There are
Three Levels of Energy Enhancement Teaching, each Level is a Meditation Course having Seven Meditational
Stages which can be taken in a Week-Long Course.
Also one
REIKI Initiation is given free with each Level. You can become a Reiki Master with Energy
Enhancement Meditation.
Each Level
is entirely independent of the others and complete in itself. You do not have to take
every Level, but the Levels must be taken in the order of One, Two, Three.
Energy Enhancement
Meditation is the latest and most advanced meditation course based
on years of research, bringing together hidden techniques over 5000 years old. They are to
be used for the benefit of Humanity for the next Millennium.
This is the Beginning!!!
This is the Synthesis of Light!
The Synthesis of Light is a
Non-Profit Organisation teaching the most advanced, evolutionary methods of meditation
from the best evolutionary sources for the benefit of the World and Higher.
Bursaries are available for those who wish to study. Although One Level can be
taught in a week, 3 year long courses are available for further study in India and
Majorca. Also the Energy Enhancement Home Study Course or The Energy Enhancement E-Book is
the beautiful start of Ancient Practises which will benefit Your Life in so many different
Brenda Wilkinson, Co Durham.
You have both made me think about life in
a very different way and I thank you both with all my love.
Energy Enhancement works first to remove our
own personal stuff. It gives us a good clear out! Then it works to clear our primary
relationships. Then it gives access to strong Universal energies and then gives the
techniques to master dependancy in all your relationships. It accelerates your movement to
more energy!
. .

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Hercules, Greek, Myth, Evolution, Human Evolution, Seminars, Yoga,
Hatha, Patanjali, Raja, Mantra, Japa, Bhakti, Krishna, Karma, Asana,
Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Yoga, Sacred, Dance, Teacher, Training,
Meditation, Initiation, Teacher, Training, Philosophy, Reiki,
Master, Enlightenment, Illumination, Nirvana, Emptiness, Nothing, Soul,
Monad, Tantra, Tantric, Tantrick, White, Magic, Magick, Alchemy,
Relationships, Ego, Strategeies, Mastery, Thelema, Aleister, Crowley,
Healing, Psychology, Strategies, Celestine, Prophesy, Ken, Wilber,
Therapy, infinity, infinite, taoist practises, transmute, transmutation,
stress, success, abundance, plenty, philosophers stone, ego, kundalini,
energy protection, intuition, synchronicity, square the circle,
ouroboros, yin, yang, swastika, vitriol, aura, auric bopdy, inorganic
beings, ascended masters, Development, Self, Personal, Relaxation,
Stress, Holidays, Tours, India, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Majorca,
Alhambra, Taj, Mahal, Machu, Pichu, Arunachala, Poetry, Art, Spirit,
Spiritual, Don, Juan, Carlos, Castaneda, Castenada, Gurdjieff, Alice,
Bailey, Djwan, Khul, The, Tibetan, Lama, Zopa, Dalai Lama, New Age,
Management, Success, Taoism, Tao, Daoism, Dao, Zen, Master, Hogen,
Rinzai, Soto, Dogen, Buddhism, Buddha, Mahayana, Hinayana, Sufism,
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Maharshi, Sri, Yogendra, Maharishi, Mahesh, Yogi, Aurobindo,
Christianity, Christ, Bede, Griffiths, Benedictine, Synthesis, Church,
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