed a classification of 12 pains and 14 pleasures, by which we
might test the "happiness factor" of any action. Nonetheless, it should
not be overlooked that Bentham's "hedonistic" theory is often
criticized.. Bentham said it would be acceptable to torture one person
if this would produce an amount of happiness in other people outweighing
the unhappiness of the tortured individual - which has recently,
satanically, been implemented by the USA. Bentham also argued for "Free
Trade", "Free Banking" - increases in interest rates to infinity
and "Free Love" - the liberalisation of laws for homosexual sex,
bestiality and pederasty - this is Satanism and the satanic perversion
of the word, free!!
"Dark Side" on the Last Tens of Thousands of years of Modern Society..
the New Human Right - Franklin Delano Roosevelt Economic Human Rights.
As being the major Aim and Test of every Government is to plan for
WEALTH, rather than Austerity. An increase in Wealth of 10% per year
every year to get Freedom and the pursuit of happiness based on Wealth.
Wealth for all humanity, Free Toxin Free Water, Air, food, medicine,
electricity, books, entertainment, art, transport, housing, computers -
which can only come from vast increases in WEALTH!! - in order for
humanity to be freed from compulsion to work at that which does not
interest them and attain Enlightenment.
Luciferian Satanic Illuminati
Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - The Cult of the All Seeing Eye..
Next: Chapter 6: The Irrational Rationalist, Question 2
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Pope, Knights of Malta, SMOM, Pallaviccini, Black Nobility, Gladio -
Italy's Black Prince: Terror War Against the Nation-State
by Allen Douglas
The Black Prince and the Sea
The Story of Valerio Borghese and the
Elite Units of the Decima Mas
by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani
Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2004 284 pages, hardcover, $27.50
The career of the Roman "Black Prince," Junio Valerio Borghese,
gruesomely illustrates how virtually all modern "international
terrorism" and all assassinations of heads of state and government
such as President John F. Kennedy, former Italian Prime Minister
Aldo Moro, or the numerous attempts on France's President Charles de
Gaulle, derive from the postwar Nazi International, sponsored by the
Anglo-American-led Synarchy and its intelligence services. To trace
all the ramifications of that career, is to open a door onto the
centuries-old highest level of the financial oligarchy—the Synarchy:
the aristocratic families of the "black nobility," the Sovereign
Military Order of the Knights of Malta, and the heirs of what Pope
John Paul I called the "ancients" of Venice.
The fascist Borghese founded Mussolini's elite naval warfare
squadron, which he turned into a savage irregular warfare unit in
northern Italy by the end of World War II. Picked up by Allen
Dulles, James Jesus Angleton, and other anti-Franklin Delano
Roosevelt operatives of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS),
Borghese and his men would be involved in every major postwar coup
attempt or terrorist outbreak in Italy until 1970, when he fled to
Spain after the failed coup attempt most closely associated with his
name. From Italy, and then while in Spain, he maintained connections
all over Europe and with the bloody Operation Condor
torture-and-murder syndicate in Ibero-America. An examination of
Borghese's career enables one to peer beneath the surface of
terrorism and spectacular assassinations, into the netherworld
whence these actions are launched: where international high finance;
ancient aristocratic families; pro-fascist elements of the Curia of
the Catholic Church; leading fascists of the Hitler-Mussolini era;
and the Anglo-American intelligence services, in particular those of
NATO, are all unified in a war against the modern nation-state.
The British and U.S. intelligence services' files on Borghese are
still classified, as are the Borghese family archives in the Vatican
after 1922, when Mussolini seized power. The present book is the
first biography of Borghese in English. When correlated with other
recent exposés of Gladio, the post-World War II NATO "stay-behind"
network in Europe, and when all are situated within the work of
Lyndon LaRouche and his associates on the Synarchy, it is a notable
contribution to unmasking international terrorism, though the book's
authors are perhaps not always aware of the full implications of
what they present.[1]
Borghese belonged to a principal family of Rome's ostensibly
Catholic "black nobility," many members of which claim descent from
the elite of the Roman Empire. Numerous Popes and cardinals came
from the Borghese and allied families, such as the Pallavicini, the
Colonna, and the Orsini; these families maintained enormous power
into the 20th Century, and still today, in the Curia, the
administration of the Vatican. Their faction within the Church
helped construct the infamous "rat-line"—run, in part, through
monasteries and convents—which spirited thousands of Fascists and
Nazis out of Europe after the war, into Ibero-America, Asia, and the
Middle East.
Whether the Borgheses indeed originated with the Roman Empire, as
they claim, or only rose in the early 16th Century, as records
suggest, they could boast of one Pope, Paul V (Camillo Borghese,
reigned 1605-21), and several cardinals, while a Borghese prince
married Napoleon's sister. They lost their fortune in the 19th
Century, and thus the 20th Century saw Junio Valerio Borghese going
to war.
In the first half of the book, naval warfare specialists Greene and
Massignani recount the development of Italian naval irregular
warfare on the eve of World War II, which involved light craft,
frogmen, and sabotage. Borghese was an innovator in this field,
beginning with his sabotage efforts for Franco during the Spanish
Civil War of the late 1930s. He founded Mussolini's naval special
warfare unit, the Decima MAS, commonly known as the X MAS. (MAS was
originally an acronym for Motoscafi Anti Sommergibili,
anti-submarine motorboats, but soon became the generic term for any
light craft.)
The X MAS was a kind of personal squadron of Italy's Venice-centered
oligarchy, staffed by officers from leading noble families. One of
them was the nephew of Italy's royal House of Savoy, Prince Aimone
of Savoy, the Duke of Aosta. The X MAS thus mirrored the
oligarchical coloring of the OSS, where the leadership was so
dominated by bluebloods, such as Wall Street's pro-fascist Allen
Dulles, that it earned the sobriquet "Oh So Social." The two
organizations were destined to collaborate closely.
Its aristocratic pedigree enabled the X MAS to operate as largely
independent from Mussolini. As Greene and Massignani note, "Key
personnel inside the X MAS were of noble stock, and this enabled
them to win the support of top-level officers. It also made it
possible for them to be in direct contact with the companies that
supplied and developed craft, new weapons, and equipment for the
Soon after taking power in mid-1943, the new royalist Italian
government signed an armistice with the Allies. The royalists
captured Mussolini in July, and held him in a remote prison in the
Appenine Mountains. He was freed in a daring raid (so the story
goes), led by Hitler's chief commando, Otto Skorzeny, who was later
to become, like Borghese, a kingpin of postwar international
terrorism. The Nazis disbanded Italy's army and sank most of its
navy, so that they could not be used against them, but some
diehards, notably Borghese and his X MAS, chose to fight on for
fascism. Many other Italians were organized by Italy's political
parties, including the Communist Party, into partisan warfare bands,
which fought both the Germans and Mussolini's 1943-45 Nazi-run rump
Salò Republic in northern Italy. Hitler's henchman for the German
occupation of northern Italy, SS Gen. Karl Wolff (formerly Himmler's
private secretary), ordered Borghese and his X MAS to move onto
land, where they became infamous for anti-partisan warfare,
including the systematic use of torture and the summary execution of
Italian civilians as a "lesson" to the partisans. Greene and
Massignani report that in the 600 days of the Salò Republic, the X
MAS raised a force of 50,000 men, and that in the bloody civil war
which followed the armistice, probably more Italians died than in
the entire war before then.
The X MAS was nominally committed to the Salò Republic; however, it
never swore allegiance to Salò, and never flew any flag but its own.
Reports flooded back to Mussolini that Borghese was maintaining
contact with all sides, so Il Duce had Borghese arrested in early
1944, though he soon released him. Indeed, Borghese had either
established contact or worked with: the SS security service (Sicherheitsdienst),
with which he worked closely; the Abwehr (German army
counterintelligence); the Italian royalist government; British
Secret Intelligence Service; James Jesus Angleton, chief of the OSS
counter-espionage branch in Italy; and Allen Dulles, OSS Berne,
Switzerland station chief. He also met several times with SS General
Wolff and Dulles plotted the Anglo-American redeployment of fascist
operatives after the war, among them Borghese. Indeed, Wolff
declared, "Where the person of Borghese and his Decima Mas is
concerned, I have spoken several times . . . with a representative
of Mr. Dulles." In late 1944, Rome's black aristocracy asked the
Allied military governor in Italy, Vice Adm. Ellery Stone, to
intervene in favor of the "terrible boy," Junio Valerio. A friend of
the Borghese family and lover of a Roman baroness, Stone needed
little convincing. As the partisans closed in on Borghese in May
1945, Stone instructed Angleton to warn him, which the latter did
personally. On May 19, the Americans formally arrested Borghese,
thus saving him from scheduled execution by a partisan firing squad.
The Americans and the British showed a keen interest in the X MAS
wartime activities, especially its Vega battalion, which had
operated behind enemy lines. As one X MAS leader put it,
foreshadowing Borghese's later deployment as part of Gladio, "For
the Allies we were important because we had infiltrated the
Communist bands, we knew their secrets and tactics and therefore
developed the first anti-guerrilla procedures. . . . They wanted to
know how we carried out the anti-communist war. . . . They wanted to
exploit our knowledge." The Germans had also developed "stay-behind"
units to function behind Allied lines in Italy, and the X MAS were
almost certainly part of that operation as well. Several members of
the X MAS were taken to the United States for debriefing.
Borghese's friends in high places ensured that the Allies would
clear him of war crimes. The Italian government, however, demanded
that the Allies hand him over for trial in Milan in late 1945. His
friends again intervened, and his trial was transferred to Rome,
where Dulles, Angleton, et al. had ensured that many of the old
Fascist bureaucrats remained in office, and where the courts were
much more conservative. After two years in prison, he was finally
found guilty in early 1949 of collaborating with the Nazis (though
not in war crimes) and sentenced to 12 years in prison. As one
frustrated observer put it, "The crimes of Borghese's band were too
obvious, and the verdict had to be life imprisonment. But the court,
through a scandalous application of extenuating circumstances,
pardons, and remissions, reduced the sentence." The judge then
decided he had served enough time, and released him, an action that
would have been politically impossible before Britain's Winston
Churchill announced the beginning of the Cold War with his 1946
"Iron Curtain" speech in Fulton, Missouri.
Borghese's new career was about to begin.
Shortly after his release from prison, Borghese became president of
the Italian Social Movement (MSI) party, composed largely of former
Fascists. The MSI was a mixture of "national" and "international"
("universal") fascists. Borghese was committed to the latter
outlook, which today is openly espoused by neo-con Michael Ledeen,
himself a protégé of a Mussolini Cabinet minister, the Venetian
oligarch Vittorio Cini. Cini, in turn, was a key collaborator of the
real architect of Mussolini's regime, its longtime Finance Minister,
the Venetian Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata.
Greene and Massignani describe Borghese's universal fascism and its
plans for a Europe free of nation-states, but "unified" under NATO:
"Fascism in the postwar era was different from its pre-war variety.
Although it had splintered into many different factions, it had two
powerful drives. One was that it was anti-communist. It was this
element that made Borghese acceptable to the mainstream parties and
national secret services. He was ultimately pro-NATO, as was the
rest of this wing of fascism. The other one was the realization that
in the postwar environment no single European nation could stand up
to the two superpowers, and hence, that Europe would be a third
force. That is, Europe would be `opposed to the twin imperialisms of
international communism and international finance capitalism, both
of which were perceived as being materialistic, exploitative,
dehumanizing' " (emphasis in original).
Borghese's "united Europe" was the scheme promoted, from the early
1920s on, by his fellow oligarch, the Venetian Count Richard
Coudenhove-Kalergi, which became an explicit goal of the Synarchist
International in the 1920s and 1930s. Today, the seed crystal of
that "united Europe" has become the Maastricht Treaty-generated
European Union and its European Central Bank. The same vision of a
united Europe had also inspired Hjalmar Schacht, the financial
architect of Hitler's regime, though Schacht viewed Hitler's
conquest of Europe as the pathway to achieve it. It was also the
vision for which the Synarchy deployed one of its most notorious
agents of the 20th Century, Alexander Helphand Parvus. Parvus first
financed the Bolshevik Revolution, and then, after it was
victorious, became the most ferocious "anti-Bolshevik," proclaiming
that only a "united Europe" could stop the communist menace.
Between the wars, this "united Europe" scheme was momentarily
eclipsed by the "national fascisms" of Mussolini, Salazar, Franco,
and Hitler, though all were installed by the same Europe-based,
London-centered Synarchy. But, after the war, write Greene and
Massignani, Borghese's universal fascism was the wave of the future,
as well as the incubator of international terrorism. "In Italy, it
was the Fascist faction that possessed the many international ties
that stretched between Franco's Spain, South America, and South
Africa. It was from this faction, too, that many of the acts of
terrorism of the `Black International' sprung" (emphasis added).
NATO, Gladio, and
International Terrorism
Postwar Italian politics may appear to be a wilderness of mirrors,
with its rapid changes of government, multiple coup attempts, and
spectacular outbreaks of terrorism. Going back to the Nazi
occupation of northern Italy during World War II, however, to
examine the various British, American, and Nazi actors and their
respective ties to different Italian factions, the reality quickly
becomes apparent: that the Anglo-American Synarchists merely
replaced—and to a great extent subsumed—the Nazis and Mussolini's
Fascists as the would-be fascist occupying power, locked in mortal
struggle against those Italian patriots, both "conservatives" of the
Christian Democracy and "leftists" of the Italian Communist Party,
who wished to establish a sovereign Italy.
The battle for a sovereign Italy centered on economic policy. In
1950, forces around wartime partisan leader, later industrialist
Enrico Mattei effected a radical shift within the ruling Christian
Democracy, away from free-market policies toward a dirigistic
program of rapid industrial growth. With an extraordinary series of
state-sponsored corporations, and projects such as the Cassa per il
Mezzogiorno (Southern Italy Development Fund) based on the model of
U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt's Tennessee Valley Authority,
Italy experienced an economic miracle, with annual growth of over 7%
for almost a decade. A linchpin of this was the newly founded
national oil company, ENI, which Mattei headed in a war for energy
independence against the synarchists' Seven Sisters.
Enraged at Italy's developing sovereignty, the Anglo-Americans
deployed terrorism and assassinations to stop it. Borghese's
activities run like a black dye through all of this history, until
he fled to Spain in 1970. Let us now examine the scene in which he
was to be so prominent an actor.
Already during World War II, Allen Dulles and other Anglo-American
Synarchists, who had sponsored both Mussolini and Hitler in the
first place, were trying to negotiate a peace with the Nazis which
would leave them in power, sans Hitler and a handful of others. This
Nazi puppet-regime would then ally with the British and the United
States to conquer the Soviet Union, establishing a Synarchist world
empire. Dulles's negotiating partner SS General Wolff said that he
wanted "to build a bridge to the West," which would entail handing
northern Italy over to the Allied military forces, but with German
troops remaining in place, as "part of the proposed police force of
the Western powers against Russia."[2]
U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, by contrast, wanted to
crush the fascist regimes, and foresaw a postwar world in which the
colonial empires of all the European powers, starting with the
British, would be abolished, and the United States and the Soviet
Union—wartime allies—would cooperate in a grand program of global
economic growth, into which the rest of the world would be drawn as
Dulles and his fellow Synarchists did not achieve their full scheme,
but they did establish NATO as an occupation authority for Europe,
which prepared for war against the Soviet Union. Lord Bertrand
Russell's early 1946 call for pre-emptive nuclear warfare against
the Soviet Union is typical. In the name of "fighting communism,"
Europe would be kept under AngloAllen Dulles American domination
through NATO, and any and all means would be authorized toward that
goal. Upon FDR's death in April 1945, the Synarchist puppet
President Harry S Truman adopted these "anti-communist" schemes,
which led immediately to the Cold War.
When the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was established
in 1949, a secret clause in its treaty specified that each nation
that wished to join must first establish a "national security
authority" to fight communism, including through the deployment of
clandestine citizen cadres. This demand grew out of a secret
committee set up by the British and the U.S. within the Atlantic
Pact, the forerunner of NATO. Truman's National Security Council
issued directives authorizing the Armed Forces to use military force
against Communist Parties, which commanded strong popular support in
several European countries as a result of the war, even if those
parties gained participation in government through elections. For
this purpose, NATO and the Anglo-American intelligence services set
up "stay-behind" units in all European countries.
According to Italian Gen. Paolo Inzerilli, who commanded Italy's
Gladio unit from 1974-86, the Clandestine Planning Committee (CPC)
and its Allied Clandestine Committee (ACC) were the "interface
between NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and
the Secret Services of the member states as far as the problems of
non-orthodox warfare were concerned." The CPC, said Inzerilli, was
dominated by an inner executive group of the United States, Britain,
and France, while the ACC was essentially a technical committee to
coordinate expertise in explosives, "repression," or related
problems of clandestine warfare. Italian Gen. Gerardo Serravalle
testified that the members of the CPC were the officers responsible
for the stay-behind apparatus in the various European countries, and
that "At the stay-behind meetings representatives of the CIA were
always present," as well as "members of the U.S. Forces Europe
The mid-1970s U.S. Congressional investigative committee under Sen.
Frank Church, which examined illicit actions by U.S. intelligence
services and the military, found that the Pentagon had requested the
CIA's covert branch, the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), to
take the point in establishing stay-behind armies in Europe. The
early plans were focussed on the Soviet Union, as the Church report
noted: "Until 1950 OPC's paramilitary activities (also referred to
as preventive action) were limited to plans and preparations for
stay-behind nets in the event of future war. Requested by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, these projected OPC operations focussed on Western
Europe and were designed to support NATO forces against Soviet
attack." However, the Pentagon soon went much further. A Joint
Chiefs of Staff directive of May 14, 1952 set up "Operation
Demagnetize," in which the CIA and the military secret services were
instructed to reduce the "magnetic attraction" of the large
Communist Parties of Italy and France through all means, including
"political, paramilitary and psychological operations." The
directive stated, "The limitation of the strength of the Communists
in Italy and France is a top priority objective. This objective has
to be reached by the employment of all means. The Italian and French
government may know nothing of the plan `Demagnetize,' for it is
clear that the plan can interfere with their respective national
sovereignty" (emphasis added).
Operationally, the stay-behind units were run by the military secret
services of each NATO nation, as directed by the CPC/ACC. Some light
was shed on Pentagon and NATO thinking of this time in a Pentagon
field manual, found along with the lists of members of the elite
Propaganda Due (P2) freemasonic lodge in P2 Grand Master Licio
Gelli's villa in Arezzo, Tuscany in 1981. Although issued in 1970,
Field Manual 30-31B (FM 30-31B) reflected earlier Pentagon and NATO
planning. It emphasized that military and other secret service
leaders in each country should be recruited as U.S. (or NATO)
agents: "The success of internal stabilisation operations, which are
promoted in the context of strategies for internal defence by the
U.S. military secret service, depends to a large extent on the
understanding between the U.S. personnel and the personnel of the
host country. The recruitment of senior members of the secret
service of the host country as long time agents is thus especially
This process began already in 1944-45, when the Anglo-American
synarchists re-constructed Italy's military secret service and its
military police, the Carabinieri. Some of the key individuals whom
they installed or sponsored later turned up as members of P2, from
where they oversaw the terrorism and assassinations of the late
1960s and 1970s, as well as the cover-ups. Like Borghese, some of
these leaders had been recruited by Angleton himself. One of them
was Federico Umberto D'Amato, chief of the UAR, a secret section of
the Interior Ministry which coordinated the terrorist actions under
NATO direction, in conjunction with the military secret services.[3]
Furthermore, stated the FM 30-31B, "There may be times when Host
Country Governments show passivity or indecision in the face of
communist subversion and according to the interpretation of the U.S.
secret services do not react with sufficient effectiveness. Most
often such situations come about when the revolutionaries
temporarily renounce the use of force and thus hope to gain an
advantage, as the leaders of the host country wrongly consider the
situation to be secure. U.S. army intelligence must have the means
of launching special operations which will convince Host Country
Governments and public opinion of the reality of the insurgent
danger." FM 30-31B was issued in 1970; coup attempts against the
Italian government under precisely the circumstances it describes,
were launched using Gladio personnel (including Borghese) that year,
and three more times through 1974. The manual stressed, "These
special operations must remain strictly secret. Only those persons
who are acting against the revolutionary uprising shall know of the
involvement of the U.S. Army in the internal affairs of an allied
country. The fact, that the involvement of forces of the U.S.
military goes deeper shall not become known under any
The British Role
As in virtually everything to do with imperial strategies, the
relevant U.S. circles were being carefully guided by their senior
partners, the British, under the old rubric, "British brains and
American brawn." Gladio was modelled on the actions of the Special
Operations Executive (SOE) behind enemy lines during World War II,
which had been created by the British Ministry of Defence (MOD) in
1940 under orders from Churchill to "set Europe ablaze." In charge
of the SOE was Minister of Economic Warfare Hugh Dalton, who said,
"We have to organize movements in enemy-occupied territory
comparable to the Sinn Fein movement in Ireland, to the Chinese
Guerrillas now operating against Japan, to the Spanish Irregulars
who played a notable part in Wellington's campaign or—one might as
well admit it—to the organizations which the Nazis themselves have
developed so remarkably in almost every country in the world"
(emphasis added).
The SOE was closed down at war's end and replaced by the Special Air
Services (SAS), which helped Britain's foreign secret service, MI6,
to train the stay-behind armies of Europe. Gladio specialist Daniele
Ganser of the Center for Security Studies at Zurich Technical
University observed, "Many within the stay-behind community regarded
the British to be the best in the field of secret warfare, more
experienced than the military officers of the U.S."
The British set up a base for training stay-behind units at Ft.
Monckton outside Portsmouth, England, and another in Sardinia. One
of the stay-behind operatives trained at Ft. Monckton recalled, "We
were made to do exercises, going out in the dead of night and
pretending to blow up trains in the railway stations without the
stationmaster or the porters seeing you. We crept about and
pretended to lay charges on the right part of the railway engine
with a view to blowing it up." In the Gladio-coordinated blind
terror which ravaged Italy from 1969 through 1980, trains and
railway stations were to be a favorite target, notably the 1974
bombing of the Rome-Munich Italicus Express, which killed 12 and
injured 48, and the explosion in the Bologna rail station in August
1980, which killed 85 and seriously injured or maimed 200. Lyndon
LaRouche first emphasized within hours of the Madrid train bombings
of March 11, 2001 which killed 200 and wounded thousands more, that
they were not the work of "Islamic terrorists," but followed the
pattern of the 1980 Bologna bombing.
Vincenzo Vinciguerra, an Italian neo-fascist terrorist who was
jailed for life and who had been bitter about the secret service's
"manipulation" of neo-fascist groups ever since 1945, explained how
Gladio (and any sister organizations) worked: "You had to attack
civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown
people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite
simple. They were supposed to force these people, the Italian
public, to turn to the State to ask for greater security. This is
the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the
bombings which remain unpunished, because the State cannot convict
itself or declare itself responsible for what happened."
After Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti exposed the existence of
Gladio in 1990, the BBC's "Newsedition" undertook its own
examination of Gladio. It reported in April 1991, "Britain's role in
setting up stay-behinds throughout Europe was absolutely
More crucial than the stay-behinds, were the secretive bodies which
coordinated them, such as P2. Here, too, the British led the way.
Already in 1944-45, the British set up a proto-P2 masonic lodge
composed of House of Savoy monarchists, aristocrats, and Mussolini
loyalists. A Jan. 2, 1945 OSS report noted: "The lodge is under
British authority and will request their political and economic aid,
things which the members cannot get through their respective parties
without exposing themselves to accusations of being paid by the
NATO's Italian Theater
OSS official James Jesus Angleton saved Borghese in 1945, and then
set up the clandestine structure in the Italian military and secret
services, which produced the Italian section of Gladio. Angleton was
a devout Anglophile and a pro-fascist, who had spent much of his
boyhood in Italy, where his father, James Hugh Angleton, owned the
Italian subsidiary of National Cash Register. The outspokenly
pro-Hitler, pro-Mussolini senior Angleton also headed the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce in Italy, and had extensive contacts with
Mussolini's intelligence services. Some accounts report that he was
a business partner of Allen Dulles. Both he and his son were to work
for the special counterespionage unit of OSS, X-2, which had been
set up at the demand of the British. Though it was nominally an
American organization, the headquarters of X-2 for all of Europe,
and even most of the globe, was London. X-2 was trained and de facto
run throughout the war by the British, as its operatives were
dispatched across Europe. From late 1943 through the first half of
1944, Lt. Col. James Hugh Angleton was X-2's liaison to Marshal
Pietro Badoglio and other leaders of the Italian army, and to the
army's intelligence service, building upon his excellent contacts in
pre-war Italy.
The junior Angleton landed in Italy as an X-2 operative in October
1944. Borghese was one of his informants/agents from shortly
thereafter, until the Italian government demanded that the OSS turn
him over for prosecution. The U.S. mandated that the "operational
resources" of the Italian police and all of the military
intelligence and secret services be put at the disposal of X-2,
which was led by Angleton. This, naturally, set the pattern for
decades to come. Bespeaking his patronage by Dulles and the British,
young Angleton rose from chief of the X-2 unit in Rome, to chief of
all OSS counterespionage in Italy. By age 28, he was chief of all
secret activity, intelligence as well as counterintelligence, in
Italy for the Strategic Services Unit, the short-lived successor to
OSS, and predecessor to the operational section of the CIA, which
was established in 1947. In this he was aided immensely by the fact
that many patriotic OSS officers, such as Max Corvo, head of OSS
operations in Italy from 1943-45 and later a friend of Lyndon
LaRouche, had been purged by the Dulles faction the day after FDR's
Essential to Angleton's activities, to the establishment of the
first stay-behind units in Italy, and to the organization of the
Vatican-linked "rat-lines" which smuggled fascists out of Europe at
war's end, was the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM). The
Rome-based SMOM was a nominally Catholic organization with
membership drawn from the highest ranks of the European oligarchy,
in particular Italy's black nobility. The SMOM awarded Angleton one
of its highest decorations in 1946. A member of the "Black Prince's"
family, S. Giacomo, Prince Borghese, had been a Bailiff Grand Cross
of Honor of Devotion in the SMOM since 1932, while P2 founder Licio
Gelli and several of his top members, including secret service
heads, also belonged.
By 1949 Angleton was a special assistant to CIA chief Adm. Roscoe
Hillenkoetter, and by 1955, CIA chief Allen Dulles (1953-61) had
appointed him to head the counterintelligence department of the CIA.
He held that post until he was fired by CIA chief William Colby in
1974, after having done untold damage to U.S. intelligence
As Angleton rose in U.S. intelligence, maintaining his close ties to
Italy, NATO was constructing the foundations of Gladio. Under NSC
directives issued in 1949 and 1950, the CIA helped the Italian
police set up secret units of counterinsurgency specialists, largely
drawn from veterans of Mussolini's secret police. A new military
intelligence agency, SIFAR, was organized under the direction of a
covert American intelligence operative, Carmel Offie, nicknamed "the
godfather." Simultaneously, Borghese was organizing paramilitary
units for use against the PCI, in coordination with CIA operatives
under the purview of Angleton (who was formally assigned to Italy by
Allen Dulles when Dulles became CIA chief in 1953). On Dec. 2, 1951,
Borghese was named honorary president of the MSI, and in a speech to
the party's convention, proclaimed that the MSI could not be
"conscientious objectors" if the Cold War turned hot, as he
expected. That same month, two MSI members travelled to NATO
headquarters in Paris to swear their organization's allegiance to
NATO. By 1952, the NATO-directed "Operation Demagnetize" was in
place, and SIFAR was directed to adopt political and psychological
operations against the PCI, including the covert use of armed force,
to diminish the PCI's influence in all fields. The U.S. poured a
staggering $4 billion into "anti-communist" Italy between 1948 and
Borghese and his old X MAS cadre figured prominently in these plans.
Indeed, some people in U.S. intelligence had briefly toyed with the
idea of promoting Borghese as a new King of Italy, until an uproar
from the House of Savoy and its supporters forced them to drop the
idea. The royalists and the MSI were often allies, and Borghese's X
MAS had sometimes worked with the royalist Osoppo brigade during
1943-45. Greene and Massignani observe that, "Interestingly enough,
the core of the future Gladio stay-behind organization started with
the Osoppo partisans." Since Borghese's X MAS was also a chief
recruiting ground for the early Gladio units, the wartime
collaboration clearly continued.
In 1953, Borghese led some 500 MSI volunteers, among others, to
launch an uprising in the north Adriatic city of Trieste, a city
which was claimed by both Italy and Yugoslavia. Under the slogan "To
Trieste with Valerio Borghese," Borghese re-enacted the 1919 march
on Fiume by the fascist (and Martinist freemason) Gabriele
D'Annunzio, a precursor to Mussolini's 1922 march on Rome. The
neo-fascists acted on behalf of the "Committee for the Defense of
Italians of Trieste and Istria," whose weapons were delivered by the
Italian secret services. The following year, Trieste was returned to
In 1955, Borghese became president of the union of former soldiers
of the Salò Republic, a key recruiting ground for Gladio. He was
later to become one of the leaders of the "Tricolor Committee for
the Italianity of the Alto Adige." The Alto Adige, or South Tyrol,
in Italy saw one of the earliest known uses of stay-behind units.
Though Italian territory, the area was German-speaking, and a
fruitful area for promoting ethnic conflict.
In 1956, NATO formally established Gladio. According to documents
discovered in Italy in 1990, Gladio's forces there were divided into
40 main groups, 10 specialized in sabotage, 6 each in espionage,
propaganda, evasion and escape tactics, and 12 in guerrilla
activities. A special Gladio training camp was set up on Sardinia,
off Italy's western coast, run by the Americans and the British.
That same year, 1956, U.S. Ambassador to Italy Clare Booth Luce—a
Dame of Malta and the wife of Time and Life magazine publisher Henry
Luce, a key sponsor of the fascist Congress for Cultural
Freedom—"recommended" a fellow SMOM member, Gen. Giovanni De
Lorenzo, as the new head of SIFAR. In 1962, the CIA helped install
De Lorenzo as head of the Carabinieri, while he still maintained
control over SIFAR. He began purging officers deemed not
sufficiently "anti-communist," in either his eyes or or those of
U.S. military attaché Vernon Walters.
CIA Rome station chief William Harvey, meanwhile, was recruiting
"action teams" to throw bombs and attack leftists. These teams
launched an attack on a peaceful demonstration in Rome in 1963,
leaving 200 people injured and heavy damage to part of the city. The
action was later linked to Gladio, in testimony by a general of the
secret service.
In 1963, Borghese became president of the Banco di Credito
Commerciale e Industriale, a very high-paying "ceremonial post"
which was designed to build up his capabilities. The bank had been
the very first one owned by the Sicilian financier Michele Sindona,
a Fascist during World War II, who later laundered heroin funds for
the Sicilian mafia, and then became a power in P2. Borghese's bank
was involved with a "vast sector" of conservative economic
interests, including the son of Dominican Republic dictator Rafael
Trujillo, Franco's Spain, and reactionary circles in the Vatican and
the Christian Democratic Party. Ultimately the bank collapsed, but
Borghese got off almost scot-free. "What is significant," write
Greene and Massignani, "is that Borghese clearly had many contacts
on a national as well as an international scale. These connections
extended to very high levels. It also appears that the financial
wherewithal that he needed to survive may have come from such
sources after the end of the war." The authors also note that his
career closely parallels that of former SS commando Otto Skorzeny in
Series of Coups
From 1962 to 1964, the Synarchy initiated a phase change in
international affairs with the Cuban Missiles Crisis, the
assassination of President John F. Kennedy (and Enrico Mattei), the
attempts on France's President Charles de Gaulle, and the launching
of the war in Vietnam and the youth rock-drug-sex counterculture,
among other things. Italy was not exempt.
As Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1964 was negotiating his first
government with Socialist participation, the synarchists unleashed a
coup threat under the name "Plan Solo." Its chief public figure was
State President Antonio Segni, and Borghese was a protagonist.
The usual accounts of Gladio-related coup threats invariably
emphasize Moro's "opening to the left" as the reason for them.
However, there is another reason, internal to Italy itself (in
addition to the global ramifications of a coup in Italy), but one
which is entirely coherent with the Synarchy's attempt to stop
Italy's economic development. This other dimension emerges clearly
in the account of Plan Solo by EIR counterterrorism and Italian
affairs expert Claudio Celani: "Segni, a right-wing Christian
Democrat, was manipulated by an intelligence officer, Col. Renzo
Rocca, head of the economic division of SIFAR, the military secret
service. Rocca (who, after his stint at SIFAR went to work at the
automaker FIAT in Turin [of the oligarchical Agnelli family—ed.])
reported to Segni that the financial and economic establishment
predicted a catastrophic economic crisis, if the Socialists joined
the government. In reality, a few large monopolies (in the hands of
the same families who had supported Mussolini's regime) feared that
the new government would introduce reforms to break their power in
real estate, energy, finance, and economic planning."
Advised by Rocca, Segni called the head of SIFAR, Gen. Giovanni de
Lorenzo, and asked him to prepare a list of political leaders to be
rounded up in case of an insurgency. De Lorenzo prepared "Plan
Solo," which included a list of 731 individuals to be interned at
the Gladio camp in Sardinia. Greene and Massignani observe,
"Supporting the Carabinieri were politically sanitized civilians
largely made up of former Decima Mas, paratroopers, and soldiers and
sailors of the RSI [Salò Republic]." "Borghese was De Lorenzo's
friend" and was scheduled to personally participate in the coup,
according to Remo Orlandini, a top Borghese collaborator and heir to
a shipbuilding empire. The coup did not eventuate, leaving a very
"angry Borghese."
In early May 1965, a meeting took place at the Parco Dei Principi
Hotel in Rome, which Italian prosecutors consider the planning
meeting for the 1969-74 "Strategy of Tension." It was sponsored by
an institute run by the chief of the general staff of Italy's armed
forces, on the theme of "Revolutionary Warfare." Participants
plotted how the alleged threat by the PCI must be forestalled by
"counterrevolutionary war." (The PCI's vote totals were generally
rising through the second half of the 1960s.) Present were leaders
of the fascist terror groups, Avanguardia Nazionale (AN) and Ordine
Nuovo (ON), pro-fascist journalists, the military, and various
secret services. One of the fascist journalists present was Guido
Giannettini, also an operative of the Italian secret services, who
four years earlier had taught a seminar at the U.S. Naval Academy on
"The Techniques and Prospects of a Coup." Though Borghese himself
was not present, his lieutenant Stefano Delle Chiaie, the nominal
chief of AN, was. Delle Chiaie had probably been recruited by the
UAR secret unit of Italy's Interior Ministry as early as 1960, and
was to be Borghese's chief lieutenant in the 1970 coup plot.
During the 1960s through his coup attempt in 1970, Borghese either
founded or was intimately involved in at least three fascist terror
organizations: Delle Chiaie's AN; the ON; and the Fronte Nazionale
(FN), which Borghese founded in 1968 for the sole purpose, according
to a document of SID (as SIFAR was renamed after 1965), "to subvert
the institutions of the state by means of a coup." Two of these were
represented at the Parco Dei Principi meeting. All three were run by
operatives of NATO or Italy's clandestine services, notably the UAR
and SIFAR/SID. Borghese lieutenant Delle Chiaie was almost certainly
a UAR agent, and "AN itself was suspected of being the creation of
UAR." Greene and Massignani report that "many members of the FN, ON,
and AN had been trained in disinformation and guerrilla warfare at
the special [NATO] camp in Sardinia," while ON bomber Vincenzo
Vinciguerra charged that the "right-wing movements such as AN or ON
were not only connected with Italian and NATO secret services, but
manned by them."
NATO interventions were not limited to Italy. In Greece in 1967,
despite a wave of terror, the left-of-center Center Union under
former Prime Minister George Papandreou was expected to return to
power. On the night of April 20-21, 1967, the Greek military pulled
a coup. It involved the Greek stay-behind army, LOK, and was based
on the Prometheus plan, a NATO contingency plan for combatting a
"communist insurgency." The coup was partially financed by P2's
Michele Sindona, and, before long, Italians were being sent to
Greece for paramilitary training.
By 1968, Gladio had stepped up its training at the NATO base in
Sardinia. "Within a few years, 4,000 graduates had been placed in
strategic posts. At least 139 arms caches, including some at
Carabinieri barracks, were at their disposal," reported Arthur E.
Rowse, who has examined Gladio's Italian operations in depth.
Terrorism exploded in Italy, with 147 attacks in 1968, another 398
in 1969, and peaked at 2,498 in 1978. Borghese's efforts were a key
part of this.
One of the first members of the FN, Borghese's project for a state
"beyond the center, right and left," was P2 boss and Knight of Malta
Licio Gelli. Like Borghese, Gelli had fought for Franco and
Mussolini, and was recruited by SIFAR in the 1950s. Gelli was the
"main intermediary" between the CIA and De Lorenzo.
In the FN, Borghese was known as "the Commander," and he established
"action groups" all over the country. The FN (like the AN) had a
two-part structure: "A" groups, which were the public side of FN,
and clandestine "B" groups, whose existence was usually unknown even
to the members of their respective A groups. The B groups were to be
used in terrorism, in the "Strategy of Tension" aimed at producing a
change in the Italian government, which exploded with the Piazza
Fontana massacre on Dec. 12, 1969, in which 16 were killed and 58
wounded. Members of the Borghese-connected ON were arrested on
suspicion of the crime, but cover-ups run by P2 and the secret
services ensured their release.
The terror and coup attempts escalated after U.S. President Nixon
took office in 1969. His National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger
issued orders to Licio Gelli through Kissinger's deputy, Gen.
Alexander Haig, and Gelli maintained many high-level contacts in the
U.S. Republican Party. The synarchist Kissinger was bitterly opposed
to a sovereign Italy. With the Socialist Party in the government at
the time, the United States opened the financial spigots to
"anti-communist" forces—including the neo-Fascist MSI—and poured in
$10 million in 1970 alone. "The money funneled to [U.S. Ambassador
Graham] Martin came through the Vatican banker and Borghese's friend
and patron, Sindona," observe Greene and Massignani.
On June 1, 1970, Borghese appointed Delle Chiaie to head the "B"
groups, and moved forward with plans for a coup. U.S. Ambassador
Martin handled some of the funding, through his chief contact, Gen.
Vito Miceli, who took over as head of the SID in October 1970.
Before he became head of the SID, Miceli had met with Borghese
several times at the home of Remo Orlandini, Borghese lieutenant and
shipbuilding heir. Martin was no ordinary diplomatic appointee: The
fiercely right-wing Colonel Martin had just come from the Embassy in
Thailand, where he had strong-armed the Thai government into joining
the United States in Vietnam, and he would leave Italy in 1973 to
take up the post in Saigon. During 1970, Martin maintained multiple
liaisons with Borghese, including through FN operative Pier Talenti,
who owned a bus company that would be utilized in the coup attempt,
and through probable CIA operative Hugh Fenwich, who was meeting
with Orlandini.
Borghese set up the political and military headquarters for the coup
in Rome, the military one at one of Orlandini's shipyards. On the
night of Dec. 7, 1970, a group of 50 AN paramilitaries led by Delle
Chiaie was let into the Interior Ministry's armory at the
instruction of Angleton's old recruit, UAR head Federico D'Amato.
According to newspaper accounts, Angleton himself arrived in Rome
just before the coup attempt, and left just afterwards. Other troops
moved into place in Rome, Milan, and elsewhere, and the mafia in
Calabria was scheduled to don Carabinieri uniforms and play a role.
Borghese prepared a statement to be read on TV to justify the coup,
and he intended for Italian troops to be sent to Vietnam. At the
last minute, he received a phone call and called off the coup.
Borghese fled to Franco's Spain, where his activities until his
death in 1974 remain mysterious. It is known that he and Delle
Chiaie met dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet in Chile on April 29,
1974. Also present was the head of Chilean police intelligence, Col.
Jorge Carrasco, a protagonist in Operation Condor's tortures and
murder. Borghese died in Spain in 1974. Delle Chiaie said that he
was poisoned, apparently because investigations into the 1970 coup
were under way in Italy. After Franco's death the following year,
Delle Chiaie left for Chile, to play a key role in Operation Condor,
then continued that work in Bolivia, in conjunction with the
infamous Gestapo chief Klaus Barbie.
NATO's Assassination Bureau
The extent of terrorism, assassinations, and the re-shaping of
Europe's political landscape through Gladio and related,
NATO-directed units is stunning.
However, a vital caveat must be added here. The apparatus behind the
"strategy of tension" terror that destabilized Europe over much of
the Cold War era, was first and foremost a private synarchist
apparatus embedded in the NATO and national secret service
organizations, including "official" clandestine agencies like Gladio.
These "parallel" networks, populated by veterans of the wartime
Fascist and Nazi apparatus, and associated with secret societies
like P-2, and fronts like Rosa dei Venti and Nuclei di Difesa dello
Stato, at times had their agents posted in top positions in the
"official" structures, creating the dangerously tempting but false
appearance that the official agencies per se—including NATO—were
directing the terror/destabilization programs.
Confusion on this point is both dangerous and understandable. When
the P-2 membership list was revealed in the early 1980s, following
the death of banker Roberto Calvi, it became clear that the secret
lodge had penetrated virtually the entire security apparatus and
political party structures of Italy and several other countries of
Europe and Ibero-America.
The carnage carried out by this "parallel" apparatus was stunning.
In Italy alone, the chief theater of Gladio warfare, there were
14,591 "acts of violence with a political motivation," according to
Italian Sen. Giovanni Pellegrino, head of the Parliamentary
Committee on the Failed Identification of the Authors of Terrorist
Massacres ("Terrorism Committee," in operation 1994-2001, which
looked into both Gladio and the P2 lodge). "It may be worth
remembering that these `acts' have left behind 491 dead and 1,181
injured and maimed, figures of a war, with no parallel in any other
European country."
Besides NATO's Gladio base in Sardinia, logistical support for
Gladio in Italy and France was run out of a NATO front in dictator
Antonio de Oliveira Salazar's Portugal, Aginter Press, which also
ran the stay-behind units there. It was headed by a former member of
the anti-de Gaulle, pro-fascist Secret Army Organization (OAS), Yves
Guerin Serac, who moved to Portugal after de Gaulle surrendered
Algeria. Said Guerin Serac, belying the goals of his synarchist
masters, "After the OAS I fled to Portugal to carry on the fight and
expand it to its proper dimensions—which is to say, a planetary
dimension." He outlined his plan to "defeat communism," using
NATO-organized "communist terrorism" as the excuse:
"In the first phase of our political activity we must create chaos
in all structures of the regime. Two forms of terrorism can provoke
such a situation: The blind terrorism (committing massacres
indiscriminately which cause a large number of victims), and the
selective terrorism (eliminate chosen persons). This destruction of
the state must be carried out as much as possible under the cover of
`communist activities.' After that, we must intervene at the heart
of the military, the juridical power and the church, in order to
influence popular opinion, suggest a solution, and clearly
demonstrate the weakness of the present legal apparatus. . . .
Popular opinion must be polarized in such a way, that we are being
represented as the only instrument capable of saving the nation. It
is obvious that we will need considerable financial resources to
carry out such operations."
Aginter Press's representative in Italy, according to the ON's
Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was Stefano Delle Chiaie. Delle Chiaie
"allegedly carried out well over a thousand bloodthirsty attacks,
including an estimated 50 murders in Spain," according to Daniele
In assassinations within Portugal or its colonies, Aginter Press
worked with the Portuguese secret service, PIDE. According to
Portuguese journalists, it was involved in the assassination of
Eduardo Mondlane, president of the Mozambican Liberation Front (Frelimo)
in 1969, and of Amilcar Cabral, national liberation leader in
Guinea-Bissau in 1973. And, according to the most recent revelations
from former Italian Sen. Sergio Flamigni, the "parallel" apparatus
coordinated the kidnap and assassination of former Prime Minister
Aldo Moro through its Red Brigades unit on March 16, 1978, the day
on which a PCI-supported DC government under Giulio Andreotti was
finally going to be sworn in.
Were the Synarchist networks infiltrated into the NATO and Gladio
structures involved in other assassinations of heads of state or
government, as well?
The Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was
coordinated by the Rome and New Orleans-headquartered Permindex
corporation, which French intelligence, SDECE, discovered had also
put up $200,000 for an attempt on de Gaulle. Even a cursory
examination of the hard-core fascist outlook and connections of most
of the Permindex/CMC personnel, their numerous ties to high-level
Anglo-American intelligence, along with their financial connections,
leaves no doubt that Permindex and its Rome-based arm, Centro
Mondiale Commerciale (CMC), were part of the parallel NATO/Gladio
Permindex was registered in Berne, Switzerland, Dulles's old
stomping grounds. It was chaired by a high-ranking veteran of the
Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the OSS, the Canada-based
lawyer and financier, Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the majority
shareholder in Permindex (who also owned 50% of CMC). Its board was
a mélange of devout "anti-communists," aristocrats, and fascists of
various intelligence pedigrees. These included Count Guitierez di
Spadafora, former undersecretary of agriculture to Mussolini,
secretary of a British-sponsored Sicilian separatist movement, and
in-law of Hjalmar Schacht, the master financier of the postwar Nazi
International; Carlo d'Amelio, a Rome attorney who oversaw the
financial holdings of the House of Savoy, and, according to some
accounts, also of the Pallavicini family, and was the founding
president of the CMC; Giuseppe Zigiotti, head of the Fascist
National Association for Militia Arms; several other wartime
fascists; and former OSS London and SOE veteran Col. Clay Shaw, the
operations officer for the assassination.
Permindex was chaired by Canada's Bloomfield, while its
international arm, CMC, was based in Rome, and Clay Shaw's firm in
New Orleans, International Trade Mart, was a subsidiary of Permindex/CMC.
According to documents released through the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA), OSS veteran Shaw worked for the CIA, as well. There was
ample evidence of Shaw's involvement in the assassination, for which
he was indicted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison.
Notably, one of the names found in Shaw's personal phone book was
that of Princess Marcella Borghese, a member of the Black Prince's
family. And one of the lower-level figures in the ambit of the plot,
Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby (who assassinated patsy Lee Harvey
Oswald), charged repeatedly in letters from jail, that "the Nazis
and the Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder." According to the
highly credible Torbitt manuscript, "Ruby was much more
knowledgeable about the conspiracy than most."
Huge financial resources flowed through Permindex/CMC for no
commercial purpose. Some of these funds, at least, were provided
through banks which had earlier financed the Nazis, including one
intimately associated with Allen Dulles from the time of his 1930s
work with Nazi cartels, through to his 1953-61 stint as CIA chief.
Some hints of where the money was going could be found in French and
Italian press reports that CMC official Ferenc Nagy, the fiercely
anti-communist former Prime Minister of Hungary, was financing
Jacques Soustelle and the OAS, along with other European fascist
movements; or in New Orleans District Attorney Garrison's
observation about "Shaw's secret life as an Agency [CIA] man trying
to bring Fascism back to Italy."[6]
NATO units were also involved in at least some of the numerous
assassination attempts on France's President Charles de Gaulle in
1962-63, which was no doubt a factor in de Gaulle's withdrawing
France from NATO's military command in 1966. France, after all, had
been a key target of NATO's "Operation Demagnetize" in the 1950s,
and the "anti-communist," bitterly anti-de Gaulle OAS operatives
like Guerin Serac, were natural partners of NATO. Adm. Pierre
Lacoste, director of the France's military secret service DGSE
(1982-85), admitted after Andreotti had exposed Gladio's existence
in 1990, that some "terrorist actions" against de Gaulle and his
plans to liberate Algeria were carried out by groups involving "a
limited number of people" from the French Gladio organization!
A five-year investigation by France's SDECE intelligence agency of a
1962 assassination plot against de Gaulle found that the
assassination had been planned in the Brussels headquarters of NATO
by a specific group of British and French generals, who employed
former fascists for the planned wetwork.
And then, there is the case of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme,
who was assassinated on Feb. 28, 1986 in Stockholm. While there is
no hard proof that parallel Gladio networks were involved, it has
been suspected by Swedish investigative journalists. On April 28,
1992, Sweden's top daily, Dagens Nyheter, carried the headline: "A
Top-Secret Intelligence Network Within NATO Is Behind the Death of
Olof Palme." Journalist Goran Beckerus charged that the operative
branch of NATO's Allied Clandestine Committee, known by its initials
SOPS, oversaw the assassination under the code name "Operation
The Aristocracy and the Knights of Malta
In order to discover the real authors of international terrorism, we
must move into territory at which Greene and Massignani only hint.
Time and again, Italian investigators of Gladio and P2 have
suggested that the evidence before them was only the superficial
tracings of a far-reaching, well-established power structure's
activity. For instance, Senator Pellegrino, head of the Italian
Parliament's "Terrorism Committee," is convinced that P2 Grand
Master Gelli was the front man for hidden circles of far greater
power; that if P2 were a "port," then Gelli, who has recently
resurfaced to brag that he is "running the country," would be merely
the "Port Authority." Who, or what, constitutes this greater power?
From outside the country, it is the Anglo-American synarchists. But
Gladio and the embedded "parallel Gladio" could not possibly
function within Italy only by recruiting leaders of secret services;
its protection had to involve some of the most powerful forces
inside Italy itself.
Greene and Massignani note that the X MAS—which became a key
component of Gladio—counted among its leadership a number of Italy's
top aristocrats, though they name only two: the "Black Prince"
himself, and the claimant to the throne of Italy, Prince Aimone,
Duke of Aosta. In fact, the Duke was favored by many of Rome's black
nobility over Victor Emmanuel III, who reigned from 1900-45, and who
therefore was King during the era of Mussolini, who was nominally
the King's prime minister. The recognized leader of Italy's black
nobility, Princess Elvina Pallavicini, once proclaimed, "The Duke of
Aosta would have been much better, but now we are stuck with Victor
Emmanuel." How many other aristocrats among the X MAS leadership
also became key figures, like Borghese, in NATO's Gladio
It is certain, that aristocrats played vital roles in one of the
"parallel" Gladio's most infamous operations, the kidnapping and
assassination of Aldo Moro. Looked at more carefully, that is no
real surprise: Members of the most powerful international
organization of the world's aristocracy, the SMOM, played essential
roles in the establishment of the Vatican/British intelligence/CIA
"rat-lines" and other crucial "anti-communist" activities at the end
of World War II. Allen Dulles and James Angleton were SMOM members.
Numerous SMOM members were also prominent in the P2 lodge; however,
of the two organizations, the SMOM is incomparably the more senior
and powerful; in fact, from available evidence, P2 is more
appropriately thought of as an "operational" spin-off of the SMOM.
Let us briefly look at the role of these aristocrats in the Moro
assassination, and then in more detail at the SMOM itself.
The Gladio structure was named after the short Roman sword, gladio.
When Aldo Moro was killed on May 9, 1978, ostensibly by the Red
Brigades, he was dumped outside a Roman stadium where gladiators
used to fight to the death. The symbolic connection was clear, as
emphasized by investigative journalist and sometime mouthpiece for
elements within the SID, Mino Pecorelli. The Red Brigades leader in
charge of the operation was Mario Moretti. Former Senator Flamigni
has documented in a recent book, that Moretti was a protégé almost
from childhood of an important aristocratic family, the Casati
Stampa. The Marchesa Annamaria Casati Stampa kept several
neo-Fascist youth as lovers, one of whom was probably Moretti, whose
high school education she paid for. Under Gladio direction, the
neo-Fascist Moretti later turned into a "leftist" and headed the Red
Brigades.[7] Connections to Fascism ran deep in the Casati Stampa
family: her husband's uncle, Alessandro, had been a minister in
Mussolini's first government, and then, when Mussolini was dumped,
became a minister in the first royalist government.
The closest friend of the Casati Stampa family was Liberal Party
Sen. Giorgio Bergamasco. Bergamasco, in turn, was one of the
founders of the Committee of Democratic Resistance, led by
Piedmontese aristocrat Count Edgardo Sogno Rata del Vallino. Sogno
had fought for Franco during the Spanish Civil War, and then for
Mussolini, and in 1943 went over to the British SOE. He was also on
the payroll of Allen Dulles for years for 10 million liras a month,
and his Committee became another nucleus of the extended Gladio
organization. Sogno led an attempted coup in 1974, which was foiled
by Defense Minister Giulio Andreotti. Flamigni demonstrated in his
book how the hardline Moretti-led faction of the Red Brigades was in
reality run by Sogno's NATO-controlled organization.
Shortly after Moro's assassination, LaRouche's associates in Italy
published a pamphlet, "Who Killed Aldo Moro?" which drew attention
to the oligarchical Caetani family in Rome, near whose palace Moro's
body had been found. Later investigations by others charged that the
actual head of Gladio was the English aristocrat Hubert Howard, a
British intelligence official in World War II and for decades
afterwards, who had married Princess Lelia Caetani, daughter of
Roffredo Caetani, 17th Duke of Sermoneta. Howard and his wife lived
in the Caetani palace, as did one Igor Markevich, a double or triple
agent of Western, Israeli, and Soviet intelligence services. He and
Howard were leaders of high-level "esoteric" masonry, and, according
to some accounts, had led the "negotiations" with the Red Brigades
for the freedom of Moro—a convenient cover for constant liaison.
British intelligence veteran Howard was also named by some as the
secret head of Gladio. The account is credible. Howard was a member
of one of the most powerful families in Britain, the Dukes of
Norfolk, and the Catholic Howards had had intimate connections with
the Italian aristocracy, particularly of Venice, since at least the
18th Century. His mother, for instance, was a member of the powerful
Giustiniani family of Venice and Genoa, which claimed descent from
Emperor Justinian. One Howard had been the Cardinal-Bishop of
Frascati outside Rome in the 19th Century, a post held a couple of
centuries earlier by a Caetani. Although long a power in the Church—Benedetto
Caetani was crowned Pope Boniface VIII at the end of the 13th
Century—the Caetani were part of the nominally "enlightened" wing of
Italy's aristocracy by the 20th Century, and still wielded great
influence under Mussolini and afterwards.
No account of the Italian aristocracy's role in promoting fascism
and terrorism can omit the role of Princess Elvina Pallavicini. As
head of the integrist international association of Catholic
nobility, "Noblesse et Tradition," Pallavicini was a chief sponsor,
both in Rome and worldwide, of the schismatic Archbishop Marcel
Lefebvre, who was excommunicated by Pope John Paul II in 1988. Until
her recent death, the Princess was also a chief sponsor of
neo-Fascist groups in Italy, including setting the stage for the
emergence of former porn star Alessandra Mussolini, granddaughter of
Il Duce, as the candidate for an electoral coalition of neo-Fascist
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Wherever one turns in investigating P2, Gladio, the "black
aristocracy," international terrorism, or the Nazi International,
one encounters the SMOM—the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order
of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta, known as "the
Knights of St. John" or the "Knights of Malta."
They were omnipresent in the establishment of the financial and
human infrastructure of modern international terrorism already
during World War II, and immediately thereafter. SMOM member Baron
Luigi Parilli, an industrialist with high-level connections into
both Hitler's SS and SD in Italy, and to Mussolini's intelligence
services, was the main liaison between SS Gen. Karl Wolff and Allen
Dulles in Berne. SMOM bestowed one of its highest awards, Gran Croce
Al Merito Con Placca, on U.S. Ambassador to Italy Ellery Stone, who
had saved Borghese, and who became a postwar vice-president of the
ITT corporation, which helped organize the Sept. 11, 1973 overthrow
of Chilean President Salvador Allende and the installation of
dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet. The SMOM awarded its Croce Al Merito
Seconda Classe to Italy's OSS chief James Jesus Angleton in 1946,
around the same time it honored his boss, Allen Dulles. The
following year, it bestowed the Gran Croce al Merito con Placca upon
Hitler's Eastern Front intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen, one of
only four recipients of this award at the time. Gehlen's brother was
the secretary to Thun Hohenstein, one of the five-member ruling
Sovereign Council of the order. As head of the Institute for
Associated Emigrations, Hohenstein printed some 2,000 passports,
which were used to relocate leading Nazis to safe hiding places
around the world.
Other leading Knights included CIA chiefs Allen Dulles, John McCone,
and William Casey. Nazi International figure Otto Skorzeny was a
Knight, as was businessman J. Peter Grace, who used the SMOM's
diplomatic immunity as a cover for Iran-Contra activities.
Numerous leaders of Italy's military intelligence organization were
members of both SMOM and P2, including Gen. Giuseppe Santovito
(former head of SISMI, which replaced SID after 1977), Adm. Giovanni
Torrisi, Chief of the General Staff of the Army, and Gen. Giovanni
Allavena, head of SIFAR. Another key P2 member who was a Knight was
Count Umberto Ortolani, a member of the SMOM's ruling inner council,
and a veteran of Mussolini's counterespionage service. Some say he
was the real brains behind P2, and he did sponsor the entrance of P2
boss Licio Gelli into the SMOM. Ortolani was a financier who, among
other things, owned the second-largest bank in Uruguay, where he
commanded enormous influence; the fascist Gelli had been in exile in
Ibero-America until higher powers brought him back to Italy in the
early 1960s to set up what became the P2 lodge.
As with any organization, not all of its members are guilty, and
sometimes not even witting of the organization's crimes. In this
case, however, given the nature of the beast, that would be
relatively rare. Besides the repeated surfacing of SMOM members in
terrorist-related activities near the end of World War II, one of
their more recent operations illustrates the organization's
essential nature.
In 1978, following hard upon the assassinations of Dresdner Bank
head Jürgen Ponto, German industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer, and
Aldo Moro, the Knights of Malta were caught red-handed coordinating
an assassination operation against Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. LaRouche
was the intellectual author of the Bremen summit of that year, where
French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, West German Chancellor
Helmut Schmidt, and British Prime Minister James Callaghan (the last
under duress) signed the Bremen Communiqué, which announced the
formation of the European Monetary System. The EMS, in the words of
one West German official, was intended to be "the seed crystal of a
new world monetary system." Bremen struck horror into the hearts of
the world's oligarchy. Said one senior officer of the Banque
Bruxelles-Lambert, owned by the Belgian Rothschilds, "It is
recognized that it was LaRouche's program that went through at
Bremen. If it goes through now, certain important financial centers
are going to lose their power. A lot of people are not going to like
that." The director of a Knights-run institute in Belgium was more
succinct: "LaRouche is the first enemy of the London group." In New
York, Knight Henry S. Bloch, director of Warburg, Pincus investment
bank, whose hands investigators discovered to be holding many of the
strings of the plot, proclaimed LaRouche to be "very dangerous," and
pointedly compared him to Malcolm X, assassinated in 1965.
In their investigations of the SMOM, LaRouche's associates
"discovered to their surprise that the mere mention of its name
inspires awe and terror in the minds of highly placed government
officials, central bankers, senior military and business leaders,
and senior diplomatic and intelligence executives," as recorded in a
pamphlet issued by the LaRouche organization at the time, "The
`Black International' Terrorist Assassination Plot to Kill Lyndon H.
LaRouche, Jr." The pamphlet further reported, "The power that the
Order concentrates is primarily financial, through direct control of
most of the Western world's leading investment houses" and far, far
more. The pamphlet also noted, "A second source of power is an
absolutely unmatched intelligence capability." Which is to say, the
SMOM is a leading organizational arm of the Synarchy, bringing
together the world's leading aristocrats, financiers, and
particularly military and intelligence officials. Its members yearn
for the ultramontane world which existed before the rise of
sovereign nation-states during the Renaissance, which meant a loss
of power and privilege of their families. To them, that vanished
world is as if yesterday. Indeed, it has by no means entirely
disappeared, but lives on, centered—like the Knights themselves—on
the Venetian-descended "independent central banks" of virtually
every nation in the world, as LaRouche has emphasized.
The Knights of St. John were founded in the late 11th Century, and
rose to prominence in the First Crusade of 1095. In 1120, Pope Urban
II officially recognized them as a military religious order, and for
centuries they remained one of the most powerful military forces in
Christendom, first from their headquarters on the island of Rhodes,
and then on Malta, from which they were finally driven by Napoleon
in the late 18th Century. The Knights were recognized as a sovereign
state by a Hapsburg Emperor in the 16th Century. They remain a
sovereign state, run from their headquarters at 68 Via Condotti in
Rome. They maintain their own fleet of aircraft, have diplomatic
relations with 92 nations as well as the United Nations and the Holy
See, and enjoy diplomatic immunity. The order is entirely Roman
Catholic, and its higher ranks must document an aristocratic lineage
and coat-of-arms of at least three centuries. The Grand Master of
the order is both a secular prince, and a cardinal of the Church.
Reflecting its history, its membership is still heavily comprised of
individuals with a military or intelligence background. Pope Pius
XII ordered an investigation of this nominally Catholic organization
in the 1950s. The Papal Commission charged, among other things, that
the Order should not have the sovereignty of a state, and ordered
modifications of the SMOM "to bring them into conformity with
decisions of the Holy See." However, Pius XII died before the Order
could be fully reined in.
In addition to the Roman
Catholic SMOM, there are four Protestant orders of the Knights, all
founded within the last 150 years or so, and all run by ruling
houses of Europe. The Roman Catholic and Protestant orders
effectively merged on Nov. 26, 1963, four days after the
assassination of John F. Kennedy. The Sovereign Head of the British
Knights is Queen Elizabeth, while the Netherlands Knights were
headed until his death by the former SS Knight, Prince Bernhard of
the Netherlands, consort of Queen Juliana.
In 1927, the Rome-based SMOM authorized the establishment of an
American chapter, whose members did not have to prove their
aristocratic lineage. Its Treasurer and lay controller was John J.
Raskob, the bitterly anti-FDR head of the Democratic National
Committee, who in 1934 helped finance a coup attempt against
Roosevelt. Its Grand Protector and Spiritual Advisor was Cardinal
Francis Spellman of New York, one of whose closest Cold War
associates was Time/Life publisher and Congress for Cultural Freedom
co-founder Henry Luce.
Another Knight, who played a profound role in Italy's postwar
financial, economic and political history was Prince Massimo Spada,
the leading lay financier of the Vatican's Institute for Religious
Works, commonly called the "Vatican Bank." Spada gave the
mafia-connected heroin launderer and later P2 financier Michele
Sindona his entrée into the Vatican's finances, which, given the
tax-sheltered, sovereign status of the Church within Italy (as
negotiated in the 1929 Concordat between Mussolini and the Holy
See), was invaluable for running all kinds of dirty operations.
However, in examining the Vatican, one must always be careful to
ask, "Whose Vatican? That of all the modern popes? Or that of the
black aristocracy?" And to really unravel that question, insofar as
it intersects Ortolani, Gelli, Calvi, Spada, and their
"Vatican-connected" associates, and the deeper, "permanent"
infrastructure of terror in Italy, one must delve deeply into
history, particularly that of Venice, to understand the enormous
power still wielded by those whom Pope John Paul I, called "the
ancients," during the time he was Patriarch of Venice. After all, as
LaRouche has stressed, those "ancients" of Venice have given us the
modern Anglo-Dutch parliamentary system, with its privately
controlled central banks, and the Synarchy's present drive for world
rule. Under Anglo-American direction, those Venetian "ancients" also
brought Mussolini to power in the first place, and then organized
the financial world of the Vatican, into which Ortolani, Gelli,
Calvi et al. were inserted.
The Legacy of History: The Ancients, The Venetian Factor
In 1582, the 40 or so families which controlled the vast fortunes
and far-flung intelligence capabilities of Venice, split into two
factions: the nuovi (the "new" houses, or families) and the vecchi
(the "old" houses). On the surface, the appellations seemed to refer
to those families ennobled since the serrata, the closing of the
Grand Council in 1297, who were called the nuovi; whereas those who
had already held titles of nobility, were the vecchi. In fact, the
upheaval was the result of the establishment of sovereign
nation-states for the first time in history, as a consequence of the
Renaissance. The city-state of Venice, never more than 200,000
people, could not stand against the new powers that were coming into
being, founded to promote the Common Good of their citizenry; the
sheer numbers, the science and technology, the military power, were
too much for even the powerful and devious masters of La Serenissima
(as Venice is famously called).
The nuovi realized that, notwithstanding the bloody religious
warfare which Venice had unleashed in Europe following the failure
of the League of Cambrai to defeat Venice in 1511, its days were
ultimately numbered. They took several strategic actions. First,
under the leadership of Paolo Sarpi, they created the philosophy of
empiricism, as a sense-certainty-based fraud whose purpose was to
destroy the creative method of Platonic hypothesizing. Second, also
under Sarpi's leadership, they launched a fierce war against the
Vatican, posing as the bastion of "enlightened" Europe against
obscurantist Rome. Third, they brought the newly emerging Protestant
powers England and Holland (whose rise came largely thanks to Venice
itself), into what had always been the cornerstone of Venice's
fortunes—its trade with the East Indies. The Venetians founded the
British East India Company in 1600 (from a merger of the
England-based Venice Company and the Turkey Company) and the Dutch
East India Company in 1602, and the wealth derived from this trade
helped create or enrich a number of great aristocratic families in
both countries, along the Venetian model. And, as LaRouche has often
emphasized, the British East India Company became the foremost power
in the world in 1763, in the wake of the British-rigged Seven Years'
War among contending European powers, in the classic Venetian
"divide and conquer" method. Fourth, they moved much of their
fortunes (and even some of their families) north, first into
Holland, and then into England, where they created what would be
known in the 18th Century as "the Venetian Party." As part of this,
they established the famous Wisselbank (Exchange Bank) of Amsterdam
in 1609—the most powerful bank in the world—modelled upon their own
private, patrician-controlled banks, followed by the Bank of England
in 1694, both serving as the models upon which all central banks
have been established since then.
In part because of these redeployments, Venice's financial power
remained huge well into the 18th Century, as did its legendary spy
system, brilliantly chronicled by Friedrich Schiller in his novella
Der Geisterseher (The Ghost-Seer), and American intelligence
operative James Fenimore Cooper in his novel The Bravo.[8] Barings
Bank in England, the bank of the British East India Company, for
instance, was the vehicle for Venetian funds in Britain, and was at
the center of the "Venetian Party," together with the Bank of
Napoleon Bonaparte had been partially sponsored and funded by
Venetian and Genoese families: The Genoese Princess Pallavicini of
that era famously punned that her family owned "la buona parte"—"the
best part"—of him. His Corsican family had been retainers for the
Genoese and Venetian nobility for centuries; and, as noted above,
his favorite sister married a Borghese. When Napoleon's ravages had
ended, Count Giovanni Capodistria, a Venetian nobleman acting as a
government minister of Russia, almost single-handledly wrote the
essential documents issued by the 1814-15 Congress of Vienna, which
established the ultra-reactionary Holy Alliance. Capodistria also
pulled together the modern nation of Switzerland, in part as a
repository for Venetian family funds (fondi), which were also used
to found several insurance companies in the late 18th Century. These
later included the Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà (RAS) and the
Assicurazioni Generali di Venezia e Trieste.[9]
At the turn of the 20th Century, the "ancients" of Venice, although
diminished, still commanded important financial and intelligence
power, both on their own behalf, but also because they deployed as
part of the British- (and subsequently Anglo-American-) dominated
world which their ancestors had created. In the wake of the
split/redeployments of 1582, they cloned themselves and their
institutions and methods to dominate northern Protestant, often
freemasonic Europe, while they still maintained their power in their
historic seats of control in the formerly Hapsburg-ruled southern,
more Catholic portions of Europe, in particular in Italy and Spain,
and in the Church at Rome. They played a crucial role in organizing
the Balkan Wars which laid the immediate basis for World War I, for
which Britain's King Edward VII had schemed for decades. In the
early 20th Century, a group of Venetian financier patricians, led by
Count Piero Foscari of an ancient family of Venetian Doges,
established a number of companies and banks. Chief among the latter,
was the Banca Commerciale Italiana (BCI), and in particular its
Venice branch.[10]
Though Foscari was the undisputed leader of this Venetian group, its
most active public figure was Giuseppe Volpi, later known as Count
Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata, after his early-1920s rule of
Italian-occupied Libya on behalf of Mussolini. Acting as the
point-man for an international financial syndicate including the
Bank of England, the Mellons, and the House of Morgan, Volpi
organized Mussolini's rise to power, precisely as Schacht did later
for those same forces in installing Hitler in Germany. Volpi was
Mussolini's Finance Minister from 1925 to July 1928, following which
he became a member of the Grand Council of Fascism, and, in 1934,
chairman of the Industrialists Association. He designed Mussolini's
economic doctrine of corporatism along the model originally laid
down by Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909), the founder of
the Synarchy of Empire movement, and the inspiration for the
Martinist freemasonic lodges through which the modern Synarchy was
organized. Nominally a tripartite pact among corporations, the
state, and labor, it was basically rule by corporations, i.e.,
private financiers.
In 1929, Volpi oversaw the famous Concordat between Italy and the
Vatican, in which, among other things, Italy recognized the Vatican
as a sovereign state, and paid financial compensation for the Papal
States in central Italy which it had taken over in the second half
of the 19th Century. The compensation was 1,550 billion liras, a
sizeable sum at the time. One Bernardino Nogara was chosen,
seemingly "out of the blue," to manage this fortune. The prominent
American diplomat George Kennan wrote in his Memoirs: 1925-1950
about the extraordinary power commanded by Nogara: "A so-called
`mystery man,' an Italian banker by the name of Bernardino Nogara,
had been granted sole control by the papacy over the entire fortune
of $92.1 million the church had received from the Lateran treaty. .
. . No Vatican official, not even the Pope himself was allowed veto
power over Nogara's decision. Nor would the banker permit any
religious or doctrinal policies of the church to stand in his way. .
. . Never before in modern Church history had anyone been granted
such sweeping authority by the church, not even popes themselves,
with all their supposed infallibility, let alone a layman, and
non-Catholic (Jewish), as in Nogara's case." His impact on the
Church may also be judged by the epitaph delivered upon his death in
1958 by the head of the SMOM in America, New York's Cardinal
Spellman: "Next to Jesus Christ, the greatest thing to happen to the
Catholic Church is Bernardino Nogara."
Whether or not he was Jewish, the "mystery man" was no mystery at
all. Nogara had been managing director for a Venetian firm run by
Foscari, Volpi, et al. in the Ottoman Empire already back in 1901.
Reflecting his Venetian ties, Nogara became Italy's representative
on the Ottoman Debt Council, a sort of IMF for the Ottoman Empire,
whose purpose was to bleed it and carve it up. The British sponsored
freemasonic lodges in Salonika, from which the "Young Turks" were
organized to oust the Sultan. The freemason Volpi was intimately
involved in the coup, as, undoubtedly, was Nogara. Nogara was the
head of the BCI branch in Istanbul, and was Volpi's chief
intelligence agent in the Ottoman Empire until that empire
disappeared in the World War I which Volpi and his friends had done
so much to help organize, through the masonic lodges and through
Venice's ancient financial and familial ties in the Balkans.
After Nogara had been chosen Delegate of the Special Administration
(later known as the Administration of the Holy See Patrimony) to
oversee the investment of the wealth flowing from the Concordat, he
became vice president of the BCI, upon whose postwar premises the P2
lodge would be founded. Nogara established intimate financial
relations with the cream of the Synarchy, including the Paris and
London Rothschilds, Crédit Suisse, Hambros Bank in London, J.P.
Morgan Bank, and the Bankers Trust Company in New York, and the
Paris-centered Banque de Paris et des Pay Bas (Paribas), a
stronghold of the Synarchy in France in the interwar and postwar
years. He also promoted a cadre of uomini di fiducia, "men of
confidence," Vatican lay Catholic or even non-Catholic financiers,
who would oversee the enormous new Vatican holdings. Nogara bought
large or controlling interests in dozens of major banks, utilities,
insurance companies, and industrial corporations, even as he
reorganized previous Vatican holdings, such as the "Catholic banks"
which were generally Catholic-owned, and which did business with the
Church and its officials, as opposed to the "secular" banks.
The most important of these "men of confidence" was Prince Massimo
Spada (a Vatican title), who had been inducted as a Knight of Malta
in 1944. Spada either chaired or sat on the board of an astounding
array of the holdings Nogara purchased. Noting only a few of the
more important (and their capital), as of the late 1960s, these
included: He was vice-president of the Banco di Roma (one of Italy's
largest banks, historically associated with Rome's black nobility),
and sat on the board of its Swiss subsidiary; Italy's biggest
domestic gas company, Società Italiana per il Gas (37,412 million
liras); president of the Trieste-based Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà
insurance company (4.320 billion liras); vice president and managing
director of the L'Assicuratrice Italiana; vice president of both the
Unione Subalpina di Assicurazioni and of the Lavoro e Sicurtà (750
million liras); Shell Italiana, the Italian subsidiary of Royal
Dutch Shell (129 billion liras invested in Italy); vice president of
the Istituto Bancario Italiano (10 billion liras) and the Credito
Commerciale di Cremona (2 billion liras); board member of the Banca
Privata Finanzaria; board member of the huge financial holding
companies, Società Meridionale Finanziaria (122 billion liras) and
the Istituto Centrale Finanziario (150 million liras); vice
president of the Finanzaria Industriale e Commerciale; president of
the Banca Cattolica del Veneto (3 billion liras); board of directors
of FINSIDER, a state-controlled holding company (195 billion liras),
which is part of IRI, the Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale,
formed during the Fascist regime, which constituted the country's
largest cartel and controlled the biggest shipyards; the Italia
shipping line; Alitalia airlines; Alfa Romeo; and the entire
telephone system. FINSIDER produced at the time over 90% of Italy's
steel and was the backbone of IRI. Spada was also a board member or
executive of dozens more banks, insurance, and industrial companies.
In 1963 he was appointed Privy Chamberlain of Sword and Cape, one of
the highest of all Vatican titles, one also held by his brother
With all of this enormous power, and despite his leading position in
the Catholic Church, Spada sponsored the rise of Michele Sindona as
one of the Vatican's "men of confidence." His choice was most
peculiar, not only because Sindona had been a Fascist during the
war, but because during that time he had made connections (through
American OSS-connected mobster Vito Genovese) to the Inzerillo and
Gambino crime families, for whom he laundered heroin money.
Reviewing the picture sketched above, we thus find that an intricate
financial web originally woven by Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata
and his Venetian aristocratic friends and associates such as
Bernardino Nogara, had grown by 1960 to include Michele Sindona, who
financed one of Gladio's most important assets, the "Black Prince"
Borghese. Sindona also "was one of the channels, perhaps one of the
most important, to back up" the attempted coups of 1970-74, as
Greene and Massignani put it. Sindona later sponsored the rise of
Banco Ambrosiano's Roberto Calvi, the P2 financier who was found
hanging under Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982, in a ritualistic
masonic murder. And, when the P2 financial scandals exploded, one of
those arrested as a key figure in them, was Massimo Spada, the
protégé of Volpi's friend Nogara.
The membership of the ostensibly Catholic—and therefore ostensibly
anti-freemasonic—Rome-centered SMOM overlapped with the freemasonic,
presumably "anti-clerical" P2 lodge; they were the "twins" of
Italy's Venice-centered oligarchy.
The privately run international monetary system is now collapsing,
and the desperate financial oligarchy is trying to consolidate a
new, worldwide fascism, driven by new waves of terror, such as 9/11
and the March 11, 2004 train bombings in Madrid. In this context,
much of the superstructure of Gladio is finally being exposed by
those opposed to this new fascism. Those exposés are essential. But,
we must go still deeper, to lift the veil from "the ancients," and
through them from the Synarchy to which they have given birth, of
which they remain a crucial component.
[1] The material in this review which directly concerns Borghese is
almost entirely drawn from Greene and Massignani. Additional
material on Gladio can be found in Daniele Ganser's book, NATO's
Secret Armies (London, 2005), "Secret Warfare: Gladio," Arthur E.
Rowse's "Gladio: The Secret U.S. War to Subvert Italian Democracy,"
and work by LaRouche and his associates. The latter includes
"Strategy of Tension: The Case of Italy," an indispensable four-part
series by Claudio Celani, first published in EIR, and "Terror's
Legacy: Schacht, Skorzeny, Allen Dulles" by Michael Liebig. These
two articles were republished, together with overviews by LaRouche,
and numerous other studies, in the Special Report, The Synarchist
Resurgence Behind the Madrid Train Bombing of March 11, 2004, issued
by the LaRouche in 2004 campaign committee.
[2] Charles Higham, American Swastika (New York: Doubleday &
Company, 1985), p. 198.
[3] Sen. Giovanni Pellegrino, who chaired the 1994-2001 Italian
parliamentary committee investigating both the Gladio-orchestrated
terrorism, and how Italy's secret services covered them up, said
that D'Amato "was an old Anglo-American agent, whose career started
soon after the Liberation under James Angleton." Under Angleton's
protection, said Pellegrino, "D'Amato became superintendent of the
Special Secretary of the Atlantic Pact, the most strategic officer
of our apparatus, as it is the connection between NATO and the
U.S.A." From its founding at the end of the war, the UAR was filled
with hundreds of former officials of Mussolini's Salò Republic.
D'Amato headed it from 1968-74, the period of NATO's "Strategy of
[4] Since no English original of FM 30-31B was ever found, but only
Italian translations of parts of it (during the raid on Gelli's
villa), some investigators query whether such a Pentagon manual ever
existed. However, the Italian passages are entirely coherent with
other Pentagon documents of the same general era, such as the U.S.
Joint Chiefs of Staff's infamous Operation Northwoods plan, which
called for unleashing terrorism against the domestic United States,
among other clandestine provocations.
[5] Angleton and his associates in the OSS/CIA had a lifelong
fascination with the Trust, the joint Anglo-American/Soviet
intelligence operation which featured the use of double and triple
agents. These were actually used by the Synarchists to manipulate
both the Western powers and the Soviets against the nation-state,
toward a kind of global condominium. It is not accidental that the
"legendary" CIA counterintelligence chief Angleton somehow missed
noticing that his mentor and his decades-long close friend Kim
Philby was a "Soviet" (read: Trust) agent. Keeping up his part in
the charade, Philby announced from Moscow that he had "enjoyed
playing Angleton and Dulles." Angleton and Dulles maintained deep
contacts with the "internationalist" wing of the Soviet intelligence
establishment, just as they did with the "universal fascists" like
Borghese. The shared goal was the destruction of nation-states in
favor of world imperial rule. Many of Angleton's "fascist" assets in
the postwar era turned out to be Soviet assets, as well.
[6] When the CMC first started up in Rome, its chief public figure,
the pro-fascist former Prime Minister of Hungary, Ferenc Nagy,
announced that it had major financial backing, including from J.
Henry Schroder Bank and the Seligman Bank in Basel. The Seligman
Bank was a large stockholder of the CMC, and its principal, Hans
Seligman, sat on the boards of both the CMC and Permindex. With J.
Henry Schroder, Nagy had spilled the beans on a most sensitive
institution, and the bank was quick to deny his claim. J. Henry
Schroder Bank had been intimately involved in the Dulles/Nazi
financial deals from the 1930s, and, as CIA chief, Dulles maintained
$50 million in "contingency funds" at Schroder under his sole
control. See William F. Wertz, Jr., "The Plot Against FDR: A Model
for Bush's Pinochet Plan Today," EIR, Jan. 21, 2005.
For further details on Permindex/CMC, including its finances, see a
January 1970 manuscript by William Torbitt; New Orleans District
Attorney Jim Garrison's book, On the Trail of the Assassins; and the
account in the 1992 edition of the book, Dope, Inc.: The Book That
Drove Kissinger Crazy, by the authors of Executive Intelligence
Review. EIR maintained a close relationship with Garrison until his
death in 1992. The Italian left-wing daily Paese Sera also ran a
series on CMC/Permindex in March 1967, exposing it as a shell for
huge sums of money that had nothing to do with "commerce," naming
some of its elite banking connections, and profiling its board
members as Anglo-American intelligence-connected ex-Fascists and
fanatical right-wingers. Earlier scandals regarding CMC/Permindex
had caused an uproar in Parliament and elsewhere, which forced CMC/Permindex
to leave Rome for Johannesburg in 1962, the year before the entity
orchestrated the Kennedy assassination. Garrison observed that the
Italian government had expelled CMC/Permindex for "subversive
intelligence activity."
[7] The role of NATO in running the Red Brigades is documented by
Claudio Celani in "The Sphinx and the Gladiators: How the Head of
the Red Brigades was an Agent of NATO-Controlled Fascist Circles,"
EIR, Jan. 21, 2005, based in large measure on a recent book by
former Sen. Sergio Flamigni, La Sfinge delle Brigate Rosse (The
Sphinx of the Red Brigades).
[8] The extraordinary financial power which Venice still commanded
in the 18th Century was documented by the Venetian nobleman Carlo
Antonio Marin, historian of Venice Frederick Lane, and others. Its
European-wide cultural warfare and espionage system was also still
highly effective, as evidenced in the international campaign of the
Paris-based Venetian Abbot Antonio Conti to attempt to destroy the
reputation of the great scientist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. An
agent of Venice's ruling Council of Ten, Count Cagliostro (Joseph
Balsamo) organized the 1785 "Affair of the Queen's Necklace," the
scandal which, as Napoleon observed, was the opening act of the
French Revolution, an event financed and run out of Britain. Still
another notorious Venetian spy of the same era was Casanova, who
reported directly to the inner Three of the hooded, black-robed
Council of Ten. The scarlet-robed chief of the Three was known as
the Inquisitor, and in Venice it was understood that "The Ten will
send you to the torture chamber, but the Three will send you to your
Schiller chose to set his masterful portrayal of the methods of the
Venetian intelligence service, as well as its Europe-wide reach, in
the 18th Century; he clearly was not writing of a merely
"historical" matter, nor was the patriotic American intelligence
agent James Fenimore Cooper, in his portrait written several decades
later, though Cooper set his tale centuries earlier. During the
American Revolution, Venice put its still-considerable fleet at the
service of the British.
[9] One of the notable financiers of Borghese in-law Napoleon was
the Venetian Salomon Morpurgo, who later founded the Assicurazioni
Generali di Venezia e Trieste (General Insurance Company of Venice
and Trieste). Generali has been ruled ever since by a kind of
central committee of Europe's financier and aristocratic oligarchy.
On the board of Generali and its sister insurance company, Riunione
Adriatica di Sicurtà (RAS), over recent decades, one finds such
names as Giustiniani, Orsini, Luzzatto (an old Venetian family),
Rothschild, the Duke of Alba (whose ancestor laid waste to the
Netherlands for Philip II of Spain), and Doria (Genoese financiers
of the Hapsburgs). The president of the RAS at one point was
Sindona's sponsor, Prince Massimo Spada, while Count Giuseppe Volpi
di Misurata chaired the Generali from 1938-43. Had the 1964 coup
been successful, the plotters planned to install Cesare Merzagora,
chairman of Generali from 1968-79. Generali's chairman today is
Antoine Bernheim, a senior partner of Lazard Frères, and member of
one of the four families which control Lazard, a mainstay of the
international Synarchy. Bernheim's daughter married Prince Orsini.
Generali and RAS are merely two important strands of a much larger
web of families and finance, but they illustrate the directions in
which one must look to discover the "port" behind the "Port
Authority" guarded by P2 boss Licio Gelli, as Senator Pellegrino
insightfully put it.
[10] The activities of Foscari, Volpi, et al. as the product of
centuries-long Venetian operations in the Ottoman Empire, are
elaborated in The Roots of the Trust, by Allen and Rachel Douglas
(unpublished ms., 688 pages, 1997).
[11] The partial list of Spada's corporate offices is taken from
Conrado Pallenberg, The Vatican Finances, (London: Pet
This is your world government ladies and gentlemen. THE JESUIT
Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) The grand master of the SMOM order
is recognized as a sovereign chief of state by 41 nations with whom the SMOM
exchanges ambassadors. [2011] Solving the Mystery of Babylon the Great by
Edward Hendrie
The Catholic Inquisition
The Catholic Church is a continuation of the organisation of the Satanic Emperors of Rome. The Roman State Religion descends from Satanic Babylon, - The Dagon Fish cap, The Moloch torture and burning alive of firstborn and of people, the celibate castration of Cybele and Adonis, The Sexual and Human Sacrificial rites using children, procured by people like Sir Jimmy Savile of Queen Elisabeth's Order of the Garter, which was not lost when Rome adopted Christianity.
The Inquisition which Murdered, Tortured and burnt alive over six million people, enemies of Rome, was not and accident. In Spanish Torquemada is made up from Tor - Torture, and Quemada - Burning.
Nor was the burning alive of 18 millions of people between 1940 and 1945 in death camps supervised by Franciscans and Jesuits and managed by the Catholic Organisation under Jesuit Himmler, head of the SS, standing for Sedes Sacrorum or "Holy See" in Latin - Catholic Knights of the Holy Dagon Sea - of Satanic Babylon.
The birth of the Nazi SS
There is a parallel and quite extraordinary change within the power
structure of the NSDAP as the Nazis- the rise of Jesuit Fr. Himmler
to Reichführer (also Reichführer Nazi SS) – or Superior General of
the Knights of the Holy See--SS standing for Sedes Sacrorum or "Holy
See" in Latin.
Prior to its use by Himmler, the symbols SS were most frequently and officially used as the abbreviation of Sedes Sacrorum or the legal name of the Vatican being the “Holy See” (Latin Sedes = seat/see and Sacrorum = Holy/Sacred) since the 16th Century as a sign of imprimatur over official Vatican documents.
The lightning bolt represents the “Satanic S” that means
“Destroyer“. In ancient and secret mythology, it was the weapon of
Zeus. The lightning bolt symbol is believed to give magical power
over others. It was worn as a symbol of Lucifer’s Power by
Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Knights of the Black Sun, the SS of
Nazi Germany.
Many historians deliberately mask the first beginnings of the use of the
title Reichführer by dropping off the word “Nazi”, or removing “SS” to
somehow claim this position was the official title of the commander of the
Schutzstaffel as early as 1925. The reason for this forgery is twofold- one
to mask the true date of 1933 as the historic shift in the introduction of
the initials SS and secondly to mask the true arrival of Himmler in 1929 and
the title Reichführer-Nazi SS in 1933.
But what is more incredible is the fabricated history that continues to hid
the absolute fact that in 1933 after the Reich Concordat was signed with the
Vatican, Jesuit Fr. Himmler was elevated in power, name and status above
Hitler. Fr. Himmler S.J. as the Reichführer has superior title (as opposed
to plain old führer for Hitler).
Jesuit Fr Himmler had complete independent control over all police,
paramilitary, intelligence, scientific research and weapons development and
the dreaded elite units of over 50,000 just in 1933—and Hitler had
absolutely no authority over him. In fact the proof of the distaste each man
had for one another is demonstrated in countless war archive movies showing
in clear detail the body language of both men.
It is either an extraordinary coincidence that Himmler and his elite began
wearing the SS symbol as Reichführer immediately after the signing of the
Reich Concordat in 1933 with the SS - the Sedes Sacrorum, the Holy See.
Given the four hundred year precedent of SS being associated with the Holy
See, it is not unreasonable to conclude that the wearing of the symbols is
associated with some as yet unpublished spiritual/temporal powers bestowed
on the SS Troops by the SS - Holy See.
When one considers that Nazi SS translates most perfectly into the meaning
“Knights of the Holy See”, that the role of Himmler best translates into the
new Grand Inquisitor and that over 18 million innocent people were burned
alive in human sacrifice camps in Poland and Russia, then the SS were
without doubt the new “Holy Army” of a great inquisition against “heretics”
orchestrated by the Vatican, Rome.
The fact that Hitler could do nothing against Himmler at the end of the war
when it is universally recognized that Himmler was seeking to broker some
kind of personal peace deal is more than enough evidence to conclude Hitler
was part-puppet to larger forces.
Finally, the fact that neither Hitler nor any of his henchmen ever attempted
to assassinate Himmler, in spite of his open usurping of Hitler’s authority
on many occasions, is indication the title of Reichführer-Nazi SS and the
meaning of the SS is extremely significant.
In 1934, Himmler successfully convinced Hermann Göring, and General Werner
von Blomberg that Ernst Röhm and others were plotting against the Nazi
Party. Röhm and several others were murdered in what became known as the
Night of the Long Knives on 30 June 1934. The next day, the SS became its
own independent organization.
In the same year (1934), Himmler was named head of the Gestapo, the German
secret police. In 1936, Himmler was appointed Chief of the German Police.
The Holy (Roman Death Cult) Inquisition of Pope Pius XII
On February 10, 1939, Archbishop Pacelli was elected as Pope Pius XII.
Himmler headed the delegation of Nazis who travelled to the Vatican to
congratulate their patron. It was in Rome in February 1939, that Himmler
first received his instructions concerning the Grand-Counter-Reformation
Strategy- the single largest crusade by the Catholic Church to end the hold
of Protestant states once and for all, coupled with a plan to remake the
Middle East.
But the most extraordinary nature of this event with Pope Pius XII and Fr
Himmler S.J. has never been properly realised--for in 1939, Pope Pius XII
called into action Himmler as Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisition -- to
eliminate heretics and usher in a new era of Catholic power throughout
At the meeting, Pope Pius XII with Jesuit General Ledóchowski outlined his
strategy to the key Nazis. Enemy no 1, were Protestants intellectuals. The
wedge strategy were the Jews.
Jesuit Himmler knew that since the days of Martin Luther who made a fortune
selling anti-Jewish pamphlets, the Protestants of Europe had shown a fierce
anti-Semitism towards the Jews. Now this anti-Semitism would be used for
their downfall.
Within weeks of securing Poland, Himmler rallied substantial resources to
commence building the human sacrifice camps as instructed by Pope Pius XII
and the Catholic Church in Rome. The centrepiece were the ovens, in which
millions were to be sacrificed to Moloch, the ancient demon god of the
Sadducee High Priests.
The gas chambers were designed to render victims unconscious, allowing their
securing on metal trays for the furnaces easier. Contrary to falsified
documents and testimony, the camps began operation by 1940, not ending until
Himmler personally toured the camps and the selection of staff, in which
Jesuit priests, including Franciscans were embedded within the SS and were
placed in rotation to pray satanic prayers in front of the ovens so that at
all times, the burning and dying were being properly cursed.
Musicians were even employed from the prisoners to drown out the screams of
the people being burnt alive in the ovens.
The Jesuit Civil War
In 1941 aged 75, Count Wladimir Ledochowski -- Jesuit Superior
General --was at the height of his supremecy, a still fit and
completely driven man. His army of Jesuit influentials had similarly
reached great heights in all places held by Catholic Dictators as
well as the United States. So why would a civil war between factions
of the Jesuits break out at such a time?
One of the great historical anomalies is the behaviour of both Adolf
Hitler, Fr Himmler S.J. and Fr Joseph Stalin S.J. in the Nazi
Russian Invasion. Contrary to spin historians, these men had not
only shown ruthless pragmatism in managing power until this point,
but were actively working together on a number of military and
scientific fronts until the invasion.
A frequent excuse given is that fiercly Catholic Hitler had become
“drunk” with power and decided to invade Russia because he hated the
Russians. But Hitler was a mere soldier, compared to Fr. Himmler S.J.
the new Grand Inquisitor of the Roman Catholic Church and his
massive army of assassins and torturers.
Instead, it is much more certain that Jesuit Superior General
Ledochowski instructed Himmler to push for the assault on the
understanding this would complete a clean sweep of Catholic National
Socialism over Catholic National Communism. Similarly, it is clear
that Count Ledochowski said something in reverse to Fr Stalin S.J. –
that this was the plan that would ultimately destroy Germany as
Stalin’s behaviour against his own country and people was nothing
other than treacherous.
When Hitler invaded in June 1941, Fr Stalin -- against every other
example of ruthless judgment to protect his own power -- seemingly
invited for his troops to be slaughtered and defeated by refusing
his generals to fully engage, then having the generals executed and
then repeating the bizarre process almost up to Moscow.
However, by the bleak Russian winter of December 1941, the jaws of
the Jesuit Soviet Machine clamped down shut on the legs of the
German Army. From this point on, the fate of the Nazi dream and
power were sealed.
For such a loyal German Jesuit as Fr Himmler S.J. such deliberate
trickery by Ledochowski would have been devastating and
unforgivable. The Jesuits had shifted their power away from Germany,
France and Italy to America -- for the first time in the order's
On December 13, 1942 (aged 76) Count Wladimir Ledochowski died
suddenly --almost certainly murdered by the very best assassins of
Fr. Himmler for his treachery in dooming the German-Swiss –French
“Illuminati” Jesuits.
Technically this act immediately plunged the Jesuits into Civil War.
Unable to convene a General Congregation until the end of the War
--when all Jesuits have permission to elect their leader --Vicar
General Norbert de Boyne could not be made Superior General. This
left the American Jesuits, led by Fr Edmund Walsh S.J. free to
pursue their agenda along with other international factions.
The German-Swiss-Italian-French Jesuits during the war headed by Fr
Heinrich Himmler S.J. represented the “Illuminati” – the old guard
who had been betrayed by their slain leader Fr Ledochowski S.J. The
other camp representing the new guard, the “New World Order” headed
by the American-Canadian Jesuits and allies along with English and
even Australian Jesuits.
Midst the two warring camps of Jesuits were "neutral" provinces such
as the Netherlands and Spain, still battling for its survival
against the popularity of the Vatican sponsored Opus Dei Mary (Mari)
Spanish Satanic devotion cult.
By 1946, after the end of World War II, the two warring sides of
Jesuits in Europe and the Americas finally arranged 5to elect a new
Superior-General in Belgium borne Jean Baptiste Janssens
(1946-1964). Following the death of Jean Baptiste Janssens, the
divisions in philosophy and approaches between Jesuits of North
America versus Europe continued to widen.
The American Jesuits became the leading scholars in promoting
revised Nihilist philosophies attacking not only traditionbal
spiritualism, but degrading the level of competence in a wide
variety of academic disciplines in the deliberate "dumbing down" of
the world. Nihilism through the mass packaging of American Culture
by American Jesuits not only helped maintain the dominance of
America as a superpower, but ensured they remained dominant against
their bitter rivals in Europe.
In 1965, Pedro Arrupe SJ was elected the next Superior General
(1965-1983) of the Jesuits midst the continuing decline in numbers
and academic standards of the Order as Nihilist philosophies took
their toll. Then in 1972, a partial truce was formulated in the
creation of the office of President of Jesuit Conference of the
United States and an accompanying office of President of Jesuit
Conference of European Provincials. Now the warring factions had a
means by which to communicate on "equal terms". A truce was finally
Upon the death of Pedro Arrupe SJ in 1983, the Dutch born Peter Hans
Kolvenbach was elected Superior General (1983-2008) until his
decision to resign in 2008.
Given the extraodinary and contradictory
allegation that the body of Himmler had been disposed and hidden so quickly,
the alleged autopsy records and a few choice photographs were all that
remained as verification of his suicide- except the fact that the autopsy
apparently failed to record a number of key and unique distinguishing
features of Himmler- the most obvious of which was a scar on his face since
When put together with the events of Himmler openly seeking safe passage
prior to his capture and the extraordinary events around his alleged death,
it is almost certain Himmler was secretly relocated.
Again, contrary to revisionist historians who perversely on the one hand try
to play up the power of Himmler and on the other down-play his intelligence
value to the Allies-- particularly being in charge of every single Nazi
scientific and military project. Himmler would almost certainly have been
The Great Prize for the United States in terms of knowing the key scientists
of weapons research, rockets and advanced aircraft.
The only problem would have been to have Fr Himmler in a location close
enough to mainland United States, but under a regime that would ensure his
identity would not be exposed--Cuba.
Contrary to the deliberate falsity that Argentina was the largest population
of Nazi war criminals outside US military bases after World War II, Cuba
remained a key haven for prestige former Nazi officials such as Fr Himmler,
in spite of the political turmoil. In reality, the Jesuits continued to rule
the island nation with an iron fist and the return of Fulgencio Batista in
1952 only strengthened their hand.
Upon the death of his life long mentor and friend Pope Pius XII on October
9, 1958, Fr Himmler S.J. probably died soon after. Soon after the death of
Fr Himmler, the forces of Jesuit trained Castro launched their offensive to
"takeover" Cuba and get rid of those in power with knowledge. By January 1,
1959, the most senior military and intelligence officials of the former
regimes were arrested and executed.
The Re-establishment of spiritualism in Jesuits and addressing of Nihilism
By 2008, the Jesuit Order, especially in the United States was a shell of
its former brilliance. Over populated by blissfully nihilistic, barely
competent, arrogant and undisciplined recruits, the once dominant United
States faction had slid to a terminal point of complete irrelevance. It was
at this time that Peter Hans Kolvenbach chose to resign from the office of
Superior General to become a "visitor" - a role focused on the revival of
the spiritual dimension of the Order.
The election of Pope Francis on March 14th 2013, the traditional "Day of
Blood" and ancient birthday of Mithra represents a further historic turning
point for the Jesuits and the Catholic Church in a rejection of the insanity
of nihilism and the potential implementation of promised reforms of Vatican
II and focus on personal responsibility. You wish.
The Knights of Malta and the SS escape to freedom down the Ratlines
The Knights of Malta were also responsible for helping thousands of
the worst Nazis and members of the SS escape to freedom down these
Ratlines, thus evading justice and avoiding the hangman’s noose at
Nuremberg. PRINCES OF PLUNDER By David Guyatt
Opus Dei is a subordinate organization to the Pope, who is in
control of the Knights of Malta, and therefore there are Knights of
Malta in Opus Dei.
The Jesuits control Opus Dei through the hierarchy of the Pope and through
the Knights of Malta. Opus Dei is composed of prominent Roman Catholic
businessmen and politicians who have given themselves over to “God’s
work”—that’s what Opus Dei means—for making the Pope the Universal Monarch
of the world, ruling the world from Solomon’s rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.
An example of this is the former head of the FBI, Louis Freeh, was a member
of Opus Dei. And so, we now understand the Waco incident, where those White
Protestants were killed; it was the work of the Opus Dei. A Moloch Burning
human sacrifice holocaust. And we also have to remember that the
sharpshooter, one of them there, was a Japanese Roman Catholic, Lon Horiuchi.
But Opus Dei is determined to create a World Government under the Pope. Opus
Dei was created in the 20th Century, whereas the Knights of Malta were
created in the 11th Century, and the Jesuits were created in the 16th
Century, in 1540, with Ignatius Loyola.
So, the super-secret society of the Jesuit Order, in control of the Knights
of Malta, were in existence nearly 500 years before Opus Dei. Opus Dei, like
the Knights of Columbus, is a subordinate organization to the Jesuit Order.
Maniacal World Control Thru The Jesuit Order: Well-Hidden Soldiers Of Satan
The Order of the Garter is the secret inner group which is an elite group
within the Order of St. John of Jerusalem which is the British part of the
Knights of Malta.
J. Peter Grace was the head of the Knights of Malta in 1963. He is the head
of W. R. Grace, and he's one of the largest shipping tycoons in the world,
in control of all the shipping in South America. Grace is a powerful man, or
was a powerful man......Flynn is head of the Knights of Malta now, down in
Florida where there new office is. They moved from New York to Florida, I
think Bocca Raton. They have 11 Knights of Malta on the W. R. Grace board.
And, of course, guess who owns Taco Bell? W. R. Grace.
So now we see W. R. Grace involved in the poisoning of America with
fast-food chains, so everybody gets heart disease, clogged arteries, so they
can go to bypass surgery and further enrich the medical profession, while
carrying out their medical inquisition. Isn't that clear? So not only are
they going to kill all of the American people, but they're going to make
billions doing it. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
John McCone was a very powerful industrialist, and one who was part of the
military-industrial complex, before he became the head of the CIA. He later
went on to become part of, I believe, ITT.
John McCone was another Knight of Malta, head of the CIA, and participated
in the Kennedy assassination by virtue of him being its head. And he's
Knight of Malta.
Angelton is a Knight of Malta. Henry Luce is a Knight of Malta. William F.
Buckley is a Knight of Malta. And William F. Buckley then ran the National
Review-and what does he do? He blames Oswald as the lone assassin. The Black
Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
The Jesuits obviously wrote the Protocols because they have carried out
every protocol in that little handbook. Alberto Rivera says that it was Jews
aligned with the Pope who published the Protocols. Well, I tend to feel that
it was just the Jesuits themselves because they and they alone, were the
ones who were able to bring this to pass.
They're the ones in the government. They're the ones behind professional
sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta. The owner
of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta. All your top owners of these ball
clubs, for the most part, are Knights of Malta, getting the people whooped
up in this hoopla over games and sports, while they're busy creating a
tyranny. So, that was one of the things in the Protocols-that they would
create 'amusements'.
Another one they used was Walt Disney, 33rd-degree Freemason-Disneyworld,
Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all
of these amusements and games and pastimes to get the people drunk with
pleasure, while they're busy overthrowing the Protestant form of
government........ the High Knights are good, dear brothers with the High
Mafia Dons-the Gambinos, the Lucchese, the Columbos, all of them. And they
control Hollywood, not the Jews. It's only Jews who are front-men who are
involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just
like in politics it would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Spelly's
[Cardinal Spellman's] Jew in the assassination [of President Kennedy], and
he would never say a word about it.---Eric Jon Phelps
Well, the Jesuits had brought in all of their top Nazi SS soldiers into the
CIA because the Jesuits were using the SS to kill the Jews in Europe. When
the Einsatzgruppen went into Russia, the Jesuits followed with the SS and
purged Western Russia of all its Jews. That's why Stalin deliberately killed
40,000 of his best officers. That's why he kicked out his best generals,
purged them, because he wanted to make sure that the Red Army would lose
with the advance of the German army, because following that would come the
SS and purge Russia of the Jews that Stalin so hated. And by the way,
justice is often poetic because Stalin's daughter married a Jew.
Now, the CIA was composed of the SS. The CIA now was an arm-and the
intelligence arm-of the Vatican. The Knights of Malta were throughout. Casey
was a Knight of Malta. Angleton was a Knight of Malta. The Knights were
through and through. Angleton manned the 'Vatican desk', and that is a desk
within the CIA that has a direct link to the Vatican. Eric Jon Phelps
present government of Israel was set up by the High Masonic
Rothschild-controlled Jews, and Rothschild has had an alliance with
the Jesuit General since 1876, being front men for the Pope's
Vatican Bank since then, managing 500 Trillion Dollars, 70% of
Fortune 500 International Companies, 70% of Banks, 100% of Central
Banks, together with Adam Weishaupt.
This is the very same Sabbatean Frankist Rothschild powers who betrayed the Torah Jews into the hands of the Nazis, killing many Jews all throughout Europe, betraying their own Jewish people. These are the very same powers who run the nation of Israel today.
I read a very interesting paragraph by Mark Lane in his book Plausible
Denial when he tells about a Jew in Israel who wrote about certain criminal
Jews, involved with the Nazis, who are now with the Mossad, something along
those lines. The man who wrote the article was gunned-down in front of his
So, Rome controls the Israeli government. It controls the Israeli government
through the Mossad.
Who trained the Mossad? Reinhard Gehlen.
We find that fact in Loftus' work The Secret War Against The Jews in
most telling, telling detail. So what do we have? We have high-level treason
and betrayal of the Torah Jewish race; that is there in Israel today, by
their own Sabbatean Frankist leaders, who are loyal to Rome and the Jesuit
Order. And to show this, we have a great big Rockefeller edifice in
Jerusalem; we have an ophthalmology center in Jerusalem run by the Knights
of Malta. There's nothing but Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and
the Jesuit Order running all of Israel.
So what's going to happen, I believe, with the Dome of the Rock is, that has
got to be removed-somehow, someway. It's on the Temple site; it has to be
If I was the Jesuit General, I would make- somehow, someway-American bombers
do it. Because I want to create universal hatred for this nation of the
United States, because in the United States there are more Protestants and
more Jews than any country in the world, and 'we've' got to kill all those
people. So what better way than to create a Jihad, a Moslem fanatical attack
against the United States, coupled with a Chinese invasion from the East.
That's what I think is going to happen.
The Jews are not going to destroy that Temple site because, if they do, Rome
will destroy their efforts of rebuilding the Temple. Because, if Moslems
control all of Jerusalem, that Temple will never be rebuilt. It has to stay
in Jewish hands-because the Jews, and rightfully so, need their own
homeland. They're entitled to the nation. And they haven't had their own
Temple of worship. They are rightfully entitled to that.
But what they don't know is that they are being used by the Jesuits to
rebuild their own Temple, that they would love to have rebuilt, for the
Pope, so he can sit there and be the man of sin, the Anti-Christ of the Book
of Daniel, Chapter 9. That's what I see coming for Israel.
The assassination of Rabin? He wanted to give away too much. He probably
wanted to give away some of Jerusalem. The Jesuits will never allow that.
So, his bodyguards just step aside and the Mossad kills him. And nothing
more is ever heard.
Rome's-the Jesuit General's-international intelligence community carries out
all high-level assassinations, kills anybody who's against their program.
And Cromwell knew this, back in his day, and that's why he protected
himself-160 of his finest 'ironsides' as his bodyguards, and no one got to
him. The Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
The American Pope is the Cardinal of New York. He is the most powerful
Cardinal in the United States. He is what's called 'the military vicar'. The
military vicar is in command of all of the military orders within the United
States, they being the Knights of Malta and the Knights of Columbus. He is
also in command, and privately, of 'the Commission' because Cardinal
Spellman was an intimate of Joe Kennedy, and Joe Kennedy was an intimate of
Frank Costello......And that Commission, you know what it controls? All of
the trucking, all the supermarkets, it's power is beyond our wildest
imagination, second only to the Knights of Malta. And, of course, they all
control the Federal Reserve Bank.
The Cardinal controls the Federal Reserve Bank through the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations belongs to the Cardinal. Spellman was not a member of it, during his day, but the most powerful members were Knights of Malta: David Rockefeller, Henry Luce and J. Peter Grace, and also William F. Buckley, to this day. William F. Buckley is indeed one of my enemies, because I name him, and he is a powerful multi-billionaire who participated in the Kennedy assassination, just like Iacocca, another Knight. Both of those men are subject to Cardinal O'Connor and will do ANYTHING he says........
Remember that Alexander Haig is a powerful Knight of Malta. His
brother is a Jesuit.
So, sure they have meetings. The High Knights of Malta, who meet in their
palace on Aventin Hill, in Rome, of course, meet with the Jesuit General,
and so on. And Count von Hoensbroech, who was a German Noble who became a
Jesuit for 14 years-he wrote a two-volume work called Fourteen Years A
Jesuit. His father was a Knight of Malta. Yes, the Jesuits work in
conjunction and have regular meetings with the Knights of Malta.
The Knights control the money. The Knights control the banks. They control
the Bank of Canada, Federal Reserve Bank, Bank of England; they control the
banking. They were the ones who were behind the sinking of the Titanic, with
the creation of the White Star Line, J.P. Morgan and others. The Black Pope:
Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
The Knights of Malta and the Jesuits work together! (Truth seeker, this may
seem irrelevant now, but it is important for you to be aware of this
connection. As we shall see, the Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall
Street, also using their Federal Reserve Bank headed by Masonic Jews,
Warburg in particular.) The Knights negotiated the Concordat (a Papal
treaty) between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz Von Papen. They
also helped top Nazis to escape to North and South America after World War
II in the persons of James Angleton and Argentina's President Juan Peron.
In America, the Knights, with their OSS, later the CIA, were behind
'Operation Paperclip'. After World War II, top Nazis and scientists were
illegally secreted into the United States. Many were placed in the
top-secret military installation in Tonapah, Nevada known as 'Area 51'. The
perfection of the Nazis' anti-gravity aircraft (flying saucers) was to be
completed there, among other secret technologies. 'Operation Paperclip' was
overseen by America's most powerful Knight of Malta, J. Peter Grace. J.
Peter Grace was subject to the Jesuit-trained Archbishop Spellman, as the
American headquarters for the Knights was and is St. Patrick's Cathedral in
New York. Direct excerpts from the forthcoming book by Eric Jon Phelps
called Vatican Assassins.
Another tie in between the Kennedy's and the Knights of Malta concerns the
Hospice movement. The Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction
and Bioethics (located at the Jesuit’s Georgetown Univ.) is helping fund the
Knights of Malta’s hospice movement in America. In Oct. 1978, the first
annual meeting of the National Hospice Organization took place. Sen. Edward
Kennedy was one of the two keynote speakers. What is the hospice movement
which is being conducted by the Hospitallers (one of the names the Knights
of Malta go by)? It is a movement to allow old people "The Right to Die.’
The Knights of Malta have an ancient history of running drugs and in
administering mind altering drugs in their hospitals instead of giving
medicine. This ancient activity was carried forth into modern times when
their St. Christopher’s hospital in London began giving patients Brompton
Mixture until they died. Brompton Mixture consists of heroin, cocaine,
alcohol, tranquilizers, and chloroform water. This mixture is given in the
Knights of Malta hospitals to patients every three hours until they die.
Euthanasia, or "mercy killing" may seem like a merciful idea, until a person
finds out how the people at the top of the Euthanasia movement view things.
They view things similar to the Satanist Adolf Hitler. This view is
that it is merciful to get rid of unwanted people - the useless eaters as
said Kissinger. Although the "death" hospice movement seems benevolent at
first, it is the conclusion of where the program will end up that is the
kicker. Hospice, Inc. which is linked to the elite is also provided funding
by the Kaiser Foundation. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 6. Kennedy
interfaith Pioneer Klenicki Knighted By Pope For Historic Contributions To
Jewish-Catholic Relations
New York, NY, August 27, 2007 … Rabbi Leon Klenicki, the Anti-Defamation
League's Interfaith Affairs Director Emeritus, has been knighted by Pope
Benedict XVI for his historic contributions in creating positive
relationships between Catholics and Jews around the world. Rabbi Klenicki
was made a Papal Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great at a ceremony
at the Vatican's Mission to the United Nations, presided by Cardinal Sean
O'Malley of Boston.
Rabbi Klenicki becomes the second ADL interfaith official to receive papal
knighthood. In 1986, the late Dr. Joseph L. Lichten became the first
American Jew to receive the honor, from Pope John Paul II. A renowned
scholar and theologian, Rabbi Klenicki joins a select group of living Jews,
and only a handful of rabbis, who have been so honored by the Vatican.
Klenicki is the author and co-author of hundreds of books and papers dealing
with the theological and practical aspects of improving relations between
Catholics and Jews after nearly two millennia of tragedy.
"I am deeply honored by Pope Benedict XVI for my nomination as a Papal
Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great," said Rabbi Klenicki, who
recalled his many meetings through the years with the future pope -- then
Cardinal Ratzinger -- whom he praised for "the depth and breadth of his
"I cannot describe how much this honor means to me," he said. "It is
recognition of the importance of the interfaith dialogue that has been my
vocation and my passion for more than 30 years."
Rabbi Klenicki, a native of Argentina, thanked his high school and
university teachers, his family, and his wife, Myra Cohen, whom he called
his inspiration. He also thanked ADL "for the opportunities it has given me
to spend more than 30 years in the field of interfaith work."
"We are extremely proud that Rabbi Klenicki's decades of work to help
reconcile the Catholic and Jewish people has been recognized by Pope
Benedict XVI with this special honor," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National
Director. "Leon is a true pioneer in interfaith dialogue and education. I
can think of no better person to deserve this honor."
Leon Klenicki received a Rabbinical diploma in 1967 from the Hebrew Union
College - Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati. In September 1967,
Klenicki returned to Buenos Aires, where he accepted the position of
Director of the Latin American Office of the World Union for Progressive
Judaism. He helped develop Reform Judaism in Latin America and lectured
widely at the main Latin American Jewish centers. Rabbi Klenicki served as
an advisor on interfaith affairs for the DAIA, the main Jewish organization
in Argentina.
In October 1973, Rabbi Klenicki joined ADL as head of the Jewish-Catholic
Relations Department. He became Director of ADL's Department of Interfaith
Affairs in 1984, and ADL's Co-Liaison to the Vatican. He held this position
until his retirement in January 2001.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops recommended to all U.S.
bishops and cardinals that they observe Holocaust Memorial Day by using as a
liturgy the service prepared by Rabbi Klenicki and Dr. Eugene J. Fisher,
"From Desolation to Hope: An Interreligious Holocaust Memorial Service." In
May 2001, Rabbi Klenicki was honored by the Holy See's Commission for
Interreligious Relations with Judaism for his contributions to the
interfaith dialogue.
Attending yesterday's ceremony at the Vatican Mission were leading Catholic
and Jewish interfaith officials including Archbishop Celestino Migliore, the
Holy See's Permanent Observer to the United Nations and Father James Massa,
Executive Director of the Office of Ecumenical and Interrreligious Affairs
for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also known as the original
Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, is a closed fraternity of
the Roman Catholic Church.
Its initiated members must be Catholic and have served in the military. They
participate in secret ceremonies and feudal ritual dress, and embrace a
strong class/caste mentality as part of their initiation into Rosicrucian
The upper grades are fastidiously aristocratic and must be able to display a
family coat-of-arms dating back at least 300 years in unbroken succession
from father to son.
The Sovereign Grand Master of the order is recognized as a head of state,
and his authority is ensured by his secular ranking as a Prince, and his
ecclesiastical ranking as a Cardinal. Under international law this
organization has independent Sovereign status, which assures nationalistic
loyalty from its members, above and beyond allegiance to their own country -
they also have Permanent Observer status at the United Nations.
The order and its members have been proven to be linked with the "Rat Run",
the post-WWII escape route used by high-ranking Nazis and death camp
scientists from defeated Germany to the Americas. Sovereign Knight of Malta
passports were issued with false identities that allowed escape from
prosecution for war crimes.
Perversely, after the war the order’s highest decoration, the ’Grand Cross
of Merit’, was awarded to Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s Eastern
Front intelligence chief, who was highly complicit in the atrocities carried
out by the Nazis in Russia and Eastern Europe - mainly the unprecedented
slaughter of Jews and civilian Slavs.
The brotherhood’s Catholic and aristocratic roots made the modern knights
fervently anti-communist as part of the 1000 year Catholic war against the
Eastern Orthodox Church. The order has been largely responsible for the
construction of the CIA, and many of its global covert operations.
The founding fathers of the CIA William "Wild Bill" Donovan and Allen Dulles
were knights, as were many other CIA hierarchy including Ronald Reagan’s
director William Casey and JFK’s director John McCone. According to
"Watergate" journalist Carl Bernstein, Casey gave Pope John Paul II
unprecedented access to CIA intelligence including spy satellites and
In fact, one could blame the start of the Cold War upon "Wild Bill" Donovan
personally. At the end of the First World War Donovan led a secret mission
to Siberia to observe the Russian Revolution. Due to his reconnaissance an
American unit was sent to fight the Russian Bolsheviks who were broadly
considered Allies, as they were still fighting the Germans alongside the
British and the French in the trenches of Europe.
The American troops could not understand why they were being ordered to burn
the villages and kill "these poor and hungry peasants, who’ve been treated
so terribly by their rulers", as one "doughboy" wrote to his wife. It is
historically un-American to side with the aristocratic powers of Europe
against the common man.
Donovan’s motives for fighting the Bolsheviks could only have been due to
his Vatican/Knights of Malta allegiances, as at this time the Russian
Revolution was no threat to the American Republic. As a consequence in July
1944 Pope Pius XII awarded Donovan the ’Grand Cross of the Order of St.
Sylvester’, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods, and the
highest Catholic award ever received by an American.
Less than one hundred men have received this award throughout history.
The Knights of Malta’s key spheres of control are Africa and Latin America,
and include many dictators such as mass murderer General Pinochet in their
Membership in Latin America includes Masonic lodge "P2" fascists and many
surviving Nazi players, who are directly responsible for the formation of
the modern neo-Nazi movement. Knight and Nazi escapee Otto "Scarface"
Skorzeny, who led a commando raid on the Cathar region of France in search
of occult artifacts including the Holy Grail, played a major role in the
Vatican’s "Rat Run".
He was a close friend of Argentinian president and knight Juan Peron, who
recent CIA documents prove was also involved in the laundering of Nazi
stolen and re-stolen by the Vatican, gold through the Vatican Bank.
Conveniently for Nazi members who did not escape Europe, William
Donovan served as chief aide to the American prosecutor at the post-war
Nuremberg trials, after handing over the reigns of the OSS/CIA to fellow
knight Allen Dulles.
As Roman Catholic author Penny Lernoux reveals in her "People of God":
"After the war, the Vatican, the OSS, the SS, and various branches of the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta joined to do battle against the common
Soviet enemy - and to help Nazi war criminals escape... Baron Luigi Parrilli,
an Italian aristocrat and Knight of Malta/papal chamberlain, took part in
negotiations between SS leaders and the CIA’s Allen Dulles."
Prior to working for the OSS (he headed the OSS station in Switzerland
during the war) Allen Dulles and his law partner John Foster had served as
business managers and lawyers to John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.
They personally brokered the partnership between Standard Oil and I.G.
Farben chemical corporation. I.G.Farben not only produced gasoline for the
Nazi war machine, it manufactured "Zyklon B", used slave labor before and
during the war (including their huge petro-chemical factory adjacent to
Auschwitz death camp), owned Bayer Pharmaceuticals which according to a
current lawsuit was directly involved in Dr. Josef Mengele’s horrific
Auschwitz experiments, and was spared from Allied bombings due to its
Rockefeller interests.
Leading war-time journalist George Seldes attempted to reveal this "unholy
alliance" through his newspaper articles, but was rarely published at the
time, and efforts were made to kill him. Joseph Heller’s satirical novel
"Catch 22" made light of this insanity with his "we agreed to bomb our own
bases in return for the Nazis buying our chocolate covered cotton".
"The Bilderberg Group", of which Henry Kissinger is a permanent member.
It’s first chairman was knight of malta and Black Knight of the SS, Prince
Bernhard of the Netherlands, who held that position for the next 22 years,
until a financial scandal forced him to resign. His daughter, Shell Oil
co-owner Queen Beatrix regularly attends meetings, as do ample other
European aristocratic players. The undemocratic "Bilderberg Group" continues
to play a major part in international affairs, and remains closed to public
scrutiny and participation.
Documents show that New York’s Cardinal Francis Spellman was directly
involved in the 1954 right-wing military coup of Guatemala, which led to the
murder of thousands, and of which the CIA has acknowledged complicity.
He has also been linked to neo-Nazi group "P2" and the Mafia by his long
involvement with "P2" member Archbishop Paul Marcinkus of Chicago, former
head of the Vatican Bank, who was under serious suspicion by Italian
authorities for the untimely death of Pope John Paul I.
Cardinal Spellman was not only an old friend of CIA creator "Wild Bill"
Donovan (who previously had a law firm in New York) but was the actual head
of the Knights of Malta in America throughout the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, and
was responsible for vast sums of money raised from its members, who have to
pay thousands annually to remain in the order.
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) is directly allied with
international Freemasonry, from where they recruit their new elite brethren.
Hence, the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templar are the Rosicrucian -
Adam Weishaupt - upper-degrees of Freemasonry.
According to "Knights of Darkness" author Francois Hervet:
"Freemasonry generally purports to be hostile to Catholicism... nevertheless
in December of 1969 an exclusive meeting was held in the Rome office of
Count Umberto Ortolani, the ambassador of the Knights of Malta to Uruguay,
who has been called ’the brains’ behind the "P2" Masonic lodge. In addition
to Ortolani, the meeting included only Licio Gelli, Roberto Calvi, and
Michele Sindona",
...all of whom have been implicated in the death of Pope John Paul I and
massive bank fraud.
Ironically, in recent years a belief in the Catholic faith has not been an
essential prerequisite for potential members who have the right connections.
Non-aristocratic parties can now be initiated by the "Magistral Grace" of
the Grand Master, although not in Britain, Germany and other European
countries with a strong tradition of nobility. However, this has allowed
many Americans to join, and an "Order of Merit" is bestowed upon those who
have outstandingly served the Knights or their works. Past Presidents Ronald
Reagan and George Bush are such honorary initiates, and Reagan was the toast
of an extravagant dinner held by the Order in 1989.
With more than 11,000 knights worldwide, the Grand Master and Sovereign
Council remain based in Rome. Their goal of political Feudalism is clearly
seen in the actions of Prince Hans Adam II, the Habsburg-supported ruling
monarch of Liechtenstein, and a prominent Knight of Malta and member of the
Vatican’s Opus Dei, who in October 1999 was reprimanded by the European
Court of Human Rights for claiming he had final constitutional authority
over his country’s Supreme Court.
While recent successful attempts at maneuvering Europe towards accepting a
European President have been led by Knight of Malta Gistard d’Estaing, and
backed by Britain, France, Germany, Italy & Spain.
The Protestant equivalent of the Catholic Knights of Malta, also known as
the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, gained greater credibility when the head
of the British Empire HM Queen Victoria became their Sovereign Head in 1888.
This Order of St. John, whose current Sovereign Head is HM Queen Elizabeth
II, similarly use the Cross of Malta insignia as their emblem.
While they too claim that charity and protecting the poor are their main
cause, this has been used as a tool of Western Imperialism for the last 1000
years, and began with the first Crusades to occupy Jerusalem.
These "charitable concerns" are unlikely to take precedence over their
secret historical agenda - the fulfillment of the prophecies of St. John the
Divine, whose Revelation acts as a political template for these
historically-intoxicated and reactionary-minded organizations.
It is additionally disturbing that the Protestant Order of St. John was
recently granted non-Governmental membership of the United Nations.
Like its Catholic counterpart, this UN position gives the Protestant Order
greater access to UN decision-making and vulnerable developing countries.
Undoubtedly, the interests of the Vatican, the British Crown, and its
Rosicrucian fraternity, will take precedence over any genuine aid offered to
the world’s poorest and needy.
The unusually shaped Cross of Malta was the original emblem of the
controversial Knights Templar, and was adopted as the official insignia of
the Knights of Malta, when the Knights Templar were forced to submit to the
authority of the Vatican.
As we all grow and move towards conscientizing the reality that we are all
ONE, it seem somewhat backwards to declare my outright patriotism as a South
African, as I can hear the “Love and Light Police” chastising me already
with cries the likes of “ being patriotic just creates more separatist
identification”. This may very well be the case, but it is my desire to help
those that I love the most, in the place that I love the most, being my
friends and family in my beloved home country of South Africa, that has
bought me down the path of research that is the subject of this article.
For several months now, I have been debating with family, friends and other
well-informed South Africans about the state of affairs in the world at
present in an attempt to educate, and inspire them to educate themselves. It
is always wonderfully heartening to find so many people on the ground in
South Africa, checking out alternative sources of information other than the
mainstream media, or picking up one of the many fantastic publications of
this genre of information, which provides a wonderful catalysts into a whole
new world of expanded awareness and perception, which is a part of dynamic
process of evolution and revolution.
There are now people who claim to have a general grasp on the real reality
that is now no longer conspiracy, rather well researched, well proven and
well documented fact of some of the many people that Freedom Central has had
the great honor to work with. Sadly these very same South Africans are still
claiming religious denomination and devotion, or standing in line to vote in
government elections, when deep down we all know that we live in a Multi
Party Dictatorship that we are sold as democracy. When I questioned why
apparently awake and aware South Africans were still going to church, or
were still discussing voting for Helen Zille of the Democratic Alliance, I
was met with the repeated answer that South Africa and South African
politics is different to the rest of the world. Yes we know 9/11 was an
inside job, and yes we know about the corrupt bankers and Skull & Bones and
the Freemasons, and how that pertains to the American and European
establishment, but how does that tie into South Africa?
As South Africans, we think we are tucked away down far away from the main
happenings of the world, so somehow things do not affect us. Perhaps that is
due to the fact that there is and never has been much interest from the
International community in helping Africa, other than to help themselves to
the natural resources. And thus, it is also important for the international
community to sit up and take note what is going on in South Africa, because
not only are they somewhat responsible for the state of affairs in Africa,
but also because South Africa has always been a global testing ground for
international politics. The powers that be know most African are too
stupidified by poverty to make this connection, or even notice what is going
We host a wonderful interview with Durban based writer Linda Smith who gives
great examples of how South African policy mirrors international policy,
they just change the language to make it seem like it is different. But it
is the same story over and over again, from country to country.
(link to Linda Smith’s interview)
For those of you who are new to this information, pay close attention.
Likewise please forgive me if some of these details are familiar to some,
but for the sake of understanding how the dots connect, please be patient
with the presentation of the evidence, which is extensive.
Okay from the beginning then.
The various governments of the world are nothing more than puppets playing a
game of distraction on the global stage of politics, and South Africa is no
different. Our Governments have no real power and can make no real
decisions. It actually does not matter whom we vote for, because the real
controllers of planet Earth, control all parties in any given election.
Indeed, the true power lies behind the governments who are merely puppets
for an institution, as the world is really run by those that I have often
referred to as the Shadow Government, The Oligarchy, The Powers That Be, or
The Dark Forces. All these refer to the hidden hand behind global affairs,
which is a complex web of ancient family dynasties, religious and financial
institutions, secret societies such as the Freemasons and Papal Knights, all
headed up from Vatican City.
There is very little documentation that exists about the ties of the
Illuminati to South Africa, as few from abroad seem to take interest in
researching South Africa’s affairs, and there have not yet been many South
African insiders coming forward, or if they have, they have been silenced.
But we need not look far to find the clues that build the picture of how we
tie into the global conspiracy. It is a matter of public record that in
South African’s history, that top “Voortrekkers” such as Piet Retief,
belonged to the Freemasonic Order of the Old Dutch Goedehoop, and they
spread Masonic symbolism where ever they founded towns.
There are only a few brief references in some biographical literature, to a
secret group that controls South Africa that nobody is allowed to talk
about. This group is fleetingly refered to as “Wyse Manne”, which is
Afrikaans for “Wise Men”. One of the illusive recorded references to the
secret controllers of South Africa, is in a book called “Dokument X”, by
Gunther Schieckelgruber which is written in Afrikaans, but is a compilation
of information from spies and informants during the Appartheid era. The
mysterious “Wyse Manne” come up again in a publication by South African
Journalist, Chris Steyn-Barlow in a tell all book entitled “Publish and be
Damned”. The memoirs of this reporter point out that when the “Wyse Manne”
were mentioned in the main-stream media, the claims of their existence were
quickly dismissed as fairytale by the very people who had made the claims in
the first place.
So who are the “Wyse Manne”?
The Wyse Manne are a group of industrialists including members of the
Oppenheimer family, select Black liberationists and former “Broederbond”
members, and no doubt, other high ranking elitists and financial powers.
Logic suggest that somebody like Hotelier Sol Kerzner, could be one of them.
The Wyse Manne controlled the super Afrikaaner Broederbond (which had Nazi
ties) during Apartheid, and they also control the ANC after Appartheid. The
Wyse Manne are also the ones behind the rise to power of Democratic Alliance
leader and Southern Star Freemason, Helen Zille, and they control South
African politics to this very day for the same Dark Powers that the rest of
the world is subject to.
South Africa indeed has it’s very own secret services intelligence network,
complete with an division much like the CIA run Al Qaida. Many of you
already know this, but for those of you who don’t, Al Qaida is NOT a bunch
of Muslim Extremists who what to bring a Jihad (holy war) all non-Muslims.
In fact Al Qaida is nothing more than a CIA network of agents trained to
facilitate “false flag” operations much like the attrocities of 9/11. In
much the same way, South Africa has it’s very own special secret unit of
“Agent Provocateurs”, whose purpose, it appears, is to stir up racial and
religious tension and hatred among South Africans. The ANC youth Leader,
Julius Malema is one such agent. Another iconic South African known as Pik
Botha was one of our very top secret agents. Although Pik Botha is a far cry
from anything remotely “James Bond-esque”, he was in contact and working
with Israeli Mossad, British Secret Services, Central Intelligence Agency
and the Russian run KGB. Knowing this it may seem on the surface that Pik
Botha was a triple agent playing for all sides, or playing sides against
each other, but this is where one needs to pay close attention:
At the very highest levels of government and intelligence, there are no
sides. In fact, the International Intelligence community is controlled by
the Jesuit for the Papacy.
The Jesuit order was found 11 August 1534 by Ignatius Loyola and sanctioned
by Pope Paul III on 27 September 1540.
“Loyola wanted the Order to be the champions of Catholic unity, which could
only be observed through an effective submission to Christ’s Vicar (the
Loyola continued “Even if God gave you an animal without sense as a master,
you will not hesitate to obey him, as master and as guide, because god
ordained it to be so”
This quote indicates the loyalty the Jesuits have to the Pope. In fact, Pope
Pius III gave the Jesuit Order papal protection, whilst Catholic nobles
donated castles, schools and money to the Jesuits.
The Jesuits are indeed very powerful, and this is more than obvious when
looking at some of the secret and not so secret organisations that the
Jesuits control, including:
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta & Knights of St John and the
(Known as The Knights of Malta or Knights of the Maltese Cross)
The Order of the Illuminati
The Scottish Rite Shrine of Freemasonry
The Order of Skull & Bones
The Knights of Columbus
The Knights Templar
The Knights of Lazarus
Opus Dei
The Nation of Islam and it’s private army called “The Fruit of Islam”
(The Roman Catholic Church invented Islam to control the Arabs)
The Mafia Commission (Known as The Mafia)
The Bohemian Club
The Club of Rome
And some other lesser brotherhoods
But the most telling and chilling evidence of how very powerful and evil the
Jesuits are, can be seen in the oath that they take upon becoming a Jesuit.
“ I _____________in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
the Blessed Michael the Archangel, the Blessed St. John, the Baptist, Peter,
Paul and all the Saints, swear that the Pope is Christ’s Vice regent and is
the true and only head of the Catholic Universal Church..... The Pope has
the power to depose of heretical kings, princes, states, common wealths,
government and that they may be destroyed if the pope has not given his
blessings over them. This power was given by the savior Jesus Christ....”
So let us just clarify just in case there is any confusion, the Jesuits
swear an oath that says, if a government is not subject to Rome, it can be
It goes on to say:
“I do further declare, that I will help and assist and advise all of his
Holiness’ agents, where ever I may be and will do my utmost to destroy the
heretical Protestant or Liberal Doctrines (Liberal doctrines are where you
make up your mind what you want to believe, you take the liberty of making
your own choice rather than allowing the Catholic Church to make them for
you)...... It does not matter where in the world you may send me, I will
obey. I promise to have no opinion of my own.....I
promise that I will make war against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals,
as I am directed to do to exterminate them from the face of the whole earth.
I will spare neither sex, age, race nor condition, and thus I will hang,
burn, flay strange and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the
stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads in order to
annihilate forever their race. If I can not do it openly then I will do it
This oath illustrates the power that Rome gives the Jesuit order, who are in effect agents for the Catholic Church, given a licence to kill as gruesomely as possible. They are exempt from all laws of governance other than their allegiance to the Pope and can get away with all manner of torture and mayhem in the name of the Pope..
Virtually everything the Jesuits own has been given to them or stolen by
them. They stole all of the fortunes of the Jews in World War II, and steal
all gold and seized all assets in the name of Jesus, progress or
colonization, whenever they went into a country warring. Since their
inception, nearly every war that has broken out is attributable to them.
The Jesuits are the heirs of the occult religion and they control
the world through various agencies. They stand in the background, create sub
organisations such as the various denominations of Papal Knights and
Freemasons, while everyone thinks the Jesuits are not active.
Despite following satanic practices, the Jesuits are known today as The
Society of Jesus and are appropriately based in the same building as the
The Jesuit Order is headed up by a Superior General. The current Superior
General is Reverend Father Adolfo Niclolas Pachon. He is one of the most
powerful men on the planet today, if not the most powerful, and is known as
The Black Pope. He is far more powerful than the Pope we know, who is in
effect, just a puppet for a fake religious institution.
This following is a ceremony of induction and extreme oaths of the Jesuits:
“You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred
between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite
them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other and to create
revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independant and
prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessing of
peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with
your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly
opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church
might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for
peace and that the end justifies the means”
From the Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 60-43354
Now that we have a clearer picture as to what those that are controlling
planet Earth are all about, lets us come back to South Africa, and focus on
some of our own agents of the Vatican.
It is round about here that many of my fellow South Africans want to slap me
on the wrist for even mentioning something negative that could potentially
be associated with their beloved national hero Nelson Mandela, but the sad
reality is, if you want to look at how South Africa ties into the global
conspiracy, Mandela is the place to start. Apart from being a 33rd Degree
Freemason, Nelson Mandela is also a Knight of Malta and St John, as is the
president that came after him, Thabo Mbeki, both of whom ran South Africa on
behalf of the Vatican.
Dave Hunt, an American Baptist Historian wrote the following in his book:
“Moreover, the Pope has thousands of secret agents worldwide. They include
Jesuits, the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, CIA and
others. The Vatican’s Intelligence Service and it’s field resources are
second to none”
Extracted from pg. 87 of A Woman Rides the Beast published in 1994 by
Harvest House Publishers.
In fact, all Knightly Orders operate with the primary purpose of
serving and operating as the secret agents of the Vatican. According to
Edith Simon who wrote The Knights of the Maltese Cross in 1961:
“The Grand Council and Sovereign Military Order of Malta, had headquarters
in Rome. These knights of the Papal Caesar, control the Banking, Industry
and Military Complexes of the world. They oversee Chase Manhattan Bank with
branches in Moscow and New York. They rule the International Intelligence
Community, the KGB in the East and the CIA in the West…”
This is the most compelling evidence so far as to who is involved in the
events going on at the moment. Just in case you have not yet connected the
dots, Chase Manhattan Bank was a Rockerfeller bank and merged with JP Morgan
to form JP Morgan & Chase. In the most recent edition of Forbes Magazine, JP
Morgan was listed as the wealthiest company in the world. So not only does
the Vatican control the world’s wealth, they also control all the
intelligence networks throughout the world. The Holy Catholic Inquisition
that claimed the lives of over 60 million people, is the forerunner of what
has become the modern day intelligence community. In fact, Jesuit
HeadQuarters is in the same building as the HeadQuarters of the Inquisition.
In order for you to understand how the Vatican has been controlling world
affairs for over 2000 years, behind the guise of fake governments, be they
Dictatorial, Democratic or Communist, it is important that you know who some
of the members of the Knights of Malta and St John are.
Here are some names both past and present:
William. F. Buckley, Jr – Founded the magazine NATIONAL REVIEW and hosted
1429 episodes of FIRING LINE from 1966 to 1999, and was a nationally
syndicated newspaper columnist.
Prescott Bush, Jr – father of two US presidents and CEO of the Nazi Union
Banking Corporation
George Herbert Walker Bush – Former President of the United States and
Former Head of the CIA
George Walker Bush – Former President of the United States during 9/11,
illegally appointed
William J. Casey – 13th Director of Central intelligence
Francis Spellman – Cardinal Archbishop of New York, involved in the
assassination of Kennedy
Terence Cook - Cardinal Archbishop of New York from 1968 - 1983
Avery Dulles - Son of U.S Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, was a
Jesuit priest theologian, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, and served
as a professor at Fordham University, as well as being an internationally
known author and lecturer
Allen Dulles – Fifth Director of Central intelligence and uncle of Avery
Dulles. He served on the Warren Commission which investigated the
assassination of Kennedy
Archbishop of New York, Edward Egan
William Joseph Donovan – Decorated Solider, Lawyer, Intelligence Officer,
and head of wartime Offices of Strategic Services (OSS), , and thus Bill is
also known as the “Father of the Central Intelligence agency ” CIA
John Farrell – Canadian Roman Catholic priest and Bishop of Hamilton,
Ontario from 1856 - 1873
Pat Buchanan – American Republican political commentator, author, syndicated
columnist, politician and broadcaster. Buchanan was a senior adviser to
American Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan, and was
the original host of CNN’s CROSSFIRE. He co-founded THE AMERICAN
CONSERVATIVE magazine and launched a foundation named the AMERICAN CAUSE. He
STONE. He is currently a political commentator on MSNBC cable network
including MORNING JOE and a regular on THE MCGLAUGHLIN GROUP.
James Jesus Angelton – was the long serving chief of the CIA’s counter
intelligence staff. His official title was Associate Deputy Director of
Operations for Counter Intelligence. His operations included Enigma Code,
Manhattan Project and Operation Chaos.
Charles Joseph Bonaparte – Was an American Lawyer and served as Secretary of
the Navy and then as Attorney General. He created the Bureau of
Investigation (now known as the FBI) and was the great nephew of Emperor
Napoleon I
General Alexander Haig – was the Deputy National Security Adviser to Richard
Nixon from 1970 – 1973. He was then appointed as the 5th White house Chief
of Staff before becoming Supreme Allied Commander Europe. He then served as
the 59th United States Secretary of State
Otto von Hapsburg – The crowned Prince of Austria, Croatia, Hungary and
Baron Conrad Hilton – Founder of Hilton Hotels group
Heinrich Himmler - started the SS in Nazi Germany
J. Edgar Hoover - Former head of the FBI
Ted Kennedy – United States Senator from Massachusetts
Henry Luce – He launched and closely supervised a stable of magazines that
transformed journalism and reading habits of upscale Americans. His
magazines included TIME, which summarised and interpreted the weeks news;
LIFE was a picture magazine of politics, culture and society that dominated
American’s visual perceptions before the era of television. His magazine
FORTUNE explored the economy and world business, and of course who could
forget SPORTS ILLUSTRATED, which probed into the world of sports, but is
most famous for it’s swimsuit edition which has launched the careers of many
top models. Indeed “Father Time” as he was known to friends, created the
first multi media corporation.
George MacDonald – Scottish Author, poet and minister, having influences
many of the great classical writers of his time. His Grandson, Phillip
MacDonald is a well known Hollywood screenwriter.
Avro Manhattan – wrote many books about the Vatican after being made a
Knight of Malta, exposing the truth.
Sir Stewart Graham Menzies – Chief of the British Secret Intelligence
Services (SIS, MI5 and MI6)
Franz von Papen – Served as Vice Chancellor of Germany under Hitler, and
then briefly as Chancellor from 1 June – 17 November 1932
Juan Peron – 41st President of Argentina and husband of Eva Peron.
Prince Angelo Di Mojana – was made a prince when he was the 77th Prince and
Grand Master of the Sovereign Military order of the Knights of Malta from
1962 - 1988
Thomas ‘Tip’ O’Neill – United States Federal Judge
Frank Shakespeare – is an American Diplomat and Media Executive. He was the
president of CBS Television before serving as the US Ambassador to Portugal
and the United States Ambassador to the Holy See
Frank Sinatra – American Singer and Actor who had close ties to the Mafia,
because the Mafia Commission are also controlled by the Jesuits, just like
the Knights of Malta. Sinatra and the Mafia had the same boss. The FBI have
released documentation that they had Sinatra under surveillance almost his
whole life, due to his connections to organised crime.
Frank Capra – A Sicilian born American film director. Films include: It
happened one night, Mr Deeds goes to Town, Lost Horizon, You Cant Take it
with you, Mr Smith Goes to Washington, Meet John Doe, Arsenic and Old Lace
and It’s a Wonderful Life
William Randolf Hearst – Hearst publishing empire
Francis L. Kellogg – Diplomat and special assistant to the Secretary of
State during the Ford and Nixon Administrations
Henry Kissinger – 56th United States Secretary of State and the 8th US
National Security Advisor. Kissinger is also the man behind Obama’s
Giscard d’Estaing – Former President of France 1974 – 1981
Tony Blair – Former Prime Minister of Great Britain
Silvio Berlusconi – Prime Minister of Italy
Bill Clinton – Former President of the United States
Ronald Reagan – Former B movie actor and President of the United States
Augusto Pinochet – Former President of Chile with a reputation of brutality
Nelson Rockerfeller – of the Rockerfeller Dynasty
David Rockerfeller – of the Rockerfeller Dynasty
Amschel Mayer von Rothschild – The man who bought the bank of England, and
who’s descendants now own the banking industry of the world
Rudy Giuliani – Mayor of New York at the time of 9/11
Michael Bloomberg – current Mayor of New York City and 18th richest man in
America having a net worth of $18 billion Dollars in 2011. He is the founder
of and owner of 88% of Bloomberg LP, a financial news and information
services media company
Rupert Murdock – An Australia American media magnet, and Chairman and CEO of
Thabo Mbeki – Former President of South Africa
Nelson Mandela – Former President of South Africa and National hero who
spent 25 years in jail.
But to name a few.
As we can see, there are prominent men who are Knights of Malta, and as we
have seen, they have great wealth and power and pretty much control
everything. They control all the media, both print and broadcast; they
control all religions and the political scene, as well as controlling all
the money.
As many typical South Africans will be saying right now, this is all very
good and well, but what does that mean for us?
If the Vatican controls the world, how does that affect us?
…”They (the Papal Knights and Jesuits) are simply the Romish army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for the Emperor...That’s their ideal, but there’s no sort of mystery of lofty melancholy about it... it’s simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination – something like universal serfdom with them as master – that is all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps” - Extracted from pg 309 of The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, origionally published in 1880 by New York Random House
Thomas Aquinas, the great Spiritual Philosopher wrote:
“The Pope, by Divine Right, hath spiritual and Temporal (political) Power,
as supreme King of the World...the Pope of Rome, as the Head of the Papal
Government, claims absolute sovereignty and supremacy over all the
governments of the earth”
Extracted from pg 30 & 31 of Romanism as a World Power by Luther S.
Kauffman, The American Publishing Co. 1922).
Friedrich von Hardenberg, who was a Protestant German Philosopher
wrote in 1800:
“Never before in the course of the world’s history had such a Society (the
Jesuits) appeared. The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world
domination with greater cetainty of success”
Extracted from pg. 6 of The Power and Secret of the Jesuits by Rene Fulop
Miller, published in 1930 by New York garden City Publishing Co
These quotes from various sources clearly point out the Pope rules
the world through his various hierarchies of control and infiltration.
It is a good thing then that the Pope has no hidden agenda… Or does he?
In a Vatican circulated in house magazine called Civilta Cattolica,
which means,“Catholic Civilization” (i.e. “World Government under the Pope”)
it stated that it believes that “Fascism is the regime that corresponds most
closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome.”
In 1550, Pope Julius III declared his claim to Universal and
Temporal (political) Power which was evident by a new coin he issued which
“The nation and kingdom that will not serve me shall perish!”
Throughout history, the Vatican has been the controlling force
behind world affairs, creating wars, manipulating conflicts and conquering
once peaceful nations, as this is all part of a plan that is steering the
world slowly towards the completion of their dark agenda:
To control the planet under a fascist regime with the pope as head of the
This of course is where the shouts of “Conspiracy Nut” can be heard from the
peanut gallery. But one needs to understand how this can be done, by firstly
understanding a few facts that are not normally public information.
Firstly, we have always been mislead into believing that the Kings, Queens,
Dictators, Presidents and Prime Ministers were the ones who had the power as
rulers or governors. The true power lies in the Church, the clergy or the
Priestly Class. Through out history, the priestly class has always wielded
more power than the acknowledged rulers or royalty. They have been the
wizards and Druids of history, as well as trusted talisman and councillors
of kings and leaders. When the Freemason J.R.R. Tolkien wrote “Lord of the
Rings: Return of the King”, he was very aware of this. One may remember that
when Aragorn was crowned King, it was the wizard (representing the priestly
class) Gandalf who placed the crown on his head and in effect crowned
Aragorn as King of Middle Earth.
The Queen is said to be the head of the Church of England, but in reality,
the Queen would not be there without the blessing of the Pope. The Roman
Catholic Church has throughout history maintained it’s right to depose of
rulers and kings that did not conform to Vatican rule.
“The right of deposing Kings is inherent in the supreme sovereignty which
the Pope has over all nations”
Cardinal Henry Manning, Archbishop of Westminster 1892
The Vatican basically decides who gets to rule a country on it’s behalf, no
matter how bad they bad or corrupt they are. That is why Dictator Robert
Mugabe, who is order of bath- garter who claims to be a devout Roman
Catholic, has been allowed to mercilessly rule Zimbabwe for three decades.
In fact there is an international travel ban imposed upon Mugabe due to the
atrocities Zimbabwe has suffered under his dictatorship. However, the ban
was temporarily lifted so that Mugabe could attend the Beatification of the
Late Pope John Paul II. Beatification is one step prior to Canonisation,
which is when Pope John Paul II will be made a Saint. Dispite having had an
honorary Knighthood, which was annulled by Queen Elizabeth II, Mugabe serves
his true Masters, the Vatican, in the exact capacity that they want him to.
If The Vatican did not want Mugabe ruling Zimbabwe, they would have have him
removed, and he certainly would not have been in power for three decades.
But as Mugabe is their obedient stooge. One does not just get an invitation
to the Vatican unless you are on “good terms” with them. Mugabe not only got
an invitation to the Vatican so that he could attend the Beatification of
the late Pope, they also lifted his travel ban for the occasion which just
happened to take place on Satanic Walpurgis, the highest and most holy
holiday on the Druidic and Witches calendar.
One only needs to look at the extreme oath of the Jesuits to see some
examples of what is going on in Zimbabwe and indeed, South Africa, and that
it is all orchestrated at the highest levels of the Catholic Church.
Because South Africa and Zimbabwe are resource wise, the wealthiest
countries in the world. By all means, the people should be wealthy, but they
are amoung the poorest on our planet. Rather the wealth sits with the
Industrialists, Oligarchs and the Vatican who continue to steal and plunder
Africa’s riches at the expense the African people. The Vatican controls our
countries so that it can continue to rob us of our wealth, thus keeping us
stupefied by poverty and unable to figure out just what they are doing to
The Catholic Empire provides a colossal wealth to the Vatican, which includes 500 Trillion Dollars of investments with the Rothschild's in Britain, Europe and the USA, and with giant oil and weapons companies such as Shell and General Electric. The Vatican owned Gold Bullion, is stored with the Rothschild Bank of England, and the US Federal Reserve Bank, not to mention vast secret storage of gold in hollowed out mountains in Switzerland.
The Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and
property owner in existence, possessing more material wealth than any bank,
corporation, giant trust or government anywhere on the planet. The Pope who
is the ruler of this colossal global wealth, is one of the richest men on
Earth. Whilst half of the worlds population earns less than 2 dollars a day,
and one fifth of the world is underfed or starving to death, the Vatican
hoards the world’s wealth, profits from it on the Stock Market which it
controls and manipulates for it’s own benefit, whilst at the same time
preaching about honesty, fairness and giving.
How did the Vatican accumulate so much power and wealth over the years?
One method was to put a price tag on sin. Many popes actually marketed
guilt, fear and sin for profit, by selling indulgences.
Pope Leo X rebuilt St Peter’s basilica selling tickets out of hell and
tickets into heaven. During the Dark Ages, the Catholic Church not only
horded the wealth they collected from the poor, but they horded knowledge.
They kept the masses stupid and ignorant as to what was really going on, by
denying them a basic education. Only the wealthy and the Clergy were allowed
the skills of literacy.
Over the past 5 decades, more than 1500 Bishops have been identified in the
sexual assault of tens of thousands of boys and girls, in their trusting
congregation, convents and orphanages.
Why is this filthy rich institution preaching the spiritual values of
poverty and chastity, whilst covering up for the cardinals, bishops and
priests who commit sexual abuse?
Why has the filthy rich Vatican fought and resisted the compensation claims
of their physically, sexually, emotionally and mentally abused victims
whilst it has great wealth?
One would assume they should just settle and be done with the matter to stop
it from dragging on, especially when they have the wealth to do it.
The truth behind the travesty of the sexual abuse of thousands of children
by the priest, cardinals, bishops and even popes, is that it has been going
on for so long that it really is no secret whatsoever, and in initiated
circles, is common practice as part of occult sex magic rituals. Far from
being an institution of puritanical ideals and morals, the Vatican is the
most powerful and corrupt institution on the planet.
The first essential orientation to establish is that there are always TWO
POLICIES or DOCTRINES when it comes to the Vatican…
One policy is OPEN yet FALSE, intended for public confusion. It is the
version of reality that we are taught to believe.
The other policy is SECRET and TRUE, which is in fact a very dark agenda and
benefits only a few at the top of the control pyramid.
One doctrine or policy is for the initiated, whilst the open yet false
policy is for the uninitiated. This is key to understanding the controlling
mechanism behind religions, politicians, government, media, corporatocracy,
royalty and all the other controlling institutions.
In case you are still not getting it, let me spell it out for you:
Not everyone works by the same rules.
There are the rules or doctrines for the public, the mass, the uninitiated,
the goyim or undeserving as the Elitists like to think of us... Then there
are the doctrines or ‘rules’ for the initiated, those in the ‘know’, the
elite. This should come as no surprise. It is common knowledge that the
Queen of England is exempt from all prosecution that can befall the general
public, which is a tradition honoured as the ‘divine right of kings’. This
privilege extends to the Pope, Jesuits and Papal Knights.
This propagation of double standards is the true root of separatism,
elitism, racism and all the other consciousness clouding “isms” that ferment
the beautiful state of connectedness with our fellow beings. Sadly all
politics, law, elitism, separatism, greed for money and power can be traced
back to the Religious Institutions, where the inner circle are kept “in the
Know” and precious empowering ancient knowledge is hoarded and benefits only
a few at the top of the control pyramid, while the less deserving mass are
taught the complete opposite of what the inner doctrines teach.
Because they are doing the complete opposite of what we are taught
to do, and they want to keep us as far away from the truth as possible, and
thus we are taught complete and utter lies.
… and thus, “black is white and white is black!”
…Which is the simple principle by which we are all deceived!
If we are ever going to be free of the evil controllers that have
destroyed our planet, impoverish and enslaved the human race, we need to
stop playing the silly games of politics and religion that they keep us
distracted with.
Politics is nothing more than an illusion to keep us paying taxes
and believing that we have a choice, and thus we have perceived freedom. The
reason we pay taxes is because we believe that we have a say in how the
country gets run by voting in government elections, but voting for new
puppets every few years does not mean you are free. Our political leaders
are nothing more than puppets putting on a show on the glorious stage of
politics, which has more entertainment value than leadership value. The true
seat of political power lies behind the public face of government, and
always has done… and always will do, if we keep agreeing to play along with
the silly game of fake democracy, while lining up for hours to get a stain
on your thumb, because that is all you are doing. Your vote means absolutely
As for religion… Well without wishing to offend anybody, it must be
known that the Catholic Church controls all other churches and false
religions, and in fact has invented Islam. In fact, on 9 April 2000, a
decree called “Dominus Ijesus” was issued by Cardinal Ratzinger, who was a
“Hitler Youth” in Poland, and who later became the present Pope Benedict
This decree states that:
“It must be always clear that the one, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Universal
Church is not the sister, but the mother of all the churches”.
This basically means that all other churches are subject to the Roman Catholic Church, who sit at the top of the church hierarchy. They are in control of all the other churches underneath them, this includes all religions. This indicates tremendous power on the part of the Roman Catholic Church, and who ever is head of this church is also indeed very powerful as he is then by very definition, the head of all other churches as well. It is commonly known amongst the higher circles of all religion that the Pope is the head of all religions, and indeed, head of the world.
Based on this, there is more than enough reason to question whether
following a religious institution is really doing the right thing, because
it is not about who is right, it is about what is right. The only reason
religion has power is because it has our support. If we continue to actively
aquiesse to these institutions that enslave us and commit such awful
atrocities in the name of the Pope, of Christ, and of progress, then really
we deserve what we are being faced with as we literally march humanity into
the New World Order.
It is time to stop submitting to the hereditary prejudices that we have been programmed to accept as “just the way it is”. The “Way it is”, is how WE make it. We have been led to believe that we are powerless, but the real reality is, that we are more powerful than we are ever allowed to know, because the true power lies with us.
Why do you think the Powers that Be have gone to such efforts to implement
such control measures over us with such great complexity?
Ultimately, what it is really all about, is that the Dark Forces can
not afford for the biggest secret of all to become known. The real threat to
them is if we realise who we are and how much power we have. They keep us in
fear so that we are paralysed like Bambi in the headlights.
It is time to STOP… Just take a minute and think about what it is you are
doing. Try to remember who you really are, and how much potential you have.
Are you happy with who you are and what you have become?
Do you like what you see when you look at at what is going on in the world?
The only way we are ever going to be free, is by reclaiming our freedom.
What happens next is entirely up to you!!!
Peace Love Unity Respect
Mel Ve
Rule Britannia. The Black Knights of Africa serving the British
One of the most fascinating times of our white western history must be the
times of the crusades.
Europe stood together and sent troops to the Holy Land to free it from
Islamic domination. It was also one of the darkest periods of our time, even
called the dark ages and would last hundreds of years until the Renaissance
in Europe.
There were nine official crusades and a myriad of smaller ones. During this
time several military orders saw the light that still exists today like the
Knights Templar, The Knights of Malta (Hospitallers), Teutonic Knights, etc.
But their main opposition on the side of the Muslims were the “Assassins” or
as the Persian word “Hassasin” indicates they were the followers of Hassan-i
Today the Order of the Knights Templar still exists and survives in
The order of the “Assassins” still survives to this day. They are called the
Nizari Ismailis and they are an extreme form of Shiite Islam. Their leader
is Prince Karim the Agha Khan (IV) one of the most richest people in the
world. Agha Khan IV. This is the power behind the so called “Muslim
You can read about it in the book by James Wasserman called “The Templars
and the Assassins”.
Wasserman is a high initiate of the OTO or (Ordo Templi Orientis), the
Aleister Crowley Sexual Drug Tantric graduate school of the Freemasons. So
he should know what he is talking about.
Nevertheless, every now and again some puppets come along and serve the
agenda of powers far greater than them and for their service they are
rewarded with honourary degrees in these orders.
On the 20th of February 2004, President Thabo Mbeki was awarded an honorary
Doctorate from the University of Stellenbosch and the idea was that the
Afrikaner Broederbond basically told him that he is now one of the
Afrikaners and should listen to them when they speak. Thabo Mbeki accepts
honourary Doctorate from Stellenbosch University
In 2007 the Duke of Gloucester installed Thabo Mbeki as a member of the
Order of the Knights of Malta. Thabo Mbeki become a member of the Order of
the Knights of Malta just like his predecessor Nelson Mandela.
In 2010 the Queen of England bestowed on President Jacob Zuma the award of
honorary Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath, just like Robert
Mugabe is a member of the same order.
Jacob Zuma became a member of the The order of Bath
You can read more about this highly respected military order here:
The Order of the Bath
In 1994 the same Queen of Britain made Robert Mugabe a Knight Commander of
the Order of Bath. In 2008 she stripped him of this title after David
Milliband urged her to do so. Queen strips Mugabe of Knighthood
You know...a knighthood from the Queen of England or the Duke of Gloucester
is not just dished out like sweets to street children. You have to perform a
special service to their agenda to earn such a title.
People like Sir Elton John, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Richard Branson, Sir Bob
Geldoff, Sir Jimmy Savile etc had to prove themselves over many years to
earn such a title. They received their knighthoods because of special
services to the crown and their agenda.
One thing that is certain is that the British Crown does not just dish out
knighthoods left right and centre.
So what special services did Mugabe, Mandela, Mbeki and Zuma perform to the
British Crown that they earned such chivalric titles? Not even Cecil John
Rhodes was knighted for all his efforts to the British Crown.
Is it perhaps because, Mugabe, Mandela, Mbeki and Zuma have caused unknown
amounts of deaths of blacks? Is it because they have been slowly wiping out
the Boers of South Africa?
What is the agenda here and what does one have to do to be rewarded by the
Queen as a Knight Commander of a Military order? Mugabe did not just get an
ordinary Knighthood. No he got, “Knight Comander”...
Mugabe’s record shows. He destroyed the nationalists under Ian Smith who
dared to declare unilateral independence from Britain. The Whites of
Rhodesia were the enemies of Britain and they had to be destroyed.
Even into the third generation they had to be completely annihilated, driven
off their land and reduced to zero just like any enemy of the British Crown.
The Boers of South Africa will never be forgiven for resisting the British
Crown and winning the war against them, but for now, Mandela, Mbeki, and
Zuma have contributed only mildly to the agenda.
The next black leader of South Africa that will take the agenda to the full
conclusion, maybe Malema, will earn the title like Mugabe, Knight Comander.
Have no illusions. Have no hope that some people from outside will come and
help us. No, we are alone. And for those English speaking South Africans who
think that they will be somehow exempted from the slaughter I have the
example of Rhodesia to present. Britain felt nothing about the slaughter of
the white English speakers in Rhodesia and when Mugabe drove 60,000 whites
off their farm land, Britain would not even allow them in as refugees. Most
of them are currently living in SA and kept alive by the churches... like in
Fish Hoek, Cape Town. What makes white English speakers of South Africa feel
that Britain will treat them any differently than they treated the English
speaking whites of Zimbabwe?
The ultimate prize is the massive gold reserves under the soil of South
Africa and Zimbabwe. And that is all that counts.
Britain has no qualms to support Marxist black terrorists in South Africa
against white South Africans as long as they stick to the agenda, which is
handing over all the gold. Almost like, “The enemy of my enemy is my
It is nothing new. In the Second World War they chose a brutal Communist
dictator like Stalin as their ally. That says it all. They will jump into
bed with anybody to annihilate their challengers to be at the top of the
food chain. Rule Britannia!
The African Knights of Malta.
Monarchy Links
Princely House of Thurn und Taxis
The Bavarian Monarchy
The Italian Monarchy (Naples)
The Italian Monarchy (Aosta)
The Monarchy of Liechtenstein
The Brazilian Monarchy
The Spanish Monarchy
The Monegasque Monarchy
The Belgian Monarchy
The Mexican Monarchy
The Hapsburg Monarchy
The French Monarchy (Orleans)
The French Monarchy (Anjou)
The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Calabria)
The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (Castro)
The Monarchy of Luxembourg
The House of Bourbon-Parma
The Portuguese Monarchy
The Holy See
Sovereign Order of Malta
How Satanic Lord
Bertrand Russell
Became an Evil Man
Reflections Upon Tragedy & Hope
The spark of genius in the pre-school child, if it has not been destroyed already, is often typified by the Socratic manner in which the child asks "Why?" Sadly, in the United States in our times, that spark of genius is usually soon quenched by the old dishwater of what Riesman termed "other-directedness,"[1] by that peculiar turn of the sadistic screw sometimes named euphemistically empiricism and pragmatism. A child's spark of genius, the will to find out how and why past or current opinions and events came into existence, is replaced by brutish faith in the fruits of mere inductive generalization from individual and collective experience, a form of moral self-degradation often termed "practical common sense," or with credit given appropriately to bestiality, "horse sense."
All of the truly great philosophers and teachers of the known history of European civilization, beginning with the best of the Ionian Greeks, and associated famously with Plato's Academy at Athens, or Nicolaus of Cusa and Gottfried Leibniz, have evoked true genius from within young people by recapturing that innate spark of potential, using what is most fairly described as Socratic method. Aristotelian formalism, by contrast, kills the soul, as this was recognized by the most famous of the modern formalists, Venice's Pietro Pomponazzi,2 who searched for his own soul, and, poor schlemiel that he had become, reported that he had none.
Thus, since it is that innate spark of potential for genius in every human child which sets all mankind absolutely apart from and above the beasts, we are able to recognize, as Philo of Alexandria shows this the necessary reading of Moses' first chapter of Genesis, that that quality of genius is the human soul, is the aspect of the individual person which is, in the Latin of Nicolaus of Cusa, both imago Dei (the image of God) and capax Dei (the potential to participate in God) .3 Thus, the formalism which caused the loss of Aristotelian Pomponazzi's soul is intrinsically the adversary of the Good, is evil.
Fortunately, in most cases it is possible to re-quicken the spark of genius innate to the new child. All the great teachers did this. Every good teacher attempts to do that in some degree, in his or her approximation of the Socratic method employed by Plato, Eudoxus, Theaetetus, Archimedes, Cusa, and Leibniz. One need but reawaken the genius of the child, by citing the password to genius, "Why?"
Begin by choosing an important single event from history.
Choose any such event in which there is evidence that the event was motivated by aid of some widely accepted, but fraudulent pretext - A false flag...
Seek to discover what motivated that fraud, and seek to uncover also the reasons that fraud was tolerated by its dupes.
Keep asking "Why"?
Peel the onion, layer by layer, until the history embedded in that single act is brought to the surface.
The result of that sort of Socratic exercise is a referent for the proper definition of the word "knowledge."...
How Satanic Lord
Bertrand Russell
Became an Evil Man
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Wherever one turns in investigating P2, Gladio, the "black aristocracy,"
international terrorism, or the Nazi International, one encounters the SMOM—the
Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes,
and of Malta, known as "the Knights of St. John" or the "Knights of Malta."
They were omnipresent in the establishment of the financial and human
infrastructure of modern international terrorism already during World War II,
and immediately thereafter. SMOM member Baron Luigi Parilli, an industrialist
with high-level connections into both Hitler's SS and SD in Italy, and to
Mussolini's intelligence services, was the main liaison between SS Gen. Karl
Wolff and Allen Dulles in Berne. SMOM bestowed one of its highest awards, Gran
Croce Al Merito Con Placca, on U.S. Ambassador to Italy Ellery Stone, who had
saved Borghese, and who became a postwar vice-president of the ITT corporation,
which helped organize the Sept. 11, 1973 overthrow of Chilean President Salvador
Allende and the installation of dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet.
The SMOM awarded its Croce Al Merito Seconda Classe to Italy's OSS chief James
Jesus Angleton in 1946, around the same time it honored his boss, Allen Dulles.
The following year, it bestowed the Gran Croce al Merito con Placca upon
Hitler's Eastern Front intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen, one of only four
recipients of this award at the time. Gehlen's brother was the secretary to Thun
Hohenstein, one of the five-member ruling Sovereign Council of the order. As
head of the Institute for Associated Emigrations, Hohenstein printed some 2,000
passports, which were used to relocate leading Nazis to safe hiding places
around the world.
Other leading Knights included CIA chiefs Allen Dulles, John McCone, and William
Casey. Nazi International figure Otto Skorzeny was a Knight, as was businessman
J. Peter Grace, who used the SMOM's diplomatic immunity as a cover for
Iran-Contra activities.
Numerous leaders of Italy's military intelligence organization were members of
both SMOM and P2, including Gen. Giuseppe Santovito (former head of SISMI, which
replaced SID after 1977), Adm. Giovanni Torrisi, Chief of the General Staff of
the Army, and Gen. Giovanni Allavena, head of SIFAR. Another key P2 member who
was a Knight was Count Umberto Ortolani, a member of the SMOM's ruling inner
council, and a veteran of Mussolini's counterespionage service. Some say he was
the real brains behind P2, and he did sponsor the entrance of P2 boss Licio
Gelli into the SMOM. Ortolani was a financier who, among other things, owned the
second-largest bank in Uruguay, where he commanded enormous influence; the
fascist Gelli had been in exile in Ibero-America until higher powers brought him
back to Italy in the early 1960s to set up what became the P2 lodge.
As with any organization, not all of its members are guilty, and sometimes not
even witting of the organization's crimes. In this case, however, given the
nature of the beast, that would be relatively rare. Besides the repeated
surfacing of SMOM members in terrorist-related activities near the end of World
War II, one of their more recent operations illustrates the organization's
essential nature.
In 1978, following hard upon the assassinations of Dresdner Bank head Jürgen
Ponto, German industrialist Hanns-Martin Schleyer, and Aldo Moro, the Knights of
Malta were caught red-handed coordinating an assassination operation against
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. LaRouche was the intellectual author of the Bremen
summit of that year, where French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, West
German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, and British Prime Minister James Callaghan
(the last under duress) signed the Bremen Communiqué, which announced the
formation of the European Monetary System. The EMS, in the words of one West
German official, was intended to be "the seed crystal of a new world monetary
system." Bremen struck horror into the hearts of the world's oligarchy. Said one
senior officer of the Banque Bruxelles-Lambert, owned by the Belgian Rothschilds,
"It is recognized that it was LaRouche's program that went through at Bremen. If
it goes through now, certain important financial centers are going to lose their
power. A lot of people are not going to like that." The director of a
Knights-run institute in Belgium was more succinct: "LaRouche is the first enemy
of the London group." In New York, Knight Henry S. Bloch, director of Warburg,
Pincus investment bank, whose hands investigators discovered to be holding many
of the strings of the plot, proclaimed LaRouche to be "very dangerous," and
pointedly compared him to Malcolm X, assassinated in 1965.
In their investigations of the SMOM, LaRouche's associates "discovered to their
surprise that the mere mention of its name inspires awe and terror in the minds
of highly placed government officials, central bankers, senior military and
business leaders, and senior diplomatic and intelligence executives," as
recorded in a pamphlet issued by the LaRouche organization at the time, "The
`Black International' Terrorist Assassination Plot to Kill Lyndon H. LaRouche,
Jr." The pamphlet further reported, "The power that the Order concentrates is
primarily financial, through direct control of most of the Western world's
leading investment houses" and far, far more.
The pamphlet also noted, "A second source of power is an absolutely unmatched intelligence capability." Which is to say, the SMOM is a leading organizational arm of the Synarchy, bringing together the world's leading aristocrats, financiers, and particularly military and intelligence officials. Its members yearn for the ultramontane world which existed before the rise of sovereign nation-states during the Renaissance, which meant a loss of power and privilege of their gang families.
To them, that vanished world is as if yesterday. Indeed, it has by no means
entirely disappeared, but lives on, centered—like the Knights themselves—on the
Venetian-descended "independent central banks" of virtually every nation in the
The Knights of St. John were founded in the late 11th Century, and rose to
prominence in the First Crusade of 1095. In 1120, Pope Urban II officially
recognized them as a military religious order, and for centuries they remained
one of the most powerful military forces in Christendom, first from their
headquarters on the island of Rhodes, and then on Malta, from which they were
finally driven by Napoleon in the late 18th Century. The Knights were recognized
as a sovereign state by a Hapsburg Emperor in the 16th Century. They remain a
sovereign state, run from their headquarters at 68 Via Condotti in Rome.
They maintain their own fleet of aircraft, have diplomatic relations with 92 nations as well as the United Nations and the Holy See, and enjoy diplomatic immunity. The order is entirely Roman Catholic, and its higher ranks must document an aristocratic lineage and coat-of-arms of at least three centuries. The Grand Master of the order is both a secular prince, and a cardinal of the Church. Reflecting its history, its membership is still heavily comprised of individuals with a military or intelligence background. Pope Pius XII ordered an investigation of this nominally Catholic organization in the 1950s. The Papal Commission charged, among other things, that the Order should not have the sovereignty of a state, and ordered modifications of the SMOM "to bring them into conformity with decisions of the Holy See."
However, Pius XII died before the Order could be fully reined in.
In addition to the Roman Catholic SMOM, there are four Protestant orders of the
Knights, all founded within the last 150 years or so, and all run by ruling
houses of Europe. The Roman Catholic and Protestant orders effectively merged on
Nov. 26, 1963, four days after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The
Sovereign Head of the British Knights of the Garter is Queen Elizabeth, while
the Netherlands Knights were headed until his death by the former SS official,
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, consort of Queen Juliana.
In 1927, the Rome-based SMOM authorized the establishment of an American
chapter, whose members did not have to prove their aristocratic lineage. Its
Treasurer and lay controller was John J. Raskob, the bitterly anti-FDR head of
the Democratic National Committee, who in 1934 helped finance a coup attempt
against Roosevelt.
Its Grand Protector and Spiritual Advisor was Cardinal Francis Spellman of New
York, one of whose closest Cold War associates was Time/Life publisher and
Congress for Cultural Freedom co-founder Henry Luce.
Another Knight, who played a profound role in Italy's postwar financial,
economic and political history was Prince Massimo Spada, the leading lay
financier of the Vatican's Institute for Religious Works, commonly called the
"Vatican Bank." Spada gave the mafia-connected heroin launderer and later P2
financier Michele Sindona his entrée into the Vatican's finances, which, given
the tax-sheltered, sovereign status of the Church within Italy (as negotiated in
the 1929 Concordat between Mussolini and the Holy See), was invaluable for
running all kinds of dirty operations.
However, in examining the Vatican, one must always be careful to ask, "Whose
Vatican? That of all the modern popes? Or that of the black aristocracy?" And to
really unravel that question, insofar as it intersects Ortolani, Gelli, Calvi,
Spada, and their "Vatican-connected" associates, and the deeper, "permanent"
infrastructure of terror in Italy, one must delve deeply into history,
particularly that of Venice, to understand the enormous power still wielded by
those whom Pope John Paul I, called "the ancients," during the time he was
Patriarch of Venice.
After all, those "ancients" of Venice have given us the modern Anglo-Dutch parliamentary system, with its privately controlled central banks, and the Synarchy's present drive for world rule.
Under Anglo-American direction, those Venetian "ancients" also brought Mussolini
to power in the first place, and then organized the financial world of the
Vatican, into which Ortolani, Gelli, Calvi et al. were inserted.
The Legacy of History: The Venetian Factor
In 1582, the 40 or so families which controlled the vast fortunes and far-flung
intelligence capabilities of Venice, split into two factions: the nuovi (the
"new" houses, or families) and the vecchi (the "old" houses). On the surface,
the appellations seemed to refer to those families ennobled since the serrata,
the closing of the Grand Council in 1297, who were called the nuovi; whereas
those who had already held titles of nobility, were the vecchi. In fact, the
upheaval was the result of the establishment of sovereign nation-states for the
first time in history, as a consequence of the Renaissance. The city-state of
Venice, never more than 200,000 people, could not stand against the new powers
that were coming into being, founded to promote the Common Good of their
citizenry; the sheer numbers, the science and technology, the military power,
were too much for even the powerful and devious masters of La Serenissima (as
Venice is famously called).
The nuovi realized that, notwithstanding the bloody religious warfare which
Venice had unleashed in Europe following the failure of the League of Cambrai to
defeat Venice in 1511, its days were ultimately numbered. They took several
strategic actions. First, under the leadership of Paolo Sarpi, they created the
philosophy of empiricism, as a sense-certainty-based fraud whose purpose was to
destroy the creative method of Platonic hypothesizing.
Second, also under Sarpi's leadership, they launched a fierce war against the Vatican, posing as the bastion of "enlightened" Europe against obscurantist Rome.
Third, they brought the newly emerging Protestant powers England and Holland (whose rise came largely thanks to Venice itself), into what had always been the cornerstone of Venice's fortunes—its trade with the East Indies. The Venetians founded the British East India Company in 1600 (from a merger of the England-based Venice Company and the Turkey Company) and the Dutch East India Company in 1602, and the wealth derived from this trade helped create or enrich a number of great aristocratic families in both countries, along the Venetian model.
And, the British East India Company became the foremost power in the world in 1763, in the wake of the British-rigged Seven Years' War among contending European powers, in the classic Venetian "divide and conquer" method.
Fourth, they moved much of their fortunes (and even some of their families) north, first into Holland, and then into England, where they created what would be known in the 18th Century as "the Venetian Party."
As part of this, they established the famous Wisselbank (Exchange Bank) of
Amsterdam in 1609—the most powerful bank in the world—modelled upon their own
private, patrician-controlled banks, followed by the Bank of England in 1694,
both serving as the models upon which all central banks have been established
since then.
In part because of these redeployments, Venice's financial power remained huge
well into the 18th Century, as did its legendary spy system, brilliantly
chronicled by Friedrich Schiller in his novella Der Geisterseher (The
Ghost-Seer), and American intelligence operative James Fenimore Cooper in his
novel The Bravo.
Barings Bank in England, the bank of the British East India Company, for
instance, was the vehicle for Venetian funds in Britain, and was at the center
of the "Venetian Party," together with the Bank of England.
Napoleon Bonaparte had been partially sponsored and funded by Venetian and
Genoese families: The Genoese Princess Pallavicini of that era famously punned
that her family owned "la buona parte"—"the best part"—of him.
His Corsican family had been retainers for the Genoese and Venetian nobility for centuries; and, as noted above, his favorite sister married a Borghese - a Borgia.
When Napoleon's ravages had ended, Count Giovanni Capodistria, a Venetian nobleman acting as a government minister of Russia, almost single-handledly wrote the essential documents issued by the 1814-15 Congress of Vienna, which established the ultra-reactionary Holy Alliance.
Capodistria also pulled together the modern nation of Switzerland, in part as a
repository for Venetian family funds (fondi), which were also used to found
several insurance companies in the late 18th Century. These later included the
Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà (RAS) and the Assicurazioni Generali di Venezia e
At the turn of the 20th Century, the "ancients" of Venice, still commanded
important financial and intelligence power, both on their own behalf, but also
because they deployed as part of the British- (and subsequently Anglo-American-)
dominated world which their ancestors had created.
Buda Gang Castle
In the wake of the split/redeployments of 1582, they cloned themselves and their institutions and methods to dominate northern Protestant, often freemasonic Europe, while they still maintained their power in their historic seats of control in the formerly Hapsburg-ruled southern, more Catholic portions of Europe, in particular in Italy and Spain, and in the Church at Rome. They played a crucial role in organizing the Balkan Wars which laid the immediate basis for World War I, for which Britain's King Edward VII had schemed for decades and finally created!!
In the early 20th Century, a group of Venetian financier patricians, led by
Count Piero Foscari of an ancient family of Venetian Doges, established a number
of companies and banks. Chief among the latter, was the Banca Commerciale
Italiana (BCI), and in particular its Venice branch.
Though Foscari was the undisputed leader of this Venetian group, its most active
public figure was Giuseppe Volpi, later known as Count Giuseppe Volpi di
Misurata, after his early-1920s rule of Italian-occupied Libya on behalf of
Mussolini. Acting as the point-man for an international financial syndicate
including the Bank of England, the Mellons, and the House of Morgan, Volpi
organized Mussolini's rise to power, precisely as Schacht did later for those
same forces in installing Hitler in Germany.
Volpi was Mussolini's Finance Minister from 1925 to July 1928, following which he became a member of the Grand Council of Fascism, and, in 1934, chairman of the Industrialists Association. He designed Mussolini's economic doctrine of corporatism along the model originally laid down by Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (1842-1909), the founder of the Synarchy of Empire movement, and the inspiration for the Martinist freemasonic lodges through which the modern Synarchy was organized. Nominally a tripartite pact among corporations, the state, and labor, it was basically rule by corporations, i.e., private financiers.
Schonbrunn Gang Palace
In 1929, Volpi oversaw the famous Concordat between Italy and the Vatican, in
which, among other things, Italy recognized the Vatican as a sovereign state,
and paid financial compensation for the Papal States in central Italy which it
had taken over in the second half of the 19th Century. The compensation was
1,550 billion liras, a sizeable sum at the time. One Bernardino Nogara was
chosen, seemingly "out of the blue," to manage this fortune. The prominent
American diplomat George Kennan wrote in his Memoirs: 1925-1950 about the
extraordinary power commanded by Nogara: "A so-called `mystery man,' an Italian
banker by the name of Bernardino Nogara, had been granted sole control by the
papacy over the entire fortune of $92.1 million the church had received from the
Lateran treaty. . . . No Vatican official, not even the Pope himself was allowed
veto power over Nogara's decision. Nor would the banker permit any religious or
doctrinal policies of the church to stand in his way. . . . Never before in
modern Church history had anyone been granted such sweeping authority by the
church, not even popes themselves, with all their supposed infallibility, let
alone a layman, and non-Catholic (Jewish), as in Nogara's case." His impact on
the Church may also be judged by the epitaph delivered upon his death in 1958 by
the head of the SMOM in America, New York's Cardinal Spellman: "Next to Jesus
Christ, the greatest thing to happen to the Catholic Church is Bernardino Nogara."
Whether or not he was Jewish, the "mystery man" was no mystery at all. Nogara
had been managing director for a Venetian firm run by Foscari, Volpi, et al. in
the Ottoman Empire already back in 1901. Reflecting his Venetian ties, Nogara
became Italy's representative on the Ottoman Debt Council, a sort of IMF for the
Ottoman Empire, whose purpose was to bleed it and carve it up. The British
sponsored freemasonic lodges in Salonika, from which the "Young Turks" were
organized to oust the Sultan. The freemason Volpi was intimately involved in the
coup, as, undoubtedly, was Nogara. Nogara was the head of the BCI branch in
Istanbul, and was Volpi's chief intelligence agent in the Ottoman Empire until
that empire disappeared in the World War I which Volpi and his friends had done
so much to help organize, through the masonic lodges and through Venice's
ancient financial and familial ties in the Balkans.
After Nogara had been chosen Delegate of the Special Administration (later known
as the Administration of the Holy See Patrimony) to oversee the investment of
the wealth flowing from the Concordat, he became vice president of the BCI, upon
whose postwar premises the P2 lodge would be founded. Nogara established
intimate financial relations with the cream of the Synarchy, including the Paris
and London Rothschilds, Crédit Suisse, Hambros Bank in London, J.P. Morgan Bank,
and the Bankers Trust Company in New York, and the Paris-centered Banque de
Paris et des Pay Bas (Paribas), a stronghold of the Synarchy in France in the
interwar and postwar years. He also promoted a cadre of uomini di fiducia, "men
of confidence," Vatican lay Catholic or even non-Catholic financiers, who would
oversee the enormous new Vatican holdings. Nogara bought large or controlling
interests in dozens of major banks, utilities, insurance companies, and
industrial corporations, even as he reorganized previous Vatican holdings, such
as the "Catholic banks" which were generally Catholic-owned, and which did
business with the Church and its officials, as opposed to the "secular" banks.
Neuschwanstein Gang Castle
The most important of these "men of confidence" was Prince Massimo Spada (a
Vatican title), who had been inducted as a Knight of Malta in 1944. Spada either
chaired or sat on the board of an astounding array of the holdings Nogara
purchased. Noting only a few of the more important (and their capital), as of
the late 1960s, these included: He was vice-president of the Banco di Roma (one
of Italy's largest banks, historically associated with Rome's black nobility),
and sat on the board of its Swiss subsidiary; Italy's biggest domestic gas
company, Società Italiana per il Gas (37,412 million liras); president of the
Trieste-based Riunione Adriatica di Sicurtà insurance company (4.320 billion
liras); vice president and managing director of the L'Assicuratrice Italiana;
vice president of both the Unione Subalpina di Assicurazioni and of the Lavoro e
Sicurtà (750 million liras); Shell Italiana, the Italian subsidiary of Royal
Dutch Shell (129 billion liras invested in Italy); vice president of the
Istituto Bancario Italiano (10 billion liras) and the Credito Commerciale di
Cremona (2 billion liras); board member of the Banca Privata Finanzaria; board
member of the huge financial holding companies, Società Meridionale Finanziaria
(122 billion liras) and the Istituto Centrale Finanziario (150 million liras);
vice president of the Finanzaria Industriale e Commerciale; president of the
Banca Cattolica del Veneto (3 billion liras); board of directors of FINSIDER, a
state-controlled holding company (195 billion liras), which is part of IRI, the
Istituto per la Ricostruzione Industriale, formed during the Fascist regime,
which constituted the country's largest cartel and controlled the biggest
shipyards; the Italia shipping line; Alitalia airlines; Alfa Romeo; and the
entire telephone system. FINSIDER produced at the time over 90% of Italy's steel
and was the backbone of IRI. Spada was also a board member or executive of
dozens more banks, insurance, and industrial companies. In 1963 he was appointed
Privy Chamberlain of Sword and Cape, one of the highest of all Vatican titles,
one also held by his brother Filippo.
With all of this enormous power, and despite his leading position in the
Catholic Church, Spada sponsored the rise of Michele Sindona as one of the
Vatican's "men of confidence." His choice was most peculiar, not only because
Sindona had been a Fascist during the war, but because during that time he had
made connections (through American OSS-connected mobster Vito Genovese) to the
Inzerillo and Gambino crime families, for whom he laundered heroin money.
Reviewing the picture sketched above, we thus find that an intricate financial
web originally woven by Count Giuseppe Volpi di Misurata and his Venetian
aristocratic friends and associates such as Bernardino Nogara, had grown by 1960
to include Michele Sindona, who financed one of Gladio's most important assets,
the "Black Prince" Borghese.
Sindona also "was one of the channels, perhaps one of the most important, to back up" the attempted coups of 1970-74, as Greene and Massignani put it. Sindona later sponsored the rise of Banco Ambrosiano's Roberto Calvi, the P2 financier who was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982, in a ritualistic masonic murder.
And, when the P2 financial scandals exploded, one of those arrested as a key
figure in them, was Massimo Spada, the protégé of Volpi's friend Nogara.
The membership of the ostensibly Catholic—and therefore ostensibly
anti-freemasonic—Rome-centered SMOM overlapped with the freemasonic, presumably
"anti-clerical" P2 lodge; they were the "twins" of Italy's Venice-centered
The privately run international monetary system is now collapsing, and the desperate financial oligarchy is trying to consolidate a new, worldwide fascism, driven by new waves of terror, such as 9/11 and the March 11, 2004 train bombings in Madrid. In this context, much of the superstructure of Gladio is finally being exposed by those opposed to this new fascism. Those exposés are essential. But, we must go still deeper, to lift the veil from "the ancients," and through them from the Synarchy to which they have given birth, of which they remain a crucial component.
Who are the Jesuits, really?
Contrary to popularized mythology, the Jesuits are neither a part of nor product
of Western Christianity. The order was created at Venice during the 16th
century, to be the new secret-intelligence arm of the powerful family funds of
Venice. Through Venice's control over the Hapsburg Emperor, Charles V, the
Hapsburgs conquered and looted Rome in 1527 A. D., and made the Vatican
virtually a prisoner of Venetian-Hapsburg policy during much of the period,
until the Vatican was freed through the successful defeat of the' Hapsburgs in
1653 by the successive work of Cardinals Richelieu and Mazarin.
Venice and Genoa are not politically, culturally, or religiously products of
Western civilization. They were and remain both colonies of the Justinian
faction of Byzantium, and have been, more recently together with the Venetian
puppet-state of Switzerland, the capital of the Justinian faction of Byzantium
ever since the Venetians' Neoplatonic adversary, the Paleologues, rose to power
in Constantinople.
Except for recurring, persisting Neoplatonic insurrections within Byzantium, the
Eastern Church's patriarchate has not been Christian since the Emperor
Justinian. The Eastern, Justinian Church was developed as a form of
pseudo-Christianity modeled upon the Roman Imperial mystery religions. Roman
Imperial paganism and Byzantine pseudo-Christianity share the common generic
name of Gnosis-Gnosticism.
Every major evil which Western European civilization has suffered since
Charlemagne's time has been a direct result of subversions of religious and
political life mediated through that Venetian-centered collection of Gnostic
oligarchical gang families.
These are typified by the "black nobility" of Italy, Austro-Hungary and Russia's
"Black Hundred," all outgrowths of the Byzantine Venetian-Genoese deployment to
establish powerful gang families of its faction in various parts of the world
such as the anglophile heathens of New York City's Anglican Cathedral of St.
John the Divine today.
St. John the Divine
The 15th-century Golden Renaissance enabled the Augustinian Neoplatonic faction
to undermine and weaken the corruption which the Venetians and Genoese had
established under the auspices of the 13th and 14th centuries' pro-Aristotle
inquisitions. Under this specific circumstance, Venice created a new, more
rigidly designed new order, the Jesuits.
Through the military subjugation of the Papacy in 1527, Venice was situated to
impose the Jesuits upon the Vatican as an autonomous power within the Church
under its own "Black Pope." This new order, the Jesuits, was based on Gnostic
religious doctrine, and modeled, as a secret-intelligence service of Venice and
the Hapsburgs, on the Cult of Apollo at Delphi. Hence, the Jesuits themselves
emphasize that their method is the "Delphic method," the method of sophistry
developed by Aristotle's Babylonian masters up through the fourth century B.C.
To understand the mind of leading Jesuits, one must focus upon the great
struggle of the fourth century B.C.
On one side were aligned forces of republicanism, guided jointly by Plato's
Academy at Athens, and the Cyrenaic Temple of Amon, the two institutions which
cosponsored and guided Alexander the Great.
On the opposite side were the Satanic Magi of Mesopotamia and the cult of
Thebes, with the Delphi Temple of Apollo the principal arm of the Magi
(Lucifer-worshippers) in Greece and controlling the Latin city of Rome.
Pythoness - Oracle of Delphi by Collier
The policy of the Magi was known then; as the proposal to create what was termed
the "Western Division of the Persian Empire." Philip of Macedon was offered a
world-empire to the west of the Euphrates, on condition that he subjugate Greece
and cooperate to place the world under a social order called the "Persian Model"
and otherwise called the "Oligarchical Model."
The Cult of Apollo, and its agent Aristotle, were key parts of this plot.
The death of Philip, and the Athens Academy's and Amon's successful cooperation
to bring Alexander to power, and to destroy the Persian Empire, delayed the "Oligarchical"
one-world empire effort for almost 300 years, until the rise of Rome to assume
the role earlier intended for Philip of Macedon.
We, the forces of Western civilization, have beaten back every effort to
resurrect the Roman model of Austerity driven Malthusian one-world order until
This success is chiefly the result of the work of the Augustinians, of Charlemagne, of the Hohenstaufen, and the Golden Renaissance.
The defeat of Britain by the American Revolution was the key event which tilted
the balance against 18th-century plans to establish such a new Roman Empire. The
force of industrial-capitalist development prevented the Holy Alliance from
being consolidated as the kernel of such a new Roman Empire.
Now, the damnable Jesuit "Society of Judas" and the British are back at the same
evil effort again, just as the homosexual Pre-Raphaelite cult of Oxford's John
Ruskin and Cambridge's Benjamin Jowett proposed during the last century.
Either we rise to crush this spawn of the ancient Lucifer-cult today-and not
merely in its theosophist anthroposophist excrescences, or civilization will
not survive. Either we defeat the Jesuits and their British allies, or we as a
civilization have demonstrated by our unwillingness to do so that we have lost
the moral fitness to survive.
The Oligarchic Gangs of Europe and Britain use Myths and Oaths to Control the Jesuit Cult
Jesuit Oath, "I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity
present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics,
Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate
them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or
condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive
these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush
their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their
execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use
the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden
bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or
persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I
at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the
Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus."
The long term strategic objectives for which the Jesuits are now deploying
worldwide have been presented in the writings and communications of such Jesuits
as theologian Karl Rahner, S.J., Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. and the late Carroll
Quigley, Dean of History at
Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
In summary, the Jesuits seek a "synarchist" world order, initiating the era of
"The Great Stability" to be based:
I) on a drastic scaling down of the use of science and technology in the world
2) on a defeat of "middle class" industrial capitalism by a combination of
"left" guild-socialism at the bottom and "right" oligarchical police-states at
the top;
3) a general weakening and emasculation of the sovereign powers of the
nation-state, which is to be replaced by various "One World," "W orld
Federalist" supranational agencies like the World Bank, the International
Monetary Fund, variants of UNESCO, etc.
During the current Jubilee year of the Church, which lasts from 1975 to 2000, a
final apocalyptic struggle is going to conclude between mankind and "Satan."
This is derived from the following Jesuit argument: the definition of "satan"
and "evil" is that presented in the Babylonian version of the third book of
Man's temptation to gain knowledge of good and evil.
The Jesuits actions are based on the Babylonian Myth, as Myths are used to
control all Mad cults, -
That Man's temptation to gain knowledge of good and evil is WRONG!!
Jesuits say that this particular time is critical because man's advances in
science and technology have made man arrogant, endowed him with the possibility
of establishing complete mastery of natural processes enabling Wealth for every
member of Humanity powering the evolution of Humanity to Enlightenment!!
the New Human Right - Franklin Delano Roosevelt Economic Human Rights.
As being the major Aim and Test of every Government is to plan for
WEALTH, rather than Austerity. An increase in Wealth of 10% per year
every year - based on Fusion Power - to get Freedom and the pursuit of happiness based on Wealth.
Wealth for all humanity, Free Toxin Free Water, Air, food, medicine,
electricity, books, entertainment, art, transport, housing, computers -
which can only come from vast increases in WEALTH!! - in order for
humanity to be freed from compulsion to work at that which does not
interest them and attain Enlightenment.
This arrogance is the "Satan" that must be defeated by the European and British
Oligarchic Gangs who control the Jesuits. If it is not done during this quarter
century, it will then be too late, and the genie will be out of the bottle.
Given this task, what alternative social organization must be created to
supersede the present world organization, which will be able to stop mankind's
march toward scientific and technological progress.
Both Teilhard de Chardin and Quigley envisage a supranational system of
institutions "beyond" the United Nations assuming all the functions of the
existing nation states. In the current Jesuit strategic perspective, such
supranational institutions will derive their executive power by means of secret
arrangements among the Oligarchic Gang ruling elites of the United Kingdom,
China, Israel and a disintegrated United States.
This "New International Order" is eventually supposed to function in the mode of
the "Holy Roman Empire from the 12th to the 14th century." For this, French and
German nationalism, in particular, must be dissipated.
According to Jesuit strategic thinking, this can only be accomplished within a
European Community, not of the type prevailing today, but one dominated by
policies dictated from England and run as a collection of ethnic regions
(Brittany, Bavaria, Basque country, Corsica, etc.).
This is Otto von Hapsburg's old policy of, "Europe of the regions," as opposed
to the current confederation of nation-states.
As such a project dissipates French and German nationalism and the nationalism
of the U.S.A. will be crushed through a series of domestic social engineering
projects following up on the results of the 1960s "generation gap" project; such
projects are to include a
transformation of the American Constitution, a project in which the "Catholics"
Ted Kennedy and Jerry Brown are both participating.
It is to include an end to industrial expansion and a reversion to lower forms
of energy utilization in the U.S. economy as power stations are destroyed and
nuclear power not renewed with 4th gen.
The Suppression of Fusion Power Generation by the Oligarchic Satanic, "Principle
of Poverty"
Integral Fast Reactor (IFR)
Finally, (Written in 1979!!) the U.S. is to accept that it has now entered a "multipolar"
world in which this nation is no longer a major political factor.
For this "New International Order," the emergence of China in world affairs is
also required.
Here hangs the secret of the so-called China card.
For the Jesuit order, for the British, Dutch and Belgian monarchies, and for the
unrepentent Italian aristocracy, China does not simply represent a major
strategic asset for the current world strategic equation.
China represents a major historical model of how to organize a "stable"
Totalitarian, one child per family, organ harvesting execution vans,
low-technology, low-industry society, organized in a system of "local control"
guild-socialism, and ruled by a synarchist aristocratic mandarinate at the top.
as in Russia with Putin in charge and Argentina with Christina Kirchener in
charge and now in China with Xi Jinping in charge - tutored by the historical
and economic ideas of over 50 years of work by Lyndon LaRouche - the course of
human history is being changed for the better, these local changes as with
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - assassinated, and John Kennedy - assassinated,
are always vulnerable to assassination but also because there is no organisation
like the Vatican, Knights of Malta, Oligarchical Gang Hapsburgs, or the
Jesuits behind them. A new organisation needs founding!!
This is the secret upon which various well known intelligence services have
engineered, promoted or tolerated the various "Maoist" movements in the advanced
sector and the Third World from the 1950s on.
Jesuit organizing of Colour Revolution Masonic ISIS Wahhabist Jacobin mobs "at the base" is always coupled with controls
"at the top" of the local social pyramids, affording the top executives of the
Jesuit order a virtually unparalleled capability for large-scale social
It is this character of Jesuit deployment which creates for the outsider the
optical illusion that the Societas Jesu is split into "left" and "right"
But individual Jesuit operatives, including those who publicly "switch" from
"left" to "right" and viceversa, are able to maintain their self-consistency,
and their effectiveness, because to them, their principal strategic perspective,
for which they undergo life-long training, is the destruction of Wealth creating
technology-oriented "industrial capitalist" formations throughout the world.
For over four centuries, the Jesuit order has been systematically deployed by an
international political faction whose memories and interests go way beyond the
day on which Ignatius Loyola, a Spanish military adventurer in the pay of the
Hapsburg gang family, founded the order.
That political faction is the ancient core of the European nobility, the Gangs
of the Pallavicinis, the Aldobrandinis, the Estes, the Percis, the Saxe-Coberg
Gothas, the Sursoks, the Colonnas, the Bourbon/Hapsburgs, the Cecils, and
others-who trace their gang family lineage to the gens Julia of Julius Caesar,
to Aeneas of defeated Troy, or to the archpriests of the ISIS cult in ancient
That political faction maintains power over a major part of the world's
international financial institutions, a powerful grip over key raw materials
holdings, and strategic control over numerous governments, such as the Belgian
and Dutch thrones, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, key institutions of the Swiss
government, most institutions of the British government, and international
institutions, including the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for
International Settlements, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Institute for Training and
Research (UNITAR), United Nations Committee on Trade and Devlopment(UNCTAD), and
the· World Council of Churches.
The effectiveness of the Jesuit deployments therefore derives not merely from
the fact that the Society itself has its own formidable capabilities, but from
the fact that it deploys centrally as a political intelligence unit of a machine
much larger than itself.
Jesuit programmatic perspective: Against the nation-state
The Societas Jesu was founded by the ancient European oligarchy as a new
instrument for the implementation of their historical objective of eliminating
from the face of the earth the Neoplatonic institution of the nationstate in
either its republican or monarchical form. It is not accidental that England's
Cecil gang family (the Earls of Salisbury), - See movie "Anonomous" about
Shakespeare by Roland Emmerich - are principally responsible for the creation of
the League of Nations and later the United Nations, which they envisaged as the
instrumentalities which would gradually, through a long-term program of
.attrition, absorb most of the fundamental sovereign prerogatives of
nation-states and finally leave them empty shells, to be ruled by faceless
"global," "planetary" institutions in the hands of the oligarchy, "in the style
of the Holy Roman Empire," as Jesuit historian Carroll Quigley expressed it.
The Cecil gang family has been best identified as the Anglican-Jesuits par
Only a few decades after its founding, the Societas Jesu succeeded in launching two basic types of social-control' techniques which defined European politics and history in the 17th and 18th centuries and, in renewed form, in the 19th and 20th centuries in a different way. These two basic techniques are: "intellectual projection movements" and left-wing "Jacobinism."
The relative effectiveness of the "intellectual projection movement" technique
of the Jesuits can best be viewed by examining the truth behind the so-called
Enlightenment period of European history. The entirety of the Enlightenment was
a Jesuit creation from beginning to end. Locke. Hobbes. Montesquieu. Rousseau.
atheist Voltaire and even Rene Descartes were trained and launched by the
Descartes was most likely assassinated by the Jesuits, as Voltaire insinuates, because he had broken out of their control despite the campaign of intimidation launched by his "friend," the Jesuit agent Mersenne.
The Society of Jesus launched the Enlightenment in order to' extirpate the
enormous scientific and intellectual influence of Europe's Neoplatonic elite
which having launched the Italian and Tudor Renaissances and having formed the
nation-state of France under "spider-king" Louis XI, was threatening to
establish permanent world hegemony under the guidance of the Neoplatonic church
networks led by Erasmus of Rotterdam.
The guiding principles of that Neoplatonic network had been laid down by the collaboration of the great Byzantine Platonist Georgios Gemistos Plethon, Cosimo de' Medici - See series, "Da Vinci's Demons" and its "Enemies of Men" - and France's Louis XI.
The basic political program of this group, its global Grand Design, was to
establish a worldwide system of humanist republics organized in the form of
nation-states. as put forward in two of the faction's most basic programmatic
documents Plethon's De Rebus Peloponnesi Oratio let II and Machiavelli's The
The first major project of the Societas
Jesu after its founding was the
massive re-publication and dissemination of Satanic Aristotle's works throughout
Europe, in a period in which Aristotle had been thoroughly discredited and
discarded despite the efforts of Saint Thomas Aquinas three centuries earlier.
The Society's second major project was the persecution and assassination of Giordano Bruno on charges of being a "heresiarch" that is, the recognized leader of the international Neoplatonic humanist networks.
The third major project of the Society, the launching of the Enlightenment, was a carbon copy of two historical precedents with which Jesuit insiders have always identified with great nostalgia: the Apollo cult's "sophist" movement in "golden age" Athens, launched as a counter operation against the Ionian philosophic-scientific movement; and the earlier so-called Akhenaton (Amenhotep II) revolution in Egypt, which launched a fraudulent "sun-worship," "monotheistic" cult in order to smash the scientifictechnological revolution led by the priesthood of Amon.
The second principal Jesuit technique,
"left-wing" Jacobinism, was also developed as a carbon copy of earlier
social-control precedents, such as Athenian democracy, which executed Socrates,
and the PhrygianOrphic cults which were deployed against the Ionian
As the Marquis de Lafayette informed George Washington, the Jacobin movement of the French Revolution was the controlled creation of the Societas Jesu.
In subsequent years, the Jesuit-controlled Jacobin networks in Europe were
consolidated into an international anarchist-terrorist network under the Jesuit
agent Mikhail Bakunin. In point of fact, Karl Marx was obliged to dissolve his
First International specifically in order to prevent its capture from Bakunin's
Jesuit terrorists.
The point to be made is that terrorism, anarchism, Jacobinism share with "globalism,"
and with "U.N. supranationalism" the same central characteristic: they are
the deadly enemies of the sovereignty of the nationstate, whether of republican
or monarchist form.
The same characteristic "antiauthoritarian" objection to the principle of the humanist nation-state permeates the spirit of the Jesuit-engineered Enlightenment movement.
Here lies the secret of Voltaire, the atheist Jesuit agent! Incidentally, the
Society of Jesus is the only religious order which provides "dispensation" to
those of its members who change religious denomination, convert to non-Christian
religions, or become atheists on orders from the Society.
Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ., probably the most "projected" Jesuit
intellectual of the current century (after Karl Rahner, the friend of Avery
Dulles, the Jesuit brother of the former CIA chief Allen Dulles) is more
responsible than anyone else for a mass brainwashing form known as the "cult of
the United Nations."
Whenever, dear reader, you encounter some spaced out, lovey-dovey, star-struck
youngster who spouts out silliness about "global consciousness," "planetary
citizenship," and other grandiose abstractions about the much-abused brotherhood
of man, you can be sure that you are viewing the results of special form of
brainwashing invented by the Jesuit father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
He, together with his close collaborator Eugenocidalist Julian Huxley formed UNESCO, the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. He helped spawn a whole array of U.N. institutions such as the Food and Agriculture Organization, the brainwashing, Tavistock-controlled World Health Organization, UNITAR, UNCTAD etc.
Teilhard de Chardin himself was the personal protege of Princess Paula de Liege,
wife of the Crown Prince of Belgium, Prince Albert. Today there exists an
international Teilhard de Chardin Society whose chairman is Queen Elizabeth
Saxe-Coberg Gotha II
of England, sharing honors with Queen Juliana of Holland.
What is the objective of the globalist-United Nations movement that Father
Teilhard de Chardin launched, and the Teilhard de Chardin Society today pursues?
Believe it or not, the Teilhard de Chardin freaks call their objective the New
International Economic Order!
They maintain substantial ideological and programmatic control over the functions of such institutions as UNITAR, the Club of Rome, UNESCO, UNCTAD, and the World Council of Churches. Through those institutions they exert a pernicious, subversive influence over many Third World governments' policies, including governments of the Non-Aligned nations.
The type of New International Economic Order advocated by the combined forces of
these institutions and by the local Jesuit priests and brothers deployed in
Third World nations, is based on a zero-growth World poverty perspective.
The developing nations are manipulated into a radical-redistributionist political posture for the purpose of eventually creating a series of worldwide supranational cartels under future United Nations jurisdiction. These are to regulate minutely the worldwide production and distribution of energy, copper, bauxite, iron ore, rare ores, coffee, sugar, and so forth, in precisely the way the IMF today regulates the last ounce of credit issued anywhere in the world in order to create Austerity and famine and create the new cave dwelling troglodites, "back on the reservation" slaves of Agenda 21.
The purpose of moving control of all economic resources out of the jurisdiction
of sovereign nationstates and under the faceless "supranational" authority of
the internationally allied oligarchy, is to establish a terminally stabilized
zero-growth, neo-feudal slave, international society which Teilhard de Chardin envisaged as his
Omega Point, or to use his other favorite term, Great Stability Point.
The European oligarchy's commitment to this Omega Point program clarifies
certain important political events of recent years which otherwise would have
remained inexplicable: Why was the power of the American State so systematically
undermined from the assassination of President Kennedy to the Watergating of
President Nixon, to the election of President Carter?
For what particular interests did the United States government help to overthrow such obedient and servile allies as the Shah of Iran, Anastasio Somoza, Park Chung Hee of Korea?
Why are various key agencies of the United States government pursuing such policies as deindustrialization and destruction of nuclear energy, apparently against the best perceived interests of the United States?
Why has National Security Advisor Brzezinski, since 1977, been advocating a
reduction of American world power in favor of a "multi-polar world," in which
our nation will presumably be obliged to share world responsibility with scores
of such "emerging powers" as China, Israel and Brzezinski-created Khomeiniac
Why is Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jesuit-trained Brzezinski from Jesuit McGill University, in virtually daily contact with the pontifical Justitia et Pax Commission in the Vatican, the chief Jesuit think-tank in charge of "revolutionary movements" that Jesuit agents coordinate throughout Latin America?
The answer to all these questions is that the present coalition of European and
British oligarchs which controls the pathetic Carter administration is
proceeding according to a plan, the Omega Point, which is conceptually a carbon
copy of a plan carried out 23 centuries ago in the Eastern Mediterranean - The
Isocrates Plan.
That was a scheme concocted by the Cult of Apollo at Delphi, which united the leading oligarchs from Persia, Athens, Macedonia and certain other areas, in an effort to establish once and for all permanent political and social stability throughout the world.
The Isocrates Plan called for use of Macedonian King Philip's armies, with
Persian aid, to conquer all of Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean coast down
to the Cilician gates, ensuring the final victory of oligarchist arms against
the struggling republican city states.
The domain east of the Sinope-Cilicia line would be readily pacified by the Persian oligarchy allied to Philip of Macedon. An era of permanent, eternal "Great Stability" for the international oligarchy was thus envisaged.
This plan, however, was disrupted by a series of military and political coup
d'etats carried out by the Platonic Academy, which culminated with the
civilizing . triumph of Platonist Alexander the Great. Not coincidentally,
Alexander's "National Security Advisor," General Parmenion, was 'behaving then
no differently than Zbigniew Brzezinski today.
Alexander, however, gave his Brzezinski the boot.
The present Dark Age
The rise of the "post-industrial society" cult over the past 20 years, with its
"green fascist" Carbon Tax back to the caves rabble of today, merely signifies
that civilization is now approaching the fag-end of a moral and intellectual
decay which has been in progress approximately a hundred years, since
approximately 1871-1876. If one understands why that conception of the past
century's history is not only correct but necessary for practice, one
understands how and why the ICLC functions as it does.
True, there has been significant technological progress over the past hundred
years, and some important improvement in the political and material conditions
of life of sections of the human population. The institutions of cultural and
technological progress set into motion during the period 1653-1871 have
continued to function, although with eroding efficiency, up into the early
1960s. It is only during the 1957-1981 period that civilization overall has
slipped into a condition of accelerating absolute decay. It is that erosion of
institutions on which competent analysis must focus.
The defeat of the Hapsburgs in 1653 unleashed a generally upward development in
European civilization', except in Britain and the Netherlands, where the Genoese
and Venetian masters consolidated their grip during the 1660-1689 period of the
British monarchical restoration. The high point of this upsurge was the
successful establishment of the United States under Federalist principles in
1789. The achievements of the American Revolution threatened to ignite a general
upsurge of republicanism throughout much of the world.
Apart from such subversive Jacobin collaborators of the British Secret
Intelligence Service as Thomas Jefferson, the young United States was a success.
The British and Jesuits, together with the Order of Malta, worked mightily to
subvert and defeat the influence of the American Revolution, conspiring to
destroy the United States at some early time.
The British side of this was centered in the person of Lord Shelbourne and the
British East India Company-the long, evil ministry of William Pitt the Younger.
The allies of Pitt in France and Switzerland were typified by the Duke of
Orleans, Jacques Necker, and Necker's notorious daughter, the Madame de Stael.
- The Satanic Psychopathic Palmerton, Prime Minister of the British Empire circa
1850 - and his Three Satanic Psychopathic British Agents, Mazzini, Urquhart and
Napoleon III - as a Continuation of the same Satanic Psychopathic Families from
Satanic Psychopathic Babylon through the Satanic Psychopathic Roman Empire, the
Satanic Psychopathic Venetian Empire to the Satanic Psychopathic British Empire
to the current Satanic Psychopathic Anglo-American Establishment
These combined forces, relying largely upon the Jesuits, created Jacobinism and
the Jacobin Terror of Robespierre and British agents Danton and Marat.
The decapitation of France by the Jacobin Terror had effects on French
civilization which could not be adequately reversed by the noble efforts of
Gaspard Monge and Lazare Carnot.
With the defeat of Napoleonic France, the Jesuit agent Cauchy was sent into
France under Orleans and British patronage to destroy French science. Cauchy
largely succeeded, with agents such as Leopold Kronecker and Richard Dedekind
later spreading Cauchy's mind-destroying poison into Germany.
Except for the brief efforts and contributions associated with Gabriel Hanotaux
and the work of Charles de Gaulle, France did not recover from the cultural
disaster of the period 1815-1851.
Science, exiled from France, moved to Prussia under the patronage of Alexander
von Humboldt. The industrialization of the United States, Germany, northern
Italy, Japan and Czar Alexander's Russia, up through the period 1871-1876,
established the cultural, scientific and industrial institutions of modern
European civilization.
The assassination of Abraham Lincoln, by joint efforts of the British Secret
Intelligence Service and Georgetown-based Jesuits, enabled the United States to
be subverted from within, and the treasonous Specie Resumption Act of 1876-1879
to be enacted and implemented placing the major component of U. S. credit and
debt at the mercy of the City of London and British agents of influence such as
Belmont and Morgan.
Bismarck secured the unification of Germany by concessions to London and Vienna
(Venice-Switzerland); Jesuits, including some in Protestant disguises such as
Friedrich Lange and Max Weber, or Kronecker at Berlin, were permitted to run
amok in Germany, harassing German science to the point that Felix Klein and his
associates maintained progress only by a tiring, rear guard defense against
evils typified by Bertrand Russell and the Viennese hoaxster, Ernst Mach.
Since World War I, civilization has been rotting away. It has been a eunuch's
culture: the old eunuch has still some of his skills, but not the power to
reproduce his kind. As the viable institutions from the past crumble into age
and senility, there is no net replacement for what civilization has thus lost.
In this circumstance, well-meaning fellows advise us to be "less abrasive," to
limit itself to those tried-and-tested rules of political advancement which many
have employed over past decades. We reject such well-meaning advice, and rightly
so. The fact-the simple fact-is that it is the result of the widespread practice
of such tried-and-tested rules which has brought civilization to the present
brink of collapse. Either we break with such tried-and-tested rules, or we all
go down to Hell together, as the wage we earn for clinging to tried-and-true
practices which have led us into this mess.
Get out of the foxholes and hit the enemy on the flank! It is not sufficient to
be aggressive. It is necessary to know where and how to strike.
Go back to basics. Go back to those principles which saved humanity from the
moral suicide of Roman Imperial law and culture, from the 14th-century Dark Age,
from the Jesuit terror which erupted during the 1527-1653 Hapsburg looting of
Europe. What are those principles of action which have been proven-over 2,500
years to date- the only efficient modes of action by which mankind can lift
itself out of the hell of a new dark age?
Only those rules can save us from the nightmare of Friedmanite fascism and its
"green fascist" storm-troopers of today.
In the dialogues of Plato, in the Nicene doctrine, in the writings of St.
Augustine, in the great works of the Golden Renaissance, there is repeatedly
demonstrated that the principles of natural law associated with the conception
of imago vivo Dei is the only means by which humanity can escape from the kind
of Inferno to which the "Society of Judas" and its accomplices seek to condemn
It is the principle of reason (Logos) expressed through technological progress
in human productive labor, combined with lawful respect for the implicit
divinity of the human individual: It is these ideas andrelated ideas, which
alone can enable humanity to survive.
Humanity can not survive if the leadership of the fight against the Gnostics is
left to the judgment of those "little men" who dominate governments and parties
of most nations today. The ICLC is the mediation for the effective deployment of
those ideas and judgments which the "little men" of government lack the moral
and intellectual development to originate without ICLC guidance.
Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction
The following is the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction given to high ranking
Jesuits only. This oath is taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos
Didier, translated from the French, and published in New York in 1843.
"When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted
into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others
present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either
side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are
the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above
a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM,
NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or
annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. Upon the floor is
a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The Superior hands him a
small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart,
and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by
the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it
by the hilt, and thus addresses the postulant:"
My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman
Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren;
to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among
the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among
other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence,
to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the
vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so
low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together
all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred
between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to
deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions
and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating
the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides
with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be
engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be
connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the
conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and
information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the
confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and
character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the
schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries
and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope's sake,
whose servants we are unto death.
You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and
have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been
invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the
service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and
executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not
consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for "without the shedding
of blood no man can be saved." Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make
your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience
to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me---
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:
"1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed
Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St.
Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my
ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St.
Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the
present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus
Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent
and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the
earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his
Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings,
princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his
sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the
utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right
and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority
whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and
branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America
and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical,
opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any
allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or
Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland,
of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to
be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his
Holiness' agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany,
Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other
Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the
heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their pretended
powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to
assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's
interest, to keep secret and private all her agents' counsels from time to time,
as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word,
writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed,
given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this
sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own,
or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac
cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive
from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.
That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen
regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles
of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the
barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be
submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make
and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants
and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the
face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition;
and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous
heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants'
heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.
That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup,
the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet,
regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons,
whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any
time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the
Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal
powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name
written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or
weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia
of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my
belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be
inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell
All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments,
which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do
call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed
Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written
and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face
of this holy covenant."
(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of
his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.)
"You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism
necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging
to this rank.
In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make
the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one
cross his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses
his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right
hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the
left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his
right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the
forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his
heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the
other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the
first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges.
The other answers Impious." (The meaning of which has already been explained.)
"The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner,
four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu
will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will
then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:
Question —From whither do you come? Answer — The Holy faith.
Q. —Whom do you serve?
A. —The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal
throughout the world.
Q. —Who commands you?
A. —The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or
the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Q. —Who received you? A. —A venerable man in white hair.
Q. —How?
A. —With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the
Pope and of our sacred order.
Q. —Did you take an oath?
A. —I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare
neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of
my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of
Q. —Will you do that? A. —I will.
Q. —How do you travel? A. —In the bark of Peter the fisherman.
Q. —Whither do you travel? A. —To the four quarters of the globe. Q. —For what
A. —To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the
Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.
Q. —Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name
of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his
Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated."
Editor's Notes
Alberto Ribera taking the Jesuit oath.
This oath is taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier, translated
from the French and published in New York in 1843. Dr. Alberto Rivera escaped
from the Jesuit Order in 1967, and he describes his Jesuit oath in exactly the
same way as it appears in this book. Semper idem: always the same.
The Jesuit Oath of Induction is also recorded in the Congressional Record of the
U.S. (House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against
Thos. S. Butler, Feb. 15, 1913, pp. 3215-3216).
The recent election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio to the position of Pope Francis I, was an unprecedented event the world has never before witnessed. It is the first time in history that a member of the Jesuit order has been elected to the highest position of the Roman Catholic Church. Reactions world-wide varied from jubilation, to matter-of-fact acceptance, to disinterest. These very reactions reveal appalling ignorance of the true nature of the Jesuit order.
Widely regarded as a benevolent missionary order, known for its educational institutions, the Jesuit order, as the Society of Jesus is commonly known, has long played an incredibly influential, albeit secretive, role in the destinies of nations, organizations, and individuals. Rulers, presidents, scholars and even Catholics themselves who are aware of the evil perpetrated by this powerful, far-reaching order, have left on record grave warnings that all should heed.
Following is a compilation of quotes from a variety of sources. Some admit that their own diabolical organizations were modeled on Jesuit principles. Others give warning. A number of those who sought to warn did so at the cost of their lives. WLC would encourage all to carefully study the following material.
“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning;
and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.”
(Proverbs 1:5, KJV)
Ignatius of Loyola (1491_1556, founder of the Society of Jesus, and First Superior General)
will it contribute a little to our advantage, if, with caution and secrecy, we
foment and heighten the animosities that arise among princes and great men, even
to such a degree that they may weaken each other. But if there appear any
likelihood of reconciliation, then as soon as possible let us endeavor to be the
mediators, lest others prevent us.”1
“Finally, — Let all with such artfulness gain the ascendant over princes, noblemen, and the magistrates of every place, that they may be ready at our beck, even to sacrifice their nearest relations and most intimate friends, when we say it is for our interest and advantage.”2
“Let proper methods be used to get knowledge of the animosities that arise among great men, that we may have a finger in reconciling their differences; for by this means we shall gradually become acquainted with their friends and secret affairs, and of necessity engage one of the parties in our interests.”3
“Immediately upon the death of any person of post, let them take timely care to get some friend of our Society preferred in his room; but this must be cloaked with such cunning and management as to avoid giving the least suspicion of our intending to usurp the prince’s authority . . . ”4
“Putting aside all private judgment we should always be ready to accept this principle: I will believe that the white I see is black, if the hierarchical Church so defines it.”5
“Princes and persons of distinction everywhere must, by all means be so managed that we may have their ear, and that will easily secure their hearts: by which way of proceeding, all persons will become our creatures, and no one will dare to give the Society the least disquiet or opposition . . . Finally, the Society must endeavor to effect this at least, that having gotten the favor and authority of princes, those who do not love them at least fear them."6
Paolo Sarpi (1552-1623, a Venetian patriot, scholar, scientist and church reformer)
“They are a public plague, and the plague of the world . . . From the Jesuit colleges there never is sent a pupil obedient to his father, devoted to his country, loyal to his prince.”7
“Every species of vice finds its patronage in them. There is no perjury, nor sacrilege, nor parricide, nor incest, nor rapine, nor fraud, nor treason which cannot be masked as meritorious beneath the mantle of their dispensation.”8
Mutio Vitelleschi (1562-1645, Sixth Superior General of the Society of Jesus)
“When Sovereigns require a Jesuit’s opinion on any subject, the Jesuit in question is to report the matter to his Superior, who is to lay it before several Jesuits for discussion. The resolution formed after this consultation is supplied to the Jesuit who has been consulted by the Sovereign.”9
Priest Antoine Arnauld (1612-169410)
“Do you wish to excite troubles, to provoke revolution, to produce the total ruin of your country? Call in the Jesuits . . . and build magnificent colleges for these hot-headed religionists; suffer those audacious priests, in their dictatorial and dogmatic tone, to decide on affairs of State.”11
Michelangelo Tamburini (1648-1730, Fourteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus)
“See, sir, from this chamber I govern not only to Paris, but to China, not only to China, but to all the world, without any one to know how I do it.”12
Pope Clement XIV (1705-1774)
Following are Pope Clement XIV’s words, upon signing the Bull of Suppression and Extinction of the Jesuits (a bull is the strongest legal document a Pope can issue):
“The suppression is accomplished, I do not repent of it, having only resolved on it after examining and weighing everything, and because I thought it necessary for the church. If it were not done, I would do it now. But this suppression will be my death.”13
Pope Clement XIV knew the Jesuits very well, and expected to die at their hands. He was correct. He was poisoned:
“ . . . a peasant woman was persuaded, by means of a disguise, to procure entrance into the Vatican, and offer to the Pope a fig in which poison was concealed. Clement XIV was exceedingly fond of this fruit, and ate it without hesitation. The same day the first symptoms of severe illness were observed, and to these, rapidly succeeded violent inflammation of the bowels. He soon became convinced that he was poisoned, and remarked: ‘Alas! I knew they would poison me; but I did not expect to die in so slow and cruel a manner.’ His terrible sufferings continued for several months, when he died, ‘the poor victim,’ said Cormenin, ‘of the execrable Jesuits to which the Bishop of Pistoia, Scipio di’ Ricci, the nephew and heir of Jesuit General Ricci, fully agreed.’ ”14
Pope Pius VII (1742-1824, the pope who restored the Society of Jesus)
Soon after Pope Pius VII was released from Napoleon’s prison in 1814, he quickly restored the Society of Jesus with the Papal Bull,Solicitudo omnium ecclesiarum [Care of all Churches].
“ . . . if any should again attempt to abolish it [the Society of Jesus] he would incur the indignation of Almighty God and of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.”15
John Adams (1735-1826, Second President of the United States of America)
In 1816, John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson (third President of the United States), regarding the restoration of the Society of Jesus:
“My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities, is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, perfidy, despotism, death . . . I do not like the appearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola’s.”16
“Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as painters, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell it is this Society of Loyola’s . . . we are compelled by our system . . . to offer them asylum.”17
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821; emperor of the French)
“The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. And the aim of this organization is: POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms: and at the same time the greatest and most enormous of abuses . . . The general of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Their society is by nature dictatorial, and therefore it is the irreconcilable enemy of all constituted authority. Every act, every crime, however atrocious, is a meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general.”18
Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830, a Jesuit German philosopher and founder of the Order of Illuminati)
“The degree of power to which the representatives of the Society of Jesus had been able to attain in Bavaria was all but absolute. Members of the order were the confessors and preceptors of the electors; hence they had a direct influence upon the policies of government. The censorship of religion had fallen into their eager hands, to the extent that some of the parishes even were compelled to recognize their authority and power. To exterminate all Protestant influence and to render the Catholic establishment complete, they had taken possession of the instruments of public education. It was by Jesuits that the majority of the Bavarian colleges were founded, and by them they were controlled. By them also the secondary schools of the country were conducted.”19
Marquis de LaFayette (1757-1834; French statesman and general)
"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe."20
Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772-1801, German philosopher)
“Never before in the course of the world’s history had such a Society [i.e., the Jesuit Order] appeared. The old Roman Senate itself did not lay schemes for world domination with greater certainty of success.”21
André Marie Jean Jacques Dupin (1783-1865, French statesman)
“The Jesuits are a naked sword, whose hilt is at Rome but its blade is everywhere, invisible until its stroke is felt.”22
Samuel Morse (1791-1872; American inventor of the telegraph)
“They are Jesuits. This society of men, after exerting their tyranny for upwards of two hundred years, at length became so formidable to the world, threatening the entire subversion of all social order, that even the Pope, whose devoted subjects they are, and must be, by the vow of their society, was compelled to dissolve them. They had not been suppressed, however, for fifty years, before the waning influence of Popery and Despotism required their useful labors, to resist the light of Democratic liberty, and the Pope (Pius VII), simultaneously with the formation of the Holy Alliance, revived the order of the Jesuits in all their ‘ower. From their vow of ‘unqualified submission to the Sovereign Pontiff,” they have been appropriately called the Pope’s Body Guard.
“And do Americans need to be told what Jesuits are? . . . they are a secret society, a sort of Masonic order, with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous. They are not merely priests, or of one religious creed; they are merchants, and lawyers, and editors, and men of any profession, having no outward badge, (in this country) by which to be recognized; they are about in all your society.
“They can assume any character, that of angels of light, or ministers of darkness to accomplish their one great end, the service upon which they are sent, whatever that service may be. They are all educated men, prepared and sworn to start at any moment, and in any direction, and for any service, commanded by the general of their order, bound to no family, community, or country, by the ordinary ties which bind men; and sold for life to the cause of the Roman Pontiff.”23
“And who are these agents? They are for the most part, Jesuits, an ecclesiastical order proverbial through the world for cunning, duplicity, and total want of moral principle; an order so skilled in all the arts of deception that even in Catholic countries, in Italy itself, it became intolerable, and the people required its suppression.”24
Orestes Augustus Brownson (1803–1876, New England intellectual and activist, preacher, labor organizer, and noted Catholic convert and writer)
“Undoubtedly it is the intention of the Pope to possess this country [America]. In this intention he is aided by the Jesuits, and all the Catholic prelates and priests. If the Catholic church becomes predominant here, Protestants will all be exterminated.”25
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865; 16th President of the United States)
“This war [American Civil War, 1860-1865] would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened with the blood of her noblest sons. Though there were great differences of opinion between the South and North, on the question of slavery, neither Jeff Davis nor any one of the leading men of the Confederacy would have dared to attack the North, had they not relied on the promise of the Jesuits, that, under the mask of Democracy, the money and the arms of the Roman Catholics, even the arms of France, were at their disposal if they would attack us.”26
“The Protestants of both the North and South would surely unite to exterminate the priests and the Jesuits, if they could learn how the priests, the nuns, and the monks, which daily land on our shores, under the pretext of preaching their religion . . . are nothing else but the emissaries of the Pope, of Napoleon III, and the other despots of Europe, to undermine our institutions, alienate the hearts of our people from our constitution, and our laws, destroy our schools, and prepare a reign of anarchy here as they have done in Ireland, in Mexico, in Spain, and wherever there are any people who want to be free.”27
“ ‘I am so glad to meet you again,’ he said: ‘you see that your friends, the Jesuits have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito a few hours before they expected me . . . ’
“ ‘New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances, that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot. We feel, at their investigation, that they come from the same masters in the art of murder, the Jesuits . . . ’
“ ‘So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skilful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by the Jesuits.’ ”28
“I know that Jesuits never forget nor forsake. But man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honour and duty.”29
Charles Chiniquy (1809-1899, Canadian ex-Catholic priest)
“From that, the Catholic priests, with the most admirable ability and success, have gathered their Irish legions into the great cities of the United States, and the American people must be very blind indeed, if they do not see that if they do nothing to prevent it, the day is very near when the Jesuits will rule their country, from the magnificent White House at Washington to the humblest civil and military department of this vast Republic.”30
Brigadier General Thomas M. Harris (1817-1906, physician and Union general during the Civil War)
“The organization of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is a complete military
despotism, of which the Pope is the ostensible head . . . The Black Pope is the
head of the order of the Jesuits, and is called a General. He not only has
command of his own order, but directs and controls the general policy of the
Roman Catholic Church. He is the power behind the throne, and is the real
potential head of the Hierarchy . . . There is no independence of thought, or
of action, in its subordinate parts. Implicit and unquestioning obedience to
the orders of superiors in authority, is the sworn duty of the priesthood of
every grade . . . .
“It would seem that the Jesuits had had it in mind, from the beginning of the
war [the American Civil War of 1861-1865], to find an occasion for the taking
off [i.e., the
assassination] of Mr. [Abraham] Lincoln. The favorite policy of the Jesuits
[is] that of assassination.”31
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881; famous Russian novelist)
“The Jesuits . . . are simply the Roman army for the earthly sovereignty of the world in the future, with the Pontiff of Rome for Emperor . . . that’s their ideal . . . It’s simple lust of power, of filthy earthly gain, of domination – something like a universal serfdom with them as masters – that’s all they stand for. They don’t even believe in God perhaps.”32
Margaret F. Cusack (1829-1899, converted ‘Nun of Kenmare.’) For more on Margaret F. Cusack, clickhere.
“The great idea of the Jesuit has always been a universal spiritual [and Temporal] monarchy, in which . . . the Jesuit should reign supreme. England has always been the place desired for the base of operations necessary for this end. Hence the blood, the tears shed, and the schemes undertaken in this country by the Jesuit. He has by no means ended his efforts for the subjugation of the world to Rome through England.”33
“When the Jesuit is expelled from one place he is not slow to find another. France may reject him, not without cause, but England opens her arms to him. Catholic Italy may deprive him of the glories of his once famous home in the Gesu, but America opens her doors to him. He is the wandering Jew of the Romish Church; he is followed by the execrations of those by whom he was once beloved, until they discovered his iniquities.”34
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892, British Particular Baptist preacher, known as the "Prince of Preachers")
“Our ancient enemies have small belief in our common sense if they imagine that we shall ever be able to trust them, after having so often beheld the depths of Jesuitical cunning and duplicity. The sooner we let certain Archbishops and Cardinals know that we are aware of their designs, and will in nothing cooperate with them the better for us and our country. Of course, we shall be howled at as bigots, but we can afford to smile at that cry, when it comes from the church which invented the Inquisition, ‘No peace with Rome’ is the motto of reason as well as of religion.”35
Richard W. Thompson (1809-1900, Secretary of the Navy, United States of America)
"[The Jesuits] are the deadly enemies of civil and religious liberty.
“[The Jesuit General] occupies the place of God, and must be obeyed, howsoever the peace and welfare of the multitude may be imperiled, or the nations be convulsed from center to circumference. The society of Jesuits must obtain the mastery, even if general anarchy shall prevail, or all the world besides be covered with the fragments of a universal wreck!"36
“The sovereigns of the ‘Holy Alliance’ had massed large armies, and soon entered into a pledge to devote them to the suppression of all uprisings of the people in favor of free government; and he [Pius VII] desired to devote the Jesuits, supported by his pontifical power, to the accomplishment of that end. He knew how faithfully they would apply themselves to that work, and hence he counseled them, in his decree of restoration, to strictly observe the ‘useful advices and salutary counsels’ whereby Loyola had made absolution the cornerstone of the society.”37
Luigi Desanctis (19th century Ex-Official Censor of the Inquisition)
“All these things cause the Father-General [of the Jesuits] to be feared by the Pope and sovereigns… A sovereign who is not their [the Jesuits’] friend will sooner or later experience their vengeance.”38
“At what then do the Jesuits aim? According to them, they only seek the greater glory of God; but if you examine the facts you will find that they aim at universal dominion alone. They have rendered themselves indispensable to the Pope, who, without them, could not exist, because Catholicism is identified with them. They have rendered themselves indispensable to governors and hold revolutions in their hands; and in this way, either under one name or another, it is they who rule the world.”39
“He who thinks he knows the Jesuits by having read all the books that were written in the past century [the Eighteenth Century] to unmask them, would be grossly deceived. The Jesuitism of that day was an open war against the Gospel and society; the Jesuitism of the present is a slow but contagious and deadly disease, which secretly insinuates itself; it is a poison taken under the name of medicine.”40
G. B. Nicolini (Italian ex-Catholic. In 1854, published the finest Italian history of the Jesuits in existence.)
“ . . . take the Jesuit for what he ought or appears to be, and you commit the greatest of blunders. Draw the character after what the Jesuit seems to be in London, you will not recognize your portrait in the Jesuit of Rome. The Jesuit is the man of circumstances. Despotic in Spain, constitutional in England, republican in Paraguay, bigot in Rome, idolater in India, he shall assume and act out in his own person, with admirable flexibility, all those different features by which men are usually to be distinguished from each other. He will accompany the gay women of the world to the theatre, and will share in the excesses of the debauchee. With solemn countenance, he will take his place by the side of the religious man at church, and he will revel in the tavern with the glutton and the sot. He dresses in all the garbs, speaks all languages, knows all customs, is present everywhere though nowhere recognized –and all this, it should seem (O monstrous blasphemy!), for the greater glory of God – ad majorem Dei gloriam.”41
“The members of the Society are divided into four classes — the Professed, Coadjutors, Scholars, and Novices. There is also a secret fifth class, known only to the General and a few faithful Jesuits, which, perhaps more than any other, contributes to the dreaded and mysterious power of the order. It is composed of laymen of all ranks, from the minister to the humble shoe-boy . . . These are affiliated to the Society, but not bound by any vows . . . they are persons who will make themselves useful . . . they act as the spies of the order . . . and serve, often unwittingly, as the tools and accomplices in dark and mysterious crimes. [The Jesuit] Father Francis Pellico . . . candidly confesses that ‘the many illustrious friends of the Society remain occult42, and obliged to be silent.’ ”43
“There is no record in history of an association whose organization has stood for three hundred years unchanged and unaltered by all the assaults of men and time, and which has exercised such an immense influence over the destinies of mankind . . . ‘The ends justify the means,’ is his favorite maxim; and as his only end, as we have shewn, is the order, at its bidding the Jesuit is ready to commit any crime whatsoever.”44
“The immense wealth of the Jesuits has been bequeathed to them by wills made at the last hour!”45
Francis Parkman (1823-1893, American historian)
“The Jesuits, then as now, were the most forcible exponents of ultramontane principles. The church to rule the world; the Pope to rule the church; the Jesuits to rule the Pope: such was and is the simple programme of the Order of Jesus, and to it they have held fast, except on a few rare occasions of misunderstanding with the Viceregent of Christ.”46
Hector Macpherson (1851-1924, prolific Scottish writer and journalist)
“So hurtful was the Jesuit Order found to be that, up to 1860, it was expelled no fewer than seventy times from countries which had suffered from its machinations . . . In spite of Continental warnings, England [under Queen Victoria (1837-1901) who opened up communication with the Vatican in 1877 and enabled the Order to carry out its Second Irish Massacre (1845-1850] has become a Jesuit dumping-ground. Those whom other countries have found from sad experience to be enemies, Britain allows to land on her shores, and to carry on unmolested their work of iniquity. We are carrying toleration to excess, and unless there is a change of policy, this nation will one day pay a heavy penalty.”47
Father Jeremiah J. Crowley (1861-1927, American ex-Catholic priest)
“All through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance period the popes kept Italy in turmoil and bloodshed for their own family and territorial advantages, and they kept all Europe in turmoil, for two centuries after the Reformation,—in fact, just as long as they could,—in the wars of religion . . . Their whole policy is based on stirring up hatred and promoting conflicts from which they hope to draw worldly advantage . . . Popes and their Jesuitical agents have been and are the instigators of wars, and while the world is having real pain, Rome is having champagne.”48
“The [Jesuit Superior] General is at the head of this black and mute militia, which thinks, wills, acts, obeys – [as] the passive instrument of his designs. Their whole life must have but one aim – the advancement of the [Jesuit] Order to which they are attached.”49
“How long shall the Roman Catholic Hierarchy play the people for fools? Shall the government be of the people, for the people, and by the people, or by the pope? Let’s not let the pope of Rome name our President for us. Lovers of your country, beware of Jesuitical intrigues, the political power of Romanism, and the honeyed words of politicians reaching after the presidency!”50
Ellen G. White (1827-1915, prolific author and American Christian pioneer)
“ . . . Jesuitism inspired its followers with fanaticism . . . There was no crime too great for them to commit, no deception too base for them to practice, no disguise too difficult for them to assume . . . It was a fundamental principle of the order that the end justifies the means. By this code, lying, theft, perjury, assassination, were not only pardonable but commendable, when they served the interests of the church. Under various disguises the Jesuits worked their way into offices of state, climbing up to be the counselors of kings, and shaping the policy of nations.”51
Edmond Ronayne (1832-1911, former Freemason who served as both Secretary and Master of Keystone Lodge)
“The religion of Masonry is a system of absolute despotism, and like that of Rome, demands a blind unquestioning obedience to all its laws, rules, and edicts, whether ‘right or wrong.’ . . . what a singular commentary on the indifference, the subserviency, or the cowardice of society, that an institution, professedly organized by such cunning knaves [the Jesuits], and for such base purposes, and which has been sustained by fraud, falsehood and deception, from the commencement of its career to the present time, should be permitted today to dictate to, if not virtually to rule the nation, and to create such a dread in communities that even some of the ministers of Christian denominations who detest its vile philosophy, and who would like to see it swept from the face of the earth, are absolutely afraid to mention its name, either in the pulpit, the prayer meeting or the Sabbath school, lest its secret vendetta vengeance might, in some concealed manner, be wreaked upon them.”52
Adolf Hitler (1889-1945, Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party)
“I have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order . . . So far, there has been nothing more imposing on earth than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own party . . . The Catholic Church must be held up as an example . . . I will tell you a secret. I am founding an Order . . . In Himmler I see our Ignatius de Loyola!”53
Walther Friedrich Schellenberg (1910-1952, German SS-Brigadeführer who rose through the ranks of the SS to become the head of foreign intelligence)
“The SS had been organized by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola constituted a model which Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.”54
Avro Manhattan (1914-1990, a writer and philosopher)
“The Jesuits are one of the largest stockholders in the American steel company, Republic and National. They are also among the most important owners of the four greatest aircraft manufacturing companies in the U.S., Boeing, Lockheed, Douglas and Curtis-Wright.”55
“No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican’s part in it. And no significant world situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important explicit or implicit role.”56
Alberto Rivera (1935-1997, Ex-Jesuit)
“The higher I went in the Jesuit Order, the more corruption I saw within the institution. I was invited to attend a secret black mass by high-ranking Jesuits [including Superior General Pedro Arrupe] in a monastery in the northern part of Spain. When I knelt to kiss the ring of a high official, I saw a symbol on that ring that made my blood run cold. It was a Masonic symbol [the compass and the square]! A thing I hated and I had been told to fight against it . . . I found out the Jesuit General was also a Mason and a member of the Communist Party in Spain.”57
Read an illustrated version of his story here: Jack Chick's "Alberto"
Watch his testimony here: Ex-Jesuit, Alberto Rivera, and Others Speak on Jesuit Infiltration
Fredrick Tupper Saussy, III (1936-2007, American composer, musician, author and artist)
“…The Roman Inquisition…had been administered since 1542 by the Jesuits.”58
Edmond Paris (1894 - 1970, Author of The Secret History of the Jesuits)
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the starting of the two world wars – a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict."59
"The Jesuits…are a secret society – a sort of Masonic order – with superadded features of revolting odiousness, and a thousand times more dangerous.”60
“The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum [Center Party overseen by Jesuit Ludwig Kaas], only five years before [1933], but most of the objectives cynically revealed in Mein Kampf were already realized; this book . . . was written by the Jesuit [controlled] Father [Bernhardt] Stempfle and signed by Hitler. For . . . it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.”61
Nino Lo Bello (1922-1997, American author and journalist. Specialized in writing about the Vatican.)
“The Pope’s confessor, an ordinary priest, must be a Jesuit: he must visit the Vatican once a week at a fixed time, and he alone may absolve the Pope of his sins."62
Michael Bunker (American Writer, Historian, Theologian)
“There is a conspiracy against Christendom. . . . But who are Satan’s agents in this conspiracy? The “agents” are the Jesuits. Even though the Jesuits exude vast influence and control in the areas of theology, education, recorded history and current media, I am still perplexed that virtually no literature exists exposing the Jesuit’s influence on mainline Protestantism. . . . In this work, the author uncovers forgotten history regarding the cooperative salvation theology of the Jesuits. . . . From Cain to Charles [G.] Finney, this book proves that modern Protestantism has abandoned the Doctrines of Grace and embraced the [Satanic] doctrines of cooperative salvation.”63
Eric Jon Phelps (1953--, author and protagonist in the Truth Seeker movement in the United States)
“In the Twentieth Century the Jesuits have conducted their Inquisition under the names of Nazism, Fascism, Communism and now Islamic Terrorism with their Inquisitors, Adolf Hitler, Francisco Franco, Josef Stalin and now Osama bin Laden. Today the Black Pope orders his Holy Office of the Inquisition, renamed in 1965, ‘The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,’ through his International Intelligence Community headed by Papal Knights, including Skull and Bonesman George W. Bush.”
“To the abhorrent Jesuit doctrine of Regicide (the killing of Kings), we must now direct our attention that we may understand an established policy calculated to obtain or maintain the mastery of all nations following well-planned assassinations. In the past, the Order’s assassins were either Jesuits, like Jacques Clement, or killers easily connected to the influence of the Company, men like John Wilkes Booth. Today these professional “terminators” are cleverly distanced from their Masonic master, the Black Pope, and given deceptive titles by the Pope’s internationally controlled Press corps, jurists and historians; such titles as “anarchists,” "nihilists,” “rogue agents” within intelligence agencies, or just “lone nut assassins.” Sometimes these individuals, in fact, do the killing, consciously and unconsciously (as do the programmed “Manchurian candidates”): they sacrifice themselves, die in the act or are punished for their crimes.
“Created by Loyola (1534) and Sanctioned by Paul III (1540), In Seeking to Destroy the Protestant Reformation and Restore the Dark Ages with “The White Pope” Exercising His Temporal Power as the Universal Monarch of the World, Authored the Twenty-Five Sessions of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), and Established Themselves as the Confessors and Advisors of the Monarchs of Europe, Promoting Absolute Monarchial Despotisms through which they Ignited Monstrous Wars, Characterized by Pitiless Massacres of Protestants and Innocents, such as:
The Dutch Revolution 1568 - 1648
The Thirty Years’ War 1618 - 1648
The Puritan Revolution 1644 - 1653
The Seven Years’ (French Indian) War 1754 – 1763
“While Oppressing and Weakening the Peoples of the Nations and the Semitic Hebrew/Jewish Race with the ‘Holy Office of the Inquisition,’ Aided by the Knights of Malta, and later, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, from 1540 to 1773.
“We as God’s people in Fourteenth Amendment America, having received the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Savior according to His blessed gospel set forth in His infallible Holy Scriptures — The Authorized King James Version of 1611, must repent of our personal and national sins. Then, we must forsake them. Some of those sins are:
1. Permitting the army of the Black Pope, the Company of the Society of Jesus, to exist, mightily prosper and absolutely control the government of the United States, through its Council on Foreign Relations, within our borders;
2. Believing the Jesuit-controlled American Press, which has continually lied and deceived us throughout the Twentieth Century;
3. Permitting the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Banking System and United Nations to exist within our borders, as these two bodies have successfully destroyed popular liberty (“liberalism”) and the national sovereignty of every nation in the world pursuant to the purposes of the Jesuits’ “Holy Alliance;”
4. Waiving our Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights (secured by the “declaratory and restrictive clauses” of the Bill of Rights at the insistence of the Baptists of Virginia and so dearly paid for with torrents of blood by our Protestant forefathers) through “filing” our confessions every April fifteenth, paying the heavy and progressive Communist income tax, thereby financing a multitude of sins;
5. Permitting the drafting, vaccinating and sending of our sons abroad to fight the Pope’s foreign wars (such as the war in Vietnam and the recent wars in Serbia, Iraq and now Afghanistan), resulting in the further destruction of American “liberals” and foreign “heretics” so condemned by the Jesuits’ Council of Trent;
6. Permitting the Jesuits, in control of the government of the American Empire, to use our military and financial might to enthrone dictators around the world whose first allegiance is to Rome, thereby restoring the Temporal Power of the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope, returning the world to the Dark Ages;
7. Consenting to the Jesuits’ Supreme Court decisions in removing the Protestant Bible and prayer from the bulwark of American liberty so hated by the Jesuits — the Public School System;
8. Consenting to the immigration of millions of Roman Catholics and pagan persons of color whose loyalty to the Pope or their own race, religion and nationality is greater than their loyalty to our Protestant Constitution and republican form of government, thereby creating a multitude of agitations justifying more centralization of power in Washington, D.C., and through amalgamation, the Africanization of the American White Celtic-Anglo-Saxon Race (being historically the greatest enemy of the Jesuit Order) especially its Bible-believing Protestants and Baptists, as intended by the Company of Jesus pursuant to its Jesuit Oath;
9. Consenting to the Jesuits’ Supreme Court’s several decisions of forced integration resulting in the destruction of both the White and Black races through amalgamation, as the exchange of viruses, bacteria and parasites, unique to each race, creates powerful combinations in the offspring producing a non-resistant, weak and sterile population within five generations;
10. Consenting to the Jesuits’ Supreme Court’s decision of legalized abortion, resulting in the mass murder of unborn babies, polluting the land with innocent blood, ultimately collapsing the Ponzi Scheme called “the Social Security System” justifying mass murder of the elderly by the coming fascist dictator, “provoking the Lord against us, to consume us, until there be no remnant nor escaping in the land” by means of a massive military invasion composed of a coalition of nations, cleansing the land with the blood of unrepentant and unforgiven American murderers;
11. Succumbing to race hatred as a result of Jesuit-controlled, Masonic agitators such as the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the Black Nation of Islam, justifying the imposition of martial law when the inner-city race wars begin;
12. Sheepishly giving up our real wealth, gold and silver coins in exchange for “indulgences” (the Jesuits’ worthless paper money called “Federal Reserve Notes”) and thereby becoming a nation of overworked, unprincipled, money-hungry thieves;
13. Consenting to the cattle brand of the Jesuits’ “Social Security Number” as a means of identification to be used by their International Intelligence Community, begun by Hitler’s SS at Dachau, it being the forerunner of
14. Obeying the evil 1968 Gun Law of Nazi origin and thereby, upon purchasing new firearms, blindly registering our guns – our Swords of Just Defense – enabling the coming, Jesuit-controlled, White, fascist, military dictator to ultimately take them from us making our annihilation sure, pursuant to the Council of Trent;
15. Committing a multitude of personal sins, both public and private, insuring
that our annihilation will be a righteous act in the eyes of both the risen Son
of God and mortal man.”64
Far from being the benevolent, educational missionary society many view the Society of Jesus as being, the Jesuit order is responsible for some of the most heinous acts in recorded history. They have battled truth and righteousness, crushed religious liberty, influenced kings and sought to mold the course of history to carry out their own agenda.65 Now that the visible head of the Roman Catholic Church is himself a member of this order, the power of the Jesuit order is complete.
Let all who love truth, all who love freedom, take heed and beware of the danger now facing the world in the person of Pope Francis I. Error and wickedness will ever seek to use force against truth and righteousness. Now is the time to draw close to Yahuwah, setting aside the sin that doth so easily beset and surrender all to the Creator. He will accept all who come to Him in faith.
“A prudent man foreseeth the
evil, and hideth himself:
but the simple pass on, and are punished.”
(Proverbs 22:3, KJV)
1 W. C. Brownlee, Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, (New York: American and Foreign Christian Union, 1857), p. 141.
2 M. F. Cusack, The Black Pope, (London: Marshall, Russell & Co., 1896), p. 86.
3 Brownlee, op. cit., p. 45.
4 Ibid., p. 59.
5 Ignatius Loyola, The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, tr. Anthony Mottola, (New York: Doubleday Publishers, 1989; originally written in 1523), pp. 139, 141.
6 Brownlee, op. cit., pp. 39 and 143.
7 Mary Frances Cusak, The Black Pope: A History of the Jesuits, (London: Marshall, Russell & Co. Ltd., 1896), p. 356.
8 John Alfred Kensit, The Jesuits: Their History and Crimes, (London: Protestant Truth Society, 1918), p. 30.
9 E. Boyd Barrett, The Jesuit Enigma, (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1927) p. 253.
10 Antoine Arnauld was considered by many of his contemporaries to be one of the most preëminent intellectuals of the 17th century.
11 Hector Macpherson, The Jesuits in History, (Springfield, Missouri: Ozark Book Publishers, 1997; originally published in Edinburgh, 1914), p. 32.
12 Jacopo Leone, The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order, (London: Chapman and Hall, 1848), p. 134.
13 John Dowling, The History of Romanism, (New York: Edward Walker, 1845), p. 604.
14 Richard W. Thompson, The Footprints of the Jesuits, (New York: Hunton & Eaton, 1894), pp. 227, 228.
15 Ian R. K. Paisley, The Jesuits, (Belfast: Puritan Printing Co., LTD., 1968), pp. 9, 10.
16 J. E. C. Shepherd, The Babington Plot, (Toronto, Canada: Wittenburg Publications, 1987), p. 18; quoting a letter dated May 5, 1816.
17 George Riemer, The New Jesuits, (Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown & Co., 1971), p. xiv.
18 Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House, 1968; originally published in 1885) pp. 487, 488; quoting Memorial of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena, by General Montholon, Vol. II, pp. 62, 174. Chiniquy was a priest who was framed by the Jesuits for a crime he did not commit. He could not find anyone to represent him because all of the lawyers he approached were too afraid of the Jesuits. Finally, a young lawyer convincingly demonstrated in a court of law his innocence and Chiniquy was declared not guilty, thus saving his life. Had he been found guilty, he would have been sentenced to death. Upon hearing the not guilty verdict, Chiniquy wept. When his attorney asked him why, Chiniquy explained that he was afraid his own life had been purchased at the cost of his defender’s life. His words proved prophetic. His lawyer was Abraham Lincoln. One of the men responsible for Lincoln’s assassination was later tracked back to Vatican City and the pope’s private army.
19 Please see: http://www.zengardner.com/jesuit-pope-agenda-meet-the-templars-knights-of-malta-and-blackwaterxe-exterminators/
20 James L. Chapman, Americanism versus Romanism: or the cis-Atlantic battle between Sam and the Pope, (Nashville, Tennessee: 1856), p. 127.
21 Theodor Griesinger, The Jesuits: Their Complete History, (London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1903; originally published in 1873), p. 654.
22 Burke McCarty, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, (Merrimac, Massachusetts: Destiny Publishers, 1973; originally published in 1924), p. 57.
23 J. Wayne Laurens, The Crisis: Or, the Enemies of America Unmasked, J. Wayne Laurens, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: G. D. Miller, 1855), pp. 265-267.
24 Samuel Morse, Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States, (Boston, Massachusetts: Crocker & Brewster, 1835), Vol. I, p. 55.
25 Chiniquy, op. cit., p. 483. See also, The Papal Conspiracy Exposed, by Edward Beecher, (New York: M. W. Dodd, 1855), p. 26.
26 Charles Chiniquy, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, (London: The Wickliffe Press, Protestant Truth Society), 1885, p. 388. See also footnote 18.
27 Ibid., p. 499.
28 Chiniquy, op. cit., 1968 ed., pp. 493, 501 and 506.
29 Ibid., p. 472.
30 Chiniquy, op. cit., 1885 ed., p. 476.
31 General Thomas M. Harris, “Rome's Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln,” 1897. Seehttp://www.antichristconspiracy.com/HTML%20Pages/Rome's%20Responsibility%20for%20the%20Assassination%20of%20Lincoln.htm.
32 Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, (New York: Random House, 1950; originally published in 1880), p. 309.
33 Cusak, op. cit., p. 285.
34 Ibid., pp. 286 & 287.
35 Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Geese in Their Hoods: Selected Writings on Roman Catholocism, (Publisher unknown, 1873).
36 R. W. Thompson, The Footprints of the Jesuits, (New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1894) p. 59.
37 Ibid., p. 251.
38 Luigi Desanctis, Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism, (London: D. Catt, 1905; Maria Betts, translated from the original, Roma Papale,1865), p. 136.
39 Ibid., p. 139.
40 Ibid., p. 138.
41 G. B. Nicolini of Rome, History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs, (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1854) p. 42.
42 “Occult” used in this context means secret, hidden, and concealed.
43 Nicolini, op. cit., pp. 45 and 46.
44 Ibid., pp. 495 and 496.
45 Ibid., p. 42.
46 Francis Parkman, France and England in North America, (New York: The Viking Press, 1983; originally published in 1865) Vol. I, pp. 1172, 1173.
47 Hector Macpherson, The Jesuits in History, (Springfield, Missouri: Ozark Book Publishers, 1997; originally published in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1914), pp. 148 and 149.
48 Jeremiah J. Crowley, Romanism: A Menace to the Nation, (Wheaton, Illinois, 1912), p. 144.
49 Crowley, Ibid., p. 196.
50 Ibid.
51 Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy, (Deland, Florida: Laymen for Religious Liberty, 1990; originally published in 1888) pp. 234, 235.
52 Edmond Ronayne, The Master’s Carpet; Or Masonry and Baal-Worship Identical, (South Pasadena, California: Emissary Publications, 1988: originally published in 1879), pp. 69, 211, 212.
53 Edmond Paris, A. Robson, tr., The Vatican Against Europe, (London: P. R. MacMillan, Ltd., 1961), pp. 252, 256.
54 Ibid., p. 253.
55 Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Billions, (Chino, California: Chick Publications, 1983), p. 184.
56 Edmond Paris, The Vatican Against Europe, (Springfield, Missouri: Ozark Book Publishers, 1993), p. 308.
57 Jack Chick, Alberto, (Chino, California: Chick Publications, 1979), Part 1, pp. 27, 28.
58 F. Tupper Saussy, Rulers of Evil: Useful Knowledge About Governing Bodies, (New York: HarperCollins, 2001), p. xviii.
59 As quoted on http://www.chick.com/catalog/books/0191.asp.
60 As quoted on http://bibletruth.orgfree.com/articles/QuotesOnJesuits.pdf.
61 Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits, (Chino, California: ChickPublications, 1975; originally published in 1965), p. 138.
62 Nino Lo Bello, The Vatican Empire, (New York: Trident Press, 1968), p. 78.
63 Michael Bunker, Swarms of Locusts: The Jesuit Attack On the Faith, (New York: Writers Club Press, 2002), pp. 13-14.
64 Quotes taken from Vatican Assassins: The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus, by Eric Jon Phelps. This meticulously researched book is extremely difficult to find. It can be downloaded as a pdf here: http://pdf.amazingdiscoveries.org/eBooks/Vatican-Assassins-by-Eric-Jon-Phelps.pdf.
65 “The Black Pope” is a term long applied to the Superior General of the Jesuit Order, a position many contend is actually more powerful than that of the more visible pope. That the Jesuits now have one of their own occupying the papal throne is proof of how powerful the Jesuits have become.
Energy Enhancement Enlightened Texts Zen The First Principle
Question 1
I ENJOYED IT. It was sheer delight. It was delicious. It was simply far out. I enjoyed it because nobody else has complimented me so highly as he has done. I could not believe that somebody would praise me so highly. Listen to his compliments.
First compliment: he says Rajneesh is crazy. True, sir. I agree absolutely. In fact, there is no way to God unless you are utterly crazy. Only those who are courageous enough to go beyond the boundaries of so-called sanity attain. Only those who are ready to put their minds aside, only those who are ready to cut their heads off completely, they attain. I am crazy. So was Buddha, so was Jesus.
There are books written against Jesus in which people have tried to prove that he was mad. And of course when Mahavir was walking on the streets, naked, ecstatic, people must have thought him mad. He was driven out of towns, cities; shelter was not given to him. Down the centuries the man of God has always been thought of as mad. The reason is simple: if he is sane then you are all insane, then the majority is insane. The majority cannot accept the fact. It is easier, more comfortable to call him insane.
But remember something George Bernard Shaw once said. Somebody was saying, "Millions of people believe this. How can they be wrong?" And George Bernard Shaw said, "If millions of people believe it, how can they be right?" Millions of people and being in the right? -- impossible. The greater the crowd, the less is the possibility of truth.
Truth has been available to only a few individuals. Why? Because only a few dare to enter into that madness. Only a few dare to put their reasoning, cunningness, argument aside. Life is not logic; it goes beyond it.
And not only the mystics say so; now even the physicists -- who are not mystics at all -- what they are saying is incredible. Let me quote a few things. The physicists are now saying the same old nonsense as the mystics used to in the ancient days. The so-called rationalists have always called those mystics mad. Certainly whatsoever they say does not follow ordinary reason; it is something beyond. Now listen to what physicists are saying; they speak of a universe which is finite but unconfined. They say the universe is expanding, but expanding into nothing. They also tell us that electrons are capable of passing through space without make use of the term "quark" to describe a particle of which taking any time to do it. They are now even proposing to the essential property is that when three of them combine, their collective weight is less than that of any of them by itself, although nothing has been lost by their conjunction.
It is absurd. It cannot be so according to ordinary logic. But if you ask the physicist he says, "What can we do? We are helpless. It is so. We cannot change the reality. Just to adjust to your logic, we cannot change the reality. And the reality does not believe in your Aristotles. It does not suffer from Aristotle-itis. It does not bother about what your logic says; it goes on its own way." So the physicists say, "What can we do? Change your logic. If it looks mad, maybe the universe is mad."
It looks mad, but the mystics have always said so. In the Upanishads it is said, "Take the whole out of the whole, and the whole remains behind." Now, Dr. Abraham Kovoor will call this man mad. If you take the whole out of the whole, nothing remains behind! This is ordinary mathematics and logic. But the Upanishads say, "You take the whole out of the whole, and the whole still remains behind. You go on taking as many wholes as you want, and still the whole remains behind." The mystics have also stumbled upon the illogicalness of reality.
Now, what do you say about this "quark"? It fits absolutely with the Upanishadic idea. It does not fit with Aristotle. Bad for poor Aristotle! And bad for poor Dr. Abraham Kovoor!
I am crazy. I have seen the reality which does not fit with the mind. In fact, the mind is the only barrier to reality. It does not allow you to see the reality. The more you are confined in the mind, the less is the possibility of knowing. And if you insist that you will know only through the mind, then you will never know.
The mind is very ordinary. It is good for day-to-day use, but to penetrate the infinite, to penetrate the eternal, to penetrate that which is -- the ultimate mystery -- the mind is just as futile as if you are trying to empty the ocean with a teaspoon. It is just irrelevant.
The reality is irrational, the reality is nonsensical, the reality is absurd.
Now, Abraham Kovoor can be against the mystics, but what will he do against the physicist? And why have they both come to the same conclusion? Science has penetrated into reality from a different door, but the reality is the same. So have done the mystics: they have entered from a different door, but they have entered into the same space.
Now scientists say the universe is expanding. Into what? Because when we say "the universe," we include everything that is. When we say "universe" we mean the whole, the total. Now you say the universe is expanding. Into what? There cannot be anything outside the universe. We have included, by the very definition of the word "universe," that all is in it. So nothing is outside it. Into what is the universe expanding? Even if you say "into nothingness," then the nothingness is outside the universe. Then the nothingness is very real into which the universe can expand. Then the nothingness is not just nothingness. Then you have not decided rightly what the universe is.
This concept of an expanding universe is crazy, but that is what mystics have been saying down the ages. Hindus have chosen the word "Brahman"; Brahman means "that which goes on expanding".
Now, Abraham Kovoor says that he believes only in something which is proved objectively. God is not proved objectively. What is proved objectively? The electron is proved? The neutron is proved? The proton is proved? What is proved objectively? Nobody has yet seen electrons, nobody has yet seen neutrons, nobody has yet seen protons, but the scientists say they are. If nobody has seen them, nobody has looked at them, nobody has observed them as objects, then why do you say they are? Scientists say, "Because we can see the effect. We cannot see them, but we can see their effect."
The same say the mystics: "God is not observed objectively, but we can see the effect."
Can't you see the universe running so intelligently? Can't you see tremendous intelligence permeating the whole?
And it is not only the mystics who say the universe is full of intelligence. Just the other day I was reading and I came across one of Albert Einstein's quotes. He says, "The scientist's religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of the natural law which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection."
"Intelligence of such superiority"! And this is not Jakob Bohme, Ramkrishna, or Rajneesh. This is Albert Einstein saying so. Intelligence of such superiority that human intelligence is reduced to utterly insignificant status! The world is running in such a deep harmony; that harmony shows that there is a unity in it, that it is not a dead universe, that it is not a"stupid" universe, that it is intelligent.
Physics has become metaphysics again. Physicists even talk about atoms having free will. Albert Einstein has said that no event can be postulated without the presence of a witnessing observer. And Eddington says: "Religion first became possible for a reasonable scientific man about the year 1927." But Dr. Kovoor seems to have not lived since then! Eddington also says: "We begin to suspect that the stuff of the world is mind-stuff. The universe looks more like a thought than like a thing." And that is what I mean when I say that there is intelligence, great intelligence in existence or God. Recently a new branch of science, molecular biology, has conclusively proved that the "matter" of organic life, our very flesh, really is mind-stuff. Eddington, Jeans, Einstein, Schrodinger all agree in this. But the problem with the learned Dr. Kovoor is that he goes on fighting against out-of-date religion with the aid of his out-of-date, so-called science!
You can ask what is the purpose of this intelligent universe. The scientist David Foster says: "To become more intelligent." I love this answer. This is what the mystics have always been propounding. From unawareness to awareness... from unintelligence to intelligence... there is the way and there is the goal. The Upanishads say: "TAMSOMA JYOTINGAMAY" -- "O Master of the Universe, take me from darkness to light."
What do we mean when we say "God is"? We only mean that the world is intelligent, nothing else.
Now, Dr. Kovoor has a very childish idea of God, and he goes on demolishing that idea -- and without ever bothering about the fact that that is not MY idea. It seems he has not read anything of whatsoever I have been saying. Through his article I could not gather that he has read anything. What type of rationalist is he? He is ready to condemn me and criticize me, and without ever having read anything. At the most, it seems that he has read a few reports of journalists in the newspapers -- and that too it seems was many years ago because for years I have not been conducting meditation sessions and he says I conduct meditation sessions and I hypnotize people! He is not aware of what I am doing here. This is not a rationalistic approach.
And he says he believes only that which is proved objectively. In the article, he mentions that fifty years ago, his wife conceived a son from him, and now that son is still alive and still healthy and "still growing and proliferating independently as Dr. Aries Kovoor". Now, he says he believes only in the objective truth. The mother knows; the father only believes. The son is never an objective fact for the father. Dr. Kovoor's wife may know to whom the son belongs, but not Dr. Kovoor. Dr. Kovoor, you may be misguided by your wife! And women are very strange creatures. What objective proof have you that this is your son? There is no possibility of any objective proof. You trust, you believe.
God cannot be proved objectively, that's true. Nobody is trying to prove him objectively. In fact, if God is proved objectively, he will be no longer God. Then he will become a thing. Then you can dissect God in your lab, you can dissect God in the scientist's laboratory. You can analyze; then it will not be God at all.
We are not saying that God exists as a person; at least, I have never said so.
Now, he goes on saying that "Rajneesh holds the foolish view that through meditation man can 'feel the very core of existence'." If this is the foolish view, then Buddha is a fool and so is Krishna and so is Christ, so is Lao Tzu, so is Chuang Tzu, so is Zarathustra, and so is Mohammed, because they all hold the view that through meditation you can come to the very core of existence -- because through meditation you come to your innermost core of intelligence. Through meditation you become so silent that your own intelligence is revealed to you. In that very revelation, God is revealed.
If I am intelligent in my innermost core, then the existence cannot be unintelligent, because I am born out of this existence. I am a by-product of this existence. If I am intelligent, then the universe has to be intelligent; otherwise from where will my intelligence come? Dr Kovoor is an intelligent man. And that is enough proof that there is God. Otherwise from where comes this intelligence?
He goes on saying that life is nothing but chemicals; life is "sustained by the oxidatory chemical action (oxidization).... This chemical action is maintained by my breathing and blood circulation. It is not in any way different from the production of heat and light energies during the combustion of the hydrocarbon in a burning candle." But a burning candle has no intelligence. He says there is no difference in any way between a man's life and a burning candle. The burning candle is not intelligent.
I tried because I thought "maybe" -- so I criticized a burning candle last night. But I could not provoke her. I succeeded with Dr. Kovoor. I "pushed his button"; he is very angry. Can you push the button of a burning candle, and will the burning candle criticize you? There seems to be a little difference, Dr. Kovoor. It can't be just a burning candle. You got hurt; you jumped to defend yourself. You have been arguing against me; you have been calling me names -- all the names that can be called. He says Rajneesh is an "ignoramus," Rajneesh is a "fool," Rajneesh is "crazy," Rajneesh is "mad," Rajneesh is "absurd," Rajneesh -- so on, so forth. He has exhausted the whole vocabulary.
Now, I tried hard with a burning candle. Nothing happened. The burning candle continued to burn. There is some difference. The difference is that of intelligence.
And if you say that life is born out of chemicals, then too you will have to accept that somehow the chemicals are carrying a latent intelligence. Otherwise from where will this intelligence come in? Out of the blue? From where?
He says life is nothing but oxidization, breath -- breathing in, breathing out. But can't you become a witness to your breath? Can't you sit silently? The Buddhists have been doing so down the ages. Can't you see the breath coming in, going out? You breathe in; you can watch. You breathe out; you can watch. Between the two there is a gap; you can watch that gap too. Certainly somebody else is there hidden behind the breathing process: a witnessing intelligence.
That's what meditation is all about: to know the witness, to know the SAKSHIN, to know the observer.
Even if life comes out of chemicals, out of oxidization, even if life is prolonged by oxidization, one thing is certain: that life is far superior to these things. There is intelligence, there is awareness. This awareness cannot be objectively proved, because I cannot put this awareness on the table for your examination. This awareness is subjectivity. When a scientist is trying to analyze something, there are two things: the thing that he is analyzing and the person who is hidden behind and is analyzing it. The analyzed is not the analyzer; and the analyzer is not the analyzed. The observer, the subjectivity, is there standing behind.
The object confronts you. That's why we call it "object" that which confronts you. How can I confront myself? I will always remain the subjective. Things can confront me; I will always be the one who confronts things. I cannot be a thing. Man cannot be reduced to being an object.
And if man's consciousness cannot be reduced to being an object, what to say about the total consciousness of existence? That's what God is.
He says, "I am an atheist because I do not believe in Gods, and I do not believe in Gods because it is not rational to believe something for which there is no objective evidence." There is no objective evidence for the subjectivity. That's why we call it "subjectivity." By the very nature of it there is no objective evidence, but inference is possible. A candle is a candle. A candle is not Kovoor.
And there IS a difference! And it is not a slight difference. The difference is great because the difference is that of subjectivity. The candle has no subjectivity; it has no interiority. The candle has no intention. It is burning there; it has no innermost core. If Kovoor is standing there, he has an intention, an interiority. That interiority, that intention, that subjectivity cannot be objectified, and if we cannot objectify a single man's consciousness, how can we objectify the consciousness of the total? But the total is full of intelligence.
Watch the trees, the birds, the life growing, evolving. Watch the stars moving.... In such absolute harmony, with such rhythm -- it cannot be just accidental.
There are only two possibilities. Either the existence is just accidental or it has something running in it which joins it together. We call that thread God which runs into everything and joins and keeps the whole existence together. God is not a person, is not a thing. God is just the intelligence of the existence.
He says, "Unlike Rajneesh, I am not a fool to believe in a creator of the cosmos that was not created. Universe is matter and energy in space and time. Matter, energy, space, and time have neither beginning nor end." Now, I have never said that God created the universe. That's why I say he has never read anything I have said. He goes on projecting his own ideas and arguing against them! I have never said that God has created the universe. I have again and again said that the creation is the creator, that the world is God, that there is no separation, that it is not like a painter and the painting -- that it is like a dancer and the dance. God IS existence. There is no separation. Not that God has created it; God has become it. You cannot find God anywhere else other than in his existence, and you cannot separate them.
Can you find the dance when the dancer has gone? Or can you call a person a "dancer" when he is not dancing? They are always together; the dance and the dancer are together. They are two aspects of one energy. Creation and creator are together.
In fact, my own choice is that I don't like calling God a "creator". I call God "creativity". It is an ongoing process. Not that one day God created the world. The creation continues. It is moment to moment, moving, it is a process, it is dynamic, it is riverlike. And God is not separate.
But then he will say, "Then why bring God in? Why can we not simply say that 'existence' is enough?" There is a reason. If you don't like the word "God," there is no problem with me. You can drop the word "God". I bring the word "God" in only to indicate that existence is not just material, it has intelligence; that the existence is not just the outer periphery, it has an interiority; that there is a great intention moving, that it is not without a soul.
If you want some other word you can use one, Dr. Kovoor. I am not a fanatic about words; any word will do. You can call it "X energy". If you are so obsessed with the idea of being anti-God, drop that word; that doesn't matter. Buddha never used it, Mahavir never used it. There is no need; it can be dropped. If you accept that the existence is intelligent, drop the word "God". We are not worried about it. But if you accept intelligence in existence, you have accepted God. That's all we mean by "God". It is a way of saying that things have not just happened accidentally.
What do I mean when I say there is "intention"? If I give you a wristwatch and you open it, you will immediately say, "Somebody has done a beautiful job." If I say to you, "Nobody has done this. It is just out of existence, out of millions of years of existence, just accidents. Things got together; somehow it turned out to be a watch," you will laugh at me. You have already laughed! You will not even believe a small wristwatch can turn out without anybody making it, without any intelligence functioning behind it. That will be a great miracle. You cannot believe even a small wristwatch can come out of accidents, and you can believe that the whole existence -- so delicate, so subtle, so complex that we have not yet been able to know its mystery -- has come just out of accidents?
It is as if you give a typewriter to a monkey and he goes on typing at random, and one day suddenly a great book like the Bible happens. Out of accidents. The monkey goes on typing, goes on typing. Something will happen. And you see the Sermon on the Mount is being typed! Just accidentally? It is not probable. It is impossible. No possibility of it ever happening.
That's what I mean when I say "intelligence", "intention". The existence is functioning so together, so beautifully, and the evolution is moving to higher peaks. All this shows that existence is full of intelligence.
To remain confined to your intelligence is to remain confined in an imprisonment. To get out of this limitation and to look into the intelligence of the universal, of the universal intelligence, to have a feel for it, that's what religion is. But one needs to go crazy over it.
Dr. Kovoor says, "Life must have originated on different planets at different times by chemical evolution first and then by biological evolution...." But it makes no difference. If it started on some other planet, how did it start? Whether it started here on the earth or on some other planet, how did it start? The atheist, the materialist has to agree with one thing: that it started suddenly for no reason at all; it was not there and it started. It was not hidden, it was not latent, it was not in a seed form. If you say it was hidden, it was latent, it was in a seed form, that's what religions say. They say, "God is hidden and is getting more and more expressed."
Man is yet the highest expression of that intelligence. The tree is a lower expression; the rock a still lower expression. But all are expressions of the same intelligence. Man, as far as we know on this earth, is the highest expression of that intelligence. There are higher possibilities, because man is not the end. And the highest possibility that we have seen is what we call "enlightenment". A man comes to such a peak that all thoughts disappear and only pure awareness remains -- no clouds, only pure sky of being; no smoke of thoughts, only the flame burning bright, of pure life and awareness, of pure energy.
We have seen in Buddha the ultimate expression of that intelligence. That's why we call Buddha "Bhagwan," because he comes closest to the ultimate intelligence. Maybe there are higher possibilities. One can never be closed to the possibility; maybe there are higher possibilities. It is impossible to conceive of, but maybe. It is impossible to conceive of it because when all thoughts have been dropped there is no longer anything contaminating consciousness, so what more can be possible? That's why we have called Buddha "Bhagwan". "Bhagwan" simply means that he has become the vehicle of the intelligence, and now the vehicle does not interfere at all.
When I say "God is" I do not mean God is the creator. I mean God is the hidden energy of existence. Matter is visible God, and soul is invisible God.
He does not believe in God, but he believes in four gods instead. Those four gods are matter, energy, space, and time. Now, he seems to be completely unaware. Since he left school -- he is eighty, so he must have left school somewhere sixty years back -- it seems since he left school he has not been in touch with what has been happening in science, in the world of science. Dr. Kovoor, much water has flowed down the Ganges. Now matter exists not! And you talk about maKer. Friedrich Nietzsche declared, "God is dead," and God is not dead. He is still alive and kicking. But matter, on the contrary, is dead. Matter has been found not to exist.
When the physicists went deeper into the constituents of matter, they found there is no matter at all; there is only energy. Then what is the "matter" we see in a rock? It is just condensed energy. Matter is appearance. It only appears. There is no solidity. Solidity is just an appearance. Hindus have the right word for it; they call it "maya". Maya means that which only appears and is not. Matter has been proved maya! And that's what Shankara has been saying in India and Buddha has been saying and Nagarjuna has been saying: that matter is illusory. Science has absolutely proved it, that matter is illusory.
When you go deeper into matter and when you come to the electrons, matter is not. Those are nonmaterial energy phenomena. But the energy moves so fast that it creates the illusion of stability, solidity. It is as if you run an electric fan very fast, so fast that you cannot see the blades separately and you cannot see the gaps between two blades. Now scientists say if the fan runs with the same speed as electrons run, you can sit on the fan and you will not feel the blades moving. They will be moving so fast. Sunrays move, in one second, 186,000 miles -- in one second -- and that is the speed of electric energy. That is the speed of electrons. Now, in a small space the electron is moving with such great speed that you cannot see the gaps. That's why the wall seems to be solid and you cannot pass through it. In fact, it is not solid. In fact, the wall can be reduced to such a small size that it will become invisible -- it has much space in it.
The scientists say the whole earth can be reduced to the size of one orange. It is very porous. The whole of existence -- all the matter that exists in the whole of existence -- can be reduced to such a small size that you can carry it in your suitcase. All is porous; much space exists.
And those small elements that go on running are not material either. They are just "electrons" -- electric energy. Now, Kovoor goes on talking about matter. Matter exists not, Doctor. You'd better start looking into modern science again.
And the second thing. He goes on talking about space and time, and Albert Einstein has proved that they are not two. Time also does not exist separately from space; it is a dimension of space. So Einstein uses "spaciotime"; he never says "space and time".
Now matter has disappeared. Time has disappeared as a separate entity; it has become a dimension of space. So there are two things: energy and space.
Now, Albert Einstein also says to keep this energy and space together, intelligence is needed. Great intelligence is needed; otherwise they will fall apart. Who will keep them together? How will they be kept together? That intelligence is God.
So three things: space, intelligence, energy. Three things.
That is the Christian trinity, the very idea of the three: God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And that is the idea of the Hindu Trimurti: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. Three faces of one reality. These are metaphors, because mystics are not talking about mathematics. Mystics are talking in poetry; the same truth is being expressed in poetry. This is the whole idea of the three GUNAS of the Sankhyas: SATTVA, RAJAS, TAMAS, Three GUNAS, three attributes, are there, but they are faces of one reality. That reality is God.
You can call it X, Y, Z, whatsoever name you like. It doesn't matter. A rose is a rose is a rose. By what name you call it makes no difference.
But he goes on talking as if matter, energy, space, and time are four things. He is not aware of modern science.
David Foster, the cybernetic scientist, says: "Nothing whatsoever is known about the following rather basic phenomena: mass, electricity, magnetism, spaciotime, et cetera, et cetera.... Existence remains a mystery, it is not available to knowledge... essentially it is unknowable." I call this unknowable element God.
What is matter? Physics says there is no matter as such. What we know as matter is made of waves or quanta. The quantum is a mysterious phenomenon. It is a point and a line simultaneously! Absurd. Illogical. Bizarre. And if you ask what sort of waves are these, the answer is: "waves of probability". Not even waves of "anything"! The modern understanding of science is mystery and magic.
If we think deeply into anything, we are bound to stumble upon God because God is the depth of existence. If you go deep into the rock you will come upon God. If you go deep into yourself you will come upon God. God is the depth. If we think hard enough in any single direction we always arrive at the unthinkable. If we ask enough questions along a given line of inquiry, we come in the end to an unanswerable question.
That unanswerable question is "Who am I?" That unanswerable question is the koan of the Zen people.
That unanswerable question is what meditation is all about.
Second compliment: he says Rajneesh is an ignoramus. Perfectly true, sir. I don't claim any knowledge. I only claim ignorance, utter ignorance... but that's what the Upanishads have been saying: those who say that they know, know not. That's what Socrates has been saying: "I know only one thing: that I know nothing." These are all ignoramuses, and I am happy with this company -- the Upanishads, the Taoists, the Zen people, the Sufis. I am tremendously happy with this company.
In fact, to know reality, to know yourself, you have to unlearn. Knowledge is good, but good only for the practical world, good only for the objective world. It is not good for knowing yourself. You need not know anything to know yourself. What you need is to go within. You can enter into your being. There is no need to know anything beforehand. Knowledge has to be dropped.
A German philosopher came to Raman Maharshi and said to him, "Master, I have come to learn from you, and I have traveled long and I have been desiring and desiring to come, and now I am happy that I have come." And Raman said, "Please, the first Principle is that you will have to unlearn. I am not here to help you to learn! You already know too much! If you want more learning, go somewhere else. Here the whole work is of unlearning, unconditioning. I am ignorant, and I help people to become ignorant again, so that they can become innocent, childlike."
And yes, Jesus is right. Only those who are childlike will be able to enter into the kingdom of God. That quality of innocence has to be attained.
Third compliment: Rajneesh is a fool. Good. True.
If I was not a fool, why should I be seeking and searching for God?
Only fools do that.
Clever people seek money, power, prestige.
Cunning people seek something of the world.
Only fools try to seek the ultimate.
In Hindi we have the same word for "fool" as for the "enlightened one". We call a fool BUDDHU; it is derived from "Buddha". People must have thought Buddha a fool. He looks foolish. He had everything that one can desire -- the palace, the beautiful woman, the kingdom -- all comforts -- and suddenly he renounced. The masses must have called him BUDDHU, a fool. These are the things one desires, and he is renouncing them. And what is he going to seek and search for? What more is there than this?
St. Francis was thought to be a fool.
Dr. Kovoor has put me in the great company of the greatest people who have walked on the earth. I am thankful.
Fourth compliment: Rajneesh is dangerous.
I am.
Those who come to me are going to be destroyed by me, because that is the only way to give them rebirth. If you come to me, I am going to destroy you because only through that destruction is resurrection. A Master has to be a death to the disciple. You will never be the same again. The danger is there. I will take all that you have away. All the illusions have to be taken away. I will leave you naked and nude, empty. But in that emptiness happens that which is real, happens that which is eternal. I am dangerous.
And the fifth compliment: Rajneesh is a voyeur. Beautiful. Psychologists say that there are two types of people: voyeurs and exhibitionists. Man is a voyeur, woman is an exhibitionist. And out of the voyeurism of man, all that has happened has happened. It is voyeurism to inquire into truth. It is voyeurism to penetrate into reality, into the mystery of reality. It is voyeurism to go to Everest and to see what is there. It is voyeurism to go to the moon. Women have not been very creative in that way because they are not voyeurs; they are exhibitionists. They are satisfied to exhibit themselves. Finished. Their work is finished. Man is a voyeur.
And the mystics are the voyeurs par excellence.
They penetrate to the very mystery of God.
You can ask Sigmund Freud. He says that the male energy starts seeking the female energy. That is natural. That's why the woman waits and the man takes the initiative. Even small children will play the game of doctor. And the woman will be the patient and the boy will be the doctor -- the voyeur! He wants to see how this girl clicks, what makes her click, what is inside her. Now the scientist is born -- and the mystic too.
Out of this sexual curiosity, all curiosity is born. All curiosity basically is sexual. But nothing is wrong. I love to see a beautiful woman as much as I love to see a beautiful rose. I love to see a beautiful face as much as I like to see a beautiful sunrise. I love to see a beautiful body as much as I love to see a beautiful bird on the wing. I love beauty. I am a voyeur. And I love beauty so much that I want to find out how this whole existence clicks. In that very search, one stumbles upon God.
And I want to know how I click, what is this intelligence in me.
And only because of that search does one come to one's own being.
Nothing is wrong in being a voyeur. And I would have thought that Dr. Kovoor was a voyeur. His name fits with the sound of "voyeur" -- "Kovoor". It must be accidental, because he believes in accidents. But it rhymes well. But according to himself, it seems that he is an exhibitionist. That's not very good. You are in bad shape, Dr. Voyeur. I had always thought you were a man! Now you have created suspicion in me.
The quality of voyeurism is the quality of inquiry. Nothing is wrong in it. Everybody should be a voyeur. And I would like even women to become voyeurs; only then will they be able to become more creative; only then will they be able to penetrate into the mysteries of life. We should try to know what it is! The very curiosity helps you to grow towards higher peaks of intelligence.
The sixth compliment: Rajneesh is a sexual pervert. That is wonderful. To go beyond sex is certainly a perversion. It is not natural. So it is a perversion! It is not part of unconscious evolution. It is conscious revolution. It happens only through transforming the unconscious into the conscious. When not even a trace of unconsciousness remains one is free from all desire. This is real BRAHMACHARYA. But to have eyes in the valley of the blind is certainly a perversion. Dr. Kovoor, who is not a voyeur, simply shows his obsession with sex. Just a nice old dirty man!
And the last compliment: Rajneesh is absurd. I am really at a loss how to thank Dr. Voyeur. These are the words I love! I am the genius of the absurd, and that is the highest that one can attain.
Tertullian, a mystic, a Christian mystic, is reported to have said, "I believe in God because God is absurd." I also believe in God because God is absurd. I believe in existence because this existence is really absurd. It is incredible. It is so beautiful. It is so wonderful. It is so fantastic. It is so psychedelic. And it comprehends all contradictions. It is so tremendously in harmony that even contradictions don't contradict! The night and the day, and the summer and the winter, and life and death -- what more contradictions can you find and what more absurdities? But somehow everything fits together. The absurdity makes life more fun.
If God was just an Aristotelian, life would have been without fun.
It would have been too serious -- and dull and boring.
God is not dull, not boring.
Life is full of joy and delight.
There is love and there is song and there is celebration.
I am absurd.
You will think that Dr. Kovoor uses all these terms in a very condemnatory sense. That is his business -- that is his problem. I am a religious man. If I can find a rose flower, I don't bother about the thorns. If I can see that the black cloud has a white, silver lining, I dance for the silver lining; and I feel thankful for the black cloud also because without it the silver lining cannot exist. I look through religious eyes. Even the negative turns positive. So maybe he has tried to condemn me, but that is HIS problem. Why should I take it as a condemnation? I take it as praise; he has complimented me. And these are my words that I like, that I enjoy.
Now, a few things that I am sorry to say that I cannot agree on with Dr. Kovoor.
The first thing: he says that man has no soul. That means man has no interiority, no intention. That means man has no meaning.
He goes on throwing theories upon me which I have never propounded, and then he condemns them. He is fighting with ghosts -- and he himself has created them. I have never said that man has an individual soul. We have individual bodies, but our soul is universal. On the periphery we are different; at the center we are one.
Now, he goes on condemning and criticizing, "How is it possible? When the body dies, where can the soul go? Nobody has ever seen the soul going." I have never said that the soul goes anywhere. There is nowhere to go!
In fact, the body is nothing but the visible aspect of the soul, and the soul is nothing but the invisible aspect of the body.
Man is an ensouled body and an embodied soul.
These are two aspects of some energy: X or God.
One aspect is the body, another aspect is the soul.
When a man dies it is not that the soul goes somewhere.
When the man dies the soul moves into the unmanifested.
Now, he says one man, a certain Peter, has been revived seven times. He dies of a heart attack; through artificial techniques he is revived again. Again after a few days or a few hours he dies; again he is revived. In all, seven times. So Dr. Kovoor asks what I say about it. Does the soul go and come back again, go and come back again? No. There is nowhere to go.
The soul becomes unmanifest when the situations to manifest it are no more there.
When the situations are there again, it becomes manifest.
It is just like the seed. Where has the tree gone? You cannot find it in the seed. It has disappeared in the seed. It has become unmanifest in the seed. Put the seed in the soil, and again the tree is there. And again the tree will die one day and will leave many seeds.
The manifest becomes the unmanifest, the unmanifest becomes the manifest. These are the two wings of reality. Nobody goes anywhere. There is nobody to go and nowhere to go.
I don't believe in individual souls. I believe in the universal ocean of consciousness. A wave arises; then the wave disappears. Where has it gone? It has gone to the same source from where it had arisen in the first place. It had risen out of the ocean; now it has gone back to the ocean.
There is a beautiful story about Junaid, a Sufi mystic. He was passing through a small village. It was evening, and a small boy was carrying a small candle. He was going to the mosque to put the candle there. The mosque was dark and it was a dark night, and the night was descending. Junaid just laughingly, jokingly asked the small child, "Have you yourself lighted this candle?" And the boy said, "Yes, sir." And Junaid said, "Then tell me one thing. From where has this flame come? From where? And you say you yourself have lighted the candle, so you must have seen from where this flame has come." The boy must have been a genius. He laughed and blew the candle out, and he said, "Right now it has gone. Where? You have seen it! Where has it gone? "
The coming and going is not from somewhere to somewhere. We arise out of the cosmic consciousness; we fall back into the cosmic consciousness. We arise again; we fall back again.
My concept of the soul is exactly the same as that of Gautam the Buddha.
There is no individual soul, there is no ego.
That's why I insist so much: drop the ego.
Then you will start living a life -- a cosmic life, a divine life.
Then you will live like God -- because God will live through you.
You will not be there.
Second thing: he calls me a fraud. I would have loved it if I could have agreed with him. I could not. I am sorry. He calls me a fraud because he says I claim miraculous powers. I was simply amazed. I have never claimed any. With whom is he fighting? With Satya Sai Baba? I have never claimed any miraculous powers, and he says I claim miraculous powers. That's why I am a fraud, because there are no miraculous powers. My whole emphasis is that the whole existence is miraculous! There are no miraculous powers, but the whole of life is miraculous. And I don't claim any power. I am the most ordinary man. I don't claim anything. I have no claim.
When I say that I am the most ordinary, I mean it exactly. I am not special; I am not "holier than thou". Then what am I doing here with people? I am just helping them to come back to their reality, to their ordinariness, to their first principle. If you start living and enjoying your ordinariness you are divine, because the ordinary is the divine.
He projects something, then he demolishes it, and he thinks he has demolished me.
And the third thing. Because I say that without God there will be no meaning and I had asked Dr. Kovoor, "What meaning will your life have if there is no God?" he has answered that his life has an aim, and that aim is to impart whatsoever he has learned to other human beings. But that seems to be very irrelevant. One candle imparting to other candles! What is the meaning of it? There is no difference. And why do you say "human beings"? And what is the point? Even if you make a candle very much informed -- you talk and talk and talk -- what is the point?
A candle is a candle -- there is no difference, sir.
And this is your whole aim of life!
Whatsoever you have learned in life, you have to teach others.
This does not seem to be much of an aim. It seems more like a duty -- and a mechanical one at that.
And why help these candles -- these chemicals, oxidization processes -- why help? If they remain ignorant, if the candles are ignorant, what is lost? And he says, "My aim in life is to help people so that they become aware and nobody can exploit them." But what is the point if one candle exploits another candle? A little wax goes from here to there -- what is the point? It does not seem very meaningful.
And then, finally, he says, "Except for creating mental derangements and hallucinations... there is absolutely no beneficial value in meditation... meditation is a... technique of inducing self-hypnosis." Now, he says meditation only creates "mental derangement," "hallucination," and only "religious maniacs" do meditation, and people who are "mentally sick".
That means all the Vedas were written by mentally sick people. And the Bible and the Koran and the Dhammapada and the Tao Te Ching and the Zend-Avestaall were written by mentally ill people. Then all that has been of any value on this earth was illness! Then Buddha has no health; then Buddha has no well-being. Then who else can have well-being? Then Nagarjuna and Shankara and Vasubandhu and Bodhidharma and Bokuju and Lin Chi, all are "religious maniacs". Then Jalaluddin and Bahauddin and Junaid and Mansur are all mentally ill people.
If these are ill people, then who is healthy? Adolf Hitler? Mao Tse-Tung? Genghis Khan? Tamurlane? Nadir Shah? Who is healthy?
He says meditation only creates derangement. He does not know even the ABCD of meditation. He has not even read about it. Experience is not the question at all; he has not even read about it. Or whatsoever he has read must have come from some people who are just like him.
Maybe he has been reading Karl Marx on meditation!
Or Lord Bertrand Russell on meditation.
How Satanic Lord
Bertrand Russell Became an Evil Man
If you want to know about meditation, ask the meditators. If you want to know about meditation, the real, rational way is to go into meditation and see what happens because the proof of the pudding is in its tasting.
He has no idea what meditation is. He calls it a technique of hypnosis. It is just the opposite, let me tell you. Hypnosis means sleep, induced sleep. The word HYPNOS means "sleep". Hypnosis means "suggesting to you to fall asleep".
Meditation means AWARENESS.
Meditation means helping you to become more aware.
Meditation is not hypnosis.
Meditation is a process of DEhypnosis; it is a dehypnotization.
You are hypnotized already by the society, by the schools, by the priests and the politicians.
Meditation is a way to dehypnotize you, to uncondition you, so that you can attain to your childhood innocence again.
And the difference is so vital and so clear and so distinct that unless one is absolutely closed to understanding there is no way to miss it.
Hypnosis is sleep; when you hypnotize a person he falls asleep, he loses consciousness.
When a person meditates he becomes conscious -- he attains consciousness.
He becomes MORE conscious.
In fact a meditator by and by starts feeling that he needs less sleep than before; and with less sleep he feels more vital.
If he was sleeping for eight or ten hours before, now he feels five or six or even four or three hours are enough; that gives him enough rest.
And a meditator by and by comes to know that even in sleep something remains aware in him.
But these are experiences, Dr. Kovoor. I cannot invite you into my sleep. I am helpless. Otherwise I would have invited you into my sleep to see what is happening.
The only way to know is to meditate.
And I am not saying something for the first time. Down the ages thousands of mystics have said the same thing. Krishna says in Geeta, "When everybody is fast asleep, the yogi is awake." Buddha's disciple Ananda asked Buddha, "I have a feeling that in your sleep you remain alert." Buddha said, "You are right. Body goes to sleep, mind goes to sleep; I remain aware." In fact modern psychology says that a layer of your consciousness is there which is always alert, always awake.
Have you not watched? A mother is sleeping. There are thundering clouds in the sky, or airplanes are passing by, and her sleep will not be disturbed. But her small child -- just a small movement or the child starts crying -- and she is fully awake. What happenend? She was not disturbed by the airplane passing, she was not disturbed by the thundering in the clouds. What happened? Just a small noise from the child, and she is fully alert. A part of her being is aware and keeps caring for the child. She closes herself against the thundering clouds, but she cannot close her awareness from the child. She is alert.
If you fall asleep here and I come and I suddenly call a name, "Is Ram here?" nobody will listen, but the man whose name is Ram will say, "Who is disturbing my sleep? Yes, I am here what do you want?" Everybody heard it, but nobody responded; only Ram responded. A part of his mind -- even in sleep -- knows this is the name, somebody has called him.
Even in sleep you go on chasing the mosquitoes. If an insect crawls on you, you throw it away, and sleep is not disturbed. Something keeps alert, surrounds you.
This is in ordinary life.
When you become a meditator, this awareness becomes deeper, more crystallized.
A point comes when you can sleep and yet remain awake.
I would like to invite Kovoor into my sleep, but my sleep is subjective. I know it, but I cannot put it in front of you, Dr. Kovoor, so that you can examine it objectively.
But there is a way: you can learn meditation.
You can meditate, and you can see what the difference between hypnosis and meditation is.
They are diametrically opposite!
And he says "There is absolutely no beneficial value in meditation." Now, this going too far. So many universities are experimenting, and there is now solid proof from medical colleges, medical research, psychiatric research that meditation is of tremendous benefit. He seems to be completely unaware of what is happening in the world.
I invite you, Dr. Kovoor. You should come here. We have thousands of books here -- the latest ones. It seems you have not seen books for sixty years.
And whatsoever he says in his article is just elementary biology, high-school biology. When I was reading I thought, "My God, what knowledge!"
Now there is absolute proof that a meditator is less prone to ulcers, less prone to heart attacks, less prone to high blood pressure. A meditator is less prone to many illnesses that happen ordinarily to everybody. A meditator is less prone to madness, to insanity, to neurosis, psychosis. And a meditator is certainly more quiet, calm, and collected. A meditator is more responsible. A meditator is more loving. And there is definite proof that a meditator lives longer than a nonmeditator. A meditator has a higher I.Q., more intelligence, than a nonmeditator, more vitality, more creativity.
Meditation is therapeutic.
In fact, "meditation" and "medicine" come from the same root.
Meditation is a healing force, because it relaxes you and allows nature to heal you.
But that is not the primary benefit of meditation.
It is just a side effect.
The basic benefit is the entry into the divine.
Oh! the ecstasy of it, the blessing and the benediction.
And these are not assertions of mystics. Now scientific labs are producing papers, research work, theses, dissertations. Through scientific equipment, measurement, ways and means, now it is almost a certain fact that mind can exist in many wavelengths and meditation changes the wavelength. Meditation creates more "alpha" waves -- and alpha waves release joy, happiness, bliss, benediction. Forget what the mystics say, but you can listen to the scientists.
In the end, I pray for the old man. Please, you also pray for him. His days cannot be many and I would not like him to die believing that he is nothing but a chemical process and oxidization! Poor thing!
And finally Dr. Kovoor requests the government to prevent my work.
This is great!
What type of argument is this?
This is nerve failure, Dr. Kovoor!
Can you not argue yourself, so now you need the support of the state?
And he thinks he is a rational man and he has a scientific outlook. I don't see rationality or scientific outlook. I simply see a dogmatic, closed attitude, as if he has decided once and for all what is truth and is adamant not to listen to anything which can disturb his dogmatic ideas, ideologies.
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AGRA TAJ MAHAL, http://www.oberoihotels.com/hotels-in-agra/
AGRA TAJ MAHAL, http://www.oberoihotels.com/hotels-in-agra/
For Two Levels at one time we give TWO INITIATIONS of free Energy Enhancement
Reiki Initiations
EE HOME PAGE INTRODUCTION http://www.energyenhancement.org/
EE LEVEL 2 SEVEN INITIATIONS - ELIMINATE ENERGY BLOCKAGES http://www.energyenhancement.org/Level2.htm
FREE - Energy Enhancement Reiki 1
FREE - Energy Enhancement Reiki 2
FREE - AIR TRAVEL WITHIN INDIA Pickups from the Airport
LEELA GOA, LAGOON TERRACE SUITES, http://www.theleela.com/locations/goa/rooms-and-suites/lagoon-rooms-and-suites
TAJ EXOTICA MALDIVES, http://www.tajhotels.com/Luxury/Exotica-Resort-And-Spa/Taj-Exotica-Resort-And-Spa-Maldives/Overview.html
LAKE PALACE UDAIPUR, GRAND ROYAL SUITE, http://www.tajhotels.com/Luxury/Grand-Palaces-And-Iconic-Hotels/Taj-Lake-Palace-Udaipur/Accommodations/Grand-Royal-Suites.html
AGRA TAJ MAHAL, http://www.oberoihotels.com/hotels-in-agra/
email sol@energyenhancement.org for details
EMAIL sol@energyenhancement.org for details
"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!!"
"Miracles, Miracles and yet more Miracles!! Every day was a Miracle on my Course as my Ego Blockages bit the dust! I remember one day just after removing one of the most difficult Implant Control Blockages I ended up prostrating at the feet of Satchidanand in Tears of Gratitude.
The Power of Satchidanand when focused on the Blockage was beyond my comprehension, and yet the blockage was resisting. With steady application from Satchidanand even that blockage was dissolved and Grounded. No-One Else could have removed that blockage as it was too strong!! And yet up to that point Satchidanand allowed me remove every other blockage we found by myself. He only entered into the fray when it was absolutely necessary and this built up a steady body of Confidence that I could handle everything which the course threw at me!!
From a guy who could barely feel the energy blockages at the start of the course, I have grown into a Healer who not only can "See" every Energy Blockage, but my Intuition has grown to the extent that I "Know" every what why and wherefore about them.
Satchi uses Spiritual Movies to teach and he channels energy to emphasise the spiritual points being made. One night, we were watching the movie, "Constantine" where Keanu Reaves is playing the Cynical Wizard who curses the "Gift" of Psychic Vision he has been given and who is using the Strategy of committing slow suicide through smoking 30 a day for 15 years in revenge to God. Satchi felt the energy of one of my blockages and he held it for me whilst I felt into it and healed it by myself.
The blockage was one where I complained bitterly to God for everything which happened which I did not like - which was almost everything. The blockage was powered by the most bitter hatred such that everything in my life felt like shit and this Hate filled Blockage was just confirming that my life was Shit!! Satchi said, "everything on this course has happened perfectly, and joked, "I am the Hand of God on this Planet" and indeed everything on the course did happen perfectly and just at the right time.
Directly after watching this film, I had a powerful healing-teaching experience: I realised that the blockage Satchi was holding for me was a powerful energy-blockage within me which thinks it knows best all the time. This blockage caused great anger and frustration in my life. I experienced a wondeful healing and teaching when I understood the nature of this blockage and released it back to God. This teaching was all about letting go of all the selfish expectations in my life and being more appreciative and grateful for the life which is given to me.
Thank you Swamis Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani for your perfect care and blessings. Miracles and yet more Miracles!!" -
Graham Smith on his Energy Enhancement Course in Goa, India November 2009
Energy Enhancement MARCH 2015 India Tour and Course
EMAIL sol@energyenhancement.org for details
EMAIL sol@energyenhancement.org for details
Students with your Indian Spiritual Guides Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani at the Taj Mahal
This Indian Journey will give you an experience for your Hearts with the techniques of Energy Enhancement which will re-align the bases of your mind, your heart and your Soul to appreciate all the good things of this Marvellous, Contradictory and Multifaceted Country.
This experience is the realisation of the Dream of your Life. Visit the Exotic Orient...
We will visit the Taj Mahal from a 5Star Hotel, Rishikesh the city of a Thousand Yogis in the foothills of the Himalayas, Haridwar and the nightly Arati in front of thousands on the banks of the Ganges. Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Whitefield or Puthaparti, The Ashram of Ramana Maharshi at the feet of the sacred Mountain of Arunachala - we will walk up it, at Thiruvannamalai South India, Pondicherry (Auroville) Delhi, Chennai and Mahaballipuram with the festival of dances of Indian Classical Dance Baratha Natyam.
The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course - www.energyenhancement.org in India introduced by Swami Satchidanand and Swami Devi Dhyani. We see...
The Taj Mahal in Agra and The Red Fort.
Then there is an interview with Swami
Shantananda of Vashishta Gufa (Cave) in the Himalayas above Rishikesh.
We see Haridwar and the Hindu arati ceremony there at dusk on the banks of the
River Ganges where crowds of thousands view the sacred flame and chant the songs
of enlightenment. Enlightened sages descend from their caves in the high
Himalayas to give experiences of energy to the assambled people - a shower of
We see the temple of Hare Krishna in Vrindaban and the special ceremony of the
display of the Murthys, the statues of Krishna together with the chanting of the
monks and the dance of the whirling dervishes by Swami Devi Dhyani.
Many people get along very well with the Energy Enhancement Streaming Videos and DVDs but how many people get enlightened from reading the Bible or the Koran?
How many people become
enlightened by reading Buddha's Dhammapada? Whereas 10,000 monks became
enlightened by listening to the words of the Buddha, Live, in the Purple Grove!!
The best way to learn Energy Enhancement is by meeting us - entering into the
aura of the Buddhafield and studying at the feet of those who know. It has
always been thus for those who urgently need the liberation of Enlightenment...
EMAIL sol@energyenhancement.org
On this tour of India and Thailand From Haridwar, Rishikesh and the Ashrams of Mata Amritananda Mayi Ma and Sivananda, Delhi, Goa with our SOL Center Apartment with Swimming Pool and Bengaluru and the Ashram of Sathya Sai Baba at Putthaparthi Prashanti Nilayam - the Abode of the Gods to Thailand and Chiang Mai and the Temples of the Buddha -
We taught many students in the techniques of Energy Enhancement Students - an MA in Philosophy from Ireland who first came to see us in 2002 in EscalaSpain, and again with his new wife in 2007 in Palamos, Spain, an International Lawyer in the Court of Human rights from Cordoba in Argentina, a Turkish Student from the USA presently running his own Web Software Company, our student from the UK who has been coming to see us every year since 2005 and who spent 6 weeks with us in Goa and the Ashram of Sathya Sai Baba and a Certified Accountant from Croatia.
All the students experienced Psychic Vision as they Powered Up their Energy Bodies through connection with the chakras in the Center of the Earth and in the Center of the Universe. All of them saw their psychic bodies and the Energy Blockages which inhabited them. Every student had the experience of removing said Energy Blockages - removing and discharging their Negative Karmic Mass and integrating the purified remains with the Soul Chakra, coating the Higher Being Bodies and creating the Body Kesdjian.
Older Students had the experience of working with the Ego. All students reading this missive are the Outpatients. Those who come are the Inpatients for the Operation of the Egodectomy!!
As we charcterise our Sub-Persdonalities of the Ego - it is that vast Mass of Energy Blockages which comprise the Selfish Competitive Ego - so we can ground even the deepest blockage, purify our Egoistic Self Destructors who rule our madness from Lifetime to Lifetime, create the Vajra Diamond Body (EE LEVEL 5) which alone can survive the Death process as an Ascended Master..
Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani at the Taj
Mahal JULY 2010
I have been to see Satchi & Devi almost once a year since 2005, and I have to say, that I have never been let down. Every time they greet me at the airport I am received in an atmosphere of great warmth, positivity and generosity, into which I soon relax and know that it’s safe to be me with all my “luggage”. In June 2010 I recently went on a 6 week course they were holding in India.
In the weeks I spent with them it was clear that the blockages I was removing with their help, were increasing the amount of energy flowing through me during meditation. I have never been one to naturally take to meditating, but with these new experiences of Samadhi (sam – with, adhi – light), it was certainly making it possible for me to sit for much longer periods.
I must concede, that on more than one occasion I started to object and complain about what we were doing, and the methods employed to transmute the blockages in my being. Satchi & Devi would patiently wait for me to see that the person complaining was not the real me, it was not the soul infused personality that I really am, but rather the voice of the blockages that did not want to go. There are different types of blockages, and of course, the easy ones are the first to go, but I was now experiencing some really tough ones. They can certainly be very cunning these blockages, and its thanks to the experience and energy of Satchi & Devi that I was able to continue on my way to overcome some really strong blockages.
My experiences of Samadhi: The first time I experienced anything other than a calm mind in meditation was actually the very first course I attended with Satchi & Devi in Spain. The experience of energy surging through my body was first felt in my 1st and 2nd chakras. It was like having champagne bubbling away in my lower abdomen. Before I talk about my experience here in India, I think it would be useful to describe briefly and partly a technique used to commence the flow of energy and so the entry into Samadhi. It’s to do with using the mind to visualise chakras above the head and below the base chakra to infinity. For me, the concept of infinity and trying to imagine this distance above my head, kind of triggered a bypass switch in my mind, and all of a sudden my mind was quite literally replaced by a surge of electricity and light – Samadhi.
"If the Map is Correct, Experiences Follow" - Satchidanand
This time here in India I was experiencing different levels of Samadhi. During meditation I notice the attainment of a constant flow of energy through my being which gets more and more intense, and rises further and further up my body, the higher I go up the chakras above my head to an inconceivably bright and intense sun. Quite often my breathing slows or even stops a while at the head of an in-breath as my head feels infused with light. My body feels like it is being purified, and in fact it is, as light is being shone through me. I always finish the meditation feeling more positive about my life and the world around me and a feeling that really everything is ok.
Over and above this, I receive what I would describe as bolts of light lasting between 2-5 seconds.
During these brief moments, I am no longer a body with senses or even a sense of weighing or being anything, and am unable to think.
"In the Buddhafield we find we can Move On More Quickly!" - Satchidanand
It’s my experience that the body is like a resistor in an electronic circuit. The more blockages we have, the greater the resistance to the light. By removing a significant number of blockages, I have reduced the resistance of my gross and subtle body, and am now able to sit in Samadhi with ease. And of course, the more light I can sit in, the more blockages I can remove - now that’s what I call spiritual progress!
Thomas Blair
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything.
I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
email sol@energyenhancement.org for Course details
Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani with Tour Group at the Taj Mahal
Energy Enhancement India Tour
Day 01: Landing in Bombay to hotel o/n
Day 02 : Bombay city tour
Day 03 : Internal Flight Bombay - Bangalore
Day 04 : Puttaparthi to hotel visit Sai Baba
Day 05 : Puttaparthi
Day 06 : Puttaparthi
Day 07 : Puttaparthi /Thiruvannamali By Car
Day 08 :Thiruvannamali
Day 09 :Thiruvannamali
Day 10 :Thiruvannamali
Day 11 :Thiruvannamali / Pondicherry by Car
Day 12 : Pondicherry
Day 13 : Pondicherry/ Mahabalipuram /Chennai hotel
Day 14 : Chennai
Day 15: Chennai - Delhi Internal Flight
Day 16 : Del/Agra by car and tour -
Day 17 : Agra visit the Taj Mahal
Day 18 : Agra visit Fatepur Sikri
Day 19 : Agra visit the city
Day 20 : Agra / Vrindavan tour
Day 21 : Vrindavan
Day 22: Vrindavan
Day 23 : Vrindavan/Delhi
Day 24 : Delhi
Day 25: Delhi /Haridwar
Day 26: Haridwar
Day 27 :Haridwar
Day 28 :Haridwar
Day 29: Haridwar/Delhi
Day 30: Delhi Airport and out
PRICES sol@energyenhancement.org