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Art is the Union of the Universal Spirit with the Art Object.
It is "Clothing the Spirit in Beauty."
Objects can be imbued with Art by an artist in tune with the Universal Spirit.
Some "Artists" associate with lower Thoughtforms.
They spew their madness energy, their fear, their anger, their jealousy, their depression onto the wall for all to pick up.
Advertising is simply the association of the advertised with the Art Object or a lower Thoughtform.
Objective art is the association of an advanced thoughtform with the art object.
For example the Sphinx, the Yin Yang symbol, Star Wars the Movie.
An advanced teaching imbued with the energy of the divine.
An Enlightened Being is Pure ART.
and the Three Levels of
Energy Enhancement
The Truth is One the Paths are Many.
Energy Enhancement Synthesis Of Light
A Non-Profit Organization, dedicated to raising the World's Evolutionary Energy.
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Well, if you want to know more about Meditation Energy Enhancement then you need to click on certain sections of the website like...
Shockwave Meditation Energy Enhancement
Meditation Energy Enhancement Introduction - Find out More!!
Meditation Energy Enhancement One Week Course Level 1
Meditation Energy Enhancement One Week Course Level 2
Meditation Energy Enhancement One Week Course Level 3
Meditation Energy Enhancement Testimonials - What our Clients SAY!!
Online Downloadable Book of Meditation and Energy Enhancement
Online Downloadable Talks and Lectures of Meditation and Energy Enhancement
Online Course of Meditation and Energy Enhancement
Online Video Course of Meditation and Energy Enhancement
Energy Enhancement Yoga Teacher Training and Certification
Energy Enhancement Teacher Training and Certification
Reiki Free Reiki Initiations to Reiki Master with Meditation Energy Enhancement
Meditation Energy Enhancement Courses and Retreats - Winter in India at the Taj Mahal!!
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Energy Enhancement Meditation LEVEL1
Energy Enhancement Meditation LEVEL2
Acupuncture! Merlin! Taoist Techniques! BuddhistMetas! Addictions! Baudelaire! Our Initiation! Energy Meridians! Entities! Many Lifetimes! Negative Energies! Personal History! Princess Diana! Selfish Strategies! Spiritual Vision! The Interrogator or Star! The Poor Me! The Violator! The Selfish Left Hand Path!
Energy Enhancement Meditation LEVEL3
BuddhismMeta! Heart Center! Emotional Intelligence!!! Psychic Sexual Connection! Master ! Jedi Knight! White Magician! Merlin! Level3! Meta! The Heart Center and Relationships! Relationships! Relationships2! The Mastery of the Psychic Sexual Connection! Chakra Connections! Lifetime to Lifetime! Karmic Relationships! Karmic Enemies! Energy of Change! 15 Million Million Millions of Dollars! Profit Attacks Profit A Tax! Energy Vampires! The Creation of Emotional Intelligence! The Mastery of Relationships! Abdominal Energy Connections! Symbiotic, Dependent and Parasitic Relationships! Psychic Sexual Connection2! Gurdjieff! Hermes Trismegistus!
We talk about the sufi meditation tradition but we also have a few other web pages, the Sufi Meditation master and Sufis People are Sleeping or Are You Angry, Mr Sufi? explained by Osho. Or perhaps you like Zen Meditation Stories or Zen and the Stars or Stories of the Tao by Ko Hsuan and other Taoist Meditations. Or The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali One or The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Two or Tantra and Tantric Meditations or even the Meditations of the Peace of the Guida Spiritual and here is Tapas and Conscious Suffering
Here are the contents of our Energy enhancement meditation spiritual magazine
Here is our take on Energy Enhancement and Art
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