Out of sight, out of mind?
The subconscious mind is sometimes referred to, in psychological circles, as "the shadow".
Whatsoever we repress within ourselves does not disappear. The subject material is pushed into a part of the mind called the subconscious. It stays with us and exerts an influence from the depths of our being. Like unpaid bills, this material begins to build up until we deal with it or it deals with us!
- This is a store house of much unfinished business for the individual.
- All the issues that need attention
- Skeletons in the closet
- Unhealed issues
- Unhealed disappointments, rejections, confusions, and pains
- Repressed parts of the conscious developing mind
All the aspects of the chakras that are disallowed by the conditioned personality (the product of our upbringing), reside in the subconscious mind.
- The Seven Chakra System -
"Whatever aspects of the seven chakras we deny, will exert themselves more and more strongly until we understand and integrate those parts back into our individual being."
Repression and denial are not suggested as long term social strategies because if we deny or repress a certain aspect of our being, for example our sense of humor or a particular emotion like anger, sadness or joy, then this repressed / denied part, because it is linked to the whole, has a knock-on effect to all other aspects of our being.
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"Denial / repression of a part, effects the whole Being."
As we can see in the above diagram, denial and repression of important aspects of life (like 'b' and 'c') will then effect other aspects of life (like 'a', 'd', and 'e'). The domino effect takes place and we get into a mess. To combat the influence of the subconscious mind, we may indulge in distraction and avoidance strategies.
This has the effect of stuffing the issues that need attending to further into the subconscious mind, where they require more effort to bring them into the light of conscious inspection. It is possible to end up being so busy denying oneself, that one's life revolves completely around the strategies to repress. Psychologist call this state of affairs "abnormal psychology".
Acknowledging that we have problems is the first step to deal with them, and the first step towards conscious self mastery of ourselves.
All the background mental 'noise' from the subconscious elements has the tendency of disturbing the functioning of the normal conscious mind. In many cases, the subconscious exerts such a disturbing influence that the individual is very rarely conscious to the present moment. They are too pre-occupied with deny this subconscious material. We become robotic and petrified.
If we attempt to ignore the influence of the subconscious mind then we will move further and further away from living a conscious life. We will be less and less available to the conscious present. We will not be fully conscious. We will find it difficult to partake of an enjoyable existence.
So, if we deny some very large part of ourselves - one or more chakras - like emotionality, intelligence, willpower, self-respect and esteem, or sexuality, then we may find that we can no longer enjoy or appreciate a huge collection of interrelated subjects, for instance music appreciation, food, friendship, intelligent thinking and acting, creativity, playfulness, and social and family relationships, to name but few. The repressed and denied parts begins to draw more and more of the interrelated conscious mind elements into the subconscious - like bath water being sucked down the plug hole.
These subconscious mind elements are the blockages that prevent us from living a fully conscious life. They are held in the body and mind as damaging, ignorant, and negative programs that we must rid ourselves of.
The Subconscious is stored in the seven chakras. By understanding, integrating and healing the chakras, we become free from our negative and disturbing behavioral patterns - free from the deepest Karmas.
So, these blockages - this disturbing subconscious mindstuff - must be looked into, understood, and processed. We can then begin to sort out "the wheat and the chaff" (the useful and useless aspects) of our being. Energy Enhancement, chakra healing, and Yoga are systems that shows us how to achieve this. By understanding the seven chakras, we can then evaluate the attitudes that we have towards the aspects of life that each chakra represents. To begin with we may find that many of our attitudes are inherited from our childhood.
To interact with subconscious elements and attempt to live them out may be dangerous as these subconscious elements have a tendency towards degeneration and disturbance. We cannot ignore them and we cannot live them, so what are we to do? We can learn to understand and heal ourselves at the deepest level. We can become free from the bondage of karma (our deeply rooted behavioral patterns). We can do this with The Techniques of Holistic Life Management Solutions, Modern Psychology and Yoga.
By learning to meditate, We can allow the subconscious elements to come out into the conscious mind, in a safe and relaxing manner. We just watch and we let them all go, perhaps with a little self healing for good measure.
Ultimately, real and holistic healing is THE INTEGRATION OF THE CHAKRAS. By doing this, we once again become WHOLE and HAPPY.