Ignorance, Egotism, ATHEISM
It states quite clearly in "The Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali":
Yoga Sutras: Book Two.
Avidya = ignorance; asmita = egotism; raga = attachment; dvesha =
hatred; abhinivesah = clinging to bodily life; klesah = obstacles.
Ignorance, egotism,
attachment, vice, and
clinging to bodily life are the five
obstacles to Enlightenment.
Here are the five obstacles (klesas) that will now be explained one by one in the following sutras. The order is also significant.
- AVIDYA: Because of ignorance of God,
the soul falls from spiritual understanding.
- ASMITA: Because the soul falls from spiritual understanding, atheistic
egotism arises.
- RAGA: Because we forget about being a
soul, deny God, and believe that we are the body and worldly character, we get
selfishly attached to things
in this life on Earth.
- DVESHA: Because sometimes the things we are selfishly attached to do not come or are taken
away we experience psycho-emotional reactions and responses like fear, anger, envy,
jealousy, and hatred for those who got in the
way of our selfish (egocentric)
atheistic desires and
- ABHINIVESAH: Because we are attached to things and
are afraid of death (due to ignorance of
soul and God), there is clinging (attachment) to life in the
body and all
the experiences of this bodily
human life. This clinging creates more suffering and makes us miserable,
narcissistic, and depressed.
We fail to realize the vaster and immortal nature of Existence and our
deepest identity with It.
Atheistic egotism is therefore the
misidentification of the power and
creative omnipotence of the Seer
(God/Existence) with the
Seen - the body, mind, world, objects, and universe
of variety and multiplicity.

- Each soul is a drop in the
Ocean of God -

- Atheistic Egotism is the center of all confusion, delinquency,
and vice -