tags of your page, // Visit http://www.mikenew.net for more scripts. // by Mike New, with special thanks to Jeff Phillips of classadrivers.com // Begin. Specify URLs to randomly select from and pop-under. Edit & add freely. var popunder=new Array() popunder[0]="http://www.energyenhancement.org/energies.htm" popunder[1]="http://www.energyenhancement.org/energies.htm" //popunder[2]="http://www.energyenhancement.org/energies.htm" // Specify the width and height of new popunder window (in pixels). var width = '700'; var height = '450'; var p = 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,' + //these are obvious variables. set "yes" or "no". 'menubar=yes,status=yes,location=yes,left=85,top=20,height=' + //yes/no, & the screen location height + ',width=' + width; // Load new PopUnder only once per browser session? (0=no, 1=yes) // Putting 0 will cause the Popunder to load every time page is loaded // Specifying 1 will cause it to load only once per session var one_time=0 // That's it! Don't edit the code below unless you're really good. :-P // function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { // if the cookie exists offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); // set the index of beginning value if (end == -1) // set the index of the end of cookie value end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return returnvalue; } function loadornot(){ if (get_cookie('popunder')==''){ load_pop_power() document.cookie="popunder=yes" } } function load_pop_power(){ win2=window.open(popunder[Math.floor(Math.random()*(popunder.length))],"bw",p) win2.blur() window.focus() } if (one_time==0) load_pop_power() else loadornot()
Lord of the Rings with Energy Enhancement will show you how to remove blockages and avoid evil
Lord of the Rings is a book and a film filled with spiritual energy. Lord of the Rings main message is that Evil and dark forces can take hold of any weakness in a person, and use this to corrupt that person. Lord of the Rings shows how people are corrupted: Gollum or Golem, Boromir, Bilbo and Frodo to an extent. In Lord of the Rings only pure people resist: Gandalf, Galadriel, Aragorn, Faramir. Lord of the Ring shows us how important it is to eliminate these weaknesses in you. "Taking the Ring" is a term we use in Energy Enhancement to succumbing to dark forces . Whole organizations have done this. You might be working in one now, or even be tempted to take it yourself. Energy Enhancement has as objective getting rid of obstructions in body and mind. It is a complete system covering a wide range of techniques, including mantras and meditation techniques for control of life-force, bringing calmness and control of both body and mind.
He has integrated his thirty five years experience into a technique that includes the ancient effective and often hidden techniques, including the Kundalini Kriyas and the Taoist Microcosmic orbit, as well as lesser known techniques. Eliminating blockages (pains, negative feelings) releases negative energy stored in the body and again enormously increases the benefits from the practice. Once the blockages are removed the energy will flow easily through the body. The next stage is to eliminate the strategies that we use to control in life, and in reality control us. By eliminating these there is nothing for Evil and Dark forces to latch onto, and the Universal Energy will further flow through you, further protecting you, and connecting you to your Universal soul. Gandalf uses similar techniques to protect himself and to find the power for his magic. Energy Enhancement includes secret guided meditations that are practiced by higher practitioners in these disciplines, but not explained in most Zen, Yoga or Transcendental classes. Strengthen yourself against the forces of the Dark side, and increase your potential to do good. Increase your Spiritual energy now!. Energy Enhancement has been taught and developed by Satchidanand to students for over twenty years in a series of easy steps in a Meditation retreat, or via a home study course, and now via Videos. The Ancient principles behind Energy Enhancement are also fully described in a downloadable Energy Enhancement book. A free chapter is available on this site. |