The purpose of this exercise is to disconnect our second chakra from inappropriate connections with others, and establish the correct, independent, mature, and appropriate heart chakra connection. WE SHOULD PERFORM THIS EXERCISE WITH EVERY PERSON THAT WE MEET. Once we are established in the heart, then we can decide which other chakras to communicate with.

Sit in a comfortable posture. You will need to remain uninterrupted for at least 15 - 20 minutes, with at least 20 minutes relaxation afterwards. Close your eyes and spend a few minutes calming the mind - concentrate on your breathing and let the outer world dissolve away for a while. Spend a few minutes taking nice big breaths, filling up your abdomen on each in breath, so that you become nice and relaxed.

You are the person on the right. Visualize yourself as this person sitting comfortably on top of the earth. The person on the left is the person with whom you are healing your relationship. For example, your Mother or Father, your partner, a friend or associate, a family member, one of your children. Imagine that you are connected by an orange tube at the second chakra (just below the naval). In this visualization, you are going to heal and transform this relationship into a heart chakra relationship, which is mature and independent. You are going to forgive yourself and the other, let all the old hurts go, and re-establish a healthy and appropriate connection. A mature and adult connection. The Heart Chakra connection - which is always appropriate.

Disconnect from the second chakra (the orange circle). Do this firmly but gently. Neither person wishes to be harmed. You are disconnecting to heal both of you. If you feel any reluctance to disconnect, please ignore this feeling and continue to visualize the picture on the right. Now there is no inappropriate and unconscious second chakra connection between yourself and that person. Visualize that you send your end of that connection to the base chakra (the red circle) and the base chakra gladly accepts this piece of waste material that is ready to be let go of. Imagine that both of you are very happy so far and are enjoying this process, knowing that you are healing your relationship and that only good things await you both when you have healed this relationship.

No more inapproriate selfish second chakra connection. It has gone. You are both free from the energetic battles of the past. The hurts and warfare's that were centred around your belief that you needed this energetic connection with this person. You both no longer need each other in any codependent way. You are healing this relationship. The base chakra sends this old energetic connection down into the centre of the Earth where there is a molten core of liquid white heat. The energetic connection is completely incinerated - forever. Begin to forgive these two people for all their fears, angers, hatreds, violence, and other negative qualities and actions, knowing that we only perform these activities when we are not well, when we are unhappy, miserable and unbalanced. Let it all go. FORGIVE, HEAL, and MOVE ON.

Now we make sure that we clean our inner-landscape by drawing up the cool, clear and fresh energy from the centre of the earth. Draw it up into the base chakra and then up the centre of the spine, through your 6 other chakras and out of the top of the head and into a bright, hot star a few feet above your head. You have now cleaned all the chakras along the spine that may have been affected by the relationship that you are healing. The hot star above your head burns up the remaining impurities and negativity associated with this relationship. At this point both your heart chakras feel it is appropriate to form a new, mature, and independent relationship. Great! Out with the old and in with the new - and appropriate.

Bring down an energetic tube of the beautiful, strong, fresh, independent, mature, unconditional, and everlasting love that is the nature of The Universal Energy supply. Guide this tube down through the top of your head, into the Ajna (eyebrow) chakra - purifying your mind with positive thoughts towards the other person. You can see all their positive, virtues qualities as well as any negative characteristics. Continue to guide the energy into the throat chakra. Purifying the quality of the speech that you will engage with the other person in the future. Saying what you want to say and not being too afraid to speak your mind upon positive and negative matters. Bring the energy to the centre of your chest, the abode of the Heart Chakra.

Fill up your heart chakra with this fresh, never-ending supply of mature LOVE-WISDOM. Whenever you feel that your relationships are withering or going wrong, then practice these techniques, because we can always fill up our heart chakras - the seat of LOVE WISDOM. This supply of energy and wisdom is infinite and eternal. There is no fear of loss when we form the appropriate heart chakra connection. Well done! Feel the heart chakra beginning to stir, to function, to operate in the manner in which it has been designed to. This love-wisdom is a warm, calm, wise, harmonious and peaceful energy. Feel this mature and calm emotion filling up the centre of your chest. Breathe deeply into the heart chakra. Revitalizing and refreshing this part of yourself.

Visualize yourself connecting with the other person at the heart chakra. Accepting yourself and the other person as a human being with many good and bad characteristics. A fellow creature struggling, suffering, enjoying, fearing, thinking, feeling, living. Connect with the other person's heart chakra with a mutual feeling of cooperation and understanding filled deeply with compassion and a never ending deep ocean of heart chakra love. The love of mature and friendly people. Stay with this direct connection for a few minutes and allow yourself to feel as much as you want to. You may wish to repeat the following mantra. MAY (other person) BE HAPPY, PEACEFUL, CONTENT and SATISFIED. Free from unnecessary burdens, egoism, unhealed pains, negativity and suffering. May they be at ease with life. May they be well and good.
Finally, sit with yourself for a few minutes and visualize that both of you have now re-formed your relationship, which is now firmly established in the Heart Chakra. Well done! Good work. Take some time to relax and reward yourself for this great work. Love and respect yourself. All is well with this relationship. You can perform this exercise whenever you want to and at least once a week is a wise idea. I would suggest doing this once a week with all your primary relationships (family, friends, partners, and other associates). If you feel tired that is because this is quite a transformation of energy and one that you should respect as a serious self development exercise.