The Soul falls from God centered living
THE FALL AND THE RETURN: The soul’s choice
"What a delusion! To turn against God
and the good path and make of
myself and vehicle of sickness and vice."
There is no end to the bad a soul can do when our heart and
mind has fallen from God centered living.
In truth, all badness is a product
of the fall. When the world is in a fallen state then what is needed is a raising of God awareness and an increase in
God awareness, faith, love, purity, worship, and
spiritual living.
It is the height of
ignorance for differing spiritual traditions to fight over prophets and techniques and this behaviour is the very opposite of enlightened spiritual awareness.
It is completely against the will of God and is a number one sin.
- The soul uses its quality of freewill to reject/deny God and “go it alone.”
- Pride, arrogance, egotism, vice, and sin follow.
- Pain, misery, separation from "God, grace, and heaven", and holistic suffering (hell) are the results.
- Clinging to bodily life, attachment to the moods and musings of the mind, selfishness, narcissism, and the usual deadly sins follows.
- God is always present and trying to help the soul “see the light.”
- If the soul uses the quality of freewill to accept God then the process of redemption happens.
- Through redemption, confession, forgiveness, and understanding, the soul returns to live with God “on Earth and in Heaven.”
- God is “ever-present” to receive the soul back into the eternal and heavenly fold.
- All holistic discomfort and disease arises from the process of the fall which is entirely the choice of the individual soul.
- After the fall, the soul’s appreciation, understanding, and love for God are all the more meaningful and real.
One interpretation of the doctrine of the fall is that it is necessary so that humans might benefit from God's grace. It includes the notion that, had mankind not been given the capacity for evil, our choice through freewill to either serve God or not would not have been as meaningful. For example:
"A fall it might seem, just as a vicious man sometimes seems degraded below the beasts, but in promise and potency, a rise it really was" (Sir O. Lodge, "Life and Matter", p. 79).
mechanics of the fall are clearly explained in "The Yoga Sutras of
Patanjali" (Book 2: Sutra 3).
A deep and persistent sense of shame, persistent self-pity, guilt, and egocentric pride accompany the Fall, as the individual intuitively knows that to reject God is not a good idea. The soul realizes the folly of rejecting God, but the mind/personality makes the decision to reject God.
When the soul finally realizes that it has made an error (in rejecting God and Love) then it can begin to make the journey back to God awareness and Heaven by the process of purification and redemption.
In Yoga, this process is called "sadhana."
In Buddhism, this process is called "dharma."
The goal of redemption is to steadily return the soul back to God awareness, to God orientated living, and to citizenship in Heaven.