Sex and reproduction
- Adolescence
- Anatomy: Sacral
- Beautiful sex
- Brahmacharya: Mastery of the second chakra Connection
- Childhood
- Cute, sweet, lovely
- Disappointment
- Element: Water
- Fecundity
- Flirtation
- Family (part 1)
- Freudian Id
- Gender
- Gender Comfort
- Giving And Receiving
- Glamour
- Nurturance
- Organs: Abdominal Area, Genitals
- Psychological/Social Problems:
- Addiction to sensual pleasure and sex
- addictive Personality Syndrome
- Attention Seeking Behavior
- Family dynamic problems
- guilt
- Infantilism
- Lust
- Misogyny and Misandry
- Narcissism
- Oedipus & Electra Problems
- Parasitic Social behavior
- Sexual problems
- Stray second chakra energy
- Unhealed adolescent problems
- Romance
- Romantic Relationships And Partnerships
- Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana Chakra
- Seduction
- sense: taste
- Sensuality
- Sexuality
- sex and Reproduction
- sexual Chakra
- Sweetness
- Venus
- Verb: to procreate