If we do things that we do not understand, then it means that we do not understand ourselves fully - yet.
Understanding human behaviour is a life-long duty for everyone, so it is a great thing to embrace the challenge as early as we can. This is why we need to adopt some form of "Holistic Life Management System" to help us with this challenge (ref: TAPAH - challenge). If the system is good then our learning curve is greatly eased.
When we talk about our problems then "we must confess" that we are in a process of learning about human behavior, motivation, and problem solving. This confession is an activity of humility. It is showing that we still have much to learn about human behaviour.
If we feel that we have made a mistake then we must learn from that mistake.
Every problem is the seed of the solution.
"Hidden in every mistake is an important life-lesson that we need to learn so that we can grow and become greater."
If we have a re-occurring problem in one or more of the seven centers, then it means that those centers are damaged/imbalanced and that they require healing/balancing.
Humility; acknowledging faults and problems
Acknowledgement of the issue
Understanding the subject
Learning the lesson
Integrating our learning and our new behavior
Forgiving all those involved in the mistake (including ourselves)