Loyalty - allegiance, fidelity, faithfulness.
Love with loyalty is a good thing because with love, loyalty follows naturally. Loyalty without love or thought can be a dangerous thing because it thoughtless and not considered, it is blind.
Many times, children feel loyalty towards their parents attitudes and beliefs because this is a natural part of childhood. The adolescent stage should be a growing phase where the individual learns to choose their own attitudes and beliefs towards life - this is natural and healthy. People who have had a sabotaged adolescent phase and were not allowed to explore their holistic independence generally become blindly servile to people, beliefs, and causes. The adolescent stage should help us to make up our own mind about how we think and feel and the sorts of beliefs, values, and attitudes that we want in our life. Throughout a lifetime our attitudes and beliefs do change - that is the nature of life.
Thoughtless loyalty is not love. It is an immature experience of the heart center. It shows that the heart center is working but it is not working together with the intellect which provides the wise counsel of considering, thinking, discerning, selecting, and choosing. The intellect is essential to find worthy objects for our genuine love. The intellect assists us to discern whether or not the we are being used or appreciated - loved in return. The intellect assists us to prevent us from loving the wrong people - people who are not good for us, people who use and exploit others.
Pitying others is not love. Wanting to be liked by others is not maturity or love.
Blind loyalty to anybody or any value or belief system is not love. If you have blind loyalty it is very easy to be exploited. If you have blind loyalty to anything then you can easily become a tyrant as you attempt to force others to share your beliefs, values, and opinions.
Living with an open yet "blind" heart center can be disastrous and we can soon be exploited. The heart must be guided by the wise choices of the intellect. Also, too much intellect and not enough heart can make us cold and unfeeling. It's all about balance.
The key to a holistically successful and satisfying life is BALANCE. Balancing the expressions of the seven centers of human life.