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Ceremonies and Meditation Groups - Using the Energy of the Higher Heart, The Heart Center in the Head, Prajna Paramita, - The Soul and the Monad Itself, for the Healing of Groups, Organizations and the World.
The Techniques of a White Magician.
The Synthesis of Light Symbol
Master of Meditation, Devi Dhyani
Energy Enhancement will help you get everything you need and will make you enjoy everything you have!
Energy Enhancement quickly dissolves negativities. If you have Energy, you have Everything!
Energy Enhancement is complete Freedom!
" Our Latest Client and now friend, Marie, comes
from Peru although she lives in London with her American husband and family.
We just completed a course of Energy Enhancement APPRENTICE LEVEL One with her and we were all very happy with the results, particularly as we work full time with our clients energetically and in person physically and Psychically for a lot of hours.
Our Clients also like the superb Organic Food we cook for them!!
Marie has previously been on many Meditation Courses but never she said, with the direct experience and targeted advice on her personal circumstances, as with this Energy Enhancement course.
Marie had the experience in Energy Enhancement Meditation Initiation 4 of going up through several Initiations meeting one of my Masters from America and India, on the mental planes. He said that he was not her master, gave her an energy present and sent her up.
Then strangely, as she told me that she spent a long time in churches through her unhappy childhood, she had an experience with a higher Saint. Again The Saint turned her palms towards her, gave her energy, and sent her up. She then had direct experience of her Soul, Higher Self with many symbols she had never seen before, but I was able to show her them in books so that she could see the antiquity and Sacred nature of her experience.
Next meditation she had direct experience of her relationships and advice but she never told me what it was and nor did I really want to know as it was really personal. She wrote this testimonial (Translated from the Spanish) recently after her week long Energy Enhancement APPRENTICE LEVEL One Course...
"The Energy enhancement Course Work was very satisfying.
I found what I was expecting and more. The way Satchi and Devi teach, Unifies every thing I ever learnt, and for that reason was very intense.
I can not tell you the details of my course experience because you could not understand, I can only tell you that if you feel attracted to do The Energy Enhancement course through what you have read before in the advertising...
The experience you will find can tell you everything. And what you can learn will change your life, not only in the Spiritual sense but also in your daily life.
Not only will you gain direct experience and consciousness of what you really are, but through the management of emotions and inclinations, and using superior knowledge from the past centuries which was given by the Great Masters and Wise Sages, Energy Enhancement and Satchi and Devi make the learning process very rich."
She wants to come again to do Energy Enhancement APPRENTICE LEVELs Two and Three!!
We are very happy with our work as our aim is to Enlighten everyone. It is
easy to be enlightened, but to make others enlightened, you need to know a
This work is my life and gives me great satisfaction."
Truly, perhaps Enlightenment is next!!
- Initiation 1: Learn how to heal all addiction. Learn how to heal all your Addictions or strategy driven predelections to... Food, Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs and Sex.
- Initiation 2: The healing of the negative energy of close personal primary relationships including your mother and your father. Learn how to Heal all your Relationships Without talking to these people. Learn to heal at a distance all the Negative Energy which inevitably builds up in all our Primary Relationships.
- Initiation 3: The total healing of all chakra connections. Energy from further improving relationships and protection. How to clean all the energy connections of Attachment.
- Initiation 4: Creating and cleaning the soul connection in your students and friends.
- Initiation 5: The Mastery of the psychic energy connections.
- Initiation 6: The Mastery of trantic energy. How to Remove Implants, Transmute the Negative Karmic Mass of Blockages and Clean all the Chakras of your students and close personal relationships.
- Initiation 7: Ceremonies and Meditation Groups - Using the Energy of the Higher Heart, The Heart Center in the Head, Prajna Paramita, - The Soul and the Monad Itself, for the Healing of Groups, Organizations and the World.
- Initiation 8: The use of life experiences to notice and remove the Inner Children and the Strategies which are based on the inner children. The weaker inner children are very easy to remove, yet it sometimes needs stress pressure which is always occurring in life in order to get the more intelligent Soul Split inner children to show themselves.
- Initiation 1: Alignment with the energies from the Center of the Earth into the Center of the Universe. Shaktipat, Energy Alignment, Kundalini, Stopping the Mind and Squaring the Circle.
- Initiation 2: Energy Circulation: Microcosmic Orbit, Kundalini Kriyas. This gives the Hidden Taoist Secrets of the Microcosmic AND the Macrocosmic Orbit, the 5 Elemental pathways of the Chi or Ki and the Kundalini Kriyas of Paramahamsa Yogananda.
- Initiation 3: The Grounding of Negatives Energies: Alchemy, Hermes Trismegistus, VITRIOL - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM and the guided meditation of Grounding, transmuting all trauma caused negative energy.
- Initiation 4: Accessing the Universal Energy Source: Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit, Chakras above the Head, Soul Fusion via the Antahkarana, Advanced Kundalini Kriyas, Siddis, The Creation of Psychic Vision.
- Initiation 5: Projecting Energy - Grounding Toxins in Food: Re-awakening our psychic ability to detect poisons. Removing Blockages.
- Initiation 6: Psychic Protection: Power Towers, Creating and Using External Antahkaranas, Exponentially Increasing your Spiritual Energy, Creating the Flow from Heaven to Earth.
- Initiation 7: Psychic Protection: Pyramid Protection.
- Initiation 8: Psychic Protection: The Merkaba, Astral Travel and Projection, Advantages of the Siddhis of Becoming Bigger and Smaller.
- Initiation 1: The removal energy blockages and implants by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.
- Initiation 2: How to Heal the Energy Blockages in the body.
- Initiation 3: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the chakras. From the seven chakras inside the body and then all the external spiritual chakras to which we are connected.
- Initiation 4: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the DNA. Heal your DNA.
- Initiation 5: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the Auras. Heal the Physical Aura, Heal the Emotional Aura, Heal the Mental Aura, Heal the Buddhic Aura.
- Initiation 6: The removal of old karma from the time in the womb of your mother. The karma cleaning process.
- Initiation 7: The removal of old karma from this lifetime. The karma clearing process.
- Initiation 1: The removal of old karma from all your past lifetimes. Remove all the Blockages from all your previous lifetimes. This is what they mean when they say a Master is not under the Laws of Karma. He has dissolved all the negativity from all his past lives.
- Initiation 2: The removal of old karma from all the future years in this lifetime and all your future lifetime.
- Initiation 3: The retrieval of the soul splits of the inner children sub-personalities.
- Initiation 4: The grounding of the emotions. This Initiation shows how to Ground, to Drain all the negative energies from your negative emotions and thus remove all your emotional Energy Blockages.
- Initiation 5: Removing the strategies of the psychopatic energy vampire. LEARN HOW NOT TO BECOME ENGAGED BY THEIR STRATEGIES TO SUCK YOUR ENERGY.
- Initiation 6: The Seven Step purufication of trauma-formed negatice karmic mass in talents and the creation and increase of talents or angel talent colonies in level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
- Initiation 7: Removing vows from this life and all your past lives. Past life priest vows and vows to the dark side can affect present prosperity, self worth, and relationships. And they can continuously block you, and be carried from life time to life time. All Old Souls carry them and most have thousands of them buried in their minds. This Energy Enhancement Initiation method removes the blocks that are held deep within your subconscious mind. Traditional therapies cannot remove them.
- Initiation 8: The use of life experiences to notice and remove the Inner Children and the Strategies which are based on the inner children. The weaker inner children are very easy to remove, yet it sometimes needs stress pressure which is always occurring in life in order to get the more intelligent Soul Split inner children to show themselves.