tags of your page, // Visit http://www.mikenew.net for more scripts. // by Mike New, with special thanks to Jeff Phillips of classadrivers.com // Begin. Specify URLs to randomly select from and pop-under. Edit & add freely. var popunder=new Array() popunder[0]="http://www.energyenhancement.org/energies.htm" popunder[1]="http://www.energyenhancement.org/energies.htm" //popunder[2]="http://www.energyenhancement.org/energies.htm" // Specify the width and height of new popunder window (in pixels). var width = '700'; var height = '450'; var p = 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,' + //these are obvious variables. set "yes" or "no". 'menubar=yes,status=yes,location=yes,left=85,top=20,height=' + //yes/no, & the screen location height + ',width=' + width; // Load new PopUnder only once per browser session? (0=no, 1=yes) // Putting 0 will cause the Popunder to load every time page is loaded // Specifying 1 will cause it to load only once per session var one_time=0 // That's it! Don't edit the code below unless you're really good. :-P // function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { // if the cookie exists offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set the index of beginning value if (end == -1) // set the index of the end of cookie value end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return returnvalue; } function loadornot(){ if (get_cookie('popunder')==''){ load_pop_power() document.cookie="popunder=yes" } } function load_pop_power(){ win2=window.open(popunder[Math.floor(Math.random()*(popunder.length))],"bw",p) win2.blur() window.focus() } if (one_time==0) load_pop_power() else loadornot()
Zen Meditation and increasing your energy and removing blockages
Zen meditation can be improved to enhance your energy and remove blockages. Zen meditation has been in use for over 700 years since its introduction by Roshi Dogen.
Zen meditation is the core of the Energy Enhancement technique. Satchidanand studied Zen meditation with Japanese Master Roshi Hogen for eleven years, and has also studied Yoga meditation with India masters and with Swami Satchidananda. He has combined his experience these with other techniques to enormously increase enormously the benefits. These improvements include getting into the correct posture, correct breathing, circulating the energy, and grounding negative energy. Getting into a correct posture to align the energy in particular has a great benefit on a meditation, as it allows the energy to flow up and down the spine and connects you to the universal energy flow. Correct breathing is important, as this too increases the energy flow and is used to eliminate blockages. Eliminating blockages (pains, negative feelings) releases the negative energy stored in the body and again enormously increases the benefits from the practice. Once the blockages are removed the energy will flow easily through the body
Energy enhancement is a fusion by Satchidanand of his practice of Zen Meditation with Zen Master Roshi Hogen, Yoga Meditation with Swami Satchidananda, regular and prolonged study with other Yoga Masters in India, and with Taoist techniques and NLP (Neurolinguistic programming), and with other techniques.. He has integrated his thirty five years experience into a technique that includes the ancient effective and often hidden techniques, including the Kundalini Kriyas and the Taoist Microcosmic orbit, as well as less know techniques. The technique includes the secret practices of higher practitioners in these disciplines, but not explained in most Zen, Yoga or Transcendental classes. Zen Masters say. "Do not look upon my Finger, Instead look at the moon (Soul) towards which it points!!" The technique has been taught and developed by Satchidanand to students for over twenty years in a series of easy steps in the Yoga retreat, or via a home study course, and now via Videos. Meditation has been studied by Satchidanand for over thirty five years, including with Japanese Zen Master Hogen, intensive study in India, and with Swami Satchidananda. Devi also has thirty years experience, including being a TM trainer, and with Swami Satchidananda and regular study in India. The Ancient principles behind the Energy Enhancement technique are also fully described in the downloadable Energy Enhancement book. A free chapter is available on this site. |