The Spiritual View
- Realize that God exists
- Know that you are a soul (not the physical body) and that your soul is of the nature of love
- Perceive the Creation as an example of God's love and creative power that creates all variety, diversity, and multiplicity
- Know that the soul leaves the body at the time of it's expiration and goes on to live future lives
- Make soul and love the center of yourself
- Love and share without possessive attachment.
- Enjoy love, freedom, multiplicity and variety.
- Love, love, love.
Selfish, fearful, narcissistic, and possessive attachment is naturally dropped when we make these realizations to be the center of our life.
- When we realize ourselves as a soul then we know that we are not the physical body
When we realize the soul then we realize that God is the Creator of all things
When we realize our soul then we realize that we live on into future lives that are all provided by the all loving God
When we realize that God is love then our soul becomes love. We are made in the image of God, in the image of love. We become as one with God's eternal love
When we are living from love, knowing that we are a soul and not the physical body or activities of the mind, then all selfish and possessive attachment naturally drops away because we realize that everything about this life is a gift from God's love and that we have life eternal to live in love with each other
The soul is not the body, the mind, nor the worldly character that we are currently experiencing. The person that the soul is experiencing is an experience for learning, sharing, life-enhancement, and enjoyment. Nothing in the world, none of the holistic experiences of pleasure and pain (in any centre) can touch the soul. Knowing this, conquering the fear of death, what is their to be possessively attached to?
God creates all souls, and provides everything by His creative will and omnipotent love, beauty, and power.
Non-attachment completely centers around understanding the spiritual nature of Soul, love, and God. When we realize our identity to be a non-physical, spiritual being (the soul) and we realize that our entire existence has its roots in the Source and Substance of God, then we can relinquish (renounce) possessive attachment and choose love. We are so happy to realize God and Soul that we want to love and share our love with others.
We use the qualities and skills of our soul (as love) and that which is on Earth to bring happiness to all others - and this must include helping all souls to realize their spiritual identity to be as one with God.
Non-attachment does not mean denial, nihilism, or not caring about life. It means the very opposite, because by renouncing selfish egotism and spiritual ignorance, we move completely into love. The soul, that is love, understands that the entire Creation is an expression of God's love and we dedicate our life to living in that love. As we do this, then automatically all the selfish attachment dissolves. We are not narcissistically or selfishly attached to this earthly life because we are involved with love.
Non-attachment means learning to love and share without being persistently possessive. Helping others find their freedom and enjoying loving and sharing.
The soul interacts with the person we are currently experiencing and with other souls experiencing their world-stage-characters. When we identify with the soul, then we can perceive, experience, and communicate with other souls about their experiences concerning the life of their "world-stage-character." We experience others on the level of the soul. We perceive our own character and the characters of others undergoing the worldly experiences of pleasure, pain, birth, life, old age, and death. From the level of the soul there is no need for sorrow, lamentation, or attachment to anything on Earth or within the Creation (at large).
The centre of all souls, the soul of all souls, is the One indestructible, omnipotent God. Each soul is a droplet in the indivisible Ocean of God.
Bhagavad Gita:
"He is indivisible, yet He appears (by the power of His creative imagination - maya) to divide (himself) into different creatures. He is seen as the sustainer of all, yet He devours all beings, even as He simultaneously generates them all anew."
"Deep in the hearts of all, there is the light of all lights, forever beyond darkness. This is God, the goal of all knowledge and what is to be known. Know this to be the absolute God."
"God (the unmanifest), resting ever present in the Creation, experiences the play of the Creation. However, attachment to any of the Creation and the experiences within it, blinds God to His own true nature."
"The supreme Lord is present in your body and mind. He may be recognized as the witness, the ground of being, the experiencer."
"The soul that understands this, is free from attachment to the appearances and experiences of the Creation."
"Whoever perceives the supreme Lord in all beings, who recognized the eternal one amidst the appearances of living and dying, that soul experiences the spiritual truth of God."
"Fortunate are those souls who are no longer confused by the nature of the Creation and thus are liberated from egotism. Because they realize the omnipotent and indestructible God as the whole show, they are free from egotistical attachment and are no longer disturbed by personal desires or by the pairs of opposites such as pleasure and pain."
"A part of my (universal) Self, which is eternal, comes down to this world and attracts nature's qualities. The mind and senses are animated by the individual soul (jiva) which is a part of Me. Thus, I (God as an individual soul), move about and perceive in this world of nature."
"The true Self, who is the Lord of All, enters and leaves a physical body as an individual soul; when s/he goes on, s/he takes with him the mental and sense capacities (of the individual soul - karma). A small portion of God, manifests itself as the individual souls, and then expresses itself through the body, senses, mind, world-character, world, and Creation."
Buddha states "attachment is the root of all suffering."
Buddha is saying the same thing, that forgetting our nature as souls, and that the heart of all souls is the indestructible, eternal, and infinite God (creator of the Creation), this forgetfulness leads to attachment to the body, mind, and worldly character, and attachment to the experiences in the Creation. We forget our spiritual nature, as soul and as at-one with God, and we are plunged into attachment to the Creation.
Paramahansa Yogananda
"The dreamer dreams the dream of variety and multiplicity."
What has the dreamer to fear, or get attached to, concerning the dream He is currently experiencing?
When the dreamer realizes Himself as the dreamer, then the nature of the dream becomes known to be that of a dream.
How can that which emanates from the Source influence the nature of the Source?