The atheist view
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Forgetfulness of True
Identity with the Unity of Existence is the source of attachment
All attachment leads to a psychological state of sorrow because that which we
are attached to eventually changes
THE PROBLEM"Not realizing identity with the Totality of Existence." The Totality and Mystery of Existence gets attached to the body/brain phenomenon. In this ignorant state of mind, the Totality of Existence is deluded by the experiences of the individual mind into believing that its deepest identity is the body/mind phenomenon of the individual. Existence gets attached to the experiences of the individual body and brain. This attachment to the temporary experience of the little individual "me" becomes overwhelming, and, due to the ignorance of the Totality of Existence, Existence forgets its greater self. Existence forgets that "I, Existence, am having a human experience." Existence forgets that its ultimate identity is Totality, Unity, and Mystery. Existence experiences, via the life of the individual, intense anguish and sorrow (suffering) that is the product of ignorance and the resulting attachment. THE SOLUTION "Realizing identity with the Totality of Existence." The body/brain experience is a mysterious phenomenon that has arisen out of the endless possibilities of the mystery of Existence - simply let it be, let it function, experience the individual yet do not be attached to it. All various phenomena, including habitable planets, species, and individuals arise from the totality, unity, and mystery of existence - the Real Self. Cosmic probabilities indicate almost infinite multiverses of experience and also almost infinite arrangements of our universe. The universe and possible multiverses
are in a state of endless
possibilities and arrangements that flow in a continuum. So, there is really no need to be attached to any phenomena. Life is experience without the need for painful attachments. Be as one with the Ocean of Existence, experience the changes, and acknowledge the ultimate mystery of it All. All the variety in Life - all the universes, creatures, events, and circumstances - is a playful experiment of the nature of a dream. The experiencer of It All is the Eternal and Infinite Universal Being. |
The problem of ignorance, egoism, and attachment is clearly explained in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Book Two - Sadhana Pada.
Avidya = transcendent ignorance; asmita = egoism; raga = attachment; dvesha = hatred; abhinivesah = clinging to bodily life; klesah = obstacles.
Ignorance, egoism, attachment, hatred, and clinging to bodily life are the five obstacles .
Here are the five obstacles (klesas) that will now be explained one by one in the following sutras. The order is also significant.
- Because of transcedent ignorance (avidya) of our true identity with Existence the painful state of egoism arises.
- Because of ego tism ( this painful state of separation from Existence), there is attachment (addiction and possessiveness) to the experiences of variety (people, places, experiences, and things) for the egotist's selfish pleasure.
- Because sometimes the things we are attached to do not come or are taken away, fear, anger, and hatred for those who got in our way arises. All viceful states of mind arise from the egotistical desire to possess things.
- Because we are attached to things and afraid of death, there is clinging to life in the body.
Transcendent Realization and experience (of the variety that is life) without the possessive attachment of egoism.
In the human form, we can experience seven types of attachment:
Center | Attachment / Dependence | |
1 | Base/Root |
2 | Second |
3 | Third |
4 | Heart |
5 | Fifth |
6 | Sixth |
7 | Seventh |
imposed poverty. Fear and insecurity of not meeting basic material needs. Denial of physical and survival needs. |
have. To be grounded. |
for wealth and material possessions beyond needs. Hoarding. Ungrounded. |
SECOND | Martyrdom. Frigidity. Sexual fears. |
procreate. To enjoy balanced sensual and sexual pleasure and experience. |
and addiction for sex and pleasure. |
THIRD | Sloth. Laziness. Shame. Jealousy. Envy. Incompetence. Inability to do. Lacking endurance and determination. Frustration. |
do. To achieve. To have the power to do. |
for achievement power, fame and status. Hyper-competitive personality. One-upmanship. The need to prove themselves. Hyper-ambitious. Hyper-active. Anger. |
FOURTH | Aloof. Uncaring. Difficulty loving. Cold/unfeeling. Psychopathic. Hatred. Grief. |
feel. To love. To respect. To empathize. To have compassion. To consider others. |
love. Loves the wrong people or shows love at the wrong times. Conditional love. Cares for others but often neglects themselves. Gushing and inappropriate. |
FIFTH | Difficulty
with self expression and assertion. Masked self. Dustbin for other peoples problems. Communication problems. |
communicate. To express. |
to be heard. Monologues. Does not listen. Obsessed with own self expression. Uses others as an audience. |
SIXTH | Thinking
and learning difficulty. Problems with confused thinking. Denial of thinking capabilities. |
think. To imagine. |
too much. Overly intellectual. Intellectual superiority syndrome. Cannot stop thinking. |
SEVENTH | Denies
the collective and transcendent aspects of life. Believes that the science of "knowing" is the ultimate peak of human development. Denies Mystery. |
of variety. End of subject/object duality. Absolute Unity. |
evangelical preacher The missionary The dogmatic follower Ungrounded mystic |
LIFE IS AN EXPERIENCE - Not a possession.
"Existence is currently having a human experience."
Everything about life is 100% pure experience. Experience without attachment. The experience of the individual is temporary and passing. Even the experience of attachment is still a passing experience. No person can ultimately possess life - that is impossible. We can, however, experience the relative world and temporarily be a cooperative custodian of experiences - objects, events, qualities, and people.
Once some form of transcendence has been realized, then there is natural non-attachment to the relative experiences of all multiplicity and variety. One does not have to force a state of non-attachment and one is not in denial about any of the natural experiences of variety and multiplicity. The state of non-attachment naturally occurs when one switches identity from the body/mind/world-activities and instead identifies with the Existence to whom all the variety is appearing to.
Centered in the
unity of Existence |
It is this change in perspective from "identification with the life and experiences of the individual" to identification with "The Mystery of Existence", that allows an individual to relate to the variety as pure, passing, and changing experiences and their is no need to be attached to them.
Human life can be experienced for what they are - characters on the world stage. Experienced, observed, witnessed without attachment to any of the variety and multiplicity.
That which is created (born) is an expression – a wave – of qualities and aspects that have Existence as their Source.
Gradually drop identification with the "me" - that psychological complex of egoism and attachment - and allow your mind to comprehend and be at one with Existence - the Source and Substance of all various phenomena. It is this little psychological structure of egoism and attachment that painfully separates the individual from the universal. Once this attachment has been disbanded (dissolved, dropped) then there is the realization and experience of that Existence is everything.
Non-attachment is also realizing that the life of the Universe (and all creatures who are born and live in it) is a constantly changing environment where nothing stays the same. It is a movement of constant change and no person can cling to any part of it. The clinging (the attachment) causes terrible emotional pain and anguish because "how can we hold a river in our fist?" - you can't, it's not possible.
The mental disease of attachment is, in the light of the Unity and Mystery of Existence, completely unnecessary and very pain bearing for one and all. Non-attachment is not denial, it is realizing that life is a passing, flowing experience that cannot by clung to. It also greatly helps to realize that all life is created and animated by forces of the mystery of Existence. Those that realize this learn how to observe the changes without attachment. In fact, those that embrace change find the changing movements to be, at the least, interesting.
Non-attachment is not irresponsibility or indifference as we are all part of the same life-phenomenon (Existence).The mind-state of attachment is the source of all neurotic (irrational) suffering and is produced by the mechanics of ignorance (of Existence) and the resulting egotism. Also, don't get attached to suffering! Life flows by it's own potency and all things pass.
Heavy and selfish attachment to any aspect of "the diversity" will only blind us to our essential unity with Existence. That is the main problem with attachment.
imposed poverty. Fear and insecurity of not meeting basic material needs. Denial of physical and survival needs. |
have. To be grounded. |
for wealth and material possessions beyond needs. Hoarding. Ungrounded. |
SECOND | Martyrdom. Frigidity. Sexual fears. |
procreate. To enjoy balanced sensual and sexual pleasure and experience. |
and addiction for sex and pleasure. |
THIRD | Sloth. Laziness. Shame. Jealousy. Envy. Incompetence. Inability to do. Lacking endurance and determination. Frustration. |
do. To achieve. To have the power to do. |
for achievement power, fame and status. Hyper-competitive personality. One-upmanship. The need to prove themselves. Hyper-ambitious. Hyper-active. Anger. |
FOURTH | Aloof. Uncaring. Difficulty loving. Cold/unfeeling. Psychopathic. Hatred. Grief. |
feel To love To respect To empathize To have compassion. To consider others. |
love. Loves the wrong people or shows love at the wrong times. Conditional love. Cares for others but often neglects themselves. Gushing and inappropriate. |
FIFTH | Difficulty
with self expression and assertion. Masked self. Dustbin for other peoples problems. Communication problems. |
To express. | Wants
to be heard. Monologues. Does not listen. Obsessed with own self expression. Uses others as an audience. |
SIXTH | Thinking
and learning difficulty. Problems with confused thinking. Denial of cognitive capabilities. |
think. To imagine. |
too much. Overly intellectual. Intellectual superiority syndrome. Cannot stop thinking. Has trouble taming the imagination. Finds it difficult to control cognitive activity. |
SEVENTH | Denies
the transcendent and mystery aspects of life. Believes that the science of "knowing" is the ultimate peak of human development. Denies the Mystery of Life. |
of variety. Realizatio n of the mystery of Existence End of subject/object duality. Absolute Unity with Existence |
evangelical preacher. The missionary. The dogmatic follower. |
- Attachment: The spiritual view
- The Mechanics Of Egotism and Attachment.
- The Individual and The Mystery of Existence.
- Humanity and the Totality.