Respect - Understanding - Appreciation - Like - CARE - love
"There is no worse a bondage than hatred and no greater freedom than love."
Love is crucially and supremely important for a healthy, happy, meaningful, and peaceful life. Love is the supreme order from God to each Soul. Love, Love, Love, sweet dear love.
The essence of love is to respect life and care for it. We cannot experience love without care. To care is to make the first step towards love.
Love supports, love nurtures, love brings the juice and the joy to life. Love brings appreciation, respect, care, kindness, meaning, happiness, and peace. Life without love is a sorrowful, terrifying, and ugly experience.
If you want to find life's meaning, then learn how to love, honoring, respecting, and enjoying the heart.
Love and share without possessive attachment, enjoying freedom, and realizing the eternal Source behind all appearances of variety and multiplicity.
Love is understanding. Love requires respect. Love acts for the well being of all.
We have two overriding modes of holistic behavior: Love and Fear.
One symptom of fear is hatred.
We become so afraid of that which is different to our own and known world view that we attack as a form of defense. Hatred is just a symptom of fear and xenophobia (the fear of that which is different to our world-view).
Love should be given via care, appropriately, respectfully, with consideration for others, without attachment, and without the expectation of anything in return.