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Energy Enhancement Meditation Course
Level 3 - Initiation 6
The Energy Enhancement Level 2 Seven Step Process Purification of Talents...
The Seven Deadly Sins and their Purified Talent - Pride - Humility, Avarice/Greed - Generosity, Envy - Love, Wrath/Anger - Kindness, Lust - Self control, Gluttony - Faith and Temperance, Sloth - Zeal,
and the Hindu Yamas -- Ahimsa - Nonviolence. Abstinence from injury, harmlessness, the not causing of pain to any living creature by thought, word, or deed at any time which is the main talent, all others being a support to Ahimsa - Not giving Pain in word, thought or deed as it is pain which causes Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic mass which mixed with the talent causes it to go against the Will of God, To Sin, to create Karma, Bad Luck and Misery for all.
Satya - truthfulness. Asteya - non-stealing. Brahmacharya - Mastery over the connection with Brahma or God, the one God with 10,000 names. Kshama: patience. Dhriti: steadfastness, sticktoitness. Daya: compassion. Arjava: honesty. Mitahara: moderate appetite. Shaucha; purity. Aparigraha - Non-Stealing.
and the Hindu Niyamas - Hri: remorse, shame. Santosha: contentment. Dana: giving, without thought of reward. Astikya: faith, believing firmly in the teacher, the teachings and the path to enlightenment. Ishvarapujana: worship of the Lord. Siddhanta shravana: scriptural listening, studying the teachings and listening to the wise of one's lineage; Mati: cognition, developing a spiritual will and intellect with the guru's guidance; Vrata: sacred vows, fulfilling religious vows, rules and observances faithfully; Japa: recitation, chanting mantras daily; Tapas: the endurance of the opposites; hunger and thirst, heat and cold, standing and sitting etc. Shaucha: in the traditional codification, this item is listed under Yamas; this word means purity. Santosha: contentment. Tapas: austerity. Svādhyāya: self-study or study of spiritual scriptures.
Ishvarapranidhana: self-surrender to the will of God - the One God with 10,000 names... "Not My Will, But Thy Will Be Done" - Jesus Christ.
- Level 3: Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 3, The Removal of Deeper Blockages - Karma Cleaning - Energy Vampires.
- Initiation 1: The removal of old karma from all your past lifetimes. Remove all the Blockages from all your previous lifetimes. This is what they mean when they say a Master is not under the Laws of Karma. He has dissolved all the negativity from all his past lives.
- Initiation 2: The removal of old karma from all the future years in this lifetime and all your future lifetime.
- Initiation 3: The retrieval of the soul splits of the inner children sub-personalities.
- Initiation 4: The grounding of the emotions. This Initiation shows how to Ground, to Drain all the negative energies from your negative emotions and thus remove all your emotional Energy Blockages.
- Initiation 5: Removing the strategies of the psychopatic energy vampire. LEARN HOW NOT TO BECOME ENGAGED BY THEIR STRATEGIES TO SUCK YOUR ENERGY.
- Initiation 6: The Seven Step purufication of trauma-formed negatice karmic mass in talents and the creation and increase of talents or angel talent colonies in level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
- Initiation 7: Removing vows from this life and all your past lives. Past life priest vows and vows to the dark side can affect present prosperity, self worth, and relationships. And they can continuously block you, and be carried from life time to life time. All Old Souls carry them and most have thousands of them buried in their minds. This Energy Enhancement Initiation method removes the blocks that are held deep within your subconscious mind. Traditional therapies cannot remove them.
- Initiation 8: The use of life experiences to notice and remove the Inner Children and the Strategies which are based on the inner children. The weaker inner children are very easy to remove, yet it sometimes needs stress pressure which is always occurring in life in order to get the more intelligent Soul Split inner children to show themselves.
- Level 1: Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 1 - Includes basic training in meditation and the manipulation of life energy (Ki, Chi, Pranha, Orgone, Kundalini)
- Initiation 1: Alignment with the energies from the Center of the Earth into the Center of the Universe. Shaktipat, Energy Alignment, Kundalini, Stopping the Mind and Squaring the Circle.
- Initiation 2: Energy Circulation: Microcosmic Orbit, Kundalini Kriyas. This gives the Hidden Taoist Secrets of the Microcosmic AND the Macrocosmic Orbit, the 5 Elemental pathways of the Chi or Ki and the Kundalini Kriyas of Paramahamsa Yogananda.
- Initiation 3: The Grounding of Negatives Energies: Alchemy, Hermes Trismegistus, VITRIOL - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTEM LAPIDEM and the guided meditation of Grounding, transmuting all trauma caused negative energy.
- Initiation 4: Accessing the Universal Energy Source: Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit, Chakras above the Head, Soul Fusion via the Antahkarana, Advanced Kundalini Kriyas, Siddis, The Creation of Psychic Vision.
- Initiation 5: Projecting Energy - Grounding Toxins in Food: Re-awakening our psychic ability to detect poisons. Removing Blockages.
- Initiation 6: Psychic Protection: Power Towers, Creating and Using External Antahkaranas, Exponentially Increasing your Spiritual Energy, Creating the Flow from Heaven to Earth.
- Initiation 8: Psychic Protection: The Merkaba, Astral Travel and Projection, Advantages of the Siddhis of Becoming Bigger and Smaller.
- Level 2: Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 2 - The removal of energy blockages and implants by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.
- Initiation 1: The removal energy blockages and implants by the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process.
- Initiation 3: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the chakras. From the seven chakras inside the body and then all the external spiritual chakras to which we are connected.
- Initiation 4: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the DNA. Heal your DNA.
- Initiation 5: The removal of Energy Blockages thoughtforms from the Auras. Heal the Physical Aura, Heal the Emotional Aura, Heal the Mental Aura, Heal the Buddhic Aura.
- Initiation 6: The removal of old karma from the time in the womb of your mother. The karma cleaning process.
- Initiation 7: The removal of old karma from this lifetime. The karma clearing process.
- Level 4: Energy Enhancement Meditation Course Level 4. High Tantra Psychic Sexual Connection - The Mastery of Relationships by using Meditation.
- Initiation 1: Learn how to heal all addiction. Learn how to heal all your Addictions or strategy driven predelections to... Food, Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs and Sex.
- Initiation 2: The healing of the negative energy of close personal primary relationships including your mother and your father. Learn how to Heal all your Relationships Without talking to these people. Learn to heal at a distance all the Negative Energy which inevitably builds up in all our Primary Relationships.
- Initiation 3: The total healing of all chakra connections. Energy from further improving relationships and protection. How to clean all the energy connections of Attachment.
- Initiation 4: Creating and cleaning the soul connection in your students and friends.
- Initiation 6: The Mastery of trantic energy. How to Remove Implants, Transmute the Negative Karmic Mass of Blockages and Clean all the Chakras of your students and close personal relationships.
- Initiation 7: Ceremonies and Meditation Groups - Using the Energy of the Higher Heart, The Heart Center in the Head, Prajna Paramita, - The Soul and the Monad Itself, for the Healing of Groups, Organizations and the World.
- Initiation 8: The use of life experiences to notice and remove the Inner Children and the Strategies which are based on the inner children. The weaker inner children are very easy to remove, yet it sometimes needs stress pressure which is always occurring in life in order to get the more intelligent Soul Split inner children to show themselves.
Humans are made up of connected and networked nodules of angel talent colonies. In the same way that chakras are angel talent colonies or groups of angels which have been brought together, purified and aligned so that the processor function can be done with the minimum of problems.
So, what is an Angel Talent Colony?
If you think that a human evolves from single celled creatures to multi-celled creatures, and the organs like the liver or the kidneys or the brain are multi-celled organisms performing a defined function within the whole.
The liver metabolises fats in the digestion of food. The Kidneys filter impurities from the blood. The Brain orchestrates all the functions and also contains the intellectual function within its network of nerves and ganglia.
So, an angel is like a single cell, and as little angels combine together, so they form the intellectual character functions which a human being needs.
This creation and growth of talents takes approximately 100 lifetimes in which the human goes through the process of karma which teaches it the necessity of purifying the talents of its mixed in Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass so that use of the talents do not go against the Will of God. Karma means that what you give you eventually receive back. Everything which you have done comes back to you. Karma is an impersonal law which teaches that the giving of Pain by word thought or deed never works. Eventually comes the final lifetime in which Energy Enhancement Spiritual Techniques teach how to purify the talents by removing all Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass from the talent so that it aligns with the Will of God, perfectly.
"Karma which is yet to come can be avoided" - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Energy Enhancement Teaches techniques to align with the Will of God and remove all Karma which is to come by the Energy Enhancement Grounding of Negative Karmic Mass... True Forgiveness.
Angel Talent Colonies channel spiritual energy and form processor functions like leadership, energy, conscience and IQ. As Angel Talent Colonies grow they form Human beings who then evolve to become an Archangel in charge of a Planet or a Star.
Usually, evolution means that the talent colony has grown large enough and aligned enough - like an ordered crystal - to handle the energy it is meant to channel. Also evolution means a purification of the angel colony and an integration of that colony with the higher chakras outside the body.
Evolution is a Mind Fusion of the Angel Talent colonies and the chakras with the Higher Chakras, the Soul, the Absolute which only occurs after the lower chakras and talent colonies are purified of the energy of Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass. Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass pollutes the angel talent colony and makes it capable of doing things against the will of God. Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass is the cause of all sin.
It is the seven Step Process of level 2 of Energy Enhancement which goes into detail of the techniques to Ground the Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass and then Resurrect the Angel Talent Colony to Align and the Fuse with the higher chakras.
When I am talking about Angel talent colonies, I am talking about the Archetypal Functionality like Jungs Archetypes, Astrological Archetypes and Archetypal Aspects and the Archetypes of the Thoth Tarot.
As well as the Strategies like the Star, the Poor Me and the Violator of Level 3 of Energy Enhancement.
As well as not doing the seven deadly sins...
Vice |
Virtue against which it sins |
Brief description |
Pride |
Humility |
Seeing ourselves as we are and not comparing ourselves to others is humility. Pride and vanity are competitive. If someone else's pride really bothers you, you have a lot of pride. |
Avarice/Greed |
Generosity |
This is about more than money. Generosity means letting others get the credit or praise. It is giving without having expectations of the other person. Greed wants to get its "fair share" or a bit more. |
Envy |
Love |
"Love is patient, love is kind…" Love actively seeks the good of others for their sake. Envy resents the good others receive or even might receive. Envy is almost indistinguishable from pride at times. |
Wrath/Anger |
Kindness |
Kindness means taking the tender approach, with patience and compassion. Anger is often our first reaction to the problems of others. Impatience with the faults of others is related to this. |
Lust |
Self control |
Self control and self mastery prevent pleasure from killing the soul by suffocation. Legitimate pleasures are controlled in the same way an athlete's muscles are: for maximum efficiency without damage. Lust is the self-destructive drive for pleasure out of proportion to its worth. Sex, power, or image can be used well, but they tend to go out of control. |
Gluttony |
Faith and Temperance |
Temperance accepts the natural limits of pleasures and preserves this natural balance. This does not pertain only to food, but to entertainment and other legitimate goods, and even the company of others. |
Sloth |
Zeal |
Zeal is the energetic response of the heart to God's commands. The other sins work together to deaden the spiritual senses so we first become slow to respond to God and then drift completely into the sleep of complacency. |
As well as the Things to do and the things not to do like the Yamas of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali like Harmlessness and Non - Stealing..
Ten Traditional Yamas
The ten traditional yamas are:
Ahimsa (अहिंसा): Harmlessness, Nonviolence. Abstinence from injury, harmlessness, the not causing of pain or Negative Karmic mass to any living creature in thought, word, or deed at any time. This is the "main" yama. The other nine are there in support of its accomplishment.
Satya (सत्य): truthfulness, word and thought in conformity with the facts.
Asteya (अस्तेय): non-stealing, non-coveting, non-entering into debt.
Brahmacharya (ब्रह्मचर्य): Mastery over the connection with Brahma or God, the one God with 10,000 names which causes Mastery over all talent functions - divine conduct, continence, celibate when single, faithful when married.
Kshama: patience, releasing time, functioning in the now.
Dhriti: steadfastness, overcoming non-perseverance, fear, and indecision; seeing each task through to completion.
Daya: compassion; conquering callous, cruel and insensitive feelings toward all beings by the ability to put yourself in their place.
Arjava: honesty, straightforwardness, renouncing deception and wrongdoing.
Mitahara: moderate appetite, neither eating too much nor too little; nor consuming meat, fish, shellfish, fowl or eggs.
Shaucha (शौच): purity, avoidance of impurity in body, mind and speech. (Note: Patanjali's Yoga Sutras list Shaucha as the first of the Niyamas.)
Five yamas of Patañjali
In the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, the yamas are the first limb of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga.
They are found in the Sadhana Pada Verse 30 as:
Ahimsa (अहिंसा)
Satya (सत्य)
Asteya (अस्तेय)
Brahmacharya (शौच)
Aparigraha (अपरिग्रह): absence of avariciousness, non-appropriation of things not one's own.
The Ten Traditional Niyamas are:
Hri: remorse, being modest and showing shame for misdeeds;
Santosha: contentment; being satisfied with the resources at hand - therefore not desiring more;
Dana: giving, without thought of reward;
Astikya: faith, believing firmly in the teacher, the teachings and the path to enlightenment;
Ishvarapujana: worship of the Lord, the cultivation of devotion through daily worship and meditation, the return to the source;
Siddhanta shravana: scriptural listening, studying the teachings and listening to the wise of one's lineage;
Mati: cognition, developing a spiritual will and intellect with the guru's guidance;
Vrata: sacred vows, fulfilling religious vows, rules and observances faithfully;
Japa: recitation, chanting mantras daily;
Tapas: the endurance of the opposites; hunger and thirst, heat and cold, standing and sitting etc.
In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the Niyamas are the second limb of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga.
They are found in the Sadhana Pada Verse 32 as:
Shaucha: in the traditional codification, this item is listed under Yamas; this word means purity.
Santosha: contentment.
Tapas: austerity.
Svādhyāya: self-study or study of spiritual scriptures.
Ishvarapranidhana: self-surrender.
Talents created in past lifetimes can be addictive because of Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic Mass which contaminates all unpurified Angel Talent Colonies. All of our wealth and enjoyment come from those talents. Because we have practised them for many lifetimes we become very good at them. Because of that we do not need to learn or do anything else - we are very successful with them - we become addicted to them -it stops our growth. We use them addictively to the detriment of everything ese in our lives. Unpurified talents always are used egotistically - only for our benefit and against the benefit of everyone else, selfishly and usually end in a bad way. Our Energy Enhancement task is to purify, remove the negative Karmic Mass from each of our talents which so trap us. Then we can use the talent appropriately for our benefit and the benefit of all - the commonwealth. "The Lord have mercy on those who get what they want" - Ancient Hindu saying.
Leadership can be purified - The King - who wants to be in charge. The Professional - who wants his place in society. The Businessman - who wants money and misery. The Musician - who wants to channel the source or who needs adulation. The Prostitute - who wants to seduce and to please. The Administrator - who manages. The General - who wants to maintain security or be a dictator. The Priest who wants to save souls or be like Torquemada. The Collaborator - who wants to help all the above.
The removal of Trauma Caused Negative Karmic Mass allows all talents to be in alignment with the Will Of God - the One God with 10,000 names...
On the path of understanding that we only have the Free Will to do the Right Thing.
If we use our Free Will to do the wrong thing, the result is Karma, Bad Luck which returns to us impersonally from the Absolute.
So, part of our practise in Energy Enhancement is the purification of these Archetypal talent colonies and the fusion of these colonies into the higher chakras for integration and alignment so that the talent can only be used in alignment with the Will of the Absolute.
This process is a forgiveness of past karma through grounding the Negative Karmic Mass of the talent which will give a desire or aversion for doing the talent and a redemption of the talent as we fuse it into alignment with the higher chakra so that it can only in future be used in alignment with the will of the whole.
So, this 7th Initiation of Level 3 will enable us to enter into a process whereby we purify all these talents, One by One!!