G. I. Gurdjieff - Quotes
"Traditional forms of
meditation are designed to fail!!"
Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff 13 January 1872 – 29 October 1949 was
a Greek-Armenian mystic and a spiritual teacher of what came to be called "the
Work" or "The Fourth Way", in which he taught people how to increase and focus
their attention and energy through various awareness exercises. According to his
teachings, such inner development is the beginning of a possible further process
of change, and spiritual evolution.
First Mastic, Then Mystic - referring to the ability to digest negative energies
and emotions by Grounding them as in Energy Enhancement Level One, Initiation 3
- Alchemical VITRIOL - The Grounding of Negative Energies
If there had been two things like Sex, I never would have become Enlightened
Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his
machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain
a slave.
All religions speak about death during this life on earth. Death must come
before rebirth. But what must die? False confidence in one’s own knowledge,
self-love and egoism. Our egoism must be broken.
The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness.
In Search Of The Miraculous (1949) Quotations of Gurdjieff from In Search of the
Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching (1949) by P. D. Ouspensky
Objective knowledge, the idea of unity included, belongs to objective
consciousness. The forms which express this knowledge when perceived by
subjective consciousness are inevitably distorted and, instead of truth, they
create more and more delusions.
In right knowledge the study of man must proceed on parallel lines with the
study of the world, and the study of the world must run parallel with the study
of man. It is impossible to recognize a wrong way without knowing the right way.
This means that it is no use troubling oneself how to recognize a wrong way. One
must think of how to find the right way.
In properly organized groups no faith is required; what is required is simply a
little trust and even that only for a little while, for the sooner a man begins
to verify all he hears the better it is for him.
A man can keep silence in such a ways that no one will even notice it. The whole
point is that we say a good deal too much. If we limited ourselves to what is
actually necessary, this alone would be keeping the silence. And it is the same
with everything else, with food, with pleasures, with sleep; with everything
there is a limit to what is necessary. After this "sin" begins. This is
something that must be grasped, a "sin" is something which is not necessary.
Man such as we know him, is a machine.
In speaking of evolution it is necessary to understand from the outset that no
mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is the evolution of his
One of man’s important mistakes, one which must be remembered, is his illusion
in regard to his I.
Man such as we know him, the "man-machine," the man who cannot "do," and with
whom and through whom everything "happens," cannot have a permanent and single
I. His I changes as quickly as his thoughts, feelings and moods, and he makes a
profound mistake in considering himself always one and the same person; in
reality he is always a different person, not the one he was a moment ago. -
Gurdjieff referring to the normality of DID and MPD in the normal, "Unmade Man";
the Monster whose aim is that of becoming a, "Made Man" in Illumination.
Man has no permanent and unchangeable I. Every thought, every mood, every
desire, every sensation, says "I". Man has no individual I. But there are,
instead, hundreds and thousands of separate small "I"s, very often entirely
unknown to one another, never coming into contact, or, on the contrary, hostile
to each other, mutually exclusive and incompatible. Each minute, each moment,
man is saying or thinking, "I". And each time his I is different. Just now it
was a thought, now it is a desire, now a sensation, now another thought, and so
on, endlessly. Man is a plurality. Man's name is legion. -
This quote, "My name is Legion" comes from the Bible and denotes Demons and
Satan, the Devil - because the Devil and his minions are always split, "Divide
and Conquer" in DID and MPD which they induce in their Satanic family children
through Trauma, torture, mental, emotional and physical (Read the Book.. "The
Illuminati Formula on How to create a completely mind controlled slave" - by
Fritz Springmeier) - splitting their minds with Trauma-Formed Negative Karmic
Mass, drugs and hypnotism.
The Devil is one of the high Archangels, Lucifer, cut off from God by an Energy
Blockage and pride.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien had a similar Luciferian Archangel Morgoth, Master of
The name Morgoth is Sindarin (one of Tolkien's invented languages) and means
"Black Foe of the World"; Bauglir is also Sindarin, meaning "Tyrant" or
"Oppressor". "Morgoth Bauglir" is actually an epithet: his name in Ainulindalë
(the creation myth of Middle-earth and first section of The Silmarillion) is
Melkor, which means "He Who Arises In Might" in Quenya, another of Tolkien's
languages. The Sindarin equivalent of Melkor was Belegûr, but it was never used;
instead a deliberately resembling name Belegurth, meaning "Great Death", was
Melkor was not called "Morgoth" until he destroyed the Two Trees, murdered Finwë
and stole the Silmarils in the First Age. The darker name was then bestowed by
Fëanor, son of Finwë; and the Elves called him thereafter by that name alone.
Like Sauron, he had a host of other titles: Lord of the Dark, the Dark Power of
the North, and Great Enemy. The Edain called him the Dark King and the Dark
Power; the Númenóreans corrupted by Sauron called him the Lord of All and the
Giver of Freedom.
The being of two people can differ from one another more than the being of a
mineral and of an animal. This is exactly what people do not understand. And
they do not understand that knowledge depends on being. Not only do they not
understand this latter but they definitely do not wish to understand it
In literature, science, art, philosophy, religion, in individual and above all
in social and political life, we can observe how the line of the development of
forces deviates from its original direction and goes, after a certain time, in a
diametrically opposite direction, still preserving its former name.
Objective knowledge, the idea of unity included, belongs to objective
consciousness. The forms which express this knowledge when perceived by
subjective consciousness are inevitably distorted and, instead of truth, they
create more and more delusions. With objective consciousness it is possible to
see and feel the unity of everything. But for subjective consciousness the world
is split up into millions of separate and unconnected phenomena. Attempts to
connect these phenomena into some sort of system in a scientific or
philosophical way lead to nothing because man cannot reconstruct the idea of the
whole starting from separate facts and they cannot divine the principles of the
division of the whole without knowing the laws upon which this division is
RELIGION IS DOING; a man does not merely think his religion or feel it, he lives
his religion as much as he is able, otherwise it is not religion but fantasy or
philosophy. Whether he likes it or not he shows his attitude towards religion by
his actions and he can show his attitude only by his actions. Therefore if his
actions are opposed to those which are demanded by a given religion he cannot
assert that he belongs to that religion.
In right knowledge the study of man must proceed on parallel lines with the
study of the world, and the study of the world must run parallel with the study
of man.
When we speak of prayer or of the results of prayer we always imply only one
kind of prayer — petition, or we think that petition can be united with all
other kinds of prayers.… Most prayers have nothing in common with petitions. I
speak of ancient prayers; many of them are much older than Christianity. These
prayers are, so to speak, recapitulations; by repeating them aloud or to himself
a man endeavors to experience what is in them, their whole content, with his
mind and his feeling.
A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to
die he must first awake.
A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his
It is the greatest mistake to think that man is always one and the same. A man
is never the same for long. He is continually changing. He seldom remains the
same even for half an hour.
Man has the possibility of existence after death. But possibility is one thing
and the realization of the possibility is quite a different thing.
You must understand that ordinary efforts do not count; only superefforts count.
Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his
machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain
a slave.
All and Everything: Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson (1950)
When we come to Beelzebub's
Tales, the same results regarding the transformation of the energies of sex, air
and impressions are mentioned, but now the method of their transformation is
called Being-Partkdolg-Duty, that is, Conscious Labour and Intentional
Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering is the Energy Enhancement Meditation which sends all pain all TFNKM To be burned up in Kundalini Chakra in the center of the Earth - the flare of that burning returning to us and sent up into the chakras above the head - "Along the Path of the Soul" - is that energy which coats our higher being bodies in preparation for Enlightenment. This is Alchemical VITRIOL. This is Energy Enhancement!!
"Traditional forms of
meditation are designed to fail!!"
Gurdjieff expands on this idea throughout the Tales and he informs us that our planetary bodies are framed from the crystallizations of the second part of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, the Holy-Denying Force - that force which emanates from the center of the earth after turning 180 degrees from that energy which is sent from the center of the universe to us here on Earth - the Holy affirming force - and that this is the source of the forces and desires which give rise to our suffering.(BT147)
He tells us that the other two forces of the Triamazikamno, the Holy Affirming and the Holy Reconciling, are localized in the head brain and the emotional brain. We are told that there is a very practical aspect to this triadic structure, which is realized when we oppose our Denying Forces with an Affirming Force, such as an intentional Wish to Be. The fire, the Disputekrialnian-friction (BT802), that results from this struggle and blending of forces will actualize the Reconciling Force.
The Reconciling Force is the
transformed result which feeds the growth of our higher being bodies. It also
helps to decrease the suffering of His Endlessness by assisting in the process
of world creation and maintenance. This interaction of the three forces is
called Harnel-Miaznel and is codified in the Legominism:
Transubstantiate in me,
For my Being. (BT752)
Hope of consciousness is strength.
Every one of those unfortunates during the process of existence should
constantly sense and be cognizant of the inevitability of his own death as well
as of the death of everyone upon whom his eyes or attention rests.
ACCORDING TO the numerous deductions and conclusions made by me during
experimental elucidations concerning the productivity of the perception by
contemporary people of new impressions from what is heard and read, and also
according to the thought of one of the sayings of popular wisdom I have just
remembered, handed down to our days from very ancient times, which declares:
“Any prayer may be heard by the Higher Powers and a corresponding answer
obtained only if it is uttered thrice:
Firstly—for the welfare or the peace of the souls of one’s parents. Secondly—for
the welfare of one’s neighbor. And only thirdly—for oneself personally.
"Friendly Advice [Written impromptu by the author on delivering this book,
already prepared for publication, to the printer" (1949)
I find it necessary on the first page of this book, quite ready for publication,
to give the following advice:
Read each of my written expositions thrice: Firstly: at least as you have
already become mechanized to read all your contemporary books and newspapers.
Secondly: as if you were reading aloud to another person. And only thirdly: try
and fathom the gist of my writings.
Only then will you be able to count upon forming your own impartial judgment,
proper to yourself alone, on my writings. And only then can my hope be
actualized that according to your understanding you will obtain the specific
benefit for yourself which I anticipate, and which I wish for you with all my
"Friendly Advice [Written impromptu by the author on delivering this book,
already prepared for publication, to the printer" (1949)
Faith of consciousness is freedom
Faith of feeling is weakness
Faith of body is stupidity.
Love of consciousness evokes the same in response
Love of feeling evokes the opposite
Love of body depends only on type and polarity.
Hope of consciousness is strength
Hope of feelings is slavery
Hope of body is disease.
Every one of those unfortunates during the process of existence should
constantly sense and be cognizant of the inevitability of his own [[death] as
well as of the death of everyone upon whom his eyes or attention rests. Only
such a sensation and such a cognizance can now destroy the egoism completely
crystallized in them that has swallowed up the whole of their Essence, and also
that tendency to hate others which flows from it.
The sole means now for the saving of the beings of the planet Earth would be to
implant again into their presences a new organ ... of such properties that every
one of these unfortunates during the process of existence should constantly
sense and be cognizant of the inevitability of his own death as well as the
death of everyone upon whom his eyes or attention rests. Only such a sensation
and such a cognizance can now destroy the egoism completely crystallized in
All and Everything: Meetings with Remarkable Men (1963)
It is very difficult to explain what takes place in me when I see or hear
anything majestic which allows no doubt that it proceeds from the actualization
of Our Maker Creator. From my point of view, he can be called a remarkable man
who stands out from those around him by the resourcefulness of his mind, and who
knows how to be restrained in the manifestations which proceed from his nature,
at the same time conducting himself justly and tolerantly towards the weaknesses
of others.
Faith can not be given to man. Faith arises in a man and increases in its action
in him not as the result of automatic learning, that is, not from any automatic
ascertainment of height, breadth, thickness, form and weight, or from the
perception of anything by sight, hearing, touch, smell or taste, but from
Understanding is the essence obtained from information intentionally learned and
from all kinds of experiences personally experienced.
It is very difficult to explain what takes place in me when I see or hear
anything majestic which allows no doubt that it proceeds from the actualization
of Our Maker Creator. Each time, my tears flow of themselves. I weep, that is to
say, it weeps in me, not from grief, no, but as if from tenderness.
Formerly, it may be said, my whole being was possessed by egoism. All my
manifestations and experiencings flowed from my vanity. The meeting with Father
Giovanni killed all this, and from then on there gradually arose in me that
"something" which has brought the whole of me to the unshakable conviction that,
apart from the vanities of life, there exists a "something else" which must be
the aim and ideal of every more or less thinking man, and that it is only this
something else which may make a man really happy and give him real values,
instead of the illusory "goods" with which in ordinary life he is always and in
everything full.
being, whereas knowledge is but a passing presence in it.
If you want to lose your faith, make friends with a priest.
All and Everything: Views from the Real World (1973)
Knowledge can be acquired by a suitable and complete study, no matter what the
starting point is. Only one must know how to "learn."
I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself.
Sincerity is the key which will open the door through which you will see your
separate parts, and you will see something quite new. You must go on trying to
be sincere.
LIBERATION LEADS TO LIBERATION Knowledge can be acquired by a suitable and
complete study, no matter what the starting point is. Only one must know how to
"learn." What is nearest to us is man; and you are the nearest of all men to
yourself. Begin with the study of yourself; remember the saying "Know thyself."
There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it,
strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of
things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and
thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he
must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the
problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him. For
without this knowledge, he will have no focal point in his search. Socrates’
words, “Know thyself” remain for all those who seek true knowledge and being.
I ask you to believe nothing that you cannot verify for yourself.
All religions speak about death during this life on earth. Death must come
before rebirth. But what must die? False confidence in one’s own knowledge,
self-love and egoism. Our egoism must be broken. We must realize that we are
very complicated machines, and so this process of breaking is bound to be a long
and difficult task. Before real growth becomes possible, our personality must
The power of changing oneself lies not in the mind, but in the body and the
feelings. Unfortunately, however, our body and our feelings are so constituted
that they don’t care a jot about anything so long as they are happy. They live
for the moment and their memory is short. The mind alone lives for tomorrow.
Each has its own merits. The merit of the mind is that it looks ahead. But it is
only the other two that can "do."
Sincerity is the key which will open the door through which you will see your
separate parts, and you will see something quite new. You must go on trying to
be sincere. Each day you put on a mask, and you must take it off little by
LIBERATION LEADS TO LIBERATION. These are the first words of truth — not truth
in quotation marks but truth in the real meaning of the word; truth which is not
merely theoretical, not simply a word, but truth that can be realized in
practice. The meaning behind these words may be explained as follows:
By liberation is meant the liberation which is the aim of all schools, all
religions, at all times.
This liberation can indeed be very great. All men desire it and strive after it.
But it cannot be attained without the first liberation, a lesser liberation. The
great liberation is liberation from influences outside us. The lesser liberation
is liberation from influences within us.
At first, for beginners, this lesser liberation appears to be very great, for a
beginner depends very little on external influences. Only a man who has already
become free of inner influences falls under external influences.
Inner influences prevent a man from falling under external influences. Maybe it
is for the best. Inner influences and inner slavery come from many varied
sources and many independent factors — independent in that sometimes it is one
thing and sometimes another, for we have many enemies.
There are so many of these enemies that life would not be long enough to
struggle with each of them and free ourselves from each one separately. So we
must find a method, a line of work, which will enable us simultaneously to
destroy the greatest possible number of enemies within us from which these
influences come.
I said that we have many independent enemies, but the chief and most active are
vanity and self-love. One teaching even calls them representatives and
messengers of the devil himself.
For some reason they are also called Mrs. Vanity and Mr. Self-Love.
As I have said, there are many enemies. I have mentioned only these two as the
most fundamental. At the moment it is hard to enumerate them all. It would be
difficult to work on each of them directly and specifically, and it would take
too much time since there are so many. So we have to deal with them indirectly
in order to free ourselves from several at once.
These representatives of the devil stand unceasingly at the threshold which
separates us from the outside, and prevent not only good but also bad external
influences from entering. Thus they have a good side as well as a bad side.
For a man who wishes to discriminate among the influences he receives, it is an
advantage to have these watchmen. But if a man wishes all influences to enter,
no matter what they may be — for it is impossible to select only the good ones —
he must liberate himself as much as possible, and finally altogether, from these
watchmen, whom some considerable undesirable.
For this there are many methods, and a great number of means. Personally I would
advise you to try freeing yourselves and to do so without unnecessary
theorizing, by simple reasoning, active reasoning, within yourselves.
Remember your self always and everywhere.
Conscious faith is freedom. Emotional faith is slavery. Mechanical faith is
Inscribed in a special script at the Prieuré Study House, "Like what "it" does
not like".
The worse the conditions of life the more productive the work, always provided
you remember the work.
Remember your self always and everywhere.
Remember you come here having already understood the necessity of struggling
with yourself — only with yourself. Therefore thank everyone who gives you the
Here we can only direct and create conditions, but not help.
Only help him who is not an idler.
Respect every religion.
Don't judge a man by the tales of others.
By teaching others you will learn yourself.
Rest comes not from the quantity but from the quality of sleep.
One of the best means for arousing the wish to work on yourself is to realize
that you may die at any moment. But first you must learn how to keep it in mind.
Conscious faith is freedom. Emotional faith is slavery. Mechanical faith is
Here there are neither Russians nor English, Jews nor Christians, but only those
who pursue one aim — to be able to be.
There is nothing compulsory. One is not asked to violate cherished beliefs or
accept any of the ideas presented. Rather, a healthy skepticism is encouraged.
Robert Fripp , a student of Gurdjieff's philosophy, in An Introduction to Guitar
Craft (1988). This has sometimes been quoted as a remark by Gurdjieff on the
Fourth Way.
Quotes about Gurdjieff
They open doorways that I thought were shut for good.
They read me Gurdjieff and Jesu. ~ Kate Bush
Gurdjieff was in almost every respect the antithesis of Aleister Crowley.
Whereas Crowley craved publicity, Gurdjieff shunned it. ~ Colin Wilson
They open doorways that I thought were shut for good.
They read me Gurdjieff and Jesu.
They build up my body, break me emotionally.
It's nearly killing me, but what a lovely feeling! Kate Bush in "Them Heavy
People" on The Kick Inside (1978)
I have found my people at last. Katherine Mansfield, in a letter to her husband
John Middleton Murry (26 December 1922), on living with others in Gurdjieff's
Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man at Fontainebleau, where she
stayed in the last months of her life before dying of tuberculosis.
It is clear from Gurdjieff's writings that hypnotism, mesmerism and various
arcane methods of expanding consciousness must have played a large part in the
studies of the Seekers of Truth. None of these processes, however, is to be
thought of as having any bearing on what is called Black Magic, which, according
to Gurdjieff, "has always one definite characteristic. It is the tendency to use
people for some, even the best of aims, without their knowledge and
understanding, either by producing in them faith and infatuation or by acting
upon them through fear. There is, in fact, neither red, green nor yellow magic.
There is "doing." Only "doing" is magic." Properly to realise the scale of what
Gurdjieff meant by magic, one has to remember his continually repeated aphorism,
"Only he who can be can do," " Do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra - and its
corollary that, lacking this fundamental verb of being, nothing is "done,"
things simply "happen." P. L. Travers, in "Gurdjieff" in Man, Myth and Magic :
Encyclopedia of the Supernatural (1970)
During his lifetime Gurdjieff did not publish any books on the techniques of his
teaching, and his pupils were bound to secrecy on the subject. Since his death
in Paris in 1949, however, many of his works have been published, and there has
been a flood of memoirs by disciples and admirers. Gurdjieff was in almost ever
respect the antithesis of Aleister Crowley. Whereas Crowley craved publicity,
Gurdjieff shunned it. Crowley was forgotten for two decades after his death;
Gurdjieff on the contrary, has become steadily better known, and his influence
continues to grow. One of the main reasons for this is that there was so little
of the charlatan about him. He is no cult figure with hordes of gullible
disciples. What he has to teach makes an appeal to the intelligence, and can be
fully understood only by those who are prepared to make a serious effort. Colin
Wilson, in They Had Strange Powers (1975), p. 116
they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of
SWAMIJI: Sufferings. Because without suffering there's no purification. Whoever
is interested in purifying oneself should accept suffering. If it comes, accept
it. Or while trying to relieve others' sufferings, if you face suffering, accept
Thiruvalluvar - One of the Tamil Siddars - gives the example of gold. How is
golden ore purified? How do you get 24 carat gold? By constantly melting it and
relieving it from all unnecessary sediments, mixtures. This is done with a lot
of suffering. The gold undergoes a lot of sufferings. Every time it's heated, it
is raised one more carat.
TAMIL: Sudachudarum Ponnpole. 'The more you heat it, the more it shines.'
Because Alchemically, all the dross, the unnecessary carbon and other things are burnt out. Like that, the more you get heated by suffering the more you shine.
Because suffering is like burning.
That's why it's called tapasya.
Tapas means to burn.
In other words you are gently, or ur-gently, roasted.
Until you become ash. Then that's called the holy ash. An ash is a holy substance because it's totally burnt. That's why you have an ash, holy ash, in Christianity, in Hinduism. Vibhuti, we call it. Vibhuti means burnt ash. It's called vibhuti because it has all the great qualities of God. Everything that is beautiful, that is supreme, is vibhuti. And this ash, which is called vibhuti, was dirt. Or to be more frank, it was dung. But it's no longer dirt. The very same dirt, burnt out completely, so it's now purified well, is now vibhuti, holy ash.
So suffering is helpful. If you face a little suffering, if you don't enjoy the
way the food is prepared, say, `Ah, here is another way of my purification. God
is trying to purify my tongue through this instrument we call the mother of the
house.' If we forget that, we might feel, 'What is this? Can't you make a little
better food? Can't you give me one more blanket? One a little more soft?'
Why are spiritual seekers expected to live a simple life? To accept suffering. To see how they can bear suffering. It's not a comfortable life. That comes afterward. When you have suffered enough, when you get burnt totally, then you are not trampled.
As long as you are dung, you get trampled. And thrown into the dung pit.
But when you get burnt, you become holy ash and you go to the very forehead of the person. You are elevated to a great height. You are respected. So the benefit comes afterward. But until you are completely burnt you can't get that. You can't go to that height.
I don't know if you remember a parable that I used to give. The Hindu temples,
you know, are mostly built of granite rock. The sanctum sanctorum – the several
steps you go up, and then the statue, the image you worship. as God – is made
out of granite rock.
One day I was in front of the altar. There was nobody except me and the Lord through the image.
All of a sudden I heard a conversation. I became curious and I sharpened my ears to hear that. The conversation was like this: 'Hi, brother! How come you are getting all the decorations, all the offerings? Milk and honey are poured over you, you get decorated with nice jewels, flowers.
Everyone comes and respects you. And this priest, even while he decorates you, he is stepping on me. Nobody seems even to look at me. Even if they don't decorate me and respect me, can't they at least leave me alone instead of trampling on me? How come? Don't you know we were brothers? We were together, almost twins.'

The other one said, 'Yes, my brother, I remember that. I can never forget it. We were together. We were one piece when we were brought from the neighboring rock quarry. But the sculptor started working and he split that one rock into two because it was too big for a statue.
And he picked you up first and started shaping you into a beautiful image. You know the sculptor! He started hitting at you with his iron chisel and hammer.
You became so furious, you shouted at him, yelled at him, 'How dare you do this? Leave me alone. I don't want to be hit like this.' And he thought that you are so unhappy, that you are possessed with a kind of ego or ignorance, so he just left you.
And then he took the other half and started working on me. I kept quiet. I thought there must be some reason for it. After all, he is the one who brought me all the way. Let him do whatever he wants. Of course it was really painful.
Constantly, he rolled me over and over, he hit me day and night. He was sometimes even sitting on me and hitting me. But I waited and waited and after several months, all of a sudden, one day, I saw myself as a beautiful image.
Now he has put me here and he is doing all the decorations. When he put me here I was a little too high for him to reach me, so he wanted a stepping stone and he thought to use you at least for that purpose. So he just placed you in front of me and that is why he is standing on you and pouring all the milk and honey on me.'
`Oh, I see. Well, if I had known that, I would have accepted all those things;
but I didn't.'
`Well, I'm sorry, but it's too late. Just accept it. Pray for the next birth.
And if somebody is hitting you, even if you don't know why, accept it. Be
patient. Probably one day you will be respected. You'll be honored. You'll have
all the decorations, all the festivities for you. Like me.'
That's what the Deity said. It's a conversation between the Deity and the
stepping stone in front. Hm? So who was right?
SOMEONE: The Deity.
SWAMIJI: How did it become the Deity?
SOMEONE: By letting the sculptor work on him.
SWAMIJI: That's what. Did he work nicely, gently like this? (Swamiji strokes
Sister Chandrika's cheek) `Sweet girl, sweet girl, give her a cake.' Did he do
that? (Swamiji now gives Sister Chandrika a mock blow on the side of the head)
Banging, banging, hm? That's what. Suffering. That's what he means. Didn't the
Lord Jesus say, 'If someone hits you on the left cheek, show him the right one
So, Blessed are the...
SISTER CHANDRIKA: Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake.
SWAMIJI: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. Well,
it's easy to read this and even to interpret it. But when it comes in our own
life, then we find it hard to swallow. That's why we should 'really be following
it. Be good followers and good swallowers. (laughter)
(At this point, a member of the Ashram family comes up to Swamiji, giving him a
coconut and a hammer with which to break it. This is sometimes done by devotees
of Swamiji on their birthdays.)
SWAMIJI: See, this is a coconut. Do you know why the coconut is broken? The
coconut represents the human mind. As people mostly identify themselves as the
mind and talk in terms of that, they're all more or less like coconuts.
The coconut has three parts. The upper surface, which is covered with husk. Below the husk, you see the hard shell. Inside the shell you have that beautiful, white kernel.
The husk represents the tamasic part of the mind, which is the lazy mind.
The hard shell represents the rajasic part, the restless, extremely active mind, the egoistic part.
And the beautiful, white kernel inside represents the sattvic mind, or the tranquil one. That means, when the tranquil mind goes to one extreme, it becomes restless. And if it goes to the other extreme, it becomes lazy. So the not only for the birthdays.
In India, normally you take a coconut to the temple and put it in the hands of the priest. And he cracks it for you. It signifies that the teacher breaks your ego and brings out the beautiful you — to be offered to God.
Then the priest returns the coconut and the tasteful kernel is shared with everybody. That means, once God sees your purity, accepts you as His own, then he gives you back to be distributed to everybody. Your life becomes a beautiful and dedicated one, useful to everybody. That is the symbolic purpose of breaking a coconut.
(Swamiji prepares to strike the coconut.)
May you be free from ego and ignorance which causes the mortality of life, the
mrithyor of life.
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat
Hari Om Tat Sat. Om Shanthi.
(He cracks the coconut.)
Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
(maha-mrityun-jaya) is one of
the more potent of the ancient Sanskrit mantras. Maha mrityunjaya is a call for
enlightenment and is a practice of purifying the karmas of the soul at a deep
level. It is also said to be quite beneficial for mental, emotional, and
physical health.
AUM/OM: Guided Meditation on Absolute reality. That which encompasses the three
states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep, represented by AUM, the three levels of
gross, subtle, causal, the three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious,
and the three universal processes of coming, being, and going. It is Tamas,
Rajas and Sattvas which when made one, symbolise Illumination. Absolute silence
beyond the three levels is the silence after AUM when we use OM as a guided
meditation, in order to project our energy in order to connect with the center
of the Universe.
Tryambakam: Trya means three. Ambakam means eyes. It means the three eyes of the
Absolute, which are the processes of creation, existence, and dissolution, as
well as the other triads, which are part of AUM. A - The center of the earth -
Kundalini Chakra , U the heart center, M the Ajna Chakra moving into Sahasrara
Chakra. Absolute silence beyond the three levels is the silence after AUM when
we use OM as a guided meditation, in order to project our energy in order to
connect with the center of the Universe. Thus it is a guided meditation to
extend ourselves outwards into the antahkarana, into the Universe, to connect
with external chakras, external sources of power. It is Energy Enhancement. The
three "eyes" means experiencing these three stages and triads at one time, AS
ONE, from the higher, all pervasive vantage point of the Absolute.
Yajamahe: We rejoice in meditation on all of this.
Sugandhim: Means fragrance. Like a spreading fragrance, which permeates the
whole of this planet, whilst we are in contact with that existence of the OM
Antahkarana. It is the Buddhafield of the Illuminated.
Pushtivardhanam: Means that which sustains and nourishes all. Thus, the
fragrance that permeates all flows from God, the sustainer of all beings, while
also the essence of all beings.
Urvarukamiva: Urva means big and powerful. Arukam means disease, like the
spiritual diseases of ignorance and untruth, which are like the death of Wisdom
or Truth.
Bandhanan: Means bound down, as in bound down to the ignorance and untruth.
Mrityor: Means ignorance and untruth.
Mukshiya: Means liberation from the cycles of physical, mental, and spiritual
Maamritat: Means please give me rejuvenating nectar which descends like the wine
of the Sufis, of Carmina Burana, from the center of the Universe, so as to have
this liberation.
Like the process of
severing the cucumber from the creeping vine of the earth in order to ascend
into the center of the Universe.
"this tavern is not closed, this tavern won't be stopped"
Baba Gorakhnath Ji
Energy Enhancement can lead
you to God or the universal absolute and it promises Nirvana and transformation,
as these things are within you already. Energy Enhancement will not “tell” you
about truth, but will give you the Real Spiritual Experience to provoke and
challenge and excite into awakening to the truth which lies within. This kind of
truth cannot be given as it takes two to Tango and it is the purity and
resolution of the Student which calls forth the Energies of Existence. "It was
your Faith which healed you" - said the Master. Yet, it
can be felt through personal experiences which take you out of normal states of
awareness – through Initiations and Rites of Passage calling you into new ways
of seeing Self and everything you once believed was real.
Within you lies a doorway to the Infinite. The journey to find that doorway can
be arduous for it takes you into the landscape of your inner being. Are you
willing to Initiate one of the greatest challenges of your life? Are you willing
to change your ideas of who you thought you were in order to discover who you
really are? Say, “Yes”. Leave behind your safety net and discover the knowledge
that is your birthright. Many stand at this doorway, but few dare enter.
Inside you live the Mysteries of the
Universe. Energy Enhancement is a doorway into that Grand Adventure.
I feel a cool, refreshing
sensation when I think I'm aligned properly, like the feeling you get when you
walk into an air conditioned room on a hot summer day. It's a very wonderful
feeling. Is this a symptom of aligning my spines correctly or is it all just my
A few minutes into the meditation, I can feel that my body starts to shake. I
feel that the shaking comes from my heart beat, though I'm not sure, it could be
the result of staying in the posture for the first time - my muscles could just
be worn out.
I tried to follow the breathing you mentioned in the video during meditation,
but I keep getting the urge to pause and stop breathing in between the in and
out breaths. Should I ignore or follow my urge?
Today, I definitely feel that I have more
energy. I feel the extra energy comes from the area of my body where my hands
were placed during meditation.
I also loved the first talk!
Thanks again for your response.
You're right! I watched the Video again, and I
was surprised how much information I missed the first time.
My spine is curved a bit backwards when I sit, and I think this is due to my
lack of flexibility. But, I can feel that my spine is more able to "curve
forwards at the base" as I sit more and more.
I always looked for ways to improve my posture, and I found the methods of
stretching through the heart and the back of the head perfect for it. Thanks for
the great Video! And thank you Satchidanand for giving me these awesome
I'll practise diligently to get into alignment and then remove all the Energy
See 89 Energy Enhancement YouTube STREAMING VIDEOS..
See 89 Energy Enhancement YouTube STREAMING VIDEOS..
sol@energyenhancement.org for details
"I am now in the last week of the course and I feel like a totally different person. I have regained myself and have been given from nothing having no psychic vision at all at the start of the energy enhancement course, a clarity of psychic vision that is breathtaking."
"As we practiced on each other we came very quickly to realise this. I could literally feel the energy moving inside each chakra as the other person worked within me from several meters away and when I worked on the other person I could see me projecting energy to them and could see where the blockages were within their chakras.
I could force the energy from my centres into their centres and clean their centre bringing the energy full circle back to me. You could tell the state of their chakras by the amount of energy returning to your own centre and this was achieved by mind power only.
Before I came here Satchi said he would teach me to do it in this way and I was sceptical about this claim. I could never envision me having psychic vision, but I have now, I can now do astonishingly powerful Reiki sessions on people without going any where near them and distance healing over any distance is a piece of cake, incredible stuff."
"I am totally de-stressed and have expanded in every way. I feel stronger and fitter and much more mentally agile than I have ever felt in my life. The fog and confusion of life has gone and I feel that I have just received the inside information on everything.
I am ready for anything and am wide awake. I am full of the most incredible energy imaginable and have Energy Enhancement Reiki that is so powerful it staggers me. I know a thing or two about Reiki and had a very strong Reiki connection before I got here, now I have a connection that is beyond description and I have yet to undergo the second initiation this week and then the masters. I have opted to take this as an extra and for anyone who is interested, I believe this is beyond anything you will ever experienced anywhere."
I am now equipped with life tools and healing tools that one only dreams of and there is nothing out there in the world that will ever faze me again. I am absolutely delighted that I decided to come here, because this experience has changed me, for the good of me and for all those that I will touch when I leave here. I am so excited and can’t wait to start exploring my new found talents"
email sol@energyenhancement.org for Course details
On this tour of India and Thailand From Haridwar, Rishikesh and the Ashrams of Mata Amritananda Mayi Ma and Sivananda, Delhi, Goa with our SOL Center Apartment with Swimming Pool and Bengaluru and the Ashram of Sathya Sai Baba at Putthaparthi Prashanti Nilayam - the Abode of the Gods to Thailand and Chiang Mai and the Temples of the Buddha -
We taught many students in the techniques of Energy Enhancement Students - an MA in Philosophy from Ireland who first came to see us in 2002 in Escala Spain, and again with his new wife in 2007 in Palamos, Spain, an International Lawyer in the Court of Human rights from Cordoba in Argentina, a Turkish Student from the USA presently running his own Web Software Company, our student from the UK who has been coming to see us every year since 2005 and who spent 6 weeks with us in Goa and the Ashram of Sathya Sai Baba and a Certified Accountant from Croatia.
All the students experienced Psychic Vision as they Powered Up their Energy Bodies through connection with the chakras in the Center of the Earth and in the Center of the Universe. All of them saw their psychic bodies and the Energy Blockages which inhabited them. Every student had the experience of removing said Energy Blockages - removing and discharging their Negative Karmic Mass and integrating the purified remains with the Soul Chakra, coating the Higher Being Bodies and creating the Body Kesdjian.
Older Students had the experience of working with the Ego. All students reading this missive are the Outpatients. Those who come are the Inpatients for the Operation of the Egodectomy!!
As we charcterise our Sub-Persdonalities of the Ego - it is that vast Mass of Energy Blockages which comprise the Selfish Competitive Ego - so we can ground even the deepest blockage, purify our Egoistic Self Destructors who rule our madness from Lifetime to Lifetime, create the Vajra Diamond Body (EE LEVEL 5) which alone can survive the Death process as an Ascended Master..
Satchidanand and Devi Dhyani at the Taj
Mahal JULY 2010
I have been to see Satchi & Devi almost once a year since 2005, and I have to say, that I have never been let down. Every time they greet me at the airport I am received in an atmosphere of great warmth, positivity and generosity, into which I soon relax and know that it’s safe to be me with all my “luggage”. In June 2010 I recently went on a 6 week course they were holding in India.
In the weeks I spent with them it was clear that the blockages I was removing with their help, were increasing the amount of energy flowing through me during meditation. I have never been one to naturally take to meditating, but with these new experiences of Samadhi (sam – with, adhi – light), it was certainly making it possible for me to sit for much longer periods.
I must concede, that on more than one occasion I started to object and complain about what we were doing, and the methods employed to transmute the blockages in my being. Satchi & Devi would patiently wait for me to see that the person complaining was not the real me, it was not the soul infused personality that I really am, but rather the voice of the blockages that did not want to go. There are different types of blockages, and of course, the easy ones are the first to go, but I was now experiencing some really tough ones. They can certainly be very cunning these blockages, and its thanks to the experience and energy of Satchi & Devi that I was able to continue on my way to overcome some really strong blockages.
My experiences of Samadhi: The first time I experienced anything other than a calm mind in meditation was actually the very first course I attended with Satchi & Devi in Spain. The experience of energy surging through my body was first felt in my 1st and 2nd chakras. It was like having champagne bubbling away in my lower abdomen. Before I talk about my experience here in India, I think it would be useful to describe briefly and partly a technique used to commence the flow of energy and so the entry into Samadhi. It’s to do with using the mind to visualise chakras above the head and below the base chakra to infinity. For me, the concept of infinity and trying to imagine this distance above my head, kind of triggered a bypass switch in my mind, and all of a sudden my mind was quite literally replaced by a surge of electricity and light – Samadhi.
"If the Map is Correct, Experiences Follow" - Satchidanand
This time here in India I was experiencing different levels of Samadhi. During meditation I notice the attainment of a constant flow of energy through my being which gets more and more intense, and rises further and further up my body, the higher I go up the chakras above my head to an inconceivably bright and intense sun. Quite often my breathing slows or even stops a while at the head of an in-breath as my head feels infused with light. My body feels like it is being purified, and in fact it is, as light is being shone through me. I always finish the meditation feeling more positive about my life and the world around me and a feeling that really everything is ok.
Over and above this, I receive what I would describe as bolts of light lasting between 2-5 seconds.
During these brief moments, I am no longer a body with senses or even a sense of weighing or being anything, and am unable to think.
"In the Buddhafield we find we can Move On More Quickly!" - Satchidanand
It’s my experience that the body is like a resistor in an electronic circuit. The more blockages we have, the greater the resistance to the light. By removing a significant number of blockages, I have reduced the resistance of my gross and subtle body, and am now able to sit in Samadhi with ease. And of course, the more light I can sit in, the more blockages I can remove - now that’s what I call spiritual progress!
Thomas Blair
Further Study
Energy Enhancement, Patanjali, and the Lord of the Rings.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Commentary Satchidanand
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Commentary Osho Satchidanand Swami satchidananda
Ahimsa or Harmlessness The Greatest Spiritual Law to Remove Negative Karmic Mass
Ahimsa Harmlessness Removes Pain Body or Negative-Karmic Mass
Discourses on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Talks given from 25/12/73 pm to 10/05/76 am, English Discourse series, 10 Chapters.
Introduction : Osho is saying that all the techniques of Yoga have really one focus: how to use the mind. Rightly used it becomes no- mind and you are absolutely silent; wrongly, it becomes so divided you go insane. Through the sutras of Patanjali, Osho leads the reader step by step toward an understanding of the mind - that it is not something different from the body, and how to use it as an instrument.
I was writing this to say that all this Pain Filled, Concentrated Pain or Trauma Formed Negative Karmic Mass (NKM) energy is being created and passed around. As well as Heart Disease and Cancer this Pain we maintain within ourselves and which we create in other living beings is the cause of all Wars on this planet for example!!
This is the start of blocking the Heart of Compassion whereby man gets his power to contemplate the killing, murder and torture of other Human Beings. The Killing and Eating of Animals is just the start of the process of Vampirism - THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE!! - ON THIS PLANET - Resist IT with Ahimsa!!
Read this...
Ahimsa or Harmlessness - The Greatest Spiritual Law to Remove Negative Karmic Mass and Energy Blockages
2005 AND 2006
and the The Second Conscious Shock
The Second Conscious Shock is one of the more obscure areas of the Work. It is
surrounded by an aura of mystery and secrecy, and as a result, this has led to
various interpretations as to what it involves. The problem has been compounded
by the fact that Gurdjieff's own teaching and terminology in regard to it seems
to have changed over the course of his life. In this talk I would like to trace
the development of the concept and bring out into the open what I have come to
understand to be Gurdjieff's final teaching on the subject.
The Second Conscious Shock is not discussed very deeply in the literature about
the Gurdjieff Work. Why is this? Is it because the teaching of the work is based
on an oral transmission from teacher to student? Is it because it has been
deemed impossible to transmit the method in written form? Does the secrecy exist
to protect the novice student from a potentially dangerous practice, such as the
transformation of sex energy?
The first widely available written accounts of Gurdjieff's teaching about the
Second Conscious Shock came from Ouspensky, who said in the Fourth Way:
"It is the transformation of negative emotions into positive emotions. It is
possible only with long work on self-remembering, when you can be conscious for
a long time, and when higher emotional center begins to work." (TFW228)
He goes on to say that the results of the Second Conscious Shock assist in the
transformation of the energies of sex, air and impressions, which leads to the
growth of the higher being bodies, and to contact with the higher centers and
their associated higher states of consciousness. I quote:
"The higher thinking center, working with hydrogen 6, is still further removed
from us, still less accessible. Connection with it is possible only through the
higher emotional center. It is only from descriptions of mystical experiences,
ecstatic states, and so on, that we know cases of such connections. These states
can occur on the basis of religious emotions." (ISOTM195)
This early writing lays out an arduous, sequential process that builds up step
by step and note by note around the enneagram, and any stepping out of line is
cautioned against. This line of thought is echoed by many Fourth Way writers.
This adherence to structure is curious when we consider what Ouspensky thought
about the discrepancies between the placements of the Second Conscious Shock on
the enneagram, where it is between Fa and Sol, and on the octave, where it is
between Si and Do. Listen to what Ouspensky concluded:
"This signified that there was no wrong place for a "shock" at all." (ISOTM378)
When we come to Beelzebub's Tales, the same results regarding the transformation
of the energies of sex, air and impressions are mentioned, but now the method of
their transformation is called Being-Partkdolg-Duty, that is, Conscious Labour
and Intentional Suffering.
Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering is the Energy Enhancement Meditation which sends all pain all TFNKM To be burned up in Kundalini Chakra in the center of the Earth - the flare of that burning returning to us and sent up into the chakras above the head - "Along the Path of the Soul" - is that energy which coats our higher being bodies in preparation for Enlightenment. This is Alchemical VITRIOL. This is Energy Enhancement!!
"Traditional forms
of meditation are designed to fail!!"
Here also
the term negative emotions is replaced with the references to the suffering
caused by the consequences of the organ Kundabuffer and the desires of the
planetary body. Gone is any mention that this practice is reserved for the
future - for tomorrow - indeed, man is criticised for his susceptibility to the
disease of tomorrow. In contrast, a much more organic process is indicated and
there seems to be much less concern about coordinating the shocks with
particular practices in a fixed sequence. Rather one gets the impression that he
is much more concerned with the simultaneous practice of all aspects of Being-Partkdolg-Duty
in order to effect a balanced development of our Being.
Orage's view of the Gurdjieff teaching is presented in a very interesting book
called the Oragean Version, by C. Daly King. In many respects this book
recapitulates the views of Ouspensky, but it also incorporates some of the later
ideas presented in Beelzebub's Tales. One of the most significant incorporations
is the idea of Conscious Labour and Voluntary Suffering, both of which are
explicitly equated with the Second Conscious Shock.
We should look briefly at another aspect of the Second Conscious Shock mentioned
in the Oragean Version. This aspect has not been mentioned by Ouspensky, as far
as I can recall. This aspect is called Conscious Labour, or Pondering, by Orage.
Gurdjieff of course used the expression Conscious Labour and Intentional
Suffering to refer to all the ways that we use to Work on ourselves. However, it
is my opinion that Conscious Labour includes many more practices than just
Pondering, such as those practices related to the first Conscious Shock.
Gurdjieff stresses the importance of this practice constantly throughout
Beelzebub's Tales by the extensive use of the word Pondering, as well as
companion terms such as aiesiritoorassian contemplation, intentional
contemplation and active mentation. It is by this practice that we transform the
cosmic substances of third being food required for the coating of our highest
being body, our soul. These substances are the basis of Objective Reason - the
direct experience and understanding of the nature and Source of existence.
So, one of the difficulties in understanding Intentional Suffering is the use of
various words to describe it; words such as conscious, voluntary, self-imposed
or intentional. A good example is Orage's use of the word Voluntary instead of
Intentional. Gurdjieff had a different meaning for both of these words and he
did not use them interchangeably. There is a good example of this distinction in
Life Is Real, where Gurdjieff says:
"When he came, in the translation, to the expression used by me, "intentional
suffering," I interrupted his reading, for he had translated the word
"intentional" by the word "voluntary." As I attempted to explain the great
difference between the voluntary and intentional suffering of man, there arose a
general philological discussion, as is usual in such cases." (LIR)
In Talks on Beelzebub's Tales, Bennett distinguishes four types of suffering -
Unnecessary Suffering, Unavoidable Suffering, Voluntary Suffering and
Intentional Suffering. Lets have a look at each of these to see if they can help
our understanding:
The first is Unnecessary Suffering. This would be the type of suffering that we
incur because of our unreasonable attitudes and expectations towards others,
from our ill-will, hatred and rejection of others, from doubt, possessiveness,
arrogance and self pity. In other words, suffering arising from our
The second is Unavoidable Suffering. This would be the type of suffering that
comes to us by accident or from events beyond our control, such as interpersonal
conflicts, war, disaster, disease or death.
Third, we have Voluntary Suffering. This would be the type of suffering that we
take upon ourselves in order to accomplish a personal aim, such as an athlete
who disciplines himself to win a race, or a student who labours to get good
And finally we have Intentional Suffering. According to Bennett, this would be
the kind of suffering that we take upon ourselves in order to accomplish an
impersonal or altruistic goal, one that is directed more towards service to
others or to the Work, and not for any personal gain. Bennett assumes that this
is what Gurdjieff meant by Intentional Suffering.
Ouspensky certainly seems to recognize the general necessity of suffering, as
indicated by this remark from In Search of the Miraculous:
"To destroy suffering would mean, first, destroying a whole series of
perceptions for which man exists, and second, the destruction of the 'shock,'
that is to say, the force which alone can change the situation." (ISOTM308)
But when it comes to the Second Conscious Shock, both Ouspensky and Orage seem
to only discuss it in terms of negative emotions, or what Bennett has called
unnecessary suffering. For example, Ouspensky speaks of negative emotions such
"Bad moods, worry, the expectation of something unpleasant, doubt, fear, a
feeling of injury, irritation..." (ISOTM198)
And Orage says that:
"Examples of such emotions are anger, fear, jealousy, hatred, annoyance,
exasperation and so on." (TOV)
One thing we will immediately notice is that the negative emotions just
mentioned are all very similar to Gurdjieff's 'desires of the planetary body'
and 'consequences of the organ Kundabuffer'. Here is how they are described in
Beelzebub's Tales:
"... arrogance, the need to provoke astonishment in others, bragging, cunning,
the vice of eating, egoism, envy, hate, imagination, jealousy, lying,
offensiveness, partiality, pride, wishing the death or weakness of others,
self-conceit, self-enamoredness, self-love, swagger, and vanity." (BT512,719)
This is about as far as we can go with the accounts of Ouspensky and Orage about
the Second Conscious Shock, since they had ceased to have any direct contact
with Gurdjieff in his later years. And it is during those years that Gurdjieff's
understanding of suffering may have matured. Here is how C. Daly King summed up
his understanding of what Orage had taught about the Second Conscious Shock:
"The suppression of the organic symptoms of negative emotion is the beginning of
Voluntary Suffering; Pondering is the beginning of Conscious Labour. Neither of
them constitute the end or the completion of their respective exercises. But
they do constitute the end of the discussion and of the subject so far as
concerns the Oragean Version." (TOV)
As we see from this statement, the Oragean version can only give us the
preliminary aspects of the exercises.
To see beyond this point, we have to turn our gaze to Gurdjieff. Lets take a
look at an account of his own suffering, to see if it can take us beyond the
Oragean Version and shed some new light on our understanding. In Life is Real,
Gurdjieff recounts certain realizations that he had at Christmas in 1927. These
realizations were about the value of what he calls the "automatic — that is,
passive — experiencings of suffering". Listen to what he says about this:
"And this time, beyond any doubt, I again established that during the first
three years of my authorship, my labour-ability, as well as my productivity, in
reality at all times strictly corresponded in its duration with the length and
quality of the, so to say, "degree of contact" between my consciousness and the
suffering proceeding in me on behalf of my mother and my wife." (LIR)
Gurdjieff was perplexed by the effect of this automatic suffering on himself.
Previously he had been convinced that "to attain any self-imposed aim it can
only be done exclusively through Conscious Suffering." Self-imposed suffering is
Voluntary Suffering as described by Bennett. Gurdjieff goes on to say:
"To explain my case, however, by such an objective possibility was utterly
And it was impossible to explain because in this particular case I suffered
unconsciously, while this process proceeded in me automatically in accordance
with my typicality and the accidental crystallization in it of corresponding
psychic factors." (LIR)
In other words, he did not choose this suffering - it was unavoidable - and he
allowed himself to experience it rather than suppress it.
Here we can see that Gurdjieff's understanding about the nature of suffering
expanded at this time. He realized that conscious or voluntary, self-imposed
suffering was of limited value but that the intentional enduring of the
unavoidable suffering arising from the automatic experiencings of his nature was
a much more powerful practice. He saw that the intentional enduring of the
unavoidable sufferings which are a part of all existence, in this case the death
of loved ones, was a practice that had assisted him in the authoring of
Beelzebub's Tales and could possibly help him to achieve other aims in the
future. He recounts that this powerful realization evoked in him an intense
experience of self-remembering and joy. Out of suffering - joy!
Since Gurjdieff and Ouspensky had parted ways by this time, we have to wonder if
Ouspensky was ever privy to this new conception of Intentional Suffering?
We can now turn our attention to Beelzebub's Tales and the teaching that is
given there about the nature of the Second Conscious Shock, of Conscious Labour
and Intentional Suffering. What we learn from Gurdjieff is this:
"the-whole-of-us” and the whole of our essence, are, and must be, already in our
foundation, only suffering." (BT372)
Gurdjieff expands on this idea throughout the Tales and he informs us that our
planetary bodies are fromed from the crystallizations of the second part of the
Omnipresent-Okidanokh, the Holy-Denying Force, and that this is the source of
the forces and desires which give rise to our suffering.(BT147) He tells us that
the other two forces of the Triamazikamno, the Holy Affirming and the Holy
Reconciling, are localized in the head brain and the emotional brain. We are
told that there is a very practical aspect to this triadic structure, which is
realized when we oppose our Denying Forces with an Affirming Force, such as an
intentional Wish to Be. The fire, the Disputekrialnian-friction (BT802), that
results from this struggle and blending of forces will actualize the Reconciling
Force. The Reconciling Force is the transformed result which feeds the growth of
our higher being bodies. It also helps to decrease the suffering of His
Endlessness by assisting in the process of world creation and maintenance. This
interaction of the three forces is called Harnel-Miaznel and is codified in the
Transubstantiate in me,
For my Being. (BT752)
Here is what Paul Beidler, another student of Gurdjieff, has to say about this
"This is a prayer given to us. In it I have found what I call the Holy Equation
which provides us with a basic pattern for most of our work. Holy Denying equals
our inherited mechanical "myself" manifested by our habits, traits, thoughts,
feelings and actions in sleep. Holy Affirming is our conscious effort to accept,
endure and to meet with objectivity all our Holy Denyings. Holy Reconciling is
the resultant of them both leading automatically to a Transubstantiation. By
self-observation we learn to recognize accurately our Holy Denyings to which we
then eventually apply our Holy Affirming."
Now, one of the things that happens as we become more conscious, is that we
begin to sacrifice many of the sufferings that arise from our Denying Force. We
learn bear the unpleasant manifestations of others and to accept with equanimity
many of the trials and irritations that are a part of all existence. Yet on the
other hand, we must not, and indeed cannot, completely eliminate suffering, for
without suffering we have no fire for transformation. This was made abundantly
clear by Gurdjieff in a meeting on December 7, 1941, when he said:
"One needs fire. Without fire, there will never be anything. This fire is
suffering, intentional suffering, without which it is impossible to create
anything. One must prepare, must know what will make one suffer and when it is
there, make use of it. Only you can prepare, only you know what makes you
suffer, makes the fire which cooks, cements, crystallizes, DOES. Suffer by your
defects, in your pride, in your egoism. Remind yourself of the aim. Without
prepared suffering there is nothing, for by as much as one is conscious, there
is no more suffering. No further process, nothing. That is why with your
conscience you must prepare what is necessary. You owe to nature. The food you
eat which nourishes your life. You must pay for these cosmic substances. You
have a duty, an obligation, to repay by conscious work."
So we see that instead of suppressing or eliminating the emotions of unavoidable
suffering, instead of what Gurdjieff called Self Calming, we must actively and
intentionally endure the fire that arises from the experience of suffering. When
we realize that this patient enduring of suffering is an act of service to His
Endlessness, as well as a lawful expression of the Triamazikamno necessary for
the coating of our higher bodies, then we may find the strength and humility
that enables us to 'gird up our loins' and suffer gladly; suffer without
suffering. And out of this fire may arise conscience, compassion, faith, hope,
love, joy and awe. This is truly a transubstantiation of the suffering into the
higher positive emotions.
So, we have come a long way from Ouspensky's vague hints about the Second
Conscious Shock and negative emotions. Many of us were first drawn to the Work
in the hopes of alleviating the suffering we experienced in ourselves. But as we
have seen, there are other types of suffering from which we will never escape,
the automatic and unavoidable sufferings that are a part and parcel of our
being. Can we see that there is a higher purpose and value to this suffering,
something other than it being the means of our self transformation?
Gurdjieff indicates that suffering is part of the cosmic plan, part of our very
essence and is thus inescapable. The necessity of suffering is also plainly
evident from the law of three, where the Holy Denying force is an essential
ingredient of all energy transformations. For as long as we exist, we will be
enmeshed in the Denying Force. Our highest being body also has its own internal
law of three. Even the beings who have reached Purgatory are still struggling
with their suffering. Intentional suffering is an act of service to His
Endlessness; it is a Doing which lightens the burden of His suffering.
Another misconception about the Second Conscious Shock that I hope I have
dispelled is that it is a secret practice reserved only for the later stages of
the Work. From a purely practical point of view, for harmonious development, it
is necessary to Work on all our centers simultaneously. Pondering and
Intentional Suffering are vital elements in that process. J G Bennett expresses
the immediate need for this kind of Work when he says:
"Is it that Conscious Labour and Intentional Suffering is only for the special
rare ones or their disciples, followers, companions or apostles?
"It is different in these times. The needs of the world are very much wider and
there is a task that can no longer be performed by a few. Many people are
needed. Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the reapers are few and now
it is even more so like that. The harvest is enormous — the whole future of
mankind." (TOBT)
So we have been called to suffer - as Jesus said: "Take up your cross and follow
me. My yoke is easy and my burden is light." And strangely, out of the bearing
of our allotment of suffering, there can arise a joy, a peace that passes
understanding. One might call this Conscience - that paradoxical, bitter-sweet
state wherein we experience all our conflicting emotions and thoughts at once.
In conclusion, I would like to end with a few well chosen words from my Teacher:
"Conscious Labour includes the performance of all recommended exercises
requiring conscious effort, gradually leading to Holy Affirming in our daily
"We understand the ordinary pursuits of our lives responding to desires to be
educated, well thought of, useful, admired, superior, wealthy or spiritual, as
examples of Holy Denyings. We try to meet these denyings with our conscious
efforts in our search which we call Holy Affirming. Both are of equal substance
and importance."
"Intentional Suffering is the intentional acceptance of all suffering which is a
part of all existence. To prepare us for this type of Holy Affirmation in our
daily lives we are assigned special exercises including seeking out or welcoming
suffering in all its forms, especially those forms which are overlooked or moved
into different categories, such as "anxiety", "fear" or "depression". It is
sometimes useful as a preparation to induce self-imposed suffering but this is
to be abandoned when we learn how to meet the normal lot of humanity's
LIR - Life is Real, Then, Only When I Am; G. I. Gurdjieff
BT - Beelzebub's Tales; G. I. Gurdjieff
ISOTM - In Search of the Miraculous; P. D. Ouspensky
TFW - The Fourth Way; P. D. Ouspensky
TOBT - Talks on Beelzebub's Tales; J. G. Bennett
TOV - The Oragean Version; C. Daly King
Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, Buffers or Energy Blockages, Mechanical people, Sub – Personalities and the Soul Personality or Essence, through the work of Gurdjieff Part 1 of 2
Tapas IS the Conscious Suffering of Gurdjieff
Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Orage, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Orage, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy? Pt 3 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree of...
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Ouspensky, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Ouspensky , Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy? Pt 2 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree...
What Did Gurdjieff Say about Meditation, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ego + Enhancement of Energy
What Did Gurdjieff Say about Meditation, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ego + Enhancement of Energy? Pt1 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate...
Gurdjieff died in 1949, about
the same year as Ramana Maharshi.
Gurdjieff essentially synthesized ancient esoteric teachings and made them approachable and applicable to the lives of rational Western individuals. His concepts and methods are still seminal in the spiritual work of the west.
A seeker will find in his teachings an immeasurable treasure, the essence of so many other teachings, both spiritual and psychological, on the inner life.
This Gurdjieffian extraordinary system of thought, which ranges from the most intimate, psychological insights to a grandiose cosmology linking the individual with the universe, is a synthesis of practices and teachings known as The Fourth Way.
Then there is the man himself. Gurdjieff was the archetypal Master, beaming with extraordinary psychic powers developed in secret schools and monasteries somewhere between the Caucasus and the Himalayas; brutal soul-shattering insights; marvelous humor which was both ribald in the extreme and breathtakingly penetrating.
Gurdjieff also had a capacity for love that was matched only by his ability to express rage. He was a master hypnotist, a master actor, a master healer.
Those who encountered him often had opposite ideas of who he was, usually as a result of his own intentional behavior.
Like many Masters, Gurdjieff sometimes gave the impression of being a charlatan or mad to arrogant egotistic individuals, while to others he was the most enlightened man they would ever encounter.
His radiant energy, the Buddhafield of the Master, always acted on people's negative energies to send people with a lot of it away, and attracted people with a lot of good, positive Soul energy.
In such a way, as with all Masters, Gurdjieff consciously separated the evil weeds from the good grain!
This powerful Master Gurdjieff, with eyes that pierced to the depths of the soul was also an old man whose pockets were full of candy for the children.
He worked by many methods, to bypass the mind he worked with dance, Gurdjieff said, "I am a simple teacher of dance". Devi Dhyani has given performances of "The Sacred Dances of Gurdjieff" in order to radiate her Buddhafield more strongly, to throw out the bad and energise the good.
And when he explained the theory of the evolution of substances like hydrogens and oxygens in Ouspensky's book, "The Fourth Way", Gurdjieff was just tricking him, taking a very long winded intellectual theory to say to intellectual Ouspensky and to anyone else reading it, to bypass the mind, "You need the radiation of a Master to quicken your evolution!"
His major concepts were Buffers or Energy Blockages, Mechanical people, Sub – Personalities and the Soul Personality or Essence.
Mechanical People. For Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, mechanical persons are the mass of humanity and are asleep to their true condition and virtually incapable of change. "By himself, he is just an automaton with a certain store of memories of previous experiences, and a certain amount of reserve energy."
Everything happens to us as to puppets pulled by invisible strings.
Sub Personalities (See Energy Enhancement Level 3). Another central idea of Gurdjieff is that the individual is not one. We have no permanent "I" or Ego. Every thought, feeling, sensation, desire is an "I" or sub – personality which believes that it is the whole person.
Yet none of these "I's" are connected and each depends on the change of external circumstances. To make things worse, there are often impenetrable defenses between each "I" which the Work calls "buffers" or "Energy Blockages" separating these sub - personalities or Alters from one another.
Gurdjieff states that one of our most important mistakes we make is our illusion about our unity. Gurdjieff writes: "His "I" changes as quickly as his thoughts, feelings, and moods, and he makes the profound mistake in considering himself always one and the same person; in reality he is always a different person, not the one he was a moment ago."
Our every thought and desire lives separately and independently from the whole. According to Gurdjieff, we are made of thousands of separate I's, often unknown to one another, and sometime mutually exclusive and hostile to each other.
The alternation of I's is controlled by accidental external influences. There is nothing in us able to control the change of I's, mainly because we do not notice it. Each separate I calls itself "I" and acts in the name of the whole person. This explains why people so often make decisions and so seldom carry them out.
Gurdjieff healed alcoholism and drug addiction – the addictive sub – personalities in rich young men by means of hypnotism, and was once paid an oil tanker for his work by the family of one such. But to remove ALL the sub – personalities and access the one Soul Personality in Enlightenment requires much more conscious work of the student.
Essence, the soul personality and personality. In order to see clearly the roots of our psychological distortions, Gurdjieff's Fourth Way defines two aspects of the individual: essence and the multitude of fleeting sub – personalities. Essence, the soul personality, is what a person is born with, sub - personalities are that which are acquired, usually by some traumatic event, usually in childhood which splits the childish sub – personality from the Soul stem.
All that is learned, both unconsciously through imitation and through acquired likes and dislikes, constitutes the outer part of the person, that which is changed by outer circumstances. Though personality is necessary, it must not be left to dominate essence or it will produce artificial persons, sub personalities cut off from their true natures, or the soul itself.
"This means that with a quick and early growth of personality, growth of essence can practically stop at a very early age, and as a result we see men and women externally quite grown up, but whose essence remains at the age of ten or twelve." The Energy Enhancement concept of the inner child which needs to be healed before it can grow up.
Through the practice of Energy Enhancement Soul Contact Meditation, we can separate ourselves from the pretenses and imitations which have enslaved us since childhood and return to who we actually are.
Such a return to our essential nature is accompanied by a sense of liberation unlike any other. "To thyself be true" is the first commandment on the way of self-development and the attaining of a higher consciousness.
The fundamental abnormality in human beings lies precisely in the divergence between personality and soul - essence. The more nearly we know ourselves for what we are, the more we approach wisdom.
The more our imagination about ourselves diverges from what we actually are, the more insane we become: Gurdjieff, "Unless a man first finds himself, finds his own essential nature and destiny, and begins from them, all his efforts and achievements will be built only on the sand of personality, and at the first serious shock the whole structure will crumble, perhaps destroying him in its fall."
Examples of shocks are disappointment and bereavement. Only the ego gets hurt. The Soul personality is never affected by disappointment or bereavement. These are two of the tests that this should be so within you!
The soul – essence is the totality of the moments of self-awareness during one's life. Yet moments of higher consciousness are very rare and gone as soon as they come. Once again, the reason such self-consciousness is so difficult to attain is that it is dependent on the conscious use of attention.
Gurdjieff required that each person verify the teachings for themselves based on their personal observations and experiences. That is why he rarely mentioned the idea of "God" even though he called his teaching "esoteric Christianity."
His task was to help people free themselves from all that is false and imaginary in order that they might become receptive to their higher self and enter uncharted dimensions of consciousness on their own through liberation from the tyranny of their ego.
It is for this reason that Gurdjieff was so merciless on his students. He crushed the vanity and artifice of the sub - personalities, mocking those who thought they understood something. As we say in Energy Enhancement, "It is only the ego which gets hurt!"
Gurdjieff differentiated between two forms of knowing: knowledge and understanding. The first is of the head, the second is that which takes root in our being and transforms us. He did indeed humiliate many egos stuffed with pride and broke people's confidence in their own importance.
Gurdjieff tore through our most cherished beliefs with astonishing force and irreverence, stung our vanities with brutal honesty, and called us to that ultimate journey toward the consciousness of who we are and who we are meant to be.
His "toast to the idiots" stung the ego but gave great information to the humble on where to start the spiritual work.
Behind the exotic masks of Gurdjieff, the oriental magician-rogue-teacher, was great compassion. Children and animals sensed it, while seekers of all classes and types found healing and new life from his sometimes bizarre requirements.
Gurdjieff came to wake us with uncompromising affection and assist us accessing our deeper selves. No one walks away unchanged from the teachings of this intense Master who has taught us to discover someone even more elusive than himself: the true nature of our being.
Energy Enhancement is ancient, effective, meditative techniques from 5000 years of successful spiritual technology comprising the Kundalini Kriyas, Soul Contact, the Grounding of Negative Energies and Energy Blockages and sub – personality Inner Children, and more!
From time immemorial it
has been known that some people, Yogis, Gurus, Shamen, Priests,
Saints, Paramahamsas, Buddhas, Christs, have evolved to a state
of high energy.
These pure and good people, wanting benefit and happiness for all, without a trace of selfishness and competition have been known to have psychic powers. Their search for energy and goodness has precipitated within them the next stage of human evolution. For thousands of years they have been Good Doctors, Good Priests, founders of religion, Philosophic Geniuses, Advisors of Kings, Musical Geniuses, Poets, Makers of the Law. For thousands of years these people, wielding amazing Siddhis or Psychic powers, have been recorded as healing of the sick, casting out mental sickness, coming in dreams, communicating through telepathy, the radiation of specialised energies, leaving the body, entering into the body of another, astral travel, telling the future, acting at a distance, raising Kundalini, Shaktipat, the ability to pass healing into amulets, temples, places of peace, pilgrimage sites, creating miracles, birds and beasts come to them in peace. Doing all this they also pass on their energy in Shaktipat for the awakening of all good students. The shaktipat, the radiation of psychic energies by the enlightened can awaken these abilities in all who come to them. This has been known and recorded in the Sacred literature for thousands of years.
Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, the Solution to the Problem of War, Increase of Life leading to Immortality through the work of Gurdjieff Part 2 of 2
Tapas IS the Conscious Suffering of Gurdjieff
Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Orage, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Orage, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy? Pt 3 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree of...
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Ouspensky, Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy
What did Gurdjieff say about Meditation, Ouspensky , Egoism and the Enhancement of Energy? Pt 2 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate degree...
What Did Gurdjieff Say about Meditation, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ego + Enhancement of Energy
What Did Gurdjieff Say about Meditation, Frank Lloyd Wright, Ego + Enhancement of Energy? Pt1 of 3 "The force and degree of a man's inner benevolence evokes in others a proportionate...
Gurdjieff died in 1949, about the same year as Ramana Maharshi.
Gurdjieff essentially synthesized ancient esoteric teachings and made them approachable and applicable to the lives of rational Western individuals. His concepts and methods are still seminal in the spiritual work of the west.
A seeker will find in his teachings an immeasurable treasure, the essence of so many other teachings, both spiritual and psychological, on the inner life.
This Gurdjieffian extraordinary system of thought, which ranges from the most intimate, psychological insights to a grandiose cosmology linking the individual with the universe, is a synthesis of practices and teachings known as The Fourth Way.
Then there is the man himself. Gurdjieff was the archetypal Master, beaming with extraordinary psychic powers developed in secret schools and monasteries somewhere between the Caucasus and the Himalayas; brutal soul-shattering insights; marvelous humor which was both ribald in the extreme and breathtakingly penetrating.
Gurdjieff also had a capacity for love that was matched only by his ability to express rage. He was a master hypnotist, a master actor, a master healer.
Those who encountered him often had opposite ideas of who he was, usually as a result of his own intentional behavior.
Like many Masters, Gurdjieff sometimes gave the impression of being a charlatan or mad to arrogant egotistic individuals, while to others he was the most enlightened man they would ever encounter.
His radiant energy, the Buddhafield of the Master, always acted on people's negative energies to send people with a lot of it away, and attracted people with a lot of good, positive Soul energy.
In such a way, as with all Masters, Gurdjieff consciously separated the evil weeds from the good grain!
This powerful Master Gurdjieff, with eyes that pierced to the depths of the soul was also an old man whose pockets were full of candy for the children.
He worked by many methods, to bypass the mind he worked with dance, Gurdjieff said, "I am a simple teacher of dance". Devi Dhyani has given performances of "The Sacred Dances of Gurdjieff" in order to radiate her Buddhafield more strongly, to throw out the bad and energise the good.
And when he explained the theory of the evolution of substances like hydrogens, carbons and oxygens in Ouspensky's book, "The Fourth Way", Gurdjieff was just tricking him, taking a very long winded intellectual theory to say to intellectual Ouspensky and to anyone else reading it, to bypass the mind, "You need the radiation of a Master to quicken your evolution!"
His major concepts were Buffers or Energy Blockages, like the organ Kundabuffer, Mechanical people, Sub – Personalities and the Soul Personality or Essence which I have described in the first article on Gurdjieff
Yet in his third book of the trilogy, Beelebub's Tales to his Grandson, he talked about two more interlinked concepts.. Reciprocal Maintenance is the Taoist Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbit Meditation and The Affirming and Denying Influences on man.
Here is a quote, "the Most High and Most Sacred Individuals to take the necessary measures to insure the formation on the Earth of what is called the sacred 'askokin,' so that this sacred cosmic substance, indispensable for the maintenance of the Universe, might issue continuously from your planet.
"His Conformity also explained that this cosmic substance, the sacred 'askokin,' exists throughout the Universe, generally blended with the sacred substances 'abrustdonis' and 'helkdonis,' and therefore, in order to have the degree of vivifyingness required for such maintenance, the sacred substance 'askokin' must first be freed from the other two substances.
"To tell the truth, my boy, I did not understand at once all that he told me, it all became clear to me only later when, during my studies of the fundamental cosmic laws, I learned that these sacred substances 'abrustdonis' and 'helkdonis' are precisely those substances which enter into the formation and perfecting of the higher being-bodies of the three-brained beings—that is, the 'kesdjan body' and the 'body of the soul'—and that the separation of the sacred 'askokin' from the two other substances proceeds when beings, on whatever planet they may be, transmute these sacred substances in themselves for the forming and perfecting of their higher bodies, by means of conscious labor and intentional suffering.
"And when I became interested in these favorites of yours and began to observe and study their strange psyche, I finally understood why and to what ends Great Nature herself and the Most High and Most Saintly Individuals are always patiently adapting themselves to all things In this connection, the following personal opinion was formed in me.
"If only these favorites of yours would seriously ponder all this and serve Nature honestly in this respect, their being-self-perfecting might then proceed automatically, even with-
out the participation of their consciousness, and in any case, the poor Nature of this ill-fated planet would not have to strain so hard to adapt herself to remain within the common-cosmic harmony.
"But to the misfortune of everything existing in the Megalocosmos, there is no honesty in your favorites in fulfilling their duties, not even toward that Nature to whom, in truth, they owe their very existence.
"As regards the absence of honesty in your favorites in the fulfillment of their duty toward Nature, I have just remembered a very wise saying of our incomparable teacher Mullah Nasr Eddin, the hidden meaning of which is borne out in the present case.
" 'Plague and cholera are in any event nobler than human honesty, for people with a conscience can at least live at peace with them. '
"And so, my dear Hassein, when it became clear that there had entirely disappeared from the psyche of your favorites the instinctive need for conscious labor and intentional suffering in order to take in and transmute in themselves the sacred substances abrustdonis and helkdonis—thus releasing the sacred askokin for the maintenance of the Universe—Great Nature was constrained to adapt herself and to extract this sacred substance by other means, one of them being precisely that periodic terrifying process of reciprocal destruction.
"Here, for a correct valuation of your contemporary favorites, it will be opportune to remind you that after the organ kundabuffer had been removed from the three-brained beings of your planet, the first generations of their descendants very soon learned that a certain substance had to be transformed through them and that their assistance in this transformation was one of their chief being-duties.
"Do you remember, I already told you that the three-brained beings of the continent of Atlantis even considered
this being-duty as sacred and called it 'amarloos,' which in their language meant 'help for the Universe. '
The Central Spiritual sun sends, shines energy, Affirming Influences, to earth in different quantities at different times dependent upon astrology.
Human beings and all nature have been created to transmute those different quantities of energy through a Reciprocal Maintenance meditation and send back Denying Influences to the central spiritual sun.
Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation also evolves humanity, creating the higher being bodies of the soul and the body Kesdjian, and allows a greater quantity and quality of energy to be transmuted.
If Reciprocal Maintenance does not occur then,
"It was also fully proved in the theory of Atarnakh that at certain periods depending on astrology, there must infallibly proceed on earth such a definite quantity of deaths as in their totality will yield vibrations of a definite degree of power."
These deaths, unless provided by meditation, are provided by natural causes like Tsunamis, the sacrifice of animals and humans, or the soft-kill of humanity through fluoride in the water, corn syrup, aspartame, vaccinations laced with sv40 cancer viruses and mercury adjuvants, pesticides and GMO food, or the killing of human beings through war, or as Gurdjieff calls it, periods of Reciprocal Destruction.
Gurdjieff was saying that the death or the pagan or satanic sacrifice of animals and humans was unaesthetic. Part of Beelzebubs Tales to his Grandson was how he came down to the planet several times over thousands of years and in that time he prevented the previous practices of animal and human sacrifice.
Death by soft-kill, war or natural disasters is an abomination.
Without the completion of the process of Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation, lives would grow shorter and people would forget their previous lifetimes in their next rebirth. In a way, completion of the Reciprocal Maintenance Meditation leads to Immortality!
Thus the solution to the problem of war and also to evolution is the advanced meditation of Reciprocal Maintenance resulting in a process of being-duty - opening the heart, conscious labor and intentional suffering for the benefit of others.
Thus we learn and practice the initiations of Energy Enhancement - Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Samadhi, Samyama, the Kundalini Kriyas, Chinese Alchemical Taoism and the Micro and Macrocosmic Orbit, The Energy Enhancement Supra Galactic Orbits, VITRIOL and The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, The Grounding of Negative Energies, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Raja Yoga and the Eighteen Classical Yogas of the Bhagavad Gita.
From time immemorial it
has been known that some people, Yogis, Gurus, Shamen, Priests,
Saints, Paramahamsas, Buddhas, Christs, have evolved to a state
of high energy.
These pure and good people, wanting benefit and happiness for all, without a trace of selfishness and competition have been known to have psychic powers. Their search for energy and goodness has precipitated within them the next stage of human evolution. For thousands of years they have been Good Doctors, Good Priests, founders of religion, Philosophic Geniuses, Advisors of Kings, Musical Geniuses, Poets, Makers of the Law. For thousands of years these people, wielding amazing Siddhis or Psychic powers, have been recorded as healing of the sick, casting out mental sickness, coming in dreams, communicating through telepathy, the radiation of specialised energies, leaving the body, entering into the body of another, astral travel, telling the future, acting at a distance, raising Kundalini, Shaktipat, the ability to pass healing into amulets, temples, places of peace, pilgrimage sites, creating miracles, birds and beasts come to them in peace. Doing all this they also pass on their energy in Shaktipat for the awakening of all good students. The shaktipat, the radiation of psychic energies by the enlightened can awaken these abilities in all who come to them. This has been known and recorded in the Sacred literature for thousands of years.
I have been working for over 12 years with many well known techniques including Transcendental meditation and Kriya Yoga, Subud, A Course in Mircles and the Sedona Method.
Although I have made good progress with these techniques I now consider these to have been preliminary techniques to prepare me for Energy Enhancement.
These methods that I have tried before simply don’t provide for the systematic identification of Energy Blockages or contain the Advanced Techniques for the removal of the energy blockages to enlightenment that Energy Enhancement does.
If you are serious about self-improvement, growth, change, enlightenment! Then the Energy Enhancement course is for you.
If you are tired of all the many systems of meditation which leave questions unanswered and where the path to enlightenment is ill defined and uncertain then don’t delay end the suffering as soon as possible – learn Energy Enhancement.
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Energy Enhancement Techniques come from the Worlds most powerful Masters and Religions.
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- With the Energy Enhancement DVD or Online Meditation Course we can Learn how to Transmute, Totally Remove, Aches and Pains, Traumatic Emotional Memories and Negative Thoughts, to Ground Negative Energies. With Energy Enhancement learn The Mastery of Relationships, Increase our Good Luck, Happiness and Purpose.
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- The course features the 4 initiations of Energy Enhancement Level 1 and includes emails sent to you on a regular monthly basis over 1 year taking you through each initiation and stage of developing your energetic muscles!
- Learn how to Completely Remove anger, tension stress and other negative emotions. Don't be victim to other's negative attitudes and energy
- Clear energy blockages around the body and experience better physical health
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- Speed up the process of Meditation. These Energy Enhancement Techniques will most definitely help in your process. We cannot recommend these Energy Enhancement Techniques enough.
- If you buy this DVD Offer then you will receive an entire first year of the Online Course, immediately in your EMAIL, not only containing textual backup to the DVD Video Course of initiations 1-4 but also including many inspirational talks by Satchidanand, Yoga, Pranayama and many articles.
The course includes the following 4 initiations..
- Initiation 1: Squaring the circle -: In the first initiation you are taught how to channel and connect with a flow of Intense Spiritual Energy. Learn to sit correctly and experience the energy flow through your body. This technique shows you how to feel the energy connection. Just by maintaining this simple posture in meditation, your evolution is speeded up.
- Initiation 2: Circulation of the Energies -: Once you have connected with the energy flow, you will learn to circulate the energy around your body's major meridians and push through any blockages on the path.
- Initiation 3: Grounding of Negative Energies -: Learn about Vitriol and Alchemy, The Philosophers Stone. How to transmute and ground all negative energy, pain and negative emotion by using an external source of Energy. This is the powerful alchemical meditation performed, but not understood, by the Master Masons.
- Initiation 4: Connecting to higher spiritual energies -: Learn how to connect to higher sources of energy. Never be fatigued or out of vitality again. Remain connected 24/7 and have access to an infinite source of powerful energy.
Energy Enhancement teaches how to transmute Energy Blockages in the Karma Clearing Process. How to Protect yourselves from absorbing them from everyone you meet!!
- Remove Energy Blockages
- Energy Blockages are the cause of all physical disease, they cause all Negative Emotions like Fear, Anger and Depression.
- Energy Blockages are caused by Traumas due to Addictions, Anger, Depression, Drugs, Divorce, Bereavement, Multisexual problems, Rape and Sex.
- Energy Blockages cause you to think Negative Thoughts.
- Energy Blockages are accidents waiting to happen.
- Energy Blockages Sabotage your lives.
- Energy Blockages are the Karma which cause Bad Luck and Trouble.
The NEW Video meditation course includes initiations 1-4 of Level 1 and provides the interested student with clear instruction on the most important foundations of the Energy Enhancement Techniques. SOL has recently filmed the initiations in high quality Digital Video and have produceda New DVD of the first 4 initiations. The DVD includes exciting footage of student's personal experiences as well as instruction from Satchidanand all filmed in high quality Digital Video. You get an inside look into one of the courses as well as complete instruction on how to master the 1st four techniques and increase your energy level until you are ready to come to the course. Includes diagrams and interactive menus to easily navigate through initiations.
Order now and get these benefits and bonuses
- Free Shipping BY AIRMAIL, ALLOW TWO - THREE WEEKS, on New Video Course.
- New!! High Quality Course 8 DVD'S playable on your DVD Player or computer sent to you Immediately if you order now.
- For currency conversion of the above goto www.xe.com
- If you buy the Special DVD Offer then you will receive an entire first year of the Online Course, immediately in your EMAIL, not only containing textual backup to the DVD Video Course of initiations 1-4 but also including many inspirational talks by Satchidanand, Yoga, Pranayama and many articles.
- Bonus footage of Devi Dhyani's energy charged dancing Of Ravels Bolero with current course.
- Bonus footage of pre-meditation energy raising chants with current course.
- 100% money back refund when you come for the course
- Bonus heart sutra chant as mp3 file
- 100% money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied for any reason.