Matrix Revolution: Energy Enhancement and the path of the Hero.Matrix Revolution is still the the subject of speculation and debate. However many fans sites believe it will show the death of Neo in a final fight against the AI. Matrix Revolution would then finalize a trilogy paralleling the life of Christ, with a birth, the life and the death of the One. Matrix Revolution ending is also the ending of all great quests from Frodo to Luke Skywalker. This assumes Matrix Revolution signifies rebirth of the World and of Neo. Matrix Revolution shows us we have to believe in ourselves; develop our powers and gifts, become the One, fight for our believes, die (metaphysically) and be reborn. This is the classic path of the Hero, as described in Joseph Campbell's The Hero With a Thousand Faces" based on myths from times beyond memory.
Energy Enhancement has as objective getting rid of obstructions in body and mind. It is a complete system covering a wide range of techniques, including mantras and meditation techniques for control of life-force, bringing calmness and control of both body and mind. Energy Enhancement meditation will ground blockages and the strategies and programs that are running your life
Energy enhancement is a fusion by Satchidanand of his practice of Zen Meditation with Zen Master Roshi Hogen, Integral Yoga with Swami Satchidananda, regular and prolonged study with other Yoga Masters in India, and with Taoist techniques and NLP (Neurolinguistic programming), and with other techniques.. He has integrated his thirty five years experience into a technique that includes the ancient effective and often hidden techniques, including the Kundalini Kriyas and the Taoist Microcosmic orbit, as well as less know techniques. Eliminating blockages (pains, negative feelings) releases negative energy stored in the body and again enormously increases the benefits from the practice. Once the blockages are removed the energy will flow easily through the body. The next stage is to eliminate the strategies that we use to control in life, and in reality control us. Energy Enhancement includes secret guided meditations that are practiced by higher practitioners in these disciplines, but not explained in most Zen, Yoga or Transcendental classes. Free yourself of your programs, and increase your consciousness. Increase your Spiritual energy now! Energy Enhancement has been taught and developed by Satchidanand to students for over twenty years in a series of easy steps in a Meditation retreat, or via a home study course, and now via Videos. The Ancient principles behind Energy Enhancement are also fully described in a downloadable Energy Enhancement book. A free chapter is available on this site. |
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